The Film Maker Is Arrested


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
This is not America: Blood boiling over criminalization of filmmaker, quashing of free speech | Twitchy
From a tweet

Foreign Policy Pres.@AceofSpadesHQ
The Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt ordered Obama to arrest the blasphemer, and he did. #thisisnotamerica

No, it’s not. What the Obama administration is doing right now is the antithesis of everything upon which this nation was founded. Kudos, champ! In the administration’s despicable attempts to blame a film for violence and deaths at our embassies, all as a way to justify its own failed and deadly policies of appeasement, they are condemning free speech and trying to make it a criminal act.

As Twitchy reported, the Pentagon called a private American citizen to ask him to withdraw his support for the film. Then, the administration asked YouTube to take down the video, all while investigating the filmmaker. Next, in a chilling display, they brought him in for questioning. His crime? CrimeThink. Secretary of State Clinton shamelessly and shamefully again blamed free speech while flanked with the coffins of the four Americans killed in Libya. Americans who exemplified our ideals and principles. Americans who fought for the very freedom she condemned.

This is not America.

The Film Maker Is Arrested | RedState

2nd amendment in jeopardy and now our first..

They arrested the guy who made the film on orders from the muslim brother hood in EGYPT. When does he make the call that goes down here. I know he had other charges but you KNOW damn well that is not why he was arrested.. Its just a front for everything Obama does.
you people now defend criminals from the laws to maintian your historically failed ideas.

you have sunk very low
you people now defend criminals from the laws to maintian your historically failed ideas.

you have sunk very low

yeah, and you Democrats just ELECT criminals, and Obama and you lefties ideas are so wonderful over 50% of the people disapprove of them

tsk tsk
you people now defend criminals from the laws to maintian your historically failed ideas.

you have sunk very low

Democrats have no problem whatsoever in making up crimes after the fact, crimes like criticizing islam and the child molesting prophet they worship.

The man was arrested. He was questioned as to whether nor not he violated the terms of his probation. He was released with no charges, not even a probation violation. But, to democrats we should have made up a crime to charge him with. A crime like disrespecting islam.
why do you people pretend you have not been told repetedly they think he broke his parole?
you have some really shitty heros nowadays

I know it's something you will never understand, but to enjoy true freedom you also need to stand for the rights of those you disagree with.

But I know that's not how you progressives work. Your idea of free speech is to protect the speech you agree with and silence those with whom you disagree with.
why do you people pretend you have not been told repetedly they think he broke his parole?

He wasn't on parole. He was on probation and he did not break his probation because he was taken into custody, questioned, the authorities determined there was no probation violation and he was released. Whether anyone THINKS he broke his probation is now immaterial since it has been determined that he did not. Now you can continue to think he broke his probation, but the facts say that thought is delusional. It's already been determined.
why do you people pretend you have not been told repetedly they think he broke his parole?

I've read nothing stating he violated probation, only that he was called in to meet with his officer.

Suppose you show me where in his probation requirements it says he can't make an anti Islamic film.

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