The Fed


We are the greatest debtor because we demand more and more from the federal government but don't want to pay for it.
we dont demand more from governemnt,, thats you wanting that

most of us want them to leave us alone and not do stuff for us

We are the greatest debtor because we demand more and more from the federal government but don't want to pay for it.
Lol. Who demands more? The MIC?

You now blame average Americans for the national debt. Lol. Don’t you know anything about income inequality?

Americans don’t even have HC. How about higher education? How about quality infrastructure?

Yet trillions have been spent.
Isn't it ironic that AOC wants to do the same thing. Have congress and the potus in charge of how much money we create AND interest rates. It makes simplistic sense, but no thanks, because it'd be worse than what we have now. (see next paragraph)

AND the fed does NOT technically create money. It raises/cuts interest rates and the cost of borrowing, which has the effect of more, OR Less, money. The controversey that began with the Great Recession, and continued throughout Trump and into Biden's presidencies is the Fed's DIRECT purchase of US govt debt. But simply letting congress create as much money and at what rates people get ..... as Milton Friedman said in a youtube is Keynes in a nutshell.
Keynes said a government should be REDUCING debt during prosperity and only increase debt during downturns.

No one follows that advice. Not for a very long time.

In fact, our politicians have figured out the easiest way to boost GDP is to spend more money and get us deeper and deeper into debt.

That's what Trump did, that's what Obama did, that's what every president going way back has done.

Rather than do the heavy lifting to grow our economy the right way, they cheat. They spend like drunken sailors and then crow how great they are at growing the economy.

It's all a big con, and will one day destroy us.
Was never a good system....It allowed banksters to create money out of thin air, lend it out, then collect interest on that which cost them nothing to create.

lt has been a huge scam from the jump....Needs to be done away with post haste.
Without all that wonderful lending, a much smaller fraction of Americans would own houses. Businesses would not be able to get money for startups or to expand. Our economy would be a tiny fraction of what it is today.

And what the gold bugs never tell you is that when the principal is repaid, it is destroyed and becomes nothing again.
The fed creates bubbles that never end, blow up, bust but they just keep pumping more blood into the corpse.
No, speculators create bubbles. The Fed's flaw is they feed those bubbles by making money too cheap. They wait until too late to take the punchbowl away.
Without all that wonderful lending, a much smaller fraction of Americans would own houses. Businesses would not be able to get money for startups or to expand. Our economy would be a tiny fraction of what it is today.

And what the gold bugs never tell you is that when the principal is repaid, it is destroyed and becomes nothing again.
And that last is the key
Oh, you have to devalue the currency to make your home more valuable?...:uhoh3:

the If there's 3% inflation, then that torpedoes that drivel you puked out about the Fed taking the money they print back out of circulation....Fucking dope can't ever track your own idiotic arguments. :anj_stfu::laugh2:
Jesus Christ you are a fucking moron. More money is created than is paid back.

THAT is inflation. And with out inflation that house you bought in your youth that was such a stretch would be as just as tough to pay for on your later years.
$33 trillion in debt, we are headed for the mother of all depressions.
You can thank Trump and all the presidents before him.

Actually, you can blame yourself and everyone else. We keep demanding more and more from the government and refuse to pay for it.
I'm not calling for the end of the fed right away. Baby steps.
First we have to have a fiscal conservative government that knows how to live within it's means. Then phase out the fed over time.
A drastic end to the fed would create a shit ton of enemies out of our allies, because it would devastate their economies too.
The Fed doesn't exist for that purpose. The Fed exists to mitigate stupid mistakes by our private financial system.

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