The first openly gay army secretary thread.

So obviously the guy can't hold a job. He only serves in govt when dems are in power. He is more than likely a bundler who is being rewarded. No one should serve in this position who has not served in the military, repub or dem. he is an inept joke as are most of obamas bureaucracies.

Except the position HAS been held by civillians in the past. Same thing with Defense Secretary.
So obviously the guy can't hold a job. He only serves in govt when dems are in power. He is more than likely a bundler who is being rewarded. No one should serve in this position who has not served in the military, repub or dem. he is an inept joke as are most of obamas bureaucracies.

bingo. with Obama and his party. You donate big bucks and you get rewarded with a Government position like Ambassador, etc. they scratch the back of Obama and he give them a position SUCKING OFF US TAXPAYERS. What Hope and Change eh?
No one should serve in this position who has not served in the military, repub or dem.

This is where so many of you are wrong. The Secretary of the Army and related positions are explicitly civilian positions. That the United States military is under civilian control has always been a bedrock for American freedom.

There have been a total of 30 people who have served as Secretary of the Army or acting Secretary of the Army. Of them, 11 had no prior military service.

Robert T. Stevens
Stephen Ailes
Norman R. Augustine
Percy A. Pierre
Martin Richard Hoffmann
Gregory R. Dahlberg
Louis Caldera
Pete Geren
Francis J. Harvey
Joseph W. Westphal
John M. McHugh
So obviously the guy can't hold a job. He only serves in govt when dems are in power. He is more than likely a bundler who is being rewarded. No one should serve in this position who has not served in the military, repub or dem. he is an inept joke as are most of obamas bureaucracies.

bingo. with Obama and his party. You donate big bucks and you get rewarded with a Government position like Ambassador, etc. they scratch the back of Obama and he give them a position SUCKING OFF US TAXPAYERS. What Hope and Change eh?

You're thinking of George W. Bush giving the FEMA job to a Horse Trainer. Here are Fanning's qualifications: (Wiki)

Fanning previously served as Chief of Staff of the Department of Defense.[3] He helped manage Secretary of DefenseAshton Carter's transition, built his leadership team, and oversaw the day-to-day staff activities of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He was the Under Secretary of the Air Force from 2013 to 2015 and also served as Acting Secretary of the Air Force from June 21 to December 20, 2013, making him the second longest-tenured Acting Secretary.[...]

In the 1990s, he was on the staff of the House Armed Services Committee and later a special assistant in the Immediate Office of the Secretary of Defense. He later served as associate director of political affairs at the White House.

He also worked at Business Executives for National Security, a Washington, D.C.–based think-tank and at Robinson, Lerer & Montgomery, a strategic communications firm in New York City.

He served as deputy undersecretary and deputy chief management officer for the Department of the Navy beginning in July 2009. He was also deputy director of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism.[8]

President Obama nominated him to be Under Secretary of the Air Force on August 1, 2012.[9] He testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on February 28, 2013.[10] The U.S. Senate confirmed him on April 18, 2013.[11] He assumed the position of Acting Secretary of the Air Force upon the resignation of Michael Donley on June 21, 2013.[12]

What, in that list, disqualifies him for the position of Secretary of the Army, Steph?
Man I love seeing conservatives writhing in impotent rage :laugh:
Enjoy it while it lasts.

It ends January 20, 2017, when the Liberals lose power in the White House, as well as both chambers of Congress.

America has had enough of this shit.

This (campaign season) shall determine that.

After 8 years of The Magic Socialist Negro, I think we're in for a flip to Conservatism for the next few years.
"The first openly gay army secretary thread."

It's sad and telling that there are those who believe such a thread is 'necessary.'

There are no threads focusing on an openly heterosexual person being appointed to a government position.

When such threads are not perceived to be 'necessary' will we as a Nation have moved closer to the Framers' vision for America.
"The first openly gay army secretary thread."

It's sad and telling that there are those who believe such a thread is 'necessary.'

There are no threads focusing on an openly heterosexual person being appointed to a government position.

When such threads are not perceived to be 'necessary' will we as a Nation have moved closer to the Framers' vision for America.
As a collective, the Framers would be appalled that we have legitimized and mainstreamed sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

Men with the balls to be the first to successfully stand up to the British Empire of the middle-1700s would give short shrift to such perversion and its supporters.

Most would probably spit upon the wussified, pussified direction that society that is now beginning to take, over the bones of their more stalwart vision and hopes.
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As a collective, the Framers would be appalled that we have legitimized and mainstreamed sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

Men with the balls to be the first to successfully stand up to the British Empire of the middle-1700s would give short shrift to such perversion and its supporters.

Most would probably spit upon the wussified, pussified direction that society that is now beginning to take, over the bones of their more stalwart vision and hopes.

Right, allthough they would be probably more upset that slavery has been abolished and that there's a (half) black guy sitting in the oval office.

But since they've been dead for a few centuries who cares

Man I love seeing conservatives writhing in impotent rage :laugh:
Enjoy it while it lasts.

It ends January 20, 2017, when the Liberals lose power in the White House, as well as both chambers of Congress.

America has had enough of this shit.

This (campaign season) shall determine that.

After 8 years of The Magic Socialist Negro, I think we're in for a flip to Conservatism for the next few years.

not if you keep picking misogynist bigoted homophobic scum as your candidates
These threads are the consequence of the unwarranted fear and hate directed at gay Americans, and the ignorance of who gay Americans actually are; particularly the fear among those hostile toward gay Americans, where being gay is no longer a 'legitimate' reason to seek to disadvantage gays, to discriminate against them, and keep them out of public office.
"The first openly gay army secretary thread."

It's sad and telling that there are those who believe such a thread is 'necessary.'

There are no threads focusing on an openly heterosexual person being appointed to a government position.

When such threads are not perceived to be 'necessary' will we as a Nation have moved closer to the Framers' vision for America.
As a collective, the Framers would be appalled that we have legitimized and mainstreamed sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals).

Men with the balls to be the first to successfully stand up to the British Empire of the middle-1700s would give short shrift to such perversion and its supporters.

Most would probably spit upon the wussified, pussified direction that society that is now beginning to take, over the bones of their more stalwart vision and hopes.

When the Time Machine takes the entire nation and moves it back to the 18th century, then we'll take the founders' opinions under advisement.
Man I love seeing conservatives writhing in impotent rage :laugh:
Enjoy it while it lasts.

It ends January 20, 2017, when the Liberals lose power in the White House, as well as both chambers of Congress.

America has had enough of this shit.

This (campaign season) shall determine that.

After 8 years of The Magic Socialist Negro, I think we're in for a flip to Conservatism for the next few years.

not if you keep picking misogynist bigoted homophobic scum as your candidates
This from a member in good standing of the Gay Mafia - or was it their Ladies Auxiliary?
Man I love seeing conservatives writhing in impotent rage :laugh:
Enjoy it while it lasts.

It ends January 20, 2017, when the Liberals lose power in the White House, as well as both chambers of Congress.

America has had enough of this shit.
What shit is that?[emoji1]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you have to ask the question, there's no point in trying to supply the answer.
I just thought that I would encourage you to be more specific and to vent about what it is that you find so troubling about having a gay man in a position of authority. Do you think that he will change the color of the Army uniforms to pink? Personally, I would prefer rainbow LOL
So obviously the guy can't hold a job. He only serves in govt when dems are in power. He is more than likely a bundler who is being rewarded. No one should serve in this position who has not served in the military, repub or dem. he is an inept joke as are most of obamas bureaucracies.
Can't hold a job??

WASHINGTON — President Obama is nominating Eric K. Fanning, a close civilian adviser to Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter, to be the secretary of the Army, an appointment that would make him the first openly gay secretary of a military branch.

Mr. Fanning has been the acting under secretary of the Army as the current secretary, John McHugh, prepares to leave his post. Mr. Fanning’s Defense Department jobs have spanned the services: He has served as Air Force under secretary, deputy under secretary of the Navy and deputy chief management officer of the Navy.

“I can’t think of any civilian with more experience with the services, having served in senior positions in all three,” said Derek Chollet, a former assistant defense secretary. “He understands all of their unique cultures and processes.”

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