The first time airplanes were used to terrorize America was not on 9/11 or at Pearl Harbor

RoshawnMarkwees said:
And the total number of human remains uncovered will be fewer than a month of dead blacks in Chicago today.
In your mind, what do the events in Chicago has to do with the OP?

On 60 Minutes tonight they ran a segment on the Tulsa race riots and as horrified as I was when I first heard about this incident, hearing about it again tonight was barely more than I could stand.

Sixty minutes has a history of presenting fake news...........
There had previously been mention of the mob using airplanes to firebomb the town below but the news story provides details. They allegedly were dropping "turpentine balls" from the planes to set the community ablaze. I guess turpentine balls are similar to molotov cocktails.

On June 1st, 100 years after the riot, the task will begin of digging up the sites which are believed to be mass graves and attempt the long and tedious work of identifying the remains.

Greenwood, 1921: One of the worst race massacres in American history
Robert Turner: The first time in American history that airplanes were used to terrorize America was not in 9/11, was not at Pearl Harbor, it was right here in the Greenwood District.

Reverend Robert Turner's Vernon AME Church was among at least five churches burned, along with 1,200 homes. A photo was crudely and imperfectly, hand-lettered, at the time, "running the Negro out of Tulsa."


A photo was crudely and imperfectly, hand-lettered, at the time, "running the Negro out of Tulsa."
Oklahoma Historical Society

Robert Turner: 36-odd square blocks, city blocks, were destroyed. And before they destroyed it, they looted. They took nice furniture, money

When the Black hospital burned, White hospitals refused to take Greenwood's wounded. Those who bled to death included Greenwood's most prominent surgeon. Ultimately, one hospital did make space in its basement for Black casualties. The number of dead is estimated between 150 and 300. Survivors included 10,000 now homeless African Americans. 6,000 of them were herded into internment camps and then released weeks later.
all conjecture aka evidence or proof of any sort that planes dropped bombs on greenwood aka niggha town as it was called back then.

There a few reports the planes were used by authorities for survellance....still no proof though.

It would have been the height of insanity to light a molotov cocktail in a plane....could have set it on fire....and even if some crazy sort actually did it....the flame would have blown out before it reached the ground.....thus all this speculation is just attempting to inflame the pun intended. hehheh
America has a history of teaching fake news. That's why you can't face the truth of Tulsa.

The problem with attempting to ferret out the truth is that all the witnesses are dead......just another reason for the Statute of Limitations......what we are seeing in these reports on the tulsa incident is a lot of speculation and here say not to mention lively imaginations.....aka oh dat black boy just tripped and fell on the girl and she screamed.....based on what? Certainly no facts or witness testimony confirms that....just wild and desperate attempts to make excuses for dat black boy. You know it.
You all act as if there is no evidence or written accounting of what transpired. There were insurance records of claims filed if nothing else and even though you may just be hearing about this, some of us have known about this event and have been researching it for close to a decade or more.

I have absolutely no confidence at all in your ability to consume information, discern fact from fiction and then derive the correct conclusion. Part of that is due to the fact that you all watched the exact same things on T.V. as all of the rest of us regarding the events on January 6th at the Capitol which only transpired not even 5 months ago yet you fabricate false narratives that directly contradict what can be seen and heard in the 6 hours or so of video footage from that day. Then you turn around and try to challenge our documentation and reports on the massacre events when we've been researching them for years longer than any of you.

All you all do is dispute what we write, you never counter it with evidence of your own that contradicts what we've claimed. That's the least that I would expect from someone who wants their perspective or point of view to be taken seriously. Perhaps I've just been giving you too much credit.

When you make a claim it is up to you to prove it...aka you claimed a black hospital was burned down....what proof do you have?

I have never even heard of a black hospital.
If you want the cliff notes version, all you have to do is watch the 60 Minutes video. You do realize that Tulsa was legally segregated right? It's not that the black people wanted it that way, but whites didn't want to have anything to do with black people and the law said that they didn't have to - separate but equal, remember? Well the "Black Wall Street" was the most affluent black community in the United States and from what was reported sounded completely self-sufficient up to the point of even having their own hospital. When that hospital was burned down during the riots none of the white hospitals would accept any of the wounded blacks until one finally opened it's doors, I don't know which one though. All of that will have to come out during the course of the research.
First off ...60 minutes is known to lie and are certainly always emotionally manipulative. You obviously believe them without question which is scary. It's obvious that you think of tulsa as Wakanda which it isn't.

Everywhere was segregated....and you are clueless if you don't understand that even many blacks wanted their segregated areas. In fact, doing such provided opportunities for blacks to open businesses in black areas making many blacks extremely wealthy as they catered to other blacks.

One of many things that they aren't explaining to you is how this black community became so turns out that these blacks were largely freed slaves of INDIANS. As such, the white US government forced the INDIANS to give up lands to their formal slaves--------which happened to have OIL. There were many social issues with this group and mismanagement of the land proved that their wealth would only be temporary. They were never self sufficient pumpkin---they were still uneducated and ignorant. I read of other people having to be assigned to look after these people assets due to this systemic problem. They didn't make their money in the STOCK MARKET persay--they were just given that nickname because of the fancy homes, businesses, hotel, and movie theater that they were able to afford in 1921 from the oil money. They quickly got money and they quickly lost it---what a shock!!

other things come out in research to like what exactly started this ---------it was a black teen attacking a white teen girl followed up with him being arrested and the blacks in this area taking it upon themselves to arm up and go to the jail to try to free him. You may want to RESEARCH so CBS and other nonsense lib news sites can't manipulate you so easily.
You just want to hang on to a lie. There was not black teen attack on a white girl. There was a false accusation and the white police went and arrested a man for no reason. We know plemty about Tulsa white boy, we don't need you to explain things to us.

Everybody didn't want segregation, nobody was looking after anyone, there was no mismanagement, I mean nothing you say here is true.

You are the evidence the accusation was false....the police arrested the teen based on what they were told and the fact he was sitting in jail and rumors of a lynching abounding as the local rag reported a lynching was in the works which motivated the armed black mob to go down to the jail and confront the white crowd there....gunfire then erupted....whites and blacks killed. The blacks ran....the whites purwsued them when the blacks got to their homes they fired on the whites from inside their homes who then proceeded to burn them out.
The charges against the boy were dropped.The police and guard arrested every black person who wasn't injured or dead and held them in several facilities. Whites then looted, and burned down the community. That's what happened. Now shut the fuck up.
All Rise!

This mornings lesson:


Tulsa's 'Black Wall Street' Flourished as a Self-Contained Hub in Early 1900s

Greenwood Avenue featured luxury shops, restaurants, movie theaters, a library, pool halls and nightclubs.

Before the Tulsa Race Massacre where the city’s Black district of Greenwood was attacked by a white mob, resulting in two days of bloodshed and destruction, the area had been considered one of the most affluent African American communities in the United States for the early part of the 20th century.

The massacre, which began on May 31, 1921 and left hundreds of Black residents dead and 1,000 houses destroyed, often overshadows the history of the venerable Black enclave itself. Greenwood District, with a population of 10,000 at the time, had thrived as the epicenter of African American business and culture, particularly on bustling Greenwood Avenue, commonly known as Black Wall Street.

How the Tulsa Race Massacre Was Covered Up

Developed on Indian Territory​

Founded in 1906, Greenwood was developed on Indian Territory, the vast area where Native American tribes had been forced to relocate, which encompasses much of modern-day Eastern Oklahoma. Some African Americans who had been former slaves of the tribes, and subsequently integrated into tribal communities, acquired allotted land in Greenwood through the Dawes Act, a U.S. law that gave land to individual Native Americans. And many Black sharecroppers fleeing racial oppression relocated to the region as well, in search of a better life post-Civil War.

“Oklahoma begins to be promoted as a safe haven for African Americans who start to come particularly post emancipation to Indian Territory,” says Michelle Place, executive director of the Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

The largest number of Black townships after the Civil War were located in Oklahoma. Between 1865 and 1920, African Americans founded more than 50 Black townships in the state.

O.W. Gurley, a wealthy Black landowner, purchased 40 acres of land in Tulsa, naming it Greenwood after the town in Mississippi.

“Gurley is credited with having the first Black business in Greenwood in 1906,” says Hannibal Johnson, author of Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District. “He had a vision to create something for Black people by Black people.”

Gurley started with a boarding house for African Americans. Then word began to spread about opportunities for Black people in Greenwood and they flocked to the district.

“O.W. Gurley would actually loan money to people who wanted to start a business,” says Kristi Williams, vice chair of the African American Affairs Commission in Tulsa. “They actually had a system where someone who wanted to own a business could get help in doing that.”

Other prominent Black entrepreneurs followed suit. J.B. Stradford, born into slavery in Kentucky, later becoming a lawyer and activist, moved to Greenwood in 1898. He built a 55-room luxury hotel bearing his name, the largest Black-owned hotel in the country. An outspoken businessman, Stradford believed that black people had a better chance of economic progress if they pooled their resources.

Greenwood Became Self-Contained and Reliant

A.J. Smitherman, a publisher whose family moved to Indian Territory in the 1890s, founded the Tulsa Star, a Black newspaper headquartered in Greenwood that became instrumental in establishing the district’s socially-conscious mindset. The newspaper regularly informed African Americans about their legal rights and any court rulings or legislation that were beneficial or harmful to their community.

Demands for equal rights were an ongoing mission for Black Americans in Tulsa despite Jim Crow oppression. Greenwood itself had a railway track running through it that separated the Black and white populations. Consequently, Gurley and Stradford’s vision of having a self-contained and self-reliant Black economy came to be not only by desire but by logistics.

“As a practical matter they had no choice as to where to locate their businesses,” said Johnson. “Tulsa was rigidly segregated, and Oklahoma became increasingly racist after statehood.”

On Greenwood Avenue, there were luxury shops, restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, jewelry and clothing stories, movie theaters, barbershops and salons, a library, pool halls, nightclubs and offices for doctors, lawyers and dentists. Greenwood also had its own school system, post office, a savings and loan bank, hospital, and bus and taxi service.

Greenwood was home to far less affluent African Americans as well. A significant number still worked in menial jobs, such as janitors, dishwashers, porters, and domestics. The money they earned outside of Greenwood was spent within the district.

“It is said within Greenwood every dollar would change hands 19 times before it left the community,” said Place.

Face the truth or the truth shall face you.

Do you understand turtleboy?
You are a delusional moron--what the hell do you think your article proves or disproves from what I said? I've said it before and I will say it again IM2--you are an absolute idiot.
Remarkable – but not surprising – the lengths conservatives will go to try to mitigate, excuse, and justify the crimes committed against black Americans because conservatives perceive the truth and facts about those crimes as a political liability for Republicans.
All Rise!

This mornings lesson:


Tulsa's 'Black Wall Street' Flourished as a Self-Contained Hub in Early 1900s

Greenwood Avenue featured luxury shops, restaurants, movie theaters, a library, pool halls and nightclubs.

Before the Tulsa Race Massacre where the city’s Black district of Greenwood was attacked by a white mob, resulting in two days of bloodshed and destruction, the area had been considered one of the most affluent African American communities in the United States for the early part of the 20th century.

The massacre, which began on May 31, 1921 and left hundreds of Black residents dead and 1,000 houses destroyed, often overshadows the history of the venerable Black enclave itself. Greenwood District, with a population of 10,000 at the time, had thrived as the epicenter of African American business and culture, particularly on bustling Greenwood Avenue, commonly known as Black Wall Street.

How the Tulsa Race Massacre Was Covered Up

Developed on Indian Territory​

Founded in 1906, Greenwood was developed on Indian Territory, the vast area where Native American tribes had been forced to relocate, which encompasses much of modern-day Eastern Oklahoma. Some African Americans who had been former slaves of the tribes, and subsequently integrated into tribal communities, acquired allotted land in Greenwood through the Dawes Act, a U.S. law that gave land to individual Native Americans. And many Black sharecroppers fleeing racial oppression relocated to the region as well, in search of a better life post-Civil War.

“Oklahoma begins to be promoted as a safe haven for African Americans who start to come particularly post emancipation to Indian Territory,” says Michelle Place, executive director of the Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

The largest number of Black townships after the Civil War were located in Oklahoma. Between 1865 and 1920, African Americans founded more than 50 Black townships in the state.

O.W. Gurley, a wealthy Black landowner, purchased 40 acres of land in Tulsa, naming it Greenwood after the town in Mississippi.

“Gurley is credited with having the first Black business in Greenwood in 1906,” says Hannibal Johnson, author of Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District. “He had a vision to create something for Black people by Black people.”

Gurley started with a boarding house for African Americans. Then word began to spread about opportunities for Black people in Greenwood and they flocked to the district.

“O.W. Gurley would actually loan money to people who wanted to start a business,” says Kristi Williams, vice chair of the African American Affairs Commission in Tulsa. “They actually had a system where someone who wanted to own a business could get help in doing that.”

Other prominent Black entrepreneurs followed suit. J.B. Stradford, born into slavery in Kentucky, later becoming a lawyer and activist, moved to Greenwood in 1898. He built a 55-room luxury hotel bearing his name, the largest Black-owned hotel in the country. An outspoken businessman, Stradford believed that black people had a better chance of economic progress if they pooled their resources.

Greenwood Became Self-Contained and Reliant

A.J. Smitherman, a publisher whose family moved to Indian Territory in the 1890s, founded the Tulsa Star, a Black newspaper headquartered in Greenwood that became instrumental in establishing the district’s socially-conscious mindset. The newspaper regularly informed African Americans about their legal rights and any court rulings or legislation that were beneficial or harmful to their community.

Demands for equal rights were an ongoing mission for Black Americans in Tulsa despite Jim Crow oppression. Greenwood itself had a railway track running through it that separated the Black and white populations. Consequently, Gurley and Stradford’s vision of having a self-contained and self-reliant Black economy came to be not only by desire but by logistics.

“As a practical matter they had no choice as to where to locate their businesses,” said Johnson. “Tulsa was rigidly segregated, and Oklahoma became increasingly racist after statehood.”

On Greenwood Avenue, there were luxury shops, restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, jewelry and clothing stories, movie theaters, barbershops and salons, a library, pool halls, nightclubs and offices for doctors, lawyers and dentists. Greenwood also had its own school system, post office, a savings and loan bank, hospital, and bus and taxi service.

Greenwood was home to far less affluent African Americans as well. A significant number still worked in menial jobs, such as janitors, dishwashers, porters, and domestics. The money they earned outside of Greenwood was spent within the district.

“It is said within Greenwood every dollar would change hands 19 times before it left the community,” said Place.

Face the truth or the truth shall face you.

Do you understand turtleboy?
You are a delusional moron--what the hell do you think your article proves or disproves from what I said? I've said it before and I will say it again IM2--you are an absolute idiot.
Remarkable – but not surprising – the lengths conservatives will go to try to mitigate, excuse, and justify the crimes committed against black Americans because conservatives perceive the truth and facts about those crimes as a political liability for Republicans.
Sad but true.
Seems like we have some white people here who can't handle the truth.
All Rise!

This mornings lesson:


Tulsa's 'Black Wall Street' Flourished as a Self-Contained Hub in Early 1900s

Greenwood Avenue featured luxury shops, restaurants, movie theaters, a library, pool halls and nightclubs.

Before the Tulsa Race Massacre where the city’s Black district of Greenwood was attacked by a white mob, resulting in two days of bloodshed and destruction, the area had been considered one of the most affluent African American communities in the United States for the early part of the 20th century.

The massacre, which began on May 31, 1921 and left hundreds of Black residents dead and 1,000 houses destroyed, often overshadows the history of the venerable Black enclave itself. Greenwood District, with a population of 10,000 at the time, had thrived as the epicenter of African American business and culture, particularly on bustling Greenwood Avenue, commonly known as Black Wall Street.

How the Tulsa Race Massacre Was Covered Up

Developed on Indian Territory​

Founded in 1906, Greenwood was developed on Indian Territory, the vast area where Native American tribes had been forced to relocate, which encompasses much of modern-day Eastern Oklahoma. Some African Americans who had been former slaves of the tribes, and subsequently integrated into tribal communities, acquired allotted land in Greenwood through the Dawes Act, a U.S. law that gave land to individual Native Americans. And many Black sharecroppers fleeing racial oppression relocated to the region as well, in search of a better life post-Civil War.

“Oklahoma begins to be promoted as a safe haven for African Americans who start to come particularly post emancipation to Indian Territory,” says Michelle Place, executive director of the Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

The largest number of Black townships after the Civil War were located in Oklahoma. Between 1865 and 1920, African Americans founded more than 50 Black townships in the state.

O.W. Gurley, a wealthy Black landowner, purchased 40 acres of land in Tulsa, naming it Greenwood after the town in Mississippi.

“Gurley is credited with having the first Black business in Greenwood in 1906,” says Hannibal Johnson, author of Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District. “He had a vision to create something for Black people by Black people.”

Gurley started with a boarding house for African Americans. Then word began to spread about opportunities for Black people in Greenwood and they flocked to the district.

“O.W. Gurley would actually loan money to people who wanted to start a business,” says Kristi Williams, vice chair of the African American Affairs Commission in Tulsa. “They actually had a system where someone who wanted to own a business could get help in doing that.”

Other prominent Black entrepreneurs followed suit. J.B. Stradford, born into slavery in Kentucky, later becoming a lawyer and activist, moved to Greenwood in 1898. He built a 55-room luxury hotel bearing his name, the largest Black-owned hotel in the country. An outspoken businessman, Stradford believed that black people had a better chance of economic progress if they pooled their resources.

Greenwood Became Self-Contained and Reliant

A.J. Smitherman, a publisher whose family moved to Indian Territory in the 1890s, founded the Tulsa Star, a Black newspaper headquartered in Greenwood that became instrumental in establishing the district’s socially-conscious mindset. The newspaper regularly informed African Americans about their legal rights and any court rulings or legislation that were beneficial or harmful to their community.

Demands for equal rights were an ongoing mission for Black Americans in Tulsa despite Jim Crow oppression. Greenwood itself had a railway track running through it that separated the Black and white populations. Consequently, Gurley and Stradford’s vision of having a self-contained and self-reliant Black economy came to be not only by desire but by logistics.

“As a practical matter they had no choice as to where to locate their businesses,” said Johnson. “Tulsa was rigidly segregated, and Oklahoma became increasingly racist after statehood.”

On Greenwood Avenue, there were luxury shops, restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, jewelry and clothing stories, movie theaters, barbershops and salons, a library, pool halls, nightclubs and offices for doctors, lawyers and dentists. Greenwood also had its own school system, post office, a savings and loan bank, hospital, and bus and taxi service.

Greenwood was home to far less affluent African Americans as well. A significant number still worked in menial jobs, such as janitors, dishwashers, porters, and domestics. The money they earned outside of Greenwood was spent within the district.

“It is said within Greenwood every dollar would change hands 19 times before it left the community,” said Place.

Face the truth or the truth shall face you.

Do you understand turtleboy?

Just look at all the businesses that the goddamn Negroes destroyed in their months of burning, rioting, murdering and insurrection with that BLM bullshit. Not only neighborhoods but major parts of cities.

Every week in the US the Negroes kill as many Negroes in street violence that were killed in Tulsa.
I wonder if the stupid Moon Bats realize that the six months of BLM terror America experienced was a reverse Tulsa. Burning, looting, murdering and intimidation and they supported it.
More dumb racist white boy bs. There was no reverse Tulsa. Whites weren't murdered, beaten, displaced and nobody black flew planes around bombing white communities or shot whites from planes. The 6 months of terror you talk about was not done by BLM.

I have posted police reports from the protests. They all say the same thing; the protests were peaceful, the violence started by people not associated with BLM. That the majority were right wing white counterprotesters many of which belonged to white supremacist groups or right wing paramilitary groups. And in many cases the violence was done with the help of law enforcement. Still after presenting these facts, people want to make claims of how this is not the case.

Thursday, May 28

While MAPC data reported 75 arrests, Joint Operations Center (JOC) logs reported 73 arrests.6 From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 42% (30 total) of the arrests were associated with a public-order related top charge, such as disorderly conduct or unlawful assembly, and 32% (24 total) of the arrests were associated with an obstructing governmental administration (OGA) top charge. Of those arrested, 47% (35 total) were white, 27% (20 total) were Black, and 17% (13 total) were Latino.7 CCRB reported four incidents containing 18 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Friday,May 29

While MAPC data reported 218 arrests, JOC logs reported 204 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 85% (186 total) of the arrests were associated with a public-order related top charge and approximately 9% (20 total) of the arrests were associated with an OGA top charge. Of those arrested, 56% (121total) were white, 30% (66 total) were Black, and 12% (26 total) were Latino.

Saturday, May 30

While MAPC data reported 321 arrests, JOC logs reported 345 arrests From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 89% (287 total) of the arrests were associated with a public-order related top charge. Of those arrested, 53% (169 total) were white, 34% (110 total) were Black, and 10% (32 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 91officer injuries and 55 damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported 66 incidents containing 429 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Sunday,May 31

While MAPC data reported 325 arrests, JOC logs reported 349 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 46% (150 total) of the arrests were associated with a public-order related top charge and 42% (136 total) of the arrests were associated with a property-related top charge, such as burglary. Of those arrested, 65% (212 total) were Black, 18% (60 total) were white, and 13% (42 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 34 officer injuries and 13 damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported 16 incidents containing 90 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date

Monday, June 1

While MAPC data reported 308 arrests, JOC logs reported 643 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 31% (97 total) of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge, 29% (89 total) of the arrests were associated with a property-related top charge, 18% (56 total) were associated with a public-order related top charge, and 18% (54 total) were associated with an OGA-related top charge. Of those arrested, 62% (190 total) were Black,19% (57 total) were white, and 17% (52 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 73 officer injuries and six damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported 11 incidents containing 90 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date

Tuesday,June 2

While MAPC data reported 290 arrests, JOC logs reported 547 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 89% (257 total) of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge. Of those arrested, 51% (149 total) were white, 32% (94 total) were Black, and 12% (34 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 57 officer injuries and three damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported 30 incidents containing 339 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Wednesday,June 3

While MAPC data reported 191arrests, JOC logs reported 244 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 94% (179 total) of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge. Of those arrested, 64% (123 total) were white, 19% (37 total) were Black, and 11% (21total) were Latino. NYPD documented 15 officer injuries and one damaged police vehicle. CCRB reported 33 incidents containing 222 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Thursday, June 4

While MAPCdata reported 278 arrests, JOC logs reported 525 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 75% (209 total) of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge and 22% (61total) were associated with a public disorder-relatedtop charge. Of those arrested,66% (185total) were white, 18% (49total)were Black and14% (38 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 26 officer injuries and no damage to police vehicles. CCRB reported 39 incidents containing 357 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Friday,June 5

While MAPC data reported 41 arrests, JOC logs reported 129 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, all 41 of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge. Of those arrested, 51% (21 total) were white, 20% (8 total) were Black, and 15% (6 total) were Latino. NYPD documented four officer injuries and three damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported five incidents containing 25 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date

7 of the 9 days reported there were more arrests of whites than anyone else. This is the NYPD Report.

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds, September 5, 2020, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: New Data for Summer 2020, Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman, Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, October 20, 2020 Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

You racist piece of shit ignoring the fact that the goddamn Negroes spent months looting, rioting, burning, destroying, murdering and being insurrectionists.

Meanwhile filthy Democrats were joining them and even pieces of shit like the Illegal VP Ho was bailing the few that got arrested out of jail.
I'm not sure if you know this but it's considered a sign of ignorance among other things to attempt to tell another person what they think or believe.

Also, this is the second time on this thread alone that you have falsified what the Wikipedia article you linked to says. Those two acts of dishonesty along with the fact that you believe Trump won the 2020 election distills down to the fact that you have no credibility, yet you keep trying to lecture me, a professional report writer.I

Oh the insults when you don't like the don't really think the insults would shut me up do you?

I never falsify shit babe. I resent that you make such baseless claims. Everything that I have posted are the facts. I am sorry that you dont' like the truth.

and oh my gawd... really a profession report writer? do you think that I should get down and kiss your feet? If you are a professional report writer, maybe you should be posting facts instead of manipulative bullshit?

black wallstreet was naught more than a black community of uneducated and often ignorant formal slaves who hit it rich due to their former indian slave masters giving them land that was later found to have oil. These people were still ignorant........

The tulsa burning of black wallstreet happened because one of the ignorant black teens went after a white 17 year old elevator operator. An elevator that he wasn't even supposed to be on but hey the criminal apologists keep saying he just tripped and accidently ripped the girls clothes. He was arrested the next morning...and a group of the black men from the black wall street attacked the jail which started this whole thing off. It wasn't jealousy----it was a retalitory war.
Yet still the Negroes and their apologists on here still want to cling to the lying media's version of events aka....Oh I watched 60 mins and dey said dis and dey said dat....bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Soupfor brains claimed that the riot was started because a black teenager went after a white girl. But the charges of his attack were dropped because the girl lied. And this is only the beginning of a distorted by white racism tale of the Tulsa Massacre by a white asshole who wants to try blaming blacks for it.

None of the shit he says is true and the fact is that the blacks were awarded land as part of the Dawes Act and built a sucessful self contained community and aNOBODY had to look out for them, especially whites. The community was separated by railroad tracks so there was none of whit foolio claimed went on. Period.

No you got it wrong again.....charges were dropped because the girl told the sheriff she did not want to press charges....the black boy was not arrested because of anything the girl said but per witness testimony who heard the girl scream, saw her torn clothes and the black boy fleeing the scene.

The blacks as former slaves of the Indians had no education or financial acumen....they got what they had because it was given to them because of their association with the Oklahoma Indians.

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RoshawnMarkwees said:
And the total number of human remains uncovered will be fewer than a month of dead blacks in Chicago today.
In your mind, what do the events in Chicago has to do with the OP?

On 60 Minutes tonight they ran a segment on the Tulsa race riots and as horrified as I was when I first heard about this incident, hearing about it again tonight was barely more than I could stand.

Sixty minutes has a history of presenting fake news...........
There had previously been mention of the mob using airplanes to firebomb the town below but the news story provides details. They allegedly were dropping "turpentine balls" from the planes to set the community ablaze. I guess turpentine balls are similar to molotov cocktails.

On June 1st, 100 years after the riot, the task will begin of digging up the sites which are believed to be mass graves and attempt the long and tedious work of identifying the remains.

Greenwood, 1921: One of the worst race massacres in American history
Robert Turner: The first time in American history that airplanes were used to terrorize America was not in 9/11, was not at Pearl Harbor, it was right here in the Greenwood District.

Reverend Robert Turner's Vernon AME Church was among at least five churches burned, along with 1,200 homes. A photo was crudely and imperfectly, hand-lettered, at the time, "running the Negro out of Tulsa."


A photo was crudely and imperfectly, hand-lettered, at the time, "running the Negro out of Tulsa."
Oklahoma Historical Society

Robert Turner: 36-odd square blocks, city blocks, were destroyed. And before they destroyed it, they looted. They took nice furniture, money

When the Black hospital burned, White hospitals refused to take Greenwood's wounded. Those who bled to death included Greenwood's most prominent surgeon. Ultimately, one hospital did make space in its basement for Black casualties. The number of dead is estimated between 150 and 300. Survivors included 10,000 now homeless African Americans. 6,000 of them were herded into internment camps and then released weeks later.
all conjecture aka evidence or proof of any sort that planes dropped bombs on greenwood aka niggha town as it was called back then.

There a few reports the planes were used by authorities for survellance....still no proof though.

It would have been the height of insanity to light a molotov cocktail in a plane....could have set it on fire....and even if some crazy sort actually did it....the flame would have blown out before it reached the ground.....thus all this speculation is just attempting to inflame the pun intended. hehheh
America has a history of teaching fake news. That's why you can't face the truth of Tulsa.

The problem with attempting to ferret out the truth is that all the witnesses are dead......just another reason for the Statute of Limitations......what we are seeing in these reports on the tulsa incident is a lot of speculation and here say not to mention lively imaginations.....aka oh dat black boy just tripped and fell on the girl and she screamed.....based on what? Certainly no facts or witness testimony confirms that....just wild and desperate attempts to make excuses for dat black boy. You know it.
You all act as if there is no evidence or written accounting of what transpired. There were insurance records of claims filed if nothing else and even though you may just be hearing about this, some of us have known about this event and have been researching it for close to a decade or more.

I have absolutely no confidence at all in your ability to consume information, discern fact from fiction and then derive the correct conclusion. Part of that is due to the fact that you all watched the exact same things on T.V. as all of the rest of us regarding the events on January 6th at the Capitol which only transpired not even 5 months ago yet you fabricate false narratives that directly contradict what can be seen and heard in the 6 hours or so of video footage from that day. Then you turn around and try to challenge our documentation and reports on the massacre events when we've been researching them for years longer than any of you.

All you all do is dispute what we write, you never counter it with evidence of your own that contradicts what we've claimed. That's the least that I would expect from someone who wants their perspective or point of view to be taken seriously. Perhaps I've just been giving you too much credit.

When you make a claim it is up to you to prove it...aka you claimed a black hospital was burned down....what proof do you have?

I have never even heard of a black hospital not saying there was not but no proof I have seen there was one there.

Also....we hear these constant references to greenwood being a wealthy town aka the black wall st. ....what was the source of that wealth?

Now there were some Indian Tribea in oklahoma that were very rich as oil was found on their reservation but I have never heard of any blacks in oklahoma that discovered oil....perhaps i am mistaken....but I would like to see some information regarding this supposed black wealth in greenwood, Oklahoma.
That's because you didn't want to look. You want to run with that blacks have never done anything narrative. The wealth was real, you need to do the research if you don't believe what you're being told. We should not have to do the research for you.
The Wealth was real --temporarily. These blacks were freed slaves of the INDIANS (oh shock--the indians had slaves) ...and the federal government insisted that the indians give the former indian slaves part of their lands (14% of the supposed indians were actually black at the time--remember I keep telling everyone that Indians on the reservations arent always really indians---and that the reservations are awful crime infested cesspools)---turns out that the lands had oil on them. Following years of mismangement by people who often had to have people assigned to manage their money for them---they went broke --shock. Then the Great Depression of 1929..

Yet the negroes on here and their apologists try and deny all that.
All Rise!

This mornings lesson:


Tulsa's 'Black Wall Street' Flourished as a Self-Contained Hub in Early 1900s

Greenwood Avenue featured luxury shops, restaurants, movie theaters, a library, pool halls and nightclubs.

Before the Tulsa Race Massacre where the city’s Black district of Greenwood was attacked by a white mob, resulting in two days of bloodshed and destruction, the area had been considered one of the most affluent African American communities in the United States for the early part of the 20th century.

The massacre, which began on May 31, 1921 and left hundreds of Black residents dead and 1,000 houses destroyed, often overshadows the history of the venerable Black enclave itself. Greenwood District, with a population of 10,000 at the time, had thrived as the epicenter of African American business and culture, particularly on bustling Greenwood Avenue, commonly known as Black Wall Street.

How the Tulsa Race Massacre Was Covered Up

Developed on Indian Territory​

Founded in 1906, Greenwood was developed on Indian Territory, the vast area where Native American tribes had been forced to relocate, which encompasses much of modern-day Eastern Oklahoma. Some African Americans who had been former slaves of the tribes, and subsequently integrated into tribal communities, acquired allotted land in Greenwood through the Dawes Act, a U.S. law that gave land to individual Native Americans. And many Black sharecroppers fleeing racial oppression relocated to the region as well, in search of a better life post-Civil War.

“Oklahoma begins to be promoted as a safe haven for African Americans who start to come particularly post emancipation to Indian Territory,” says Michelle Place, executive director of the Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

The largest number of Black townships after the Civil War were located in Oklahoma. Between 1865 and 1920, African Americans founded more than 50 Black townships in the state.

O.W. Gurley, a wealthy Black landowner, purchased 40 acres of land in Tulsa, naming it Greenwood after the town in Mississippi.

“Gurley is credited with having the first Black business in Greenwood in 1906,” says Hannibal Johnson, author of Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District. “He had a vision to create something for Black people by Black people.”

Gurley started with a boarding house for African Americans. Then word began to spread about opportunities for Black people in Greenwood and they flocked to the district.

“O.W. Gurley would actually loan money to people who wanted to start a business,” says Kristi Williams, vice chair of the African American Affairs Commission in Tulsa. “They actually had a system where someone who wanted to own a business could get help in doing that.”

Other prominent Black entrepreneurs followed suit. J.B. Stradford, born into slavery in Kentucky, later becoming a lawyer and activist, moved to Greenwood in 1898. He built a 55-room luxury hotel bearing his name, the largest Black-owned hotel in the country. An outspoken businessman, Stradford believed that black people had a better chance of economic progress if they pooled their resources.

Greenwood Became Self-Contained and Reliant

A.J. Smitherman, a publisher whose family moved to Indian Territory in the 1890s, founded the Tulsa Star, a Black newspaper headquartered in Greenwood that became instrumental in establishing the district’s socially-conscious mindset. The newspaper regularly informed African Americans about their legal rights and any court rulings or legislation that were beneficial or harmful to their community.

Demands for equal rights were an ongoing mission for Black Americans in Tulsa despite Jim Crow oppression. Greenwood itself had a railway track running through it that separated the Black and white populations. Consequently, Gurley and Stradford’s vision of having a self-contained and self-reliant Black economy came to be not only by desire but by logistics.

“As a practical matter they had no choice as to where to locate their businesses,” said Johnson. “Tulsa was rigidly segregated, and Oklahoma became increasingly racist after statehood.”

On Greenwood Avenue, there were luxury shops, restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, jewelry and clothing stories, movie theaters, barbershops and salons, a library, pool halls, nightclubs and offices for doctors, lawyers and dentists. Greenwood also had its own school system, post office, a savings and loan bank, hospital, and bus and taxi service.

Greenwood was home to far less affluent African Americans as well. A significant number still worked in menial jobs, such as janitors, dishwashers, porters, and domestics. The money they earned outside of Greenwood was spent within the district.

“It is said within Greenwood every dollar would change hands 19 times before it left the community,” said Place.

Face the truth or the truth shall face you.

Do you understand turtleboy?
You are a delusional moron--what the hell do you think your article proves or disproves from what I said? I've said it before and I will say it again IM2--you are an absolute idiot.
Remarkable – but not surprising – the lengths conservatives will go to try to mitigate, excuse, and justify the crimes committed against black Americans because conservatives perceive the truth and facts about those crimes as a political liability for Republicans.
Sad but true.

Cry me a river...........The poltics of black victimhood is getting old and tiresome...they will say anything to promote black victimhood irregardless of how fallacious it may be.

Last edited:

On the morning of May 30, 1921, a young black man named Dick Rowland was riding in the elevator in the Drexel Building at Third and Main with a white woman named Sarah Page. The details of what followed vary from person to person. Accounts of an incident circulated among the city’s white community during the day and became more exaggerated with each telling.

Tulsa police arrested Rowland the following day and began an investigation. An inflammatory report in the May 31 edition of the Tulsa Tribune spurred a confrontation between black and white armed mobs around the courthouse where the sheriff and his men had barricaded the top floor to protect Rowland. Shots were fired and the outnumbered African Americans began retreating to the Greenwood District.

In the early morning hours of June 1, 1921, Greenwood was looted and burned by white rioters.

In 2001, an official Race Riot Commission was organized to review the details of the event. No one will ever know the absolute truth of what happened during the hours of the Race Massacre.

However, by examining historical resources, members of the Race Riot Commission determined a number of details to be undeniable. “These are not myths, not rumors, not speculations, not questioned. They are the historical record.”

Black Tulsans had every reason to believe that Dick Rowland would be lynched after his arrest.

His charges were later dismissed and highly suspect from the start.

They had cause to believe that his personal safety, like the defense of themselves and their community, depended on them alone. As hostile groups gathered and their confrontation worsened, municipal and county authorities failed to take actions to calm or contain the situation.

At the eruption of violence, civil officials selected many men, all of them white and some of them participants in that violence, and made those men their agents as deputies. In that capacity, deputies did not stem the violence but added to it, often through overt acts that were themselves illegal. Public officials provided fire arms and ammunition to individuals, again all of them white. Units of the Oklahoma National Guard participated in the mass arrests of all or nearly all of Greenwood’s residents.

They removed them to other parts of the city, and detained them in holding centers. Entering the Greenwood district, people stole, damaged, or destroyed personal property left behind in homes and businesses. People, some of them agents of government, also deliberately burned or otherwise destroyed homes credibly estimated to have numbered 1,256, along with virtually every other structure — including churches, schools, businesses, even a hospital and library — in the Greenwood district. Despite duties to preserve order and to protect property, no government at any level offered adequate resistance, if any at all, to what amounted to the destruction of the Greenwood neighborhood. Although the exact total can never be determined, credible evidence makes it probable that many people, likely numbering between 100-300, were killed during the massacre.

Not one of these criminal acts was then or ever has been prosecuted or punished by government at any level: municipal, county, state, or federal.

Oh brother---you got a white washed version of the story and are to stupid to research. I'll help you out. Your version is shit and has already been disproven. Back then Dick Rowland, James Roland, Johnny, Jimmy Jones, James Jones whatever this rapists real name was-----yes----all four and more names are his got on a WHITES ONLY ELEVATOR claiming to be going to the bathroom of whites only he fell ripping the clothes on the 17 year old white elevator operator. The girl screamed---and another clerk called the cops. He was arrested the next morning...

Your article goes on to spin more shit----following his arrest, a group of black men ( which may have contained some vets but weren't all vets which is cute how the revisionists try to make them sound like military men) decided to try to break our would be rapist out of jail.
I'm not sure if you know this but it's considered a sign of ignorance among other things to attempt to tell another person what they think or believe.

Also, this is the second time on this thread alone that you have falsified what the Wikipedia article you linked to says. Those two acts of dishonesty along with the fact that you believe Trump won the 2020 election distills down to the fact that you have no credibility, yet you keep trying to lecture me, a professional report writer.I

Oh the insults when you don't like the don't really think the insults would shut me up do you?

I never falsify shit babe. I resent that you make such baseless claims. Everything that I have posted are the facts. I am sorry that you dont' like the truth.

and oh my gawd... really a profession report writer? do you think that I should get down and kiss your feet? If you are a professional report writer, maybe you should be posting facts instead of manipulative bullshit?

black wallstreet was naught more than a black community of uneducated and often ignorant formal slaves who hit it rich due to their former indian slave masters giving them land that was later found to have oil. These people were still ignorant........

The tulsa burning of black wallstreet happened because one of the ignorant black teens went after a white 17 year old elevator operator. An elevator that he wasn't even supposed to be on but hey the criminal apologists keep saying he just tripped and accidently ripped the girls clothes. He was arrested the next morning...and a group of the black men from the black wall street attacked the jail which started this whole thing off. It wasn't jealousy----it was a retalitory war.
Everything you said is false.
You are an idiot who doesn't have enough sense to shut when they are behind. Try thinking before posting IM2
You are the retard talking about Wakanda. I'm citing historical facts from Tulsa residents and the commission that studied this. So just shut up while you're behind before I run up the score.
to dumb to figure out that the residents----are often lying their asses off? REALLY?
All Rise!

This mornings lesson:


Tulsa's 'Black Wall Street' Flourished as a Self-Contained Hub in Early 1900s

Greenwood Avenue featured luxury shops, restaurants, movie theaters, a library, pool halls and nightclubs.

Before the Tulsa Race Massacre where the city’s Black district of Greenwood was attacked by a white mob, resulting in two days of bloodshed and destruction, the area had been considered one of the most affluent African American communities in the United States for the early part of the 20th century.

The massacre, which began on May 31, 1921 and left hundreds of Black residents dead and 1,000 houses destroyed, often overshadows the history of the venerable Black enclave itself. Greenwood District, with a population of 10,000 at the time, had thrived as the epicenter of African American business and culture, particularly on bustling Greenwood Avenue, commonly known as Black Wall Street.

How the Tulsa Race Massacre Was Covered Up

Developed on Indian Territory​

Founded in 1906, Greenwood was developed on Indian Territory, the vast area where Native American tribes had been forced to relocate, which encompasses much of modern-day Eastern Oklahoma. Some African Americans who had been former slaves of the tribes, and subsequently integrated into tribal communities, acquired allotted land in Greenwood through the Dawes Act, a U.S. law that gave land to individual Native Americans. And many Black sharecroppers fleeing racial oppression relocated to the region as well, in search of a better life post-Civil War.

“Oklahoma begins to be promoted as a safe haven for African Americans who start to come particularly post emancipation to Indian Territory,” says Michelle Place, executive director of the Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

The largest number of Black townships after the Civil War were located in Oklahoma. Between 1865 and 1920, African Americans founded more than 50 Black townships in the state.

O.W. Gurley, a wealthy Black landowner, purchased 40 acres of land in Tulsa, naming it Greenwood after the town in Mississippi.

“Gurley is credited with having the first Black business in Greenwood in 1906,” says Hannibal Johnson, author of Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District. “He had a vision to create something for Black people by Black people.”

Gurley started with a boarding house for African Americans. Then word began to spread about opportunities for Black people in Greenwood and they flocked to the district.

“O.W. Gurley would actually loan money to people who wanted to start a business,” says Kristi Williams, vice chair of the African American Affairs Commission in Tulsa. “They actually had a system where someone who wanted to own a business could get help in doing that.”

Other prominent Black entrepreneurs followed suit. J.B. Stradford, born into slavery in Kentucky, later becoming a lawyer and activist, moved to Greenwood in 1898. He built a 55-room luxury hotel bearing his name, the largest Black-owned hotel in the country. An outspoken businessman, Stradford believed that black people had a better chance of economic progress if they pooled their resources.

Greenwood Became Self-Contained and Reliant

A.J. Smitherman, a publisher whose family moved to Indian Territory in the 1890s, founded the Tulsa Star, a Black newspaper headquartered in Greenwood that became instrumental in establishing the district’s socially-conscious mindset. The newspaper regularly informed African Americans about their legal rights and any court rulings or legislation that were beneficial or harmful to their community.

Demands for equal rights were an ongoing mission for Black Americans in Tulsa despite Jim Crow oppression. Greenwood itself had a railway track running through it that separated the Black and white populations. Consequently, Gurley and Stradford’s vision of having a self-contained and self-reliant Black economy came to be not only by desire but by logistics.

“As a practical matter they had no choice as to where to locate their businesses,” said Johnson. “Tulsa was rigidly segregated, and Oklahoma became increasingly racist after statehood.”

On Greenwood Avenue, there were luxury shops, restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, jewelry and clothing stories, movie theaters, barbershops and salons, a library, pool halls, nightclubs and offices for doctors, lawyers and dentists. Greenwood also had its own school system, post office, a savings and loan bank, hospital, and bus and taxi service.

Greenwood was home to far less affluent African Americans as well. A significant number still worked in menial jobs, such as janitors, dishwashers, porters, and domestics. The money they earned outside of Greenwood was spent within the district.

“It is said within Greenwood every dollar would change hands 19 times before it left the community,” said Place.

Face the truth or the truth shall face you.

Do you understand turtleboy?
You are a delusional moron--what the hell do you think your article proves or disproves from what I said? I've said it before and I will say it again IM2--you are an absolute idiot.
It disproves everything you said.
Not a damn thing fool.
All Rise!

This mornings lesson:


Tulsa's 'Black Wall Street' Flourished as a Self-Contained Hub in Early 1900s

Greenwood Avenue featured luxury shops, restaurants, movie theaters, a library, pool halls and nightclubs.

Before the Tulsa Race Massacre where the city’s Black district of Greenwood was attacked by a white mob, resulting in two days of bloodshed and destruction, the area had been considered one of the most affluent African American communities in the United States for the early part of the 20th century.

The massacre, which began on May 31, 1921 and left hundreds of Black residents dead and 1,000 houses destroyed, often overshadows the history of the venerable Black enclave itself. Greenwood District, with a population of 10,000 at the time, had thrived as the epicenter of African American business and culture, particularly on bustling Greenwood Avenue, commonly known as Black Wall Street.

How the Tulsa Race Massacre Was Covered Up

Developed on Indian Territory​

Founded in 1906, Greenwood was developed on Indian Territory, the vast area where Native American tribes had been forced to relocate, which encompasses much of modern-day Eastern Oklahoma. Some African Americans who had been former slaves of the tribes, and subsequently integrated into tribal communities, acquired allotted land in Greenwood through the Dawes Act, a U.S. law that gave land to individual Native Americans. And many Black sharecroppers fleeing racial oppression relocated to the region as well, in search of a better life post-Civil War.

“Oklahoma begins to be promoted as a safe haven for African Americans who start to come particularly post emancipation to Indian Territory,” says Michelle Place, executive director of the Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

The largest number of Black townships after the Civil War were located in Oklahoma. Between 1865 and 1920, African Americans founded more than 50 Black townships in the state.

O.W. Gurley, a wealthy Black landowner, purchased 40 acres of land in Tulsa, naming it Greenwood after the town in Mississippi.

“Gurley is credited with having the first Black business in Greenwood in 1906,” says Hannibal Johnson, author of Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District. “He had a vision to create something for Black people by Black people.”

Gurley started with a boarding house for African Americans. Then word began to spread about opportunities for Black people in Greenwood and they flocked to the district.

“O.W. Gurley would actually loan money to people who wanted to start a business,” says Kristi Williams, vice chair of the African American Affairs Commission in Tulsa. “They actually had a system where someone who wanted to own a business could get help in doing that.”

Other prominent Black entrepreneurs followed suit. J.B. Stradford, born into slavery in Kentucky, later becoming a lawyer and activist, moved to Greenwood in 1898. He built a 55-room luxury hotel bearing his name, the largest Black-owned hotel in the country. An outspoken businessman, Stradford believed that black people had a better chance of economic progress if they pooled their resources.

Greenwood Became Self-Contained and Reliant

A.J. Smitherman, a publisher whose family moved to Indian Territory in the 1890s, founded the Tulsa Star, a Black newspaper headquartered in Greenwood that became instrumental in establishing the district’s socially-conscious mindset. The newspaper regularly informed African Americans about their legal rights and any court rulings or legislation that were beneficial or harmful to their community.

Demands for equal rights were an ongoing mission for Black Americans in Tulsa despite Jim Crow oppression. Greenwood itself had a railway track running through it that separated the Black and white populations. Consequently, Gurley and Stradford’s vision of having a self-contained and self-reliant Black economy came to be not only by desire but by logistics.

“As a practical matter they had no choice as to where to locate their businesses,” said Johnson. “Tulsa was rigidly segregated, and Oklahoma became increasingly racist after statehood.”

On Greenwood Avenue, there were luxury shops, restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, jewelry and clothing stories, movie theaters, barbershops and salons, a library, pool halls, nightclubs and offices for doctors, lawyers and dentists. Greenwood also had its own school system, post office, a savings and loan bank, hospital, and bus and taxi service.

Greenwood was home to far less affluent African Americans as well. A significant number still worked in menial jobs, such as janitors, dishwashers, porters, and domestics. The money they earned outside of Greenwood was spent within the district.

“It is said within Greenwood every dollar would change hands 19 times before it left the community,” said Place.

Face the truth or the truth shall face you.

Do you understand turtleboy?
You are a delusional moron--what the hell do you think your article proves or disproves from what I said? I've said it before and I will say it again IM2--you are an absolute idiot.
Remarkable – but not surprising – the lengths conservatives will go to try to mitigate, excuse, and justify the crimes committed against black Americans because conservatives perceive the truth and facts about those crimes as a political liability for Republicans.
I like facts and rational 19 year old who went by several names and ages btw attacked a white 17 year old elevator girl ripping her clothes. Police were called and he was arrested after he fled the scene.

After being locked up, two separate groups of blacks came armed trying to get him out. They were beat back by the cops the first time----they came back with more armed people and the mob fought them back. They were forced out of the area after killing/murdering several whites fleeing back to the Wall Street area.

The whites went after the armed blacks chasing them back hunting for the killers and attackers burning down Black actually really named Negro Wall Street btw at the time.....color didn't matter and it wasn't about any Jealousy...these people lynched another criminal a year earlier (but he was white so you won't hear about him)---obvisiously they were going to hunt down anyone that attacked them and burn whatever hidey hole they had which was common practice in many instances back then. I remember my true hillbilly father talking about a family that was burned out of town for stealing bicycles when he was a kid. This is how criminals were kept in line then.
RoshawnMarkwees said:
And the total number of human remains uncovered will be fewer than a month of dead blacks in Chicago today.
In your mind, what do the events in Chicago has to do with the OP?

On 60 Minutes tonight they ran a segment on the Tulsa race riots and as horrified as I was when I first heard about this incident, hearing about it again tonight was barely more than I could stand.

Sixty minutes has a history of presenting fake news...........
There had previously been mention of the mob using airplanes to firebomb the town below but the news story provides details. They allegedly were dropping "turpentine balls" from the planes to set the community ablaze. I guess turpentine balls are similar to molotov cocktails.

On June 1st, 100 years after the riot, the task will begin of digging up the sites which are believed to be mass graves and attempt the long and tedious work of identifying the remains.

Greenwood, 1921: One of the worst race massacres in American history
Robert Turner: The first time in American history that airplanes were used to terrorize America was not in 9/11, was not at Pearl Harbor, it was right here in the Greenwood District.

Reverend Robert Turner's Vernon AME Church was among at least five churches burned, along with 1,200 homes. A photo was crudely and imperfectly, hand-lettered, at the time, "running the Negro out of Tulsa."


A photo was crudely and imperfectly, hand-lettered, at the time, "running the Negro out of Tulsa."
Oklahoma Historical Society

Robert Turner: 36-odd square blocks, city blocks, were destroyed. And before they destroyed it, they looted. They took nice furniture, money

When the Black hospital burned, White hospitals refused to take Greenwood's wounded. Those who bled to death included Greenwood's most prominent surgeon. Ultimately, one hospital did make space in its basement for Black casualties. The number of dead is estimated between 150 and 300. Survivors included 10,000 now homeless African Americans. 6,000 of them were herded into internment camps and then released weeks later.
all conjecture aka evidence or proof of any sort that planes dropped bombs on greenwood aka niggha town as it was called back then.

There a few reports the planes were used by authorities for survellance....still no proof though.

It would have been the height of insanity to light a molotov cocktail in a plane....could have set it on fire....and even if some crazy sort actually did it....the flame would have blown out before it reached the ground.....thus all this speculation is just attempting to inflame the pun intended. hehheh
America has a history of teaching fake news. That's why you can't face the truth of Tulsa.

The problem with attempting to ferret out the truth is that all the witnesses are dead......just another reason for the Statute of Limitations......what we are seeing in these reports on the tulsa incident is a lot of speculation and here say not to mention lively imaginations.....aka oh dat black boy just tripped and fell on the girl and she screamed.....based on what? Certainly no facts or witness testimony confirms that....just wild and desperate attempts to make excuses for dat black boy. You know it.
You all act as if there is no evidence or written accounting of what transpired. There were insurance records of claims filed if nothing else and even though you may just be hearing about this, some of us have known about this event and have been researching it for close to a decade or more.

I have absolutely no confidence at all in your ability to consume information, discern fact from fiction and then derive the correct conclusion. Part of that is due to the fact that you all watched the exact same things on T.V. as all of the rest of us regarding the events on January 6th at the Capitol which only transpired not even 5 months ago yet you fabricate false narratives that directly contradict what can be seen and heard in the 6 hours or so of video footage from that day. Then you turn around and try to challenge our documentation and reports on the massacre events when we've been researching them for years longer than any of you.

All you all do is dispute what we write, you never counter it with evidence of your own that contradicts what we've claimed. That's the least that I would expect from someone who wants their perspective or point of view to be taken seriously. Perhaps I've just been giving you too much credit.

When you make a claim it is up to you to prove it...aka you claimed a black hospital was burned down....what proof do you have?

I have never even heard of a black hospital.
If you want the cliff notes version, all you have to do is watch the 60 Minutes video. You do realize that Tulsa was legally segregated right? It's not that the black people wanted it that way, but whites didn't want to have anything to do with black people and the law said that they didn't have to - separate but equal, remember? Well the "Black Wall Street" was the most affluent black community in the United States and from what was reported sounded completely self-sufficient up to the point of even having their own hospital. When that hospital was burned down during the riots none of the white hospitals would accept any of the wounded blacks until one finally opened it's doors, I don't know which one though. All of that will have to come out during the course of the research.
First off ...60 minutes is known to lie and are certainly always emotionally manipulative. You obviously believe them without question which is scary. It's obvious that you think of tulsa as Wakanda which it isn't.

Everywhere was segregated....and you are clueless if you don't understand that even many blacks wanted their segregated areas. In fact, doing such provided opportunities for blacks to open businesses in black areas making many blacks extremely wealthy as they catered to other blacks.

One of many things that they aren't explaining to you is how this black community became so turns out that these blacks were largely freed slaves of INDIANS. As such, the white US government forced the INDIANS to give up lands to their formal slaves--------which happened to have OIL. There were many social issues with this group and mismanagement of the land proved that their wealth would only be temporary. They were never self sufficient pumpkin---they were still uneducated and ignorant. I read of other people having to be assigned to look after these people assets due to this systemic problem. They didn't make their money in the STOCK MARKET persay--they were just given that nickname because of the fancy homes, businesses, hotel, and movie theater that they were able to afford in 1921 from the oil money. They quickly got money and they quickly lost it---what a shock!!

other things come out in research to like what exactly started this ---------it was a black teen attacking a white teen girl followed up with him being arrested and the blacks in this area taking it upon themselves to arm up and go to the jail to try to free him. You may want to RESEARCH so CBS and other nonsense lib news sites can't manipulate you so easily.
You just want to hang on to a lie. There was not black teen attack on a white girl. There was a false accusation and the white police went and arrested a man for no reason. We know plemty about Tulsa white boy, we don't need you to explain things to us.

Everybody didn't want segregation, nobody was looking after anyone, there was no mismanagement, I mean nothing you say here is true.

You are the evidence the accusation was false....the police arrested the teen based on what they were told and the fact he was sitting in jail and rumors of a lynching abounding as the local rag reported a lynching was in the works which motivated the armed black mob to go down to the jail and confront the white crowd there....gunfire then erupted....whites and blacks killed. The blacks ran....the whites purwsued them when the blacks got to their homes they fired on the whites from inside their homes who then proceeded to burn them out.
The charges against the boy were dropped.The police and guard arrested every black person who wasn't injured or dead and held them in several facilities. Whites then looted, and burned down the community. That's what happened. Now shut the fuck up.
After the burning and many people dying, the girl didnt' want to go to court and continue the strife..........Lets not pretend that the would be rapist was somehow cleared. In fact, the fucker disappeared off the face of the map afterwords with his adoptive mother saying that she saw his ass ONE time following what happened and that she and none of his buddies supposedly know where he went or what happened to him. She said that he talked of going to Oregon to witch the race hos tried to locate him there but where unsuccessful------completely ignoring the most obvious place that a would be rapist would wind up and which would explain why his adoptive mother and sister and friends would be reluctant to talk about---PRISON is where he likely wound up.
All Rise!

This mornings lesson:


Tulsa's 'Black Wall Street' Flourished as a Self-Contained Hub in Early 1900s

Greenwood Avenue featured luxury shops, restaurants, movie theaters, a library, pool halls and nightclubs.

Before the Tulsa Race Massacre where the city’s Black district of Greenwood was attacked by a white mob, resulting in two days of bloodshed and destruction, the area had been considered one of the most affluent African American communities in the United States for the early part of the 20th century.

The massacre, which began on May 31, 1921 and left hundreds of Black residents dead and 1,000 houses destroyed, often overshadows the history of the venerable Black enclave itself. Greenwood District, with a population of 10,000 at the time, had thrived as the epicenter of African American business and culture, particularly on bustling Greenwood Avenue, commonly known as Black Wall Street.

How the Tulsa Race Massacre Was Covered Up

Developed on Indian Territory​

Founded in 1906, Greenwood was developed on Indian Territory, the vast area where Native American tribes had been forced to relocate, which encompasses much of modern-day Eastern Oklahoma. Some African Americans who had been former slaves of the tribes, and subsequently integrated into tribal communities, acquired allotted land in Greenwood through the Dawes Act, a U.S. law that gave land to individual Native Americans. And many Black sharecroppers fleeing racial oppression relocated to the region as well, in search of a better life post-Civil War.

“Oklahoma begins to be promoted as a safe haven for African Americans who start to come particularly post emancipation to Indian Territory,” says Michelle Place, executive director of the Tulsa Historical Society and Museum.

The largest number of Black townships after the Civil War were located in Oklahoma. Between 1865 and 1920, African Americans founded more than 50 Black townships in the state.

O.W. Gurley, a wealthy Black landowner, purchased 40 acres of land in Tulsa, naming it Greenwood after the town in Mississippi.

“Gurley is credited with having the first Black business in Greenwood in 1906,” says Hannibal Johnson, author of Black Wall Street: From Riot to Renaissance in Tulsa’s Historic Greenwood District. “He had a vision to create something for Black people by Black people.”

Gurley started with a boarding house for African Americans. Then word began to spread about opportunities for Black people in Greenwood and they flocked to the district.

“O.W. Gurley would actually loan money to people who wanted to start a business,” says Kristi Williams, vice chair of the African American Affairs Commission in Tulsa. “They actually had a system where someone who wanted to own a business could get help in doing that.”

Other prominent Black entrepreneurs followed suit. J.B. Stradford, born into slavery in Kentucky, later becoming a lawyer and activist, moved to Greenwood in 1898. He built a 55-room luxury hotel bearing his name, the largest Black-owned hotel in the country. An outspoken businessman, Stradford believed that black people had a better chance of economic progress if they pooled their resources.

Greenwood Became Self-Contained and Reliant

A.J. Smitherman, a publisher whose family moved to Indian Territory in the 1890s, founded the Tulsa Star, a Black newspaper headquartered in Greenwood that became instrumental in establishing the district’s socially-conscious mindset. The newspaper regularly informed African Americans about their legal rights and any court rulings or legislation that were beneficial or harmful to their community.

Demands for equal rights were an ongoing mission for Black Americans in Tulsa despite Jim Crow oppression. Greenwood itself had a railway track running through it that separated the Black and white populations. Consequently, Gurley and Stradford’s vision of having a self-contained and self-reliant Black economy came to be not only by desire but by logistics.

“As a practical matter they had no choice as to where to locate their businesses,” said Johnson. “Tulsa was rigidly segregated, and Oklahoma became increasingly racist after statehood.”

On Greenwood Avenue, there were luxury shops, restaurants, grocery stores, hotels, jewelry and clothing stories, movie theaters, barbershops and salons, a library, pool halls, nightclubs and offices for doctors, lawyers and dentists. Greenwood also had its own school system, post office, a savings and loan bank, hospital, and bus and taxi service.

Greenwood was home to far less affluent African Americans as well. A significant number still worked in menial jobs, such as janitors, dishwashers, porters, and domestics. The money they earned outside of Greenwood was spent within the district.

“It is said within Greenwood every dollar would change hands 19 times before it left the community,” said Place.

Face the truth or the truth shall face you.

Do you understand turtleboy?
I'm not sure if you know this but it's considered a sign of ignorance among other things to attempt to tell another person what they think or believe.

Also, this is the second time on this thread alone that you have falsified what the Wikipedia article you linked to says. Those two acts of dishonesty along with the fact that you believe Trump won the 2020 election distills down to the fact that you have no credibility, yet you keep trying to lecture me, a professional report writer.I

Oh the insults when you don't like the don't really think the insults would shut me up do you?

I never falsify shit babe. I resent that you make such baseless claims. Everything that I have posted are the facts. I am sorry that you dont' like the truth.

and oh my gawd... really a profession report writer? do you think that I should get down and kiss your feet? If you are a professional report writer, maybe you should be posting facts instead of manipulative bullshit?

black wallstreet was naught more than a black community of uneducated and often ignorant formal slaves who hit it rich due to their former indian slave masters giving them land that was later found to have oil. These people were still ignorant........

The tulsa burning of black wallstreet happened because one of the ignorant black teens went after a white 17 year old elevator operator. An elevator that he wasn't even supposed to be on but hey the criminal apologists keep saying he just tripped and accidently ripped the girls clothes. He was arrested the next morning...and a group of the black men from the black wall street attacked the jail which started this whole thing off. It wasn't jealousy----it was a retalitory war.
I owe you an apology for mistakenly stating that you had twice posted false information that contradicts what is in the link you posted. That was Beagle9 who did that and I do know the difference between the two of you but the fact that what you posted was so similar to the other poster I failed to notice you were not the same person.

As for the rest of screed [snipped}
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I'm not sure if you know this but it's considered a sign of ignorance among other things to attempt to tell another person what they think or believe.

Also, this is the second time on this thread alone that you have falsified what the Wikipedia article you linked to says. Those two acts of dishonesty along with the fact that you believe Trump won the 2020 election distills down to the fact that you have no credibility, yet you keep trying to lecture me, a professional report writer.
RoshawnMarkwees said:
And the total number of human remains uncovered will be fewer than a month of dead blacks in Chicago today.
In your mind, what do the events in Chicago has to do with the OP?

On 60 Minutes tonight they ran a segment on the Tulsa race riots and as horrified as I was when I first heard about this incident, hearing about it again tonight was barely more than I could stand.

Sixty minutes has a history of presenting fake news...........
There had previously been mention of the mob using airplanes to firebomb the town below but the news story provides details. They allegedly were dropping "turpentine balls" from the planes to set the community ablaze. I guess turpentine balls are similar to molotov cocktails.

On June 1st, 100 years after the riot, the task will begin of digging up the sites which are believed to be mass graves and attempt the long and tedious work of identifying the remains.

Greenwood, 1921: One of the worst race massacres in American history
Robert Turner: The first time in American history that airplanes were used to terrorize America was not in 9/11, was not at Pearl Harbor, it was right here in the Greenwood District.

Reverend Robert Turner's Vernon AME Church was among at least five churches burned, along with 1,200 homes. A photo was crudely and imperfectly, hand-lettered, at the time, "running the Negro out of Tulsa."


A photo was crudely and imperfectly, hand-lettered, at the time, "running the Negro out of Tulsa."
Oklahoma Historical Society

Robert Turner: 36-odd square blocks, city blocks, were destroyed. And before they destroyed it, they looted. They took nice furniture, money

When the Black hospital burned, White hospitals refused to take Greenwood's wounded. Those who bled to death included Greenwood's most prominent surgeon. Ultimately, one hospital did make space in its basement for Black casualties. The number of dead is estimated between 150 and 300. Survivors included 10,000 now homeless African Americans. 6,000 of them were herded into internment camps and then released weeks later.
all conjecture aka evidence or proof of any sort that planes dropped bombs on greenwood aka niggha town as it was called back then.

There a few reports the planes were used by authorities for survellance....still no proof though.

It would have been the height of insanity to light a molotov cocktail in a plane....could have set it on fire....and even if some crazy sort actually did it....the flame would have blown out before it reached the ground.....thus all this speculation is just attempting to inflame the pun intended. hehheh
America has a history of teaching fake news. That's why you can't face the truth of Tulsa.

The problem with attempting to ferret out the truth is that all the witnesses are dead......just another reason for the Statute of Limitations......what we are seeing in these reports on the tulsa incident is a lot of speculation and here say not to mention lively imaginations.....aka oh dat black boy just tripped and fell on the girl and she screamed.....based on what? Certainly no facts or witness testimony confirms that....just wild and desperate attempts to make excuses for dat black boy. You know it.
You all act as if there is no evidence or written accounting of what transpired. There were insurance records of claims filed if nothing else and even though you may just be hearing about this, some of us have known about this event and have been researching it for close to a decade or more.

I have absolutely no confidence at all in your ability to consume information, discern fact from fiction and then derive the correct conclusion. Part of that is due to the fact that you all watched the exact same things on T.V. as all of the rest of us regarding the events on January 6th at the Capitol which only transpired not even 5 months ago yet you fabricate false narratives that directly contradict what can be seen and heard in the 6 hours or so of video footage from that day. Then you turn around and try to challenge our documentation and reports on the massacre events when we've been researching them for years longer than any of you.

All you all do is dispute what we write, you never counter it with evidence of your own that contradicts what we've claimed. That's the least that I would expect from someone who wants their perspective or point of view to be taken seriously. Perhaps I've just been giving you too much credit.

When you make a claim it is up to you to prove it...aka you claimed a black hospital was burned down....what proof do you have?

I have never even heard of a black hospital.
If you want the cliff notes version, all you have to do is watch the 60 Minutes video. You do realize that Tulsa was legally segregated right? It's not that the black people wanted it that way, but whites didn't want to have anything to do with black people and the law said that they didn't have to - separate but equal, remember? Well the "Black Wall Street" was the most affluent black community in the United States and from what was reported sounded completely self-sufficient up to the point of even having their own hospital. When that hospital was burned down during the riots none of the white hospitals would accept any of the wounded blacks until one finally opened it's doors, I don't know which one though. All of that will have to come out during the course of the research.
First off ...60 minutes is known to lie and are certainly always emotionally manipulative. You obviously believe them without question which is scary. It's obvious that you think of tulsa as Wakanda which it isn't.

Everywhere was segregated....and you are clueless if you don't understand that even many blacks wanted their segregated areas. In fact, doing such provided opportunities for blacks to open businesses in black areas making many blacks extremely wealthy as they catered to other blacks.

One of many things that they aren't explaining to you is how this black community became so turns out that these blacks were largely freed slaves of INDIANS. As such, the white US government forced the INDIANS to give up lands to their formal slaves--------which happened to have OIL. There were many social issues with this group and mismanagement of the land proved that their wealth would only be temporary. They were never self sufficient pumpkin---they were still uneducated and ignorant. I read of other people having to be assigned to look after these people assets due to this systemic problem. They didn't make their money in the STOCK MARKET persay--they were just given that nickname because of the fancy homes, businesses, hotel, and movie theater that they were able to afford in 1921 from the oil money. They quickly got money and they quickly lost it---what a shock!!

other things come out in research to like what exactly started this ---------it was a black teen attacking a white teen girl followed up with him being arrested and the blacks in this area taking it upon themselves to arm up and go to the jail to try to free him. You may want to RESEARCH so CBS and other nonsense lib news sites can't manipulate you so easily.
You just want to hang on to a lie. There was not black teen attack on a white girl. There was a false accusation and the white police went and arrested a man for no reason. We know plemty about Tulsa white boy, we don't need you to explain things to us.

Everybody didn't want segregation, nobody was looking after anyone, there was no mismanagement, I mean nothing you say here is true.
Everything I said is true idiot...try researching before posting and certainly before thumb uping your fellow racist idiots who think Wakanda is real.

No, nothing you said is true. You've been shown the facts.
LOL, you know these are the same type of people who would have been a part of the white mob terrorizing the town.
the armed black mob to go down to the jail and confront the white crowd there
See how dishonest you are because you are in denial that it was the white mob at fault here and the "bad guys" times 10. The "armed black MOB" versus the "white crowd"?
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I wonder if the stupid Moon Bats realize that the six months of BLM terror America experienced was a reverse Tulsa. Burning, looting, murdering and intimidation and they supported it.
More dumb racist white boy bs. There was no reverse Tulsa. Whites weren't murdered, beaten, displaced and nobody black flew planes around bombing white communities or shot whites from planes. The 6 months of terror you talk about was not done by BLM.

I have posted police reports from the protests. They all say the same thing; the protests were peaceful, the violence started by people not associated with BLM. That the majority were right wing white counterprotesters many of which belonged to white supremacist groups or right wing paramilitary groups. And in many cases the violence was done with the help of law enforcement. Still after presenting these facts, people want to make claims of how this is not the case.

Thursday, May 28

While MAPC data reported 75 arrests, Joint Operations Center (JOC) logs reported 73 arrests.6 From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 42% (30 total) of the arrests were associated with a public-order related top charge, such as disorderly conduct or unlawful assembly, and 32% (24 total) of the arrests were associated with an obstructing governmental administration (OGA) top charge. Of those arrested, 47% (35 total) were white, 27% (20 total) were Black, and 17% (13 total) were Latino.7 CCRB reported four incidents containing 18 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Friday,May 29

While MAPC data reported 218 arrests, JOC logs reported 204 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 85% (186 total) of the arrests were associated with a public-order related top charge and approximately 9% (20 total) of the arrests were associated with an OGA top charge. Of those arrested, 56% (121total) were white, 30% (66 total) were Black, and 12% (26 total) were Latino.

Saturday, May 30

While MAPC data reported 321 arrests, JOC logs reported 345 arrests From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 89% (287 total) of the arrests were associated with a public-order related top charge. Of those arrested, 53% (169 total) were white, 34% (110 total) were Black, and 10% (32 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 91officer injuries and 55 damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported 66 incidents containing 429 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Sunday,May 31

While MAPC data reported 325 arrests, JOC logs reported 349 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 46% (150 total) of the arrests were associated with a public-order related top charge and 42% (136 total) of the arrests were associated with a property-related top charge, such as burglary. Of those arrested, 65% (212 total) were Black, 18% (60 total) were white, and 13% (42 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 34 officer injuries and 13 damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported 16 incidents containing 90 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date

Monday, June 1

While MAPC data reported 308 arrests, JOC logs reported 643 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 31% (97 total) of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge, 29% (89 total) of the arrests were associated with a property-related top charge, 18% (56 total) were associated with a public-order related top charge, and 18% (54 total) were associated with an OGA-related top charge. Of those arrested, 62% (190 total) were Black,19% (57 total) were white, and 17% (52 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 73 officer injuries and six damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported 11 incidents containing 90 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date

Tuesday,June 2

While MAPC data reported 290 arrests, JOC logs reported 547 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 89% (257 total) of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge. Of those arrested, 51% (149 total) were white, 32% (94 total) were Black, and 12% (34 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 57 officer injuries and three damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported 30 incidents containing 339 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Wednesday,June 3

While MAPC data reported 191arrests, JOC logs reported 244 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 94% (179 total) of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge. Of those arrested, 64% (123 total) were white, 19% (37 total) were Black, and 11% (21total) were Latino. NYPD documented 15 officer injuries and one damaged police vehicle. CCRB reported 33 incidents containing 222 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Thursday, June 4

While MAPCdata reported 278 arrests, JOC logs reported 525 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, 75% (209 total) of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge and 22% (61total) were associated with a public disorder-relatedtop charge. Of those arrested,66% (185total) were white, 18% (49total)were Black and14% (38 total) were Latino. NYPD documented 26 officer injuries and no damage to police vehicles. CCRB reported 39 incidents containing 357 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date.

Friday,June 5

While MAPC data reported 41 arrests, JOC logs reported 129 arrests. From DOI’s analysis of the MAPC data, all 41 of the arrests were associated with a curfew-related top charge. Of those arrested, 51% (21 total) were white, 20% (8 total) were Black, and 15% (6 total) were Latino. NYPD documented four officer injuries and three damaged police vehicles. CCRB reported five incidents containing 25 allegations of police misconduct corresponding to this date

7 of the 9 days reported there were more arrests of whites than anyone else. This is the NYPD Report.

Sanya Mansour, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds, September 5, 2020, 93% of Black Lives Matter Protests Have Been Peaceful, New Report Finds

The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, Demonstrations & Political Violence In America: New Data for Summer 2020, Demonstrations & Political Violence in America: New Data for Summer 2020 | ACLED

Erica Chenoweth and Jeremy Pressman, Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds, Harvard Radcliffe Institute, October 20, 2020 Black Lives Matter Protesters Were Overwhelmingly Peaceful, Our Research Finds | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University

You racist piece of shit ignoring the fact that the goddamn Negroes spent months looting, rioting, burning, destroying, murdering and being insurrectionists.

Meanwhile filthy Democrats were joining them and even pieces of shit like the Illegal VP Ho was bailing the few that got arrested out of jail.
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Take this off topic crap somewhere else

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