The FBI had PROBABLE CAUSE for a Search Warrant to investigate Hillary Clinton


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
The FBI had probable cause to investigate Hillary Clinton

(1) FBI agents, without reviewing contents, happened upon "thousands of emails" sent to/from Huma Abedin using State Department email addresses around the same time they know that classified information was sent out over unclassified systems.

(2) the Platte River Networks employee, Paul Combetta, deleted Hillary's emails despite later admitting to the FBI that he "was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton's e-mail data on the PRN server" (if not, see "The "Oh Shit" Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena"). Once Combetta was summoned to testify in front of Congress, we also learned that the FBI had granted Combetta an immunity deal (see "The "Oh Shit" Guy That Wiped Hillary's Server With BleachBit Was Just Granted Immunity").


Since November 8th, disaffected Democrats have tried and failed repeatedly to undo the 2016 Presidential election. First their was the failed recount effort launched by Jill Stein, an obvious front for the Clinton campaign, in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Embarrassingly, that effort actually resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump but not before Stein wasted $7 million raised from devastated Hillary supporters.

Then there was the coordinated efforts of the White House, other prominent democrats and the mainstream media to turn the Electoral College against Trump, because Russia. Ironically, that effort too resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump as only 2 electors refused to vote for him while 5 electors abandoned Hillary. Anyone else noticing a theme here?

Now, with the Electoral College vote done and no other options left, the angry, demoralized dems have turned their fury toward the FBI with allegations that the warrant issued for Anthony Weiner's computer did not "give rise to probable cause" which must therefore imply some nefarious collusion between James Comey, Trump and Putin.

Classified data - numerous classified emails from Hillary who supposedly never sent/received classified emails - on Huma's un-authorized, un-secured PC she shared with pedophile Carlos Danger who had no security clearance but who was given access to that classified information.

Hillary and Huma should be sharing a jail cell.
The FBI had probable cause to investigate Hillary Clinton

(1) FBI agents, without reviewing contents, happened upon "thousands of emails" sent to/from Huma Abedin using State Department email addresses around the same time they know that classified information was sent out over unclassified systems.

(2) the Platte River Networks employee, Paul Combetta, deleted Hillary's emails despite later admitting to the FBI that he "was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton's e-mail data on the PRN server" (if not, see "The "Oh Shit" Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena"). Once Combetta was summoned to testify in front of Congress, we also learned that the FBI had granted Combetta an immunity deal (see "The "Oh Shit" Guy That Wiped Hillary's Server With BleachBit Was Just Granted Immunity").


Since November 8th, disaffected Democrats have tried and failed repeatedly to undo the 2016 Presidential election. First their was the failed recount effort launched by Jill Stein, an obvious front for the Clinton campaign, in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Embarrassingly, that effort actually resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump but not before Stein wasted $7 million raised from devastated Hillary supporters.

Then there was the coordinated efforts of the White House, other prominent democrats and the mainstream media to turn the Electoral College against Trump, because Russia. Ironically, that effort too resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump as only 2 electors refused to vote for him while 5 electors abandoned Hillary. Anyone else noticing a theme here?

Now, with the Electoral College vote done and no other options left, the angry, demoralized dems have turned their fury toward the FBI with allegations that the warrant issued for Anthony Weiner's computer did not "give rise to probable cause" which must therefore imply some nefarious collusion between James Comey, Trump and Putin.

The FBI had probable cause to investigate Hillary Clinton

(1) FBI agents, without reviewing contents, happened upon "thousands of emails" sent to/from Huma Abedin using State Department email addresses around the same time they know that classified information was sent out over unclassified systems.

(2) the Platte River Networks employee, Paul Combetta, deleted Hillary's emails despite later admitting to the FBI that he "was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton's e-mail data on the PRN server" (if not, see "The "Oh Shit" Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena"). Once Combetta was summoned to testify in front of Congress, we also learned that the FBI had granted Combetta an immunity deal (see "The "Oh Shit" Guy That Wiped Hillary's Server With BleachBit Was Just Granted Immunity").


Since November 8th, disaffected Democrats have tried and failed repeatedly to undo the 2016 Presidential election. First their was the failed recount effort launched by Jill Stein, an obvious front for the Clinton campaign, in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Embarrassingly, that effort actually resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump but not before Stein wasted $7 million raised from devastated Hillary supporters.

Then there was the coordinated efforts of the White House, other prominent democrats and the mainstream media to turn the Electoral College against Trump, because Russia. Ironically, that effort too resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump as only 2 electors refused to vote for him while 5 electors abandoned Hillary. Anyone else noticing a theme here?

Now, with the Electoral College vote done and no other options left, the angry, demoralized dems have turned their fury toward the FBI with allegations that the warrant issued for Anthony Weiner's computer did not "give rise to probable cause" which must therefore imply some nefarious collusion between James Comey, Trump and Putin.


Butthurt much?

This was solved, lock her up. Next?

the day that happens is the day the world comes to an end in the fact high ranking politicians like the clintons NEVER go to jail because of the sad fact there is one different law for politicians than there is for us.sad but true. after all can you ever recall a former president going to jail or a former first lady? I sure as hell
This was solved, lock her up. Next?

the day that happens is the day the world comes to an end in the fact high ranking politicians like the clintons NEVER go to jail because of the sad fact there is one different law for politicians than there is for us.sad but true. after all can you ever recall a former president going to jail or a former first lady? I sure as hell

Sad but true.


The FBI had probable cause to investigate Hillary Clinton

(1) FBI agents, without reviewing contents, happened upon "thousands of emails" sent to/from Huma Abedin using State Department email addresses around the same time they know that classified information was sent out over unclassified systems.

(2) the Platte River Networks employee, Paul Combetta, deleted Hillary's emails despite later admitting to the FBI that he "was aware of the existence of the preservation request and the fact that it meant he should not disturb Clinton's e-mail data on the PRN server" (if not, see "The "Oh Shit" Moment: Hillary Wiped Her Server With BleachBit Despite Subpoena"). Once Combetta was summoned to testify in front of Congress, we also learned that the FBI had granted Combetta an immunity deal (see "The "Oh Shit" Guy That Wiped Hillary's Server With BleachBit Was Just Granted Immunity").


Since November 8th, disaffected Democrats have tried and failed repeatedly to undo the 2016 Presidential election. First their was the failed recount effort launched by Jill Stein, an obvious front for the Clinton campaign, in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Embarrassingly, that effort actually resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump but not before Stein wasted $7 million raised from devastated Hillary supporters.

Then there was the coordinated efforts of the White House, other prominent democrats and the mainstream media to turn the Electoral College against Trump, because Russia. Ironically, that effort too resulted in a wider margin of victory for Trump as only 2 electors refused to vote for him while 5 electors abandoned Hillary. Anyone else noticing a theme here?

Now, with the Electoral College vote done and no other options left, the angry, demoralized dems have turned their fury toward the FBI with allegations that the warrant issued for Anthony Weiner's computer did not "give rise to probable cause" which must therefore imply some nefarious collusion between James Comey, Trump and Putin.

This was solved, lock her up. Next?

the day that happens is the day the world comes to an end in the fact high ranking politicians like the clintons NEVER go to jail because of the sad fact there is one different law for politicians than there is for us.sad but true. after all can you ever recall a former president going to jail or a former first lady? I sure as hell

I agree. Hope no one is holding their breath for that to happen.
This was solved, lock her up. Next?

the day that happens is the day the world comes to an end in the fact high ranking politicians like the clintons NEVER go to jail because of the sad fact there is one different law for politicians than there is for us.sad but true. after all can you ever recall a former president going to jail or a former first lady? I sure as hell

Oh I know all that, that retort was for our freinds who bought into the notion that Trump would lock her up for them.

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