The far right embraces violence because it has no real political program

The far right embraces violence because it has no real political program

So I guess that's why the far left embraces it too, right?

Name the insurrections by the far left where they tried overthrowing the government.

Your leaders in congress vowed to remove president Trump before he was even sworn into office. Oh snap!

Your not former shitface in chief stated an election was rigged before on even happened, in both 2016 and 2020, an you believed it
The far right embraces violence because it has no real political program

So I guess that's why the far left embraces it too, right?

Name the insurrections by the far left where they tried overthrowing the government.
In which city?

You name the city and the capitols thats the far left stormed and tried to overthrow a government

Thinking - - - - - - I got NOTHIN' :)
A fucking riot over injustice of blacks being killed by cops is not the same as a bunch of white racists storming the capital over the lie of a stolen election that never happened. You dicks still believe the election was stolen
So lets see.....a black thug that overdosed and killed himself....even if you discount that fact out of 1000 deaths a year that take place with the police arresting people, in 10-12 million encounters, only 400 are black? That's .0033%! And you are lecturing people who protested an illegal election and calling them dicks? Again, you libbers have no sense.
The far right embraces violence because it has no real political program

So I guess that's why the far left embraces it too, right?

Name the insurrections by the far left where they tried overthrowing the government.
Chop, chaz, whatever they ended up calling it. How about Portland all summer long.

Did they try to overthrow anything in Portland that was democratically elected? Its not even comparison. Police can't murder unjustly black people for well over 100 years and expect black people to be calm. Your idiotic lot tried to overthrow the US government based on lies told to them.
The far right embraces violence because it has no real political program

So I guess that's why the far left embraces it too, right?

Name the insurrections by the far left where they tried overthrowing the government.
Chop, chaz, whatever they ended up calling it. How about Portland all summer long.

Did they try to overthrow anything in Portland that was democratically elected? Its not even comparison. Police can't murder unjustly black people for well over 100 years and expect black people to be calm. Your idiotic lot tried to overthrow the US government based on lies told to them.
A fucking riot over injustice of blacks being killed by cops is not the same as a bunch of white racists storming the capital over the lie of a stolen election that never happened. You dicks still believe the election was stolen
So lets see.....a black thug that overdosed and killed himself....even if you discount that fact out of 1000 deaths a year that take place with the police arresting people, in 10-12 million encounters, only 400 are black? That's .0033%! And you are lecturing people who protested an illegal election and calling them dicks? Again, you libbers have no sense.

I'm talking about cops unjustly shooting down and killing unarmed black people, you expect a race of people who have been systematically killed and mistreated for years to be calm when the cops always get away with it? GTFOH you pussy
A fucking riot over injustice of blacks being killed by cops is not the same as a bunch of white racists storming the capital over the lie of a stolen election that never happened. You dicks still believe the election was stolen
So lets see.....a black thug that overdosed and killed himself....even if you discount that fact out of 1000 deaths a year that take place with the police arresting people, in 10-12 million encounters, only 400 are black? That's .0033%! And you are lecturing people who protested an illegal election and calling them dicks? Again, you libbers have no sense.

I'm talking about cops unjustly shooting down and killing unarmed black people, you expect a race of people who have been systematically killed and mistreated for years to be calm when the cops always get away with it? GTFOH you pussy
I just gave you the stats goofus.....more whites are killed by police each year than blacks even though blacks commit just as much of the crime. And 1000 out of 12 million arrests isn't even statistically significant. Stop faking your hoax outrage.
Another insurrection and they need to be in jail or wiped out.

Take your hate speech and threats and radical leftist stupid propaganda, roll then all up and shove them up your ass. You ain't going to wipe no one out, fool.

It is because of people like you and the constant rain of hate, division and threats by the Left that we had that "insurrection" in the first place.

That insurrection was really just the tip of millions of people finally getting FED UP with idiots like you.
I was promised riots in all 50 states today.....where are they?
The actual organizers, called it off as they saw they would be outnumbered in fact, and as they will always be. The rest of us love our country and have decided to keep it.
More likely it was insane lib babble
Far-Right Extremists Tell One Another to Stay Home, Fight Another Day
“I urge everyone to avoid DC and the State Capitols and instead use this time to close all accounts related to BigTech,” reads one post by a rightwing pundit on Telegram, the app of choice among neo-Nazis and terror groups. “top giving them your money and start rebuilding your networks on Alt Tech platforms, Alt Comms, alt media, alt social media, alt banking, alt fundraising, alt payment processing alt everything!”
Another insurrection and they need to be in jail or wiped out.

Take your hate speech and threats and radical leftist stupid propaganda, roll then all up and shove them up your ass. You ain't going to wipe no one out, fool.

It is because of people like you and the constant rain of hate, division and threats by the Left that we had that "insurrection" in the first place.

That insurrection was really just the tip of millions of people finally getting FED UP with idiots like you.
Their lack of common sense doesn't help either.
I was promised riots in all 50 states today.....where are they?
The actual organizers, called it off as they saw they would be outnumbered in fact, and as they will always be. The rest of us love our country and have decided to keep it.
Liberals hate the United States.
On January 6, the flags, hats and voices of the insurrectionists capture on camera and posted on right wing sources, face book and the news were not liberal voices.
Another insurrection and they need to be in jail or wiped out.

Take your hate speech and threats and radical leftist stupid propaganda, roll then all up and shove them up your ass. You ain't going to wipe no one out, fool.

It is because of people like you and the constant rain of hate, division and threats by the Left that we had that "insurrection" in the first place.

That insurrection was really just the tip of millions of people finally getting FED UP with idiots like you.

Its b ecause of pussies like Trump and the radical far right why they reacted like that, they literally said so that they were there because of him so point the blame in the right direction you pussy.
I was promised riots in all 50 states today.....where are they?
The actual organizers, called it off as they saw they would be outnumbered in fact, and as they will always be. The rest of us love our country and have decided to keep it.
Liberals hate the United States.
On January 6, the flags, hats and voices of the insurrectionists capture on camera and posted on right wing sources, face book and the news were not liberal voices.
Right, nothing was burned up and nobody shot except for a protestor.
Another insurrection and they need to be in jail or wiped out.

Take your hate speech and threats and radical leftist stupid propaganda, roll then all up and shove them up your ass. You ain't going to wipe no one out, fool.

It is because of people like you and the constant rain of hate, division and threats by the Left that we had that "insurrection" in the first place.

That insurrection was really just the tip of millions of people finally getting FED UP with idiots like you.

Its b ecause of pussies like Trump and the radical far right why they reacted like that, they literally said so that they were there because of him so point the blame in the right direction you pussy.
Do you wackos ever read what you write? So stealing tvs is a reaction to the radical far right? I thought it was from a lifetime of previous thuggery.
Another insurrection and they need to be in jail or wiped out.

Take your hate speech and threats and radical leftist stupid propaganda, roll then all up and shove them up your ass. You ain't going to wipe no one out, fool.

It is because of people like you and the constant rain of hate, division and threats by the Left that we had that "insurrection" in the first place.

That insurrection was really just the tip of millions of people finally getting FED UP with idiots like you.

Its b ecause of pussies like Trump and the radical far right why they reacted like that, they literally said so that they were there because of him so point the blame in the right direction you pussy.
So easy to ALWAYS blame someone else for your stupidity right??
I was promised riots in all 50 states today.....where are they?
The actual organizers, called it off as they saw they would be outnumbered in fact, and as they will always be. The rest of us love our country and have decided to keep it.
Liberals hate the United States.
On January 6, the flags, hats and voices of the insurrectionists capture on camera and posted on right wing sources, face book and the news were not liberal voices.
Right, nothing was burned up and nobody shot except for a protestor.
And the guys with the wire ties and flex cuffs did not get to Vice President Pence or any of our Senators or Representatives, the gallows with nooses built by them on the lawn, unused and now torn down, an insurrection failure, attempted by failures, doomed to failure and arrests, charges and punishment.
I was promised riots in all 50 states today.....where are they?
The actual organizers, called it off as they saw they would be outnumbered in fact, and as they will always be. The rest of us love our country and have decided to keep it.
Liberals hate the United States.
On January 6, the flags, hats and voices of the insurrectionists capture on camera and posted on right wing sources, face book and the news were not liberal voices.
Right, nothing was burned up and nobody shot except for a protestor.
And the guys with the wire ties and flex cuffs did not get to Vice President Pence or any of our Senators or Representatives, the gallows with nooses built by them on the lawn, unused and now torn down, an insurrection failure, attempted by failures, doomed to failure and arrests, charges and punishment.
Spare us all the fake drama libber....we saw real violence all summer long from actual criminals and murderers. Your ilk has the market cornered on actual lawbreaking thugs.
Right, nothing was burned up and nobody shot except for a protestor.
I think you’re forgetting that a cop was murdered.
Its b ecause of pussies like Trump

Gee dude, can't you even fucking type? Too stoned to see? Trump's the toughest guy you'd never want to meet, you illiterate dipshit. Ivanka would kick your ass with her left boob.
I know I wouldn’t ever want to be in a fight with a guy whose never had to do any manual labor, who lives in a gold plated gaudy apartment, who can’t even drive a car and whose favorite past time is picking out curtains.

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