The fight goes on in Texas

Bullshit. It's a backdoor way to limit the number of abortions in the state by closing down abortion clinics and limiting who can perform them. Requiring clinics to be within 30 miles from a hospital? There are a lot of rural areas in TX nowhere near a hospital. Requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at hospitals knowing full well that a lot of hospitals will not give admitting privileges to them? Obvious attempt at blocking abortions.

If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

Just what TX needs -- more pregnant teens. It's already one of the top states for teen pregnancy. Maybe now it can be number one.

These back door fallacies are in your brain.

Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

Do you need an explanation for this? Really?

How do you sleep at night knowing that you support abortion?

Do you have a conscience?

Would you let your brother walk off the ledge of a 10 story building?

Did we let Hitler continue his genocide?

Where do you get this "I don't give a crap" about my fellow human being from?

What is it that convinced you this has anything to do with choice?

50% who choose abortion suffer severe emotional problems lasting for years, some the rest of their lives...

There are so many other options that work besides abortion, but you sit here complaining about Texas limiting a legal abortion to 20 weeks?
Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

1) What evidence is there that they don't?

2) If there is a difference could it possibly be because they are completely different procedures?
Not surprising that Gov. Perry would use a special session to try and pull off something underhanded like this. The Majority in Texas fell we have enough restrictions on abortion and this is just a waste of tax payer money as this will likely wind up in the Courts.

60% of Texans support the Bill.


That doesn’t mean it is Constitutional. The majority does not determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.
Why don't you people worry about the kids we already have? Once they are here you couldn't care less what happens to them. That's called being pro-birth not pro-life.

Why don't you people worry about the kids we already have? Once they are here you couldn't care less what happens to them. That's called being pro-birth not pro-life.

View attachment 26667

Repeating your talking point propaganda doesn't make it truth.

Of course we care about what happens to them. That's precisely why we dont want to enslave them to the government
Oh c'mon---intentionally stupid isn't an argument. You know full well what happened.

Yes, they couldn't pass the bill during the regular session and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst suspended the two-thirds rule during the special session so they could try and ram it through. It is underhanded but in the end it will wind up in court and hopefully help turn my state blue.

Holy shit we've had democrat lawmakers go AWOL to keep bills from being brought to a vote. Don't pretend this is some rare event in Texas.

Yeah, just ask the folks in Wisconsin.
Why don't you people worry about the kids we already have? Once they are here you couldn't care less what happens to them. That's called being pro-birth not pro-life.

View attachment 26667

Repeating your talking point propaganda doesn't make it truth.

Of course we care about what happens to them. That's precisely why we dont want to enslave them to the government

So you are going to force women to have babies they can't afford and don't want, but once those kids are in teh world, man, you don't want them becoming dependent on government.

Let's just put them in like a Baby Thunderdome and have them fight it out.

Yes, they couldn't pass the bill during the regular session and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst suspended the two-thirds rule during the special session so they could try and ram it through. It is underhanded but in the end it will wind up in court and hopefully help turn my state blue.

Holy shit we've had democrat lawmakers go AWOL to keep bills from being brought to a vote. Don't pretend this is some rare event in Texas.

Yeah, when the State GOP was gerrymandering the House Districts. Sad day for Texas.

and of course, Democrats NEVER Gerrymander districts in states where they control the process....

Not surprising that Gov. Perry would use a special session to try and pull off something underhanded like this. The Majority in Texas fell we have enough restrictions on abortion and this is just a waste of tax payer money as this will likely wind up in the Courts.

60% of Texans support the Bill.


That doesn’t mean it is Constitutional. The majority does not determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.

How does this go against Roe V Wade? Its covers abortions after 20 weeks, well after the 1st trimester. Also regulations on clinics and how the procedures are performed were never discussed under Roe.

People who find a made up right absolute while trying to chip away at a implicit one make me want to facepalm.
60% of Texans support the Bill.


That doesn’t mean it is Constitutional. The majority does not determine who will or will not have his civil liberties.

How does this go against Roe V Wade? Its covers abortions after 20 weeks, well after the 1st trimester. Also regulations on clinics and how the procedures are performed were never discussed under Roe.

People who find a made up right absolute while trying to chip away at a implicit one make me want to facepalm.

Liberals love dead babies, for most an increase in their numbers are an accomplishment for them...they're sick
Yes, they couldn't pass the bill during the regular session and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst suspended the two-thirds rule during the special session so they could try and ram it through. It is underhanded but in the end it will wind up in court and hopefully help turn my state blue.

Holy shit we've had democrat lawmakers go AWOL to keep bills from being brought to a vote. Don't pretend this is some rare event in Texas.

Yeah, just ask the folks in Wisconsin.

Or Abraham Lincoln.
Why don't you people worry about the kids we already have? Once they are here you couldn't care less what happens to them. That's called being pro-birth not pro-life.

View attachment 26667

Repeating your talking point propaganda doesn't make it truth.

Of course we care about what happens to them. That's precisely why we dont want to enslave them to the government

So you are going to force women to have babies they can't afford and don't want, but once those kids are in teh world, man, you don't want them becoming dependent on government.

Let's just put them in like a Baby Thunderdome and have them fight it out.


The problem is these women/men are to stupid to use birth control in the first place.
And it appears they are so stupid they dont realize they are pregnant for 20 weeks.
How do you reconcile that? Were they just to busy to get an abortion in the first 20 weeks?
I mean come on!!! Thats ridiculous!
Bullshit. It's a backdoor way to limit the number of abortions in the state by closing down abortion clinics and limiting who can perform them. Requiring clinics to be within 30 miles from a hospital? There are a lot of rural areas in TX nowhere near a hospital. Requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at hospitals knowing full well that a lot of hospitals will not give admitting privileges to them? Obvious attempt at blocking abortions.

If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

Just what TX needs -- more pregnant teens. It's already one of the top states for teen pregnancy. Maybe now it can be number one.

These back door fallacies are in your brain.

Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

So you want to compare a vasectomy to an abortion? Answer that question.

Do you live in Texas? I want to see the questions in this poll,because their is absolutely noway in hell it's accurate.
I would say maybe,and thats a big maybe, you would get 30% who feel late term abortion is acceptable.
Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

So you want to compare a vasectomy to an abortion? Answer that question.

No, it is analogous to having the government get between you and decisions about your body.

Please if you really had problems with the government getting between us in our decisions about our bodies you would be opposed to Obamacare, the drug laws, any law regarding ciggerettes, alcohol, and what size soda we can drink.

That's the problem with the left. They want us to allow them to kill their offspring in the name of chosing what happens to our bodies and then they want to tell us what to do with every other aspect of our body.

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