The fascists are at it again

1) DNA shows a relations between the White Jefferson descendants and Hemmings descendants.
I can’t speak intelligently about that as I simply do not know. But what I do know is that DNA unequivocally exonerated Thomas Jefferson from fathering any children with Sally Hemings.
2) Contemporary accounts name Hemings as Jefferson's mistress.
Just like today - the left back then resorted to horrific lies in attempts to destroy the reputation of their political opposition. Here is the factual, historical account of what actually transpired...
“Callender first rose to attention in 1792 in Scotland when he authored The Political Progress of Great Britain. That work, highly critical of the British government, led to his indictment for sedition. After being “oftimes called in court, he did not appear and was pronounced a fugitive and outlaw.” Facing prison, Callender and his family of young children fled to America for refuge in 1793, arriving with no means or prospect of support. American patriots, learning of Callender’s plight, sympathetically embraced him as a man suffering British persecution. Many, including Thomas Jefferson, personally provided charitable contributions to help Callender and his children.”
At first...he used his attacking style in support of Thomas Jefferson. However, after he felt that Jefferson didn’t cater to him enough, he turned on Jefferson like a rabid dog.
“Callender then launched a series of virulent attacks against Jefferson in articles written throughout 1801, 1802, and 1803, accusing him, among other things, of “dishonesty, cowardice, and gross personal immorality.” It was in these defamatory articles that Callender charged that Jefferson had fathered a child by Hemings.”

Excerpt From The Jefferson Lies
David Barton. This material may be protected by copyright.
No, when three million more say NO, that means "NO".
When the people of devout Democrat states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania say “NO” to Hitlery Clinton, that means no. And that’s why she’s sitting at home whining today.
No I don’t. I’m a voracious reader and all of my books are on my iPad (for portability, organization, space-saving, etc.). When I take a quote directly out of a book - it includes the citation. I could omit that, but since I deal in facts while you deal in propaganda, I prefer to keep the citation so everyone knows exactly the source and can read it for themselves if they would like.

So you got nothing, then.

DNA Test Finds Evidence Of Jefferson Child by Slave

Dr. Foster said he began his research almost on a whim, at a friend's suggestion. He soon grew more serious, and with the help of many colleagues, has tracked down four male lineages that bear on the paternity of Sally Hemings's children.

They are Jefferson's lineage, derived from his paternal grandfather; the lineages of Thomas Woodson and Eston Hemings Jefferson, Sally Hemings's oldest and youngest sons; and that of the Carrs, two of Jefferson's nephews on his sister's side.

'The simplest and most probable explanations'' for the findings, Dr. Foster and colleagues report, ''are that Thomas Jefferson, rather than one of the Carr brothers, was the father of Eston Hemings Jefferson,

When the people of devout Democrat states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania say “NO” to Hitlery Clinton, that means no. And that’s why she’s sitting at home whining today.

Again, a bad system devised by slave rapists does not give your Russian Stooge a mandate because he got all of 80,000 more votes in three failing states. .
Just like today - the left back then resorted to horrific lies in attempts to destroy the reputation of their political opposition. Here is the factual, historical account of what actually transpired...

What transpired was that he was banging his slave, and Callender made it known at the time. DNA confirmed it.

We have a bad constitution devised by slave rapists who talked a lot of smack about "Freedom", but were really about the rich exploiting the poor.
I can’t speak intelligently about that as I simply do not know. But what I do know is that DNA unequivocally exonerated Thomas Jefferson from fathering any children with Sally Hemings.

No, it didn't.

In fact, quite the opposite, it showed he DID father some of her children.

Thomas Jefferson raped his slave. Even the Monticello Association admits as much.

Perspective | Sally Hemings wasn’t Thomas Jefferson’s mistress. She was his property.

Language like that elides the true nature of their relationship, which is believed to have begun when Hemings, then 14 years old, accompanied Jefferson’s daughter to live with Jefferson, then 44, in Paris. She wasn’t Jefferson’s mistress; she was his property. And he raped her.

Jefferson could have forced Hemings into a sexual relationship no matter what she wanted, though. And it’s impossible to know what Hemings thought of Jefferson. As with many enslaved people, her thoughts, feelings and emotions were not documented. According to, there are only four known descriptions of the woman who first came to Jefferson’s plantation as a baby on the hip of her mother, Elizabeth Hemings, whom Jefferson also owned.
When the people of devout Democrat states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania say “NO” to Hitlery Clinton, that means no. And that’s why she’s sitting at home whining today.

Again, a bad system devised by slave rapists does not give your Russian Stooge a mandate because he got all of 80,000 more votes in three failing states. .
Exactly! Failing because of Dumbocrat failed policy. Like everyone else, when Failed progressive policy has people in poverty and misery - they turn to proven conservative policy for prosperity. Works every time.
No I don’t. I’m a voracious reader and all of my books are on my iPad (for portability, organization, space-saving, etc.). When I take a quote directly out of a book - it includes the citation. I could omit that, but since I deal in facts while you deal in propaganda, I prefer to keep the citation so everyone knows exactly the source and can read it for themselves if they would like.
So you got nothing, then.
Spoken like a true progressive. Facts and citations are “nothing” in the mind(less) of the left.
Just like today - the left back then resorted to horrific lies in attempts to destroy the reputation of their political opposition. Here is the factual, historical account of what actually transpired...
What transpired was that he was banging his slave, and Callender made it known at the time. DNA confirmed it.
Now that is vintage left-wing propaganda. Like all ignorant lefties - you had never even heard of Callender before I introduced him to you yesterday. And now you’re not only dropping his name, but you’re attempting to act like an authority in the know by claiming that Callender made the version you were duped into believing “known”.

Tell us something - how exactly did Callender know? Remember - this was more than 100 years before the cancer known as progressivism came about. So promiscuity did not exist. Sex was absolutely unspeakable. If Thomas Jefferson has been raping his slaves - nobody would have known about it. Oops.

Logic and reason escape lefties every time.
Spoken like a true progressive. Facts and citations are “nothing” in the mind(less) of the left.

Except you didn't present any facts or make any real citations... A link to your Itunes account is not a citation, buddy.

Now that is vintage left-wing propaganda. Like all ignorant lefties - you had never even heard of Callender before I introduced him to you yesterday. And now you’re not only dropping his name, but you’re attempting to act like an authority in the know by claiming that Callender made the version you were duped into believing “known”.

Actually, I've talked about him quite a bit on other threads as being the guy who promoted the "Jeffy is banging Sally" news accounts of the time.

Tell us something - how exactly did Callender know? Remember - this was more than 100 years before the cancer known as progressivism came about. So promiscuity did not exist. Sex was absolutely unspeakable. If Thomas Jefferson has been raping his slaves - nobody would have known about it. Oops.

Um, Guy, Promiscuity was definitely around in the 18th century. Ben Franklin, for instance, fathered over

Benjamin Franklin: Beloved Founding Father... and Womanizer?

Callender and probably everyone else at the time knew he was banging his slave.
Exactly! Failing because of Dumbocrat failed policy. Like everyone else, when Failed progressive policy has people in poverty and misery - they turn to proven conservative policy for prosperity. Works every time.

Okay, guys, here's the thing. When those states WERE Progressive, they were prospereous.

Then you to got the union busting and the free trade moving factories overseas...

Thats what happens when you put corporations in front of people.
Spoken like a true progressive. Facts and citations are “nothing” in the mind(less) of the left.

Except you didn't present any facts or make any real citations... A link to your Itunes account is not a citation, buddy.
Oh didn't realize that the book title and author are the citation and not the link? :lmao:

And you didn't realize that books are available in a multitude of channels other than the Apple platform? :lmao:
Okay, guys, here's the thing. When those states WERE Progressive, they were prospereous.
Ok is the actual thing: Detroit has 60 straight years of a Dumbocrat Mayor, a Dumbocrat city council, and the most powerful unions in the world. It was the ultimate progressive utopia. It ended in poverty, misery, and bankruptcy (as left-wing policy always does).

It is priceless watching you attempt to deny reality... :laugh:
Um, Guy, Promiscuity was definitely around in the 18th century. wasn't. Sex was not spoken of - ever. Not even in private, much less public. Husband and wives slept in separate beds (hell that continued into the 1950's until the progressive "sexual revolution" of the 1960's - all stuff before your time junior).

So even if we pretend - for the sake of argument - that Thomas Jefferson was having consensual sex with Sally Hemmings 14 times per day, you still can't explain how anyone would have possibly known about it. Sally Hemmings would not have gone to the local pub and told her friends, snowflake.

I can't tell you how much I enjoy watching you make yourself look stupid. :laugh:
Thats what happens when you put corporations in front of people.

Since you want BIG GOVERNMENT over "corporations," why not move to GREECE???
He raves about Fidel Castro and Cuba, Mao and China, etc. but he never goes and lives in his "paradise". At the end of the day, he knows the gravy train he rides by mooching off of conservatives.
Fetuses aren't babies... no matter how much you religious nutters want to make them babies.
Poor Joey...this bit of reality is going to hit him hard (it always does)...
In 2004, he was convicted of the first degree murder of his pregnant wife, Laci Peterson, and the second degree murder of their unborn son, Conner, in Modesto, California. In 2005, he was sentenced to death by lethal injection. His case is currently on appeal to the Supreme Court of California. can it be "murder" if a fetus isn't a baby, Joey? I mean - you can't be charged with murder for killing a dog. Or a cat. Or a goat. All are crimes - but not murder. Murder is reserved for human life. Oops.

Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 6.26.17 PM.png
Oh didn't realize that the book title and author are the citation and not the link? :lmao:

And you didn't realize that books are available in a multitude of channels other than the Apple platform?

Guy, if it's a valid book, you should be able to find a link to it other than your ITunes account.

Meanwhile, the Monticello Association, the people who maintain Jefferson's home, say, Yup, he was totally raping her. can it be "murder" if a fetus isn't a baby, Joey? I mean - you can't be charged with murder for killing a dog. Or a cat. Or a goat. All are crimes - but not murder. Murder is reserved for human life.

Well, once again, when you convict a woman for having an abortion, and a doctor for performing one, let me know, okay Poodle...

Because killing a woman who just happened to have a fetus in her doesn't really cut it. wasn't. Sex was not spoken of - ever. Not even in private, much less public. Husband and wives slept in separate beds (hell that continued into the 1950's until the progressive "sexual revolution" of the 1960's - all stuff before your time junior).

Wow, you really believe couples slept in separate beds in the 1950's? Why, because you saw that on "I Love Lucy"?

Yup, you are a Millenial, all right.

10 Strange Facts About What Sexual Attitudes During The American Revolution

So even if we pretend - for the sake of argument - that Thomas Jefferson was having consensual sex with Sally Hemmings 14 times per day, you still can't explain how anyone would have possibly known about it. Sally Hemmings would not have gone to the local pub and told her friends, snowflake.

Well, funny thing about that... Men brag about their sexual conquests.

I know you probably haven't had much to brag about in your short lifetime, but real men do that.

So old Tommy was probably bragging to his other libertine friends about that hot piece he owned who happened to look a lot like his dead wife (Because she was her half-sister).

Not to mention, of course, that the six kids were light-skinned and all kind of looked like Jefferson.

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