The fight goes on in Texas

I honestly don't understand Republicans. So concerned with a fetus, but once the little baby is born, fuck 'em. It's not MY kid. Why should I have to support it? Let the thing starve. Cut it's food stamps and school lunches and don't you dare give that little shit health care.
I honestly don't understand liberals. So concerned that killing a human fetus is considered THE responsible alternative to growing up, but letting one live is irresponsible because it takes so much out of people, and anyone who promotes parenthood or paddling one's own canoe is uncaring.

I truely don't understand conservtaives, too dumb to realize that about 1/2 of these women aborting fetuses are Republican. And further, 66% of these abortions are paid for by the rich girls in cash, only 33% are paid for by government. I truely cannot understand the ignorance involved in screaming Liberal when it is your own Bill Frist knocking down millions from investments in abortion clinics.

I mean, have you people no shame when you practice deception here? LMAO!:eusa_angel:

Here let me explain it to you....WE CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE!!'re welcome

Here let me explain it to you....WE CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE!!'re welcome

unless they are poor people who need food stamps, health care, education, equal rights, etc.

Then fuck them.

Only a statist progressive equates not wanting government to be a charity with "fuck them"

You can help them all you want, yet your preferred method is to force others to pay for your charity.

Here let me explain it to you....WE CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE!!'re welcome

unless they are poor people who need food stamps, health care, education, equal rights, etc.

Then fuck them.

Only a statist progressive equates not wanting government to be a charity with "fuck them"

You can help them all you want, yet your preferred method is to force others to pay for your charity.

My prefered method would be to make sure that people are gainfully employed and fairly compensated for their labor.

It's insane to think that letting 1% control half the wealth in this country is a good thing.

The ironic thing about you RUBES is that you support the 1% cheating working folks and poor folks at every oppurunity, and then wonder why these folks turn to government. And totally vote for more of it.
unless they are poor people who need food stamps, health care, education, equal rights, etc.

Then fuck them.

Only a statist progressive equates not wanting government to be a charity with "fuck them"

You can help them all you want, yet your preferred method is to force others to pay for your charity.

My prefered method would be to make sure that people are gainfully employed and fairly compensated for their labor.

It's insane to think that letting 1% control half the wealth in this country is a good thing.

The ironic thing about you RUBES is that you support the 1% cheating working folks and poor folks at every oppurunity, and then wonder why these folks turn to government. And totally vote for more of it.

Those folks turn to the government because it is human nature to take the easy way out. The 1% does not create the permanent underclass, your progressive programs are 100% responsible for that, making it easier to survive at that level then to work hard to get out of it.

There are always going to be people richer than you, get over it and don't let envy ruin your life.
Those folks turn to the government because it is human nature to take the easy way out. The 1% does not create the permanent underclass, your progressive programs are 100% responsible for that, making it easier to survive at that level then to work hard to get out of it.


No, what created a permanent underclass was 1) Institutionalized racism. and 2) the fact the 1% need us to be fighting over the scraps.

Shit, we had damned well near full employment under the Clinton years. Fast food companies were paying 50% over minimum wage to get kids working there. And the 1%er's hated it. They couldn't get Bush in there to wreck the economy fast enough.

the only thing welfare does is keep people from rioting for something better.

There are always going to be people richer than you, get over it and don't let envy ruin your life

Envy didn't ruin my life. Their greed did. They had plenty, and frankly, I didn't begrudge them that. Until they wrecked the economy and fucked it up for the rest of us. Because they had to have a little bit more.
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Here let me explain it to you....WE CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE!!'re welcome

unless they are poor people who need food stamps, health care, education, equal rights, etc.

Then fuck them.

You're a walking talking point you cant even think for yourself...that's the way the left likes you. with all the money we waste on your stupid government programs, they siphon off so much then give some crumbs to the so-called poor....say it for me..."government is good"....."Business is bad". we don't need all those children anyway get rid of them.:cuckoo:
I honestly don't understand Republicans. So concerned with a fetus, but once the little baby is born, fuck 'em. It's not MY kid. Why should I have to support it? Let the thing starve. Cut it's food stamps and school lunches and don't you dare give that little shit health care.
I honestly don't understand liberals. So concerned that killing a human fetus is considered THE responsible alternative to growing up, but letting one live is irresponsible because it takes so much out of people, and anyone who promotes parenthood or paddling one's own canoe is uncaring.

I truely don't understand conservtaives, too dumb to realize that about 1/2 of these women aborting fetuses are Republican. And further, 66% of these abortions are paid for by the rich girls in cash, only 33% are paid for by government. I truely cannot understand the ignorance involved in screaming Liberal when it is your own Bill Frist knocking down millions from investments in abortion clinics.

I mean, have you people no shame when you practice deception here? LMAO!:eusa_angel:
1/2 of these women aborting fetuses are Republican.

Link to this claim, please.

30% of all abortions are performed on ineligible voters.

Whatever the intent of the abortion industry may be, by functional standards, abortion is a racist institution. In the United States, black children are aborted at 5 times the rate of white children and Hispanic children don't fare much better.

The Reverend Clenard H. Childress calls this phenomenon "black genocide", and has built a national ministry around the exposure of what he calls "the greatest deception [to] plague the black church since Lucifer himself".

President Obama received over 90% of the black votes in his first term election and more than that in his second term.

10% of abortions are therefore, added to the 30%, which means that 40% of abortion moms are not politically Republican at all.

That leaves 60%, and only 58% of those turn out to vote. So 60x,58x.5=17% are Republicans likely to vote. Since women who get abortions make up only .15 of the population, that further takes the percentage to .17x.15 of Republicans who ever received abortions which equals .0255 of Republican voters, and it in all likelihood is less when you take into consideration Republicans are likely to regret an abortion and turn into anti-abortion proponents.

Through it all, there is absolutely nothing in the charter or platform of the Republican Party that rules against abortion. Absolutely nothing.

This is another voter non-issue that Republican adversaries have blown from a few grains into a full scale mountain that is likely the most vacuous mountain that ever existed since it is filled with mud that flattens when the truth is known.
I honestly don't understand liberals. So concerned that killing a human fetus is considered THE responsible alternative to growing up, but letting one live is irresponsible because it takes so much out of people, and anyone who promotes parenthood or paddling one's own canoe is uncaring.

I truely don't understand conservtaives, too dumb to realize that about 1/2 of these women aborting fetuses are Republican. And further, 66% of these abortions are paid for by the rich girls in cash, only 33% are paid for by government. I truely cannot understand the ignorance involved in screaming Liberal when it is your own Bill Frist knocking down millions from investments in abortion clinics.

I mean, have you people no shame when you practice deception here? LMAO!:eusa_angel:

Here let me explain it to you....WE CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE!!'re welcome

I would really like to believe that.
Only a statist progressive equates not wanting government to be a charity with "fuck them"

You can help them all you want, yet your preferred method is to force others to pay for your charity.

My prefered method would be to make sure that people are gainfully employed and fairly compensated for their labor.

It's insane to think that letting 1% control half the wealth in this country is a good thing.

The ironic thing about you RUBES is that you support the 1% cheating working folks and poor folks at every oppurunity, and then wonder why these folks turn to government. And totally vote for more of it.

Those folks turn to the government because it is human nature to take the easy way out. The 1% does not create the permanent underclass, your progressive programs are 100% responsible for that, making it easier to survive at that level then to work hard to get out of it.

There are always going to be people richer than you, get over it and don't let envy ruin your life.

Why did you let hate destroy yours?
My prefered method would be to make sure that people are gainfully employed and fairly compensated for their labor.

It's insane to think that letting 1% control half the wealth in this country is a good thing.

The ironic thing about you RUBES is that you support the 1% cheating working folks and poor folks at every oppurunity, and then wonder why these folks turn to government. And totally vote for more of it.

Those folks turn to the government because it is human nature to take the easy way out. The 1% does not create the permanent underclass, your progressive programs are 100% responsible for that, making it easier to survive at that level then to work hard to get out of it.

There are always going to be people richer than you, get over it and don't let envy ruin your life.

Why did you let hate destroy yours?

Where do you get hate from this? Its now hate to not want to subsidize other people at the behest of the force of government?

Progressives kill people with kindess, leaving them in the state they are instead of forcing them to improve themselves. All in the name of 'doing something" when it is actually doing nothing.

Here let me explain it to you....WE CARE ABOUT HUMAN LIFE!!'re welcome

unless they are poor people who need food stamps, health care, education, equal rights, etc.

Then fuck them.

Big difference between a helpless child and a lazy fuck who doesnt want to work.

I agree.

What about the guy who really wants to work but no company will hire him?

What about the person who is working a marginal job, but needs Food Stamps and Section 8 housing to feed/shelter his family?

What about the person who works a job that doesn't provide medical insurance?

Meh, fuck 'em. They aren't in fetus form anymore.

You're a walking talking point you cant even think for yourself...that's the way the left likes you. with all the money we waste on your stupid government programs, they siphon off so much then give some crumbs to the so-called poor....say it for me..."government is good"....."Business is bad". we don't need all those children anyway get rid of them.:cuckoo:

Guy, until about six years ago, I was as right wing as you are. Except I never had a love for the Zionist entity and its bullshit, but still pretty right wing.

Then I realized the meaning of injustice. What happens when someone with wealth and power chooses to abuse it.

Now, if you want to argue that a lot of government programs are inefficient and don't work, I'm totally down with that. A lot of them are badly designed.

Not because they are siphoning off funds to mysterious overlords. In fact, we spend a lot more on corporate welfare, tax breaks, weapons systems that don't work and foreign aid to Religious fools playing "God Loves Me Best" than we spend on feeding poor people.

If you guys wanted less abortions, you'd support liberal social welfare programs. you don't. If you got your way, you'd cut them and there would probably be more abortions.

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