The fascists are at it again

It is the will of the people. It wasn’t cattle voting. :lmao:

Oh...and you just got caught in your thirtieth lie this week. I’ve explained it to you many times. The fact that you need to resort to lying says it all.

You give dumb explanation, like "The Founding Slave Rapists said so", which is what a child does.

But there's no good reason to be selecting presidents this way.

The people got it right. Every time Trump goes on an insane twitter rant, we realize how right they got it.
1. Nobody raped slaves. Ever. Owners were repulsed by black people. It was akin to raping an animal. Your need to lie is well documented and duly noted.

Okay, guy then explain to me why black people are all sorts of shades of brown, then, if their owners weren't raping the shit out of them.

Sally Hemmings, before Jefferson got her, was the product of a white man (Jefferson's father in law) raping her mother. Her mother was in turn the result of another guy raping her mother.

Here, educate yourself, buddy. This is the legacy of the Founders you are so proud of. Slavery and genocide.

2. The founders were right-wing. Only the left engages in rape (just ask all of those poor women in Hollywood who were victims of disgusting wingnuts like yourself).

I'm sorry, were those women in Hollywood "property"? Or did they choose to lay down on a casting couch to get the role of "Bikini Girl #3"?

Yes, that's all awful and it shouldn't happen, but your party has been the one that has fought against expanding women's rights for the last 50 years.
You give dumb explanation, like "The Founding Slave Rapists said so", which is what a child does.
Wow...yet another lie.
But there's no good reason to be selecting presidents this way.
As I explained to you dozens of times already - it prevents candidates from promising full federal resources to densely populated cities and allowing those few cities to control all of the U.S.
The people got it right.
You’re right (for once) - the people absolutely got it right. They elected President Trump.
Okay, guy then explain to me why black people are all sorts of shades of brown
:laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:

Holy shit....LMAO!!! Why aren’t all siblings completely identical?

Um...because people do not come off of assembly lines. Genetics have TRILLIONS of variations.
As I explained to you dozens of times already - it prevents candidates from promising full federal resources to densely populated cities and allowing those few cities to control all of the U.S.

And that's stupid. No city in the US is large enough to dominate the election, no matter what they are promised.

Here's the thing... 80% of Americans live in urban areas. The notion that we should disenfranchise urban areas in favor of rural ones is just.... silly.

You’re right (for once) - the people absolutely got it right. They elected President Trump.

No, the people said no to Trump. The Abomination of the Founding Slave Rapists said yes.
You’re right (for once) - the people absolutely got it right. They elected President Trump.
No, the people said no to Trump.
The people said no to Hitlery, chief. The Dumbocrat state of Michigan said no to Hitlery and yes to President Trump. The Dumbocrat state of Pennsylvania said no to Hitlery and yes to President Trump. The Dumbocrat state of Wisconsin said no to Hitlery and yes to President Trump.

It was a bloodbath. All of the Dumbocrats most ardent states clearly said “we want no part of the unqualified, corrupt, irrational bitch”.
Um, I checked... all my siblings are about the same skin tone I am..
So your racist mind...all blacks are siblings? Becuase your skin tone is similar to your siblings, all black people should have the exact same skin tone?
The people said no to Hitlery, chief.

No, they didn't. SHe got 3 million more votes... are you really this dense?

So your racist mind...all blacks are siblings? Becuase your skin tone is similar to your siblings, all black people should have the exact same skin tone?

Are you some kind of moron? YOu brought up siblings, not me.

Here's the thing, dummy. White people raped their slaves. Thomas Jefferson raped Sally Hemings. This is established historical fact.

We have a very ugly history, we need to address.
Here's the thing, dummy. White people raped their slaves. Thomas Jefferson raped Sally Hemings. This is established historical fact.
Here is the thing, liar - white people found their slaves to be repulsive animals. Thomas Jefferson was completely exonerated by DNA. The lies were started by left-wing idiots who wanted power. You and your fellow progressives continue to prove that 220 years later, nothing has changed on your much of the isle.
We have a very ugly history, we need to address.
Yes - it’s called left-wing lying. It is very ugly and it does need to be addressed.
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The people said no to Hitlery, chief.
No, they didn't. SHe got 3 million more votes... are you really this dense?
Denial. It’s not just a river in Egypt anymore, is it Joey? The people overwhelmingly said no to Hitlery, chief.

The progressive people of the Dumbocrat state of Michigan said no to Hitlery and yes to President Trump.

The progressive people of the the Dumbocrat state of Pennsylvania said no to Hitlery and yes to President Trump.

The progressive people of the Dumbocrat state of Wisconsin said no to Hitlery and yes to President Trump.

It was a bloodbath. All of the Dumbocrats most ardent states clearly said “we want no part of the unqualified, corrupt, irrational bitch”. Your inability to accept reality is typical of the left.
Here is the thing, liar - white people found their slaves to be repulsive animals. Thomas Jefferson was completely exonerated by DNA.

No, he wasn't. The only thing DNA found was that a Jefferson male had fathered Sally Hemings kids. It didn't rule him out. It only left the possibility other Jefferson men could have been the father.

The lies were started by left-wing idiots who wanted power. You and your fellow progressives continue to prove that 220 years later, nothing has changed on your much of the isle.

Um, Jefferson was the guy who was left wing at the time. Right wing would have been doing what the King wanted.

Denial. It’s not just a river in Egypt anymore, is it Joey? The people overwhelmingly said no to Hitlery, chief.

No, when three million more say NO, that means "NO". No, we didn't want him grabbing our nation's pussy.
Here is the thing, liar - white people found their slaves to be repulsive animals. Thomas Jefferson was completely exonerated by DNA.
No, he wasn't. The only thing DNA found was that a Jefferson male had fathered Sally Hemings kids. It didn't rule him out. It only left the possibility other Jefferson men could have been the father.
Snowflake...I’ve owned you on this a hundred times already (just like I’ve owned you on everything else). DNA completely exonerated Thomas Jefferson. It’s a fact.
“But DNA testing shows Thomas Woodson was not Thomas Jefferson’s son”. “Jefferson had been completely exonerated of that longstanding claim”.
Thank God there is indisputable scientific evidence in this day and age and the tools to properly document it to combat propagandists such as yourself.

Excerpt From The Jefferson Lies
David Barton. This material may be protected by copyright.
Snowflake...I’ve owned you on this a hundred times already (just like I’ve owned you on everything else). DNA completely exonerated Thomas Jefferson. It’s a fact.
Thank God there is indisputable scientific evidence in this day and age and the tools to properly document it to combat propagandists such as yourself.

Guy, you need to provide a link to sources that don't lead to "ITunes".

There's hardly any "indisputable evidence'. Quite the contrary, all the evidence, including contemporary accounts, prove that he did father her children.

1) DNA shows a relations between the White Jefferson descendants and Hemmings descendants.
2) Contemporary accounts name Hemings as Jefferson's mistress.
3) When Jefferson kicked the bucket, he freed Hemings (his) children, while the rest of the slaves at Monticello were sold off to pay his debts.

Thomas Jefferson, Founding Father and Slave Rapist.
The fascists are at it again - trying to charge a college student with a “hate crime” for talking to his own mother on the phone.
The fascists are at it again - trying to charge a college student with a “hate crime” for talking to his own mother on the phone.

Student charged after his allegedly ‘racist’ phone call with mom is overheard. Here’s the ruling.

Here's a valid link to the story...

Judge ends case against former UVM student accused of racist threats

Prosecutors had argued in October that Richter's overheard comments were so inflammatory and specific enough in their targeting of black students on campus that he committed a crime.

"It is what it is," George said Tuesday. "The state put its best case forward. The judge looked at the law, but we see it differently. That's what the process is for."

Hey, remember Virginia Tech, Poodle. I think you are just barely old enough to remember that. Remember how after Cho killed 41 people, everyone said how crazy he was and how they all felt threatened by him and the University did nothing.

Here was a case where they had a threat, and they did due diligence.

Or would you wait until after this mutant shot up a bunch of kids?
Guy, you need to provide a link to sources that don't lead to "ITunes".
No I don’t. I’m a voracious reader and all of my books are on my iPad (for portability, organization, space-saving, etc.). When I take a quote directly out of a book - it includes the citation. I could omit that, but since I deal in facts while you deal in propaganda, I prefer to keep the citation so everyone knows exactly the source and can read it for themselves if they would like.
Here was a case where they had a threat
They had no “threat”. A student talking to his mom on the phone about how much he hates lazy, entitled black students isn’t a “threat”.

The only crime here was eavesdropping by the left-wing, anti-1st Amendment snowflakes.

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