The Fed

Lol. Who demands more? The MIC?

You now blame average Americans for the national debt. Lol. Don’t you know anything about income inequality?

Americans don’t even have HC. How about higher education? How about quality infrastructure?

Yet trillions have been spent.
Biden got an infrastructure bill passed, and it is already creating a lot of jobs. Manufacturing jobs are exploding.

The great real estate mogul Donald Trump failed to achieve that promise.

And yes, I blame every American citizen for our debt. See my post about tax expenditures.

You demand GDP growth and let our politicians get away with achieving it by spending more. Government spending is a significant part of GDP.

And look who radically increased government spending as a percentage of GDP, BEFORE Covid, and then crowed about GDP growth:

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my ass it comes from somone elses pocket,,

its more of my money I get to keep,,,
That's only half the equation, you innumerate fool. The other half is that for every dollar you get to keep, someone else has to cough up a dollar, or it has to be borrowed.

You are a thief.
That's only half the equation, you innumerate fool. The other half is that for every dollar you get to keep, someone else has to cough up a dollar, or it has to be borrowed.

You are a thief.
or the government just not spend it like the rest of humanity,,,
not my fault,, dont put your guilt on me,,
Everyone who takes advantage of tax expenditures is a thief and a pawn of the government's social engineering program.

Including me.

You get punished with higher taxes if you don't take out a mortgage. That's because the real estate industry pays our politicians hundreds of millions of dollars to put that deduction in the tax code.

Your house cost about 27 percent more because of the MID. But the real estate industry gains an extra $80 billion off your innumerate ass.

You get punished with higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator. Gee, I wonder whose making money off that!

You get punished with higher taxes if you don't breed!

It was no big leap to punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of health insurance.

We have an insane system where people earning identical incomes are paying radically different amounts in tax. How can any REAL conservative be okay with that?!?
Everyone who takes advantage of tax expenditures is a thief and a pawn of the government's social engineering program.

Including me.

You get punished with higher taxes if you don't take out a mortgage. That's because the real estate industry pays our politicians hundreds of millions of dollars to put that deduction in the tax code.

Your house cost about 27 percent more because of the MID. But the real estate industry gains an extra $80 billion off your innumerate ass.

You get punished with higher taxes if you don't buy the right kind of refrigerator. Gee, I wonder whose making money off that!

You get punished with higher taxes if you don't breed!

It was no big leap to punish you with higher taxes for not buying the right kind of health insurance.

We have an insane system where people earning identical incomes are paying radically different amounts in tax. How can any REAL conservative be okay with that?!?
I will do you one better,,
I am on my 3rd yr of not paying a dime in income taxs,, so fuck you,,

stop spending money you dont have and dumping it on future generations,,

but then again you support the murder of innocent children so why wouldnt you dump your debt on them,,
or the government just not spend it like the rest of humanity,,,
When it comes to the insanity and unfairness of tax expenditures, how much the government spends has nothing to do with the unfairness or insanity.

Let's say the government needs $100. You and Bob have to cough up $50 apiece.

But wait! A tie manufacturer pays off our politicians to give people who own ties a tax break.

So you buy a nice tie, the tie maker earns a profit, and you only have to cough up $25 for taxes.

"Woo hoo!", you exclaim. "I get to keep more of my own money!"

Yeah, sorry Bob, but you are going to have to pay $75 to make up the difference. You are being punished for not buying a tie.

Then Bob feels the government's pressure to buy a tie, so he buys one. The tie maker says, "KA-CHING!"

Does that mean you and Bob now each pay $25?

Nope. The government still needs that $100. So guess what. Your tax rate is increased until you are both paying $50 AFTER your deductions.

You are being ripped off for the sake of the tie manufacturer.
The new American motto: Gimme gimme gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.
or the politician doesnt spend money he doesnt have,,
You demand the politician spend that money. You demand they take it out of someone else's hide.

Gimme gimme gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.

Gimme my roads. Gimme a military to protect me. But I'm not paying a dime for it. Make someone else do it.
thats a bad person that does that,, they shouldnt be allowed to vote,,
That would be you.

Do you take deductions, credits, and exemptions on your taxes? You said you don't pay any tax. How is this possible unless you are unemployed?
So there you go.

But it's a sure thing you took advantage of tax expenditures when you had an income.
I used every legal means possible to keep as much of MY money as I could,, as should every american,,,

dont like it change the laws,,
I used every legal means possible to keep as much of MY money as I could,, as should every american,,,

dont like it change the laws,,
I very much would like to change the laws. Tax expenditures are a massive wealth redistribution scheme for the benefit of the wealthy.

I have been advocating for a total ban on tax expenditures since coming to this forum, with the possible exception of the EITC which has proven to increase productivity.

Tax expenditures are theft. Pure and simple. I don't know how anyone who considers themselves to be a conservative would tolerate them.

But you have been hoaxed into believing you get to keep more of your own money without any ill effect on anyone else, and so you are cool with being a thief.
I very much would like to change the laws. Tax expenditures are a massive wealth redistribution scheme for the benefit of the wealthy.

I have been advocating for a total ban on tax expenditures since coming to this forum, with the possible exception of the EITC which has proven to increase productivity.

Tax expenditures are theft. Pure and simple.
if youre that mad at me I can only imagine how much you hate welfare people that live 100% on the government dole,, some have gone generational,,

maybe your time is better spent ranting at them??
If we banned tax expenditures, there would be no deficits.

What's more, everyone would pay the same tax rates and those tax rates would be lower.

Extra bonus: One of the chief incentives for special interests to buy politicians would be eradicated.
if youre that mad at me I can only imagine how much you hate welfare people that live 100% on the government dole,, some have gone generational,,

maybe your time is better spent ranting at them??
Yes, sooner or later, you thieves blame the poor for our problems. That's what you have been taught to do.

It never fails.

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