The fight goes on in Texas

Why don't you people worry about the kids we already have? Once they are here you couldn't care less what happens to them. That's called being pro-birth not pro-life.

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Repeating your talking point propaganda doesn't make it truth.

Of course we care about what happens to them. That's precisely why we dont want to enslave them to the government

I don't think there is any doubt that conservatives do not care about women. However, they also do not care about preventing abortions. They can't care about that because they also do not care about reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies. If they did, they would agree that healthcare providers should cover the cost of birth control. Well guess what? They don't want that at all. Conservatives want more abortions and more children in the adoption system. They want to punish women for having sex. They want more women who are unable to provide for their children to have them. The conservative outrage over a little thing like free birth control is hilarious. They claim that women need to have "responsible sex" and that there needs to be consequences for "irresponsible sex." For those of you who are oblivious to this, I'll explain what they mean when they say these things. It's not about saving any lives. It's not just about controlling the reproductive rights of women. It's about making sure that saps continue to give generous donations so they can fight against the "radical left" and their "pro-abortion" philosophy.

Conservatives pander to the pro-life movement. They believe that fetuses have the right to use the bodies of women without the consent of women. A lot of the people believe that choice ends at pregnancy. This plays into the "consequences of irresponsible sex" rhetoric. However, not all pro-lifers are extremely crazy (I think most are.) Some are realistic in their viewpoints. Some of them would like to see the number of abortions reduced with the assistance of logical methods. Better sexual education, easier access to birth control and other contraceptives, etc. The IOM (Institute Of Medicine) made a recommendation that birth control should be free under the health care reform law and it was only a matter of time before conservatives, religious groups, and pro-lifers got "outraged" by it. It's truly amazing that these people who are so against abortion would be upset about a plan that could help reduce unexpected pregnancies and abortions. It's also amazing that some conservatives believe that easier access to birth control would usher in a pagan and socialist utopia or something equally stupid. It's pretty simple. Conservatives do not care about reducing abortion numbers. They like to say that liberals love abortion. Nobody loves abortion. Liberals and some (albeit a few) conservatives understand that not only should women be trusted to make their own decisions, but that banning abortion is flat out stupid. Liberals actually believe that women (even conservative women) are intelligent human beings. Liberals also understand that every situation is different and that we should not impose our moralistic views on women who have abortions. To be honest, conservatives need abortion to remain legal just as much as women do, but for different reasons. It's one of their big talking points. It's just like 9/11. Rick Santorum wouldn't be able to use abortion as a scapegoat for everything if it were outlawed. Mike Pence wouldn't have one either. Lila Rose would have nothing to do at all. Abby Johnson would have no need to have had a "conversion" to the pro-life side. If abortion becomes illegal, conservatives will lose money. They need it to stay legal.

Easier access to birth control would help to reduce unwanted pregnancies. This would help to cut the number of the precious fetuses that get aborted each year. This would hurt the conservatives during election year. Pro-lifers should be furious. I mean I understand the "women are broodmares" thing, but they at least want to pretend to be about saving babies. When their conservative friends (whether politician or pundit) is against anything that would help their cause, they should be furious. Well, pro-life groups are against it too, but that's not news. Conservatives and pro-lifers talk out of both sides of their mouths as if it is nothing. They claim to be against abortion, but claim that any step to prevent unplanned pregnancies (comprehensive sex ed., birth control, etc.) is wrong. They care about the little babies, but not enough to make it easier for women to raise them. Birth control would help to reduce these situations where women get pregnant and conservatives give them the middle finger. There is no logical reason at all as to why birth control should not be fully covered by health insurance providers. Fear is why conservatives don't want this to happen. Fear that women might just be smart enough to make their own decisions. Fear that abortion numbers could decrease (which would lead to a decrease in the money donated to their campaigns.) Lets be honest about the entire situation. Poor women are the ones who are more at risk to have an unexpected pregnancy. If the pro-lifers and conservatives want to force them to give birth, they must be willing to get rid of their anti-welfare rhetoric. So they want to be against abortion so they can have more children to grow up and work for the big corporations that own the conservatives. They are against abortion so they can have more meat to feed to the war machine. What are they doing to prevent abortions? Attempting to redefine rape and advocating that miscarriage becomes a crime.

If a conservative or a pro-lifer ever says they are against birth control, you will know that their "save the babies" viewpoint is just for show. That these people don't care about women or children. They never have and they never will. If they say that birth control shouldn't be covered by health insurance providers, ask them why Viagra is. If they say they are against it, ask them what they are doing to change that. Then sit back, relax, and enjoy the comedy session that is them avoiding the question. It is mind-bogglingly stupid that any pro-lifer or conservative would be against anything that would help them to achieve their goal of reducing abortions. I guess they would rather kill a doctor that provides abortions instead of making sure that every woman has easy access to a pill that could not only prevent an unexpected pregnancy, but prevent a doctor from getting murdered in their church. The bottom line is a simple one and I've repeated it many times because it's important. It was never about reducing abortion numbers. It was never about women. It's about money and it's about control. To these people, women are whores who should be punished for being stupid enough to believe that like men, they are allowed to have sex for pleasure. To these people, aborted fetuses bring in cash around election season. The more the better, even though they scream that less is better. It's a gigantic scheme and millions of Americans are dumb enough to fall for it.

These people are not pro-life. They aren't even pro-fetus. They are pro-cash. They are pro-exploitation. They are pro-control. What used to be an obsession with fetuses has become an obsession with what an aborted fetus can bring your campaign. Abby Johnson can have her protests and rallies and prayer sessions all she wants. Nobody would give a damn about any of it if abortion were illegal. She would become one of the millions of Americans who are unemployed. Abby Johnson knows this well. She knows what a dead fetus can bring you. She knows that two of them pretty much guarantee you loads of money if you are a "pro-lifer" or a conservative. This is why she pushed the story of her two abortions. Talk about how it was the worst decision of your life to as many people as possible and wait for the cash to start pouring in. While it is her right to have as many as she wants, it's extremely hypocritical for her to tell women that it is wrong. Somewhere in her mind though, she must smile whenever a woman has an abortion. One more check sent in the mail from some guy in the Bible Belt who believes that abortion is an abomination to his god (even though it says no such thing in his holy book.) The conservatives depend on suckers who are stupid enough to believe that they will stop abortion in America or at least reduce the numbers. The suckers depend on pro-life groups who are willing to be their voice. The pro-life groups need dead fetuses so they can have something to rant and rave about. In the end, no "babies" are saved. Women's reproductive rights will continue to be attacked. No steps to reduce unexpected pregnancies will be taken. Abortion numbers will stay the same and conservatives will beg and plead for donations from pro-lifers. They'll get every damned penny they ask for. It's a beautiful plan. The screwed up part is that it works perfectly. Conservatives have an obsession with abortion. They figured out how to make a profit off of it and unlike the reproductive rights of women, abortion isn't going anywhere.

Daily Kos: The Conservative Love Affair With Abortion.

Great article by Cullen Milligan.
It never fails to amaze me that conservatives who complain about government intervention in their personal lives, are the first to demand that this same government interfere the relationship between a mother, her fetus and her doctor!

The Peoples Republic of Texas is attempting to take its place among this select group of nations where abortion is illegal.

Abortion illegal in all circumstances or permitted only to save a woman's life.

South America: Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Venezuela,

Sub-Saharan Africa: Angola, Benin, Central African Rep.Chad, Congo, C�te d'Ivoire, Dem. Rep. of Congo, Gabon, Guinea- Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mali, Mauretania, Mauritius, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda.

Middle East and North Africa: Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Sudan, Syria, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

Asia and Pacific: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka.

Europe: Ireland, Malta, Vatican City
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Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

So you want to compare a vasectomy to an abortion? Answer that question.

No, it is analogous to having the government get between you and decisions about your body.

Then why the hell do you want gov health care?

Sick of lib idiots who scream "keep the gov out of my body" But it's OK for them to have complete control over their healthcare?:cuckoo:
Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

So you want to compare a vasectomy to an abortion? Answer that question.

A vasectomy is a surgery, and probably follows even more stringent regulations.

LOL! Oh my god you people are stupid!!
So you're saying a vasectomy is more dangerous then a late term abortion?
It never fails to amaze me that conservatives who complain about government intervention in their personal lives, are the first to demand that this same government interfere the relationship between a mother, her fetus and her doctor!

So you speak for the fetus? Somehow I think you're a liar.
Since I highly doubt the fetus asked to be cut into pieces and thrown in the trash.
These back door fallacies are in your brain.

Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

Do you need an explanation for this? Really?

How do you sleep at night knowing that you support abortion?

Do you have a conscience?

Would you let your brother walk off the ledge of a 10 story building?

Did we let Hitler continue his genocide?

Where do you get this "I don't give a crap" about my fellow human being from?

What is it that convinced you this has anything to do with choice?

50% who choose abortion suffer severe emotional problems lasting for years, some the rest of their lives...

There are so many other options that work besides abortion, but you sit here complaining about Texas limiting a legal abortion to 20 weeks?

So, you can't explain it either.
Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

Do you need an explanation for this? Really?

How do you sleep at night knowing that you support abortion?

Do you have a conscience?

Would you let your brother walk off the ledge of a 10 story building?

Did we let Hitler continue his genocide?

Where do you get this "I don't give a crap" about my fellow human being from?

What is it that convinced you this has anything to do with choice?

50% who choose abortion suffer severe emotional problems lasting for years, some the rest of their lives...

There are so many other options that work besides abortion, but you sit here complaining about Texas limiting a legal abortion to 20 weeks?

So, you can't explain it either.

there is nothing to explain, if you already do not understand it. the procedures differ in their risk with one potentially lethal and the other not.
Jed I'll return the neg rep soon boy. Little nazi fuck.


:lol: You negged me first, crybaby. Don't neg me and I won't neg you. Now go change your diaper, boy.
Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

So you want to compare a vasectomy to an abortion? Answer that question.

Yes, I do. They are both medical procedures. If safety is the concern, then why not regulate all medical procedures?

are you really THAT stupid?

stitching a cut on a finger is also a medical procedure :rolleyes:
So you want to compare a vasectomy to an abortion? Answer that question.

Yes, I do. They are both medical procedures. If safety is the concern, then why not regulate all medical procedures?

are you really THAT stupid?

stitching a cut on a finger is also a medical procedure :rolleyes:

Morbidity and mortality rates

Complications occur in approximately 5% of vasectomies. The rates of incidence of some of the more common complications are:

mild bleeding into the scrotum: one in 400
major bleeding into the scrotum: one in 1000
infection: one in 100
epididymitis: one in 100
sperm granuloma: one in 500
persistent pain: one in 1,000

Fournier gangrene is a very rare but possible complication of vasectomy in which the lining of tissue underneath the skin of the scrotum becomes infected (a condition called fasciitis). Fournier gangrene progresses very rapidly and is treated with aggressive antibiotic therapy and surgery to remove necrotic (dead) tissue. Despite treatment, a mortality rate of 45% has been reported for this condition.

Read more: Vasectomy - procedure, recovery, tube, pain, complications, time, infection, operation, medication, pregnancy, heart, risk, cancer, rate, Definition, Purpose, Demographics, Description
So you want to compare a vasectomy to an abortion? Answer that question.

Yes, I do. They are both medical procedures. If safety is the concern, then why not regulate all medical procedures?

are you really THAT stupid?

stitching a cut on a finger is also a medical procedure :rolleyes:

I know right. Sometimes I just dont feel like responding to the ridiculous shit these libs post.
After awhile you just get sick of the stupid. They're like a dog you cant train to stop pissing on the floor,so you might as well stop whacking em with the newspaper. Because they're just that stupid.
Yes, I do. They are both medical procedures. If safety is the concern, then why not regulate all medical procedures?

are you really THAT stupid?

stitching a cut on a finger is also a medical procedure :rolleyes:

Morbidity and mortality rates

Complications occur in approximately 5% of vasectomies. The rates of incidence of some of the more common complications are:

mild bleeding into the scrotum: one in 400
major bleeding into the scrotum: one in 1000
infection: one in 100
epididymitis: one in 100
sperm granuloma: one in 500
persistent pain: one in 1,000

Fournier gangrene is a very rare but possible complication of vasectomy in which the lining of tissue underneath the skin of the scrotum becomes infected (a condition called fasciitis). Fournier gangrene progresses very rapidly and is treated with aggressive antibiotic therapy and surgery to remove necrotic (dead) tissue. Despite treatment, a mortality rate of 45% has been reported for this condition.

Read more: Vasectomy - procedure, recovery, tube, pain, complications, time, infection, operation, medication, pregnancy, heart, risk, cancer, rate, Definition, Purpose, Demographics, Description


you read, dumbo. You clearly pretend not to understand a difference between an operation in a cavity with the outside cut not even in a close proximity to the vital organs.

Infection and sepsis can happen even if you scratch your nose :rolleyes:
Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

In 2008, 12 women died as a result of complications from known legal induced abortion (CDC).
The number of deaths attributable to legal induced abortion was highest before the 1980s (CDC).
In 1972 (the year before abortion was federally legalized), a total of 24 women died from causes known to be associated with legal abortions, and 39 died as a result of known illegal abortions (CDC).
Yes, I do. They are both medical procedures. If safety is the concern, then why not regulate all medical procedures?

are you really THAT stupid?

stitching a cut on a finger is also a medical procedure :rolleyes:

I know right. Sometimes I just dont feel like responding to the ridiculous shit these libs post.
After awhile you just get sick of the stupid. They're like a dog you cant train to stop pissing on the floor,so you might as well stop whacking em with the newspaper. Because they're just that stupid.

I should follow your example

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