The feckless hypocritical audacity of the left wing media.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

The funny thing is these left wing parasites truly do not see it. They don't see the connection between the nonstop calls for the death of Trump, republicans, COPS, and the violence that the left wing rioters cause. The attacks on Trump supporters and the assassination attempt of republicans and the democrats pretend to be all upset.

I have more respect for the ones that don't hide their intentions. I don't hide mine. I wish all liberals a cruel death.
Who's the dude with the small forehead and half-assed lisp again? The one trying to sell a frickin t-shirt?

Scott Pelley was correct in what he opined about thd Republicans in Congress who for years have gagged Democrats for wanting stricter anti gun laws.

Republicans are supported by the NRA who have seen to it monetarily that our open democracy is stifled by money.

Sandy Hook is an excellent example of it. Grade school kids were slaughtered by an unstable young man and there were right wingers claiming it was fake just so gun control wouldn't see the light of day.

The US leads the world in mass shootings and our law makers on the right piss on that fact by taking the second amendment to an extreme. The second amendment ONLY allows for the right to bear arms. It doesn't say anything about extended clips of semi automatic weapons, which at the time the second amendment was written weren't ever imagined. The second amendment also doesn't mention anything about background checks, and why the right is freaking out over them is insanity. What are y'all afraid of if you're responsible gun owners anyway?

The right wing - it's entirety, treated President Obama worse than the left treats Trump. Obama was sincere in his efforts to improve the lives of all Americans, whereas Trump and the Republicans who cater to the wealthy and the corporations have no intention to enhance the lives of all Americans.

Look at the health reform bill, it proves my point. Instead of Americans receiving health care the Republicans would rather cater to the insurance companies and big pharma that allowing the sick to live.

The right always complained about rising insurance premiums, but now with the Republicans bullshit proposal the insurance premiums will skyrocket for Americans and the right wing groupies who piss and moaned over that under Obamacare have gone ignorantly stupid and that talking point has been killed.

You kids are the true victims of fake news and the sad part is you're too stupid to know better. You're too goddamned ignorant to research what you're fed by Fox news and Breitbart and dudes with small foreheads selling t-shirts.

Do your responsibility as an American citizen and put it upon yourself to learn about what's going on in your country. Knowledge is power and you kids are very, very powerless.

The left is sick of the right's fictional bullshit, and we're pissed off. Y'all used to talk about civil war and secession when President Obama took office, Ted Nugent made comments towards Obama which centered on his fucking guns. Wake the hell up and see what's really going on in America. Now, instead of saying your kids and grandkids shouldn't be burdened by a taxes, they're truly burdened by climate change and you don't say shit because you're led astray by right wing propaganda. You're a bunch of ignorant groupies who support Republicans because you think that their lies about being religious are true.

Does ignoring lives in favor of helping only the rich Christian like??
Who's the dude with the small forehead and half-assed lisp again? The one trying to sell a frickin t-shirt?

Scott Pelley was correct in what he opined about thd Republicans in Congress who for years have gagged Democrats for wanting stricter anti gun laws.

Republicans are supported by the NRA who have seen to it monetarily that our open democracy is stifled by money.

Sandy Hook is an excellent example of it. Grade school kids were slaughtered by an unstable young man and there were right wingers claiming it was fake just so gun control wouldn't see the light of day.

The US leads the world in mass shootings and our law makers on the right piss on that fact by taking the second amendment to an extreme. The second amendment ONLY allows for the right to bear arms. It doesn't say anything about extended clips of semi automatic weapons, which at the time the second amendment was written weren't ever imagined. The second amendment also doesn't mention anything about background checks, and why the right is freaking out over them is insanity. What are y'all afraid of if you're responsible gun owners anyway?

The right wing - it's entirety, treated President Obama worse than the left treats Trump. Obama was sincere in his efforts to improve the lives of all Americans, whereas Trump and the Republicans who cater to the wealthy and the corporations have no intention to enhance the lives of all Americans.

Look at the health reform bill, it proves my point. Instead of Americans receiving health care the Republicans would rather cater to the insurance companies and big pharma that allowing the sick to live.

The right always complained about rising insurance premiums, but now with the Republicans bullshit proposal the insurance premiums will skyrocket for Americans and the right wing groupies who piss and moaned over that under Obamacare have gone ignorantly stupid and that talking point has been killed.

You kids are the true victims of fake news and the sad part is you're too stupid to know better. You're too goddamned ignorant to research what you're fed by Fox news and Breitbart and dudes with small foreheads selling t-shirts.

Do your responsibility as an American citizen and put it upon yourself to learn about what's going on in your country. Knowledge is power and you kids are very, very powerless.

The left is sick of the right's fictional bullshit, and we're pissed off. Y'all used to talk about civil war and secession when President Obama took office, Ted Nugent made comments towards Obama which centered on his fucking guns. Wake the hell up and see what's really going on in America. Now, instead of saying your kids and grandkids shouldn't be burdened by a taxes, they're truly burdened by climate change and you don't say shit because you're led astray by right wing propaganda. You're a bunch of ignorant groupies who support Republicans because you think that their lies about being religious are true.

Does ignoring lives in favor of helping only the rich Christian like??
I did not read any of your bullshit. What I do know is you are a fucking loser.

Just repeating a script. That is all you have. That is all you are.
Who's the dude with the small forehead and half-assed lisp again? The one trying to sell a frickin t-shirt?

Scott Pelley was correct in what he opined about thd Republicans in Congress who for years have gagged Democrats for wanting stricter anti gun laws.

Republicans are supported by the NRA who have seen to it monetarily that our open democracy is stifled by money.

Sandy Hook is an excellent example of it.....?

I stopped reading here. You were just spewing talking points.

If you made a real point in there, please post it in a bullet point.

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