The Field: A Mobilization Debate


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Why is the freakish alien-creature-monster in the urbanization-invasion film Cloverfield so ghastly?

This 'modernism-paranoia fan-fic' I cooked up is meant so symbolize some of the modernism 'congestion intrigue' indicative of the commercial qualities of our arguably 'populism-pensive TrumpUSA.'



A team of patriotic Americans assembled and called each other 'G.I. Joes' (in reference to Hasbro's colorful comic-book stylized paramilitary fantasy-adventure franchise G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero). Members included celebrities (e.g., Tom Cruise, Channing Tatum), Olympians (e.g., Michael Phelps, Karch Kiraly), and Ivy League bloggers and social pundits (e.g., Dinesh D'Souza, Rush Limbaugh). The 'G.I. Joes' were assigned by the proverbial 'court of public opinion' to deal with the modernism paranoia regarding commerce cynicism and anti-capitalism terrorism rhetoric in the media (e.g., 9/11, Enron, TrumpUSA protestors, etc.).

The rivals of the G.I. Joes referred to themselves as 'Cobra' (in reference to the real enemies of the G.I. Joes from the comics --- also named 'Cobra'). Cobra members included Cuban expatriates, Internet-hackers, Marxism theorists, and fashion models. 'G.I. Joe' and 'Cobra' challenged each other to see who could deal appropriately with the modern age problems of ISIS-related patriotism-cynicism, North Korea nuclear-test hysteria in the press, and of course eco-pollution grievances by activists and socially-progressive liberals such as Ralph Nader and Al Gore. It was a fine 'contest.'

This intriguing 'Media War' persisted with some glorious achievements, including the release of Tom Cruise's sociopolitical-intrigue narcotics-politics traffic film American Made. The 'G.I. Joes' and 'Cobra' believed their successes in the court of public opinion were substantial, so they rewarded themselves with an annual vacation-getaway (a secret timeshare cottage --- one in Europe and one in North America). Everything seemed 'cool,' until a strange phenomenon occurred in the year 2017 (right around Labor Day). All of the melee surrounding new-age media intrigue and traffic-paranoia after 9/11 culminated in the arrival of a raging giant alien-monster called 'Cloverfield.'

The Cloverfield monster arrived from Venus. It lived on that planet underground, and it monitored the general goings-on of human activities on Earth from an invisible satellite. When the Cloverfield monster noticed that post-9/11 traffic and urbanization (and modernism!) hysteria inspired the new age Godzilla-esque film Cloverfield(!), about a giant anti-city freakish alien-monster preying on America's sensibilities about basic social sacredness, the monster realized the film was a 'subconscious homage' to it! So it descended on Earth to 'debate' with the G.I. Joes and Cobra (to see if it could strike up a revolution!). Tom Cruise declared himself the leader of the G.I. Joes and gave himself the alias 'Duke,' and an Ivy League Internet-blogger and self-proclaimed 'ninja-politics critic' named Ajay Satan gave himself the G.I. Joe alias 'Snake-Eyes.' An Internet-hacker working for Cobra gave himself the alias 'Serpentor,' while another Marxism theorist member of Cobra gave himself the Cobra alias 'Storm-Shadow.'

DUKE: Why are you terrorizing humanity as if you're Godzilla?
CLOVERFIELD: You made a movie loosely-based on my spirit, so I descended to deliver an omen!
SNAKE-EYES: Are you here to tell us about the 'reality' of moral apathy?
CLOVERFIELD: I am indeed...

SERPENTOR: I suppose you're a 'Devil's Advocate' of Wall Street and Burger King...
CLOVERFIELD: I seek to destroy the 'skyscrapers of capitalism complacency.'
STORM-SHADOW: You must be a 'dragon of Facebook-cynicism.'
CLOVERFIELD: I am indeed...

After this little 'chat,' the Cloverfield monster decided to leave Earth (content it had delivered its special 'modernism omen'), so two female members of G.I. Joe and Cobra (a thrilling Hollywood actress --- Charlize Theron --- and a Dutch stewardess working for the IRA --- Deana Kuyt --- respectively) decided to blog on the Internet (using identity-masking aliases of course) about the value of Utopian idealism in the age of communications. It was a great populism exorcism! President Donald Trump considered opening a new casino (after his presidency was over) in Jerusalem modeled after the Planet Hollywood movie-themed restaurant franchise.



The Hologram Celebration-Party

This is a 'post-Cloverfield' celebration party involving the G.I. Joe 'team' inspired by the consumerism-confetti American cartoon series Jem and the Holograms (about a fab-female rock group making splashes with unusual designs representative of American fashions/trends) which was recently adapted into a full-length live-action Hollywood film.

I wonder if consumerism will be remembered more for Wall Street or more for MTV...



The G.I. Joes (and newfound allies/buddies from Cobra) decided to host a post-Cloverfield celebration party in a fancy hotel in Switzerland on Halloween Eve 2017. Duke and Lady Jaye came up with the offbeat but patriotic plan to invite the American female rock-group Jem and the Holograms, and Jem (their leader) accepted the invite. Unfortunately, when the party day arrived, the Holograms' rival female-rock group, the scandalous Misfits showed up too (led by the punkish Pizazz).


There were minor disagreements, but after Snake-Eyes (G.I. Joe) and Storm-Shadow (Cobra) broke up the mini-conflicts, the party continued with great fervor. First Lady Melania Trump was a 'guest-of-honor' at the party and was invited by Scarlett to help select the DJ-tunes for the floor-dancing. There was great pumpkin-vodka soup, herb-brownies, a separate room for swimming, and all kinds of colorful costumes (including one of the Cloverfield-monster and one of Osama bin Laden). Hollywood celebrities Guy Pearce and Lindsay Lohan showed up and brought with them delightful neon-blue Halloween bat-lights.


Duke and Lady Jaye decided all proceeds from the event should go to charities benefiting the relief efforts for Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma. President Trump declared the event a 'resounding triumph' for the forces of capitalism's friends and democracy's defenders. However, First Lady Melania Trump was concerned that the Cloverfield-monster would forever be remembered as some kind of 'terrorism-censorship ghoul.' Nevertheless, the Hologram party was considered an 'anti-nuclear war media event.'





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