The first openly gay army secretary thread.

I wonder if it's because they MAKE it the most important thing. Have you served? If not how do you know what the military personnel think? He was a pencil pusher, only in the Pentagon since the obama administration and never served. It's obvious he was appointed because of his sexuality so apparently it was the most important thing about him.
Who makes it the most important thing? Fanning isn't talking about it . Obama didn't talk about. YOU and your ilk are talking about it. How the fuck is it obvious that he was appointed because he is gay. That is just more of your horseshit.

And yes I did serve !
No, they aren't going to say it, how old are you? A few years ago obama's edict did away with don't ask don't tell and now the most qualified guy is a homosexual pencil pusher? Get real.
This pencil pusher horseshit is just one more example of how far out of touch with reality you are
You're in denial. He never even served, no one that came up through the ranks was qualified?
Neither did his predecessor serve in uniform old sport!
That makes it right? No politics involved? Of course the presidents make political appointments, in this case obama wanted another inyourface gesture to traditional values. Get real.
There is no room for fags in a military leadership position. It sends the wrong message to the troops and impacts morale and discipline.

What a role model

I guess its OK today to want to grow up and be a Homo leading the Army

Its a New World Order

Yup...the new world order. Might as well get used to it. I doubt if the average solder is giving the fact that he's gay much thought.....certainly not as much as you are.

Why do some people see sexuality as the most salient feature and the most important thing about a gay person? It seems that those who have a problem with this sort of thing have sex on their minds a lot. That's all they can see. I'm sure that he will be a fine role model and most will the really important things about him.

For the Army's sake...... I hope you're right


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