The fight goes on in Texas

[ame=]Disgusting planned Parenthood exposed video - YouTube[/ame]
Answer the question: If safety is the reasoning behind these laws, then why don't doctors who perform vasectomies face the same regulations?

Do you need an explanation for this? Really?

How do you sleep at night knowing that you support abortion?

Do you have a conscience?

Would you let your brother walk off the ledge of a 10 story building?

Did we let Hitler continue his genocide?

Where do you get this "I don't give a crap" about my fellow human being from?

What is it that convinced you this has anything to do with choice?

50% who choose abortion suffer severe emotional problems lasting for years, some the rest of their lives...

There are so many other options that work besides abortion, but you sit here complaining about Texas limiting a legal abortion to 20 weeks?

So, you can't explain it either.

Evidently you're an idiot, so no detail will get it through your concrete head...

Your avi makes sense now...

The problem is these women/men are to stupid to use birth control in the first place.
And it appears they are so stupid they dont realize they are pregnant for 20 weeks.
How do you reconcile that? Were they just to busy to get an abortion in the first 20 weeks?
I mean come on!!! Thats ridiculous!

here's the problem with THAT argument.

Told this story before, will tell it again.

Knew a gal who was dating a fellow NCO when I was in. Asian girl, traditional upbringing, strict Catholic family, college educated and very good grades.

And when my soon to be ex-friend reneged on his promises to marry her, she decided to stop taking birth control pills. Stupid? Absolutely. But you know what, even smart people do stupid things.

Well, when he still didn't make good on the promises, she had an abortion because her parents would have been mortified. They thought she was still a virgin at 22. Really!

Now here comes the insane part. She broke up with the guy, but then got back together with him a year later, and guess what. Another pregnancy. Another abortion.

Stopped talking to either one of them at that point.

Now, the moral of the story here is that we should not make our laws on the basis of people being smart.

So you're saying she tried to trap the guy by getting pregnant?
Sounds like a mental issue.
And if she wants to continue using pregnancy as a relationship anchor,she'll just have to do it on a slightly shorter schedule.
That has to be the most disgusting ploy out there. Unfortunately it's all to common.

How would you know there aren't many Gosnell types? One or two others are enough to mandate laws against late term slaughter houses. The Pennsylvania politicians declined to enforce simple health standards regarding abortion clinics. There were more investigators dealing with animal slaughterhouses. Now thanks to the babe's demonstration the radical leftie men are satisfied that they might be able to force Texas women into a risky late term abortion that involves stabbing the baby in the back of the head and sucking out it's brain. PETA people would be outraged if dogs were killed this way.

How do we know that there aren't that many Gosnell types?

Because even the pro-life sources admit only 400 women have died from legal abortions since 1973.

That's less than 10 a year, on average.

Incidently, I'm still having a hard time seeing how women are "forced" to have abortions? Are the abortion doctors driving around in vans, grabbing women off the street?

So you're saying she tried to trap the guy by getting pregnant?
Sounds like a mental issue.
And if she wants to continue using pregnancy as a relationship anchor,she'll just have to do it on a slightly shorter schedule.
That has to be the most disgusting ploy out there. Unfortunately it's all to common.

They're whole relationship was little short of sustained psychological warfare, and they tended to drag most of their friends into the fray.

Again, this was over 20 years ago.

But I the point I was making is that the whole notion that 'Well, we don't need abortion clinics because women should be smart enough to practice birth control" is about as fallacious as saying, "We need to close down all the emergency rooms and trauma centers because only stupid people have accidents."
Anyone who performs an abortion is a sick, depraved, criminally insane sociopath who probably strangled puppies in their youth. Gosnell is the rule, not the exception. He merely had no oversight until it was too late.

Leftwing fascist pigs want to keep their deathcamps open at taxpayer expense. The only reason I don't oppose them is because most of their victims would likely end up democrook voters or inmates.

BTW... wasn't hitlary involved in the cause of giving felons the right to vote? Correct me if I've been misled.

So as long as they might grow up to be people you don't like, you really don't think it's murder?

I suspect you've been misled on a lot of things, but the GOP needs Rubes to stay in power.
Do you need an explanation for this? Really?

How do you sleep at night knowing that you support abortion?

Do you have a conscience?

Would you let your brother walk off the ledge of a 10 story building?

Did we let Hitler continue his genocide?

Where do you get this "I don't give a crap" about my fellow human being from?

What is it that convinced you this has anything to do with choice?

50% who choose abortion suffer severe emotional problems lasting for years, some the rest of their lives...

There are so many other options that work besides abortion, but you sit here complaining about Texas limiting a legal abortion to 20 weeks?

So, you can't explain it either.

Evidently you're an idiot, so no detail will get it through your concrete head...

Your avi makes sense now...

So, you still can't explain it. Got it.

So you're saying she tried to trap the guy by getting pregnant?
Sounds like a mental issue.
And if she wants to continue using pregnancy as a relationship anchor,she'll just have to do it on a slightly shorter schedule.
That has to be the most disgusting ploy out there. Unfortunately it's all to common.

They're whole relationship was little short of sustained psychological warfare, and they tended to drag most of their friends into the fray.

Again, this was over 20 years ago.

But I the point I was making is that the whole notion that 'Well, we don't need abortion clinics because women should be smart enough to practice birth control" is about as fallacious as saying, "We need to close down all the emergency rooms and trauma centers because only stupid people have accidents."

You left out the most important part. Sure accidents are going to happen and I think they should hand out the morning after pill like candy on Halloween night.
I'm not against abortion if it's done early. I dont like it,but I'm willing to compromise.
Prevention would be my first choice,then the morning after pill. And as a last resort abortion. But there is noway you can convince me that it cant be handled inside of 20 weeks. It's not like they dont know they're pregnant.

You left out the most important part. Sure accidents are going to happen and I think they should hand out the morning after pill like candy on Halloween night.
I'm not against abortion if it's done early. I dont like it,but I'm willing to compromise.
Prevention would be my first choice,then the morning after pill. And as a last resort abortion. But there is noway you can convince me that it cant be handled inside of 20 weeks. It's not like they dont know they're pregnant.

Under ideal circumstances, I would agree.

We don't live in an ideal world.

A lot of women have a hard time scraping up $300.00 to pay for an abortion, and by the time they do, the cost goes up.

Some are just plain medically necessary.

So you're saying she tried to trap the guy by getting pregnant?
Sounds like a mental issue.
And if she wants to continue using pregnancy as a relationship anchor,she'll just have to do it on a slightly shorter schedule.
That has to be the most disgusting ploy out there. Unfortunately it's all to common.

They're whole relationship was little short of sustained psychological warfare, and they tended to drag most of their friends into the fray.

Again, this was over 20 years ago.

But I the point I was making is that the whole notion that 'Well, we don't need abortion clinics because women should be smart enough to practice birth control" is about as fallacious as saying, "We need to close down all the emergency rooms and trauma centers because only stupid people have accidents."

You left out the most important part. Sure accidents are going to happen and I think they should hand out the morning after pill like candy on Halloween night.
I'm not against abortion if it's done early. I dont like it,but I'm willing to compromise.
Prevention would be my first choice,then the morning after pill. And as a last resort abortion. But there is noway you can convince me that it cant be handled inside of 20 weeks. It's not like they dont know they're pregnant.

XXXXXXX No Family.

In regards to your point HWGA....

I'm in %100 agreement. I'm appalled there is such a thing as abortion in a country that calls itself "civilized". Such a barbaric practice should only be performed to save the life of the mother. Yet I'm also willing to compromise. 20 weeks is over half a pregnancy term. If everything hasn't been hashed out by then, the kid should get a break, and the woman needs to figure out the adoption route.

If you criminally insane sociopathic bed wetters can't give us that out of "compromise" we might just have to collectively say to you...

the collective majority said:
Fuck it, you're over 20 years old and still a stupid goddamned liberal??? It's time for some uber late term abortions!!!

XXXXXXXXXX Physical Threats, real or implied, are Bannable Offenses.

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You left out the most important part. Sure accidents are going to happen and I think they should hand out the morning after pill like candy on Halloween night.
I'm not against abortion if it's done early. I dont like it,but I'm willing to compromise.
Prevention would be my first choice,then the morning after pill. And as a last resort abortion. But there is noway you can convince me that it cant be handled inside of 20 weeks. It's not like they dont know they're pregnant.

Under ideal circumstances, I would agree.

We don't live in an ideal world.

A lot of women have a hard time scraping up $300.00 to pay for an abortion, and by the time they do, the cost goes up.

Some are just plain medically necessary.

Medically necessary abortions are the exception and understandable.
Some Drs will allow payments to be made. So the money thing doesnt fly with me.
And if someone cant scrape up 300 bucks in five months,they shouldnt be taking chances.
I mean come on thats sixty bucks a month. An average of two dollars a day.
You could stand on a street corner and beg that up in fifteen minutes.
Money isnt the issue,it's lack of morals.
They're whole relationship was little short of sustained psychological warfare, and they tended to drag most of their friends into the fray.

Again, this was over 20 years ago.

But I the point I was making is that the whole notion that 'Well, we don't need abortion clinics because women should be smart enough to practice birth control" is about as fallacious as saying, "We need to close down all the emergency rooms and trauma centers because only stupid people have accidents."

You left out the most important part. Sure accidents are going to happen and I think they should hand out the morning after pill like candy on Halloween night.
I'm not against abortion if it's done early. I dont like it,but I'm willing to compromise.
Prevention would be my first choice,then the morning after pill. And as a last resort abortion. But there is noway you can convince me that it cant be handled inside of 20 weeks. It's not like they dont know they're pregnant.

XXXXXXX No Family.

In regards to your point HWGA....

I'm in %100 agreement. I'm appalled there is such a thing as abortion in a country that calls itself "civilized". Such a barbaric practice should only be performed to save the life of the mother. Yet I'm also willing to compromise. 20 weeks is over half a pregnancy term. If everything hasn't been hashed out by then, the kid should get a break, and the woman needs to figure out the adoption route.

If you criminally insane sociopathic bed wetters can't give us that out of "compromise" we might just have to collectively say to you...

the collective majority said:
Fuck it, you're over 20 years old and still a stupid goddamned liberal??? It's time for some uber late term abortions!!!

XXXXXXXXXX Physical Threats, real or implied, are Bannable Offenses.

I probably crossed the line. I apologize for that.

Medically necessary abortions are the exception and understandable.
Some Drs will allow payments to be made. So the money thing doesnt fly with me.
And if someone cant scrape up 300 bucks in five months,they shouldnt be taking chances.
I mean come on thats sixty bucks a month. An average of two dollars a day.
You could stand on a street corner and beg that up in fifteen minutes.
Money isnt the issue,it's lack of morals.

Again, more moralism from someone who has never known hunger.

Stop with useless platitudes. They dont make you look intelligent.
And you dont have any idea of the suffering I may or may not have gone through in life.
I honestly don't understand Republicans. So concerned with a fetus, but once the little baby is born, fuck 'em. It's not MY kid. Why should I have to support it? Let the thing starve. Cut it's food stamps and school lunches and don't you dare give that little shit health care.
I honestly don't understand Republicans. So concerned with a fetus, but once the little baby is born, fuck 'em. It's not MY kid. Why should I have to support it? Let the thing starve. Cut it's food stamps and school lunches and don't you dare give that little shit health care.

:eusa_eh: Please... Real conservatives are the most compassionate people in this country. Liberals act like they want to help somebody when all they really do is feed the bureaucracy and line their own pockets..They are pathetic really
I honestly don't understand Republicans. So concerned with a fetus, but once the little baby is born, fuck 'em. It's not MY kid. Why should I have to support it? Let the thing starve. Cut it's food stamps and school lunches and don't you dare give that little shit health care.

If you did you wouldn't be a liberal, get the picture...

What's amazing is you believe the liberal talking points, grow up, think for yourself...

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