The first videos of American prisoners in Donbass. What guys are fighting for?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Tellingly there are thousands of troops NATO countries in Donbass.
What mercenaries are fighting for?
In 1940s US-Troops fought against NAZIs
In 2020s US-Troops fought for NAZIs
A 'nice' change, isn't it.

The pictures of captured Ukrainian soldiers aren't showed in western MSM of course
Just for information: nothing is much easy to purchase in any Ukrainian bookstore as Mein Kampf, Nazi or antisemitic holocaust denial literature of any kind.
Where are all western presstitutes ( mostly owned and run by Jews )?






What identifies these people in the pictures as Ukranian soldiers? I don't see any uniforms or anything to identify those with the Nazi tattoos as soldiers.

We have skinheads and Nazi groups here in the US that sport many of the same kinds of tattoos, but they don't serve in our military. What makes the OP think these are soldiers without any kind of link or anything in the pic to identify them as military personnel?
What identifies these people in the pictures as Ukranian soldiers? I don't see any uniforms or anything to identify those with the Nazi tattoos as soldiers.

We have skinheads and Nazi groups here in the US that sport many of the same kinds of tattoos, but they don't serve in our military. What makes the OP think these are soldiers without any kind of link or anything in the pic to identify them as military personnel?
Many Azov fighter, who are now part of the Ukrainian military, were foudn with Nazi tattoos and symbols when they were captures. Suffice to say, many have ended up in Russian penal colonies so can think about their mistakes.
"Im against war"
Then why didnt he fight for the Yemenis?

Americans are so hypocritical.

Anything spreading in American MSM about Russia/Ukraine is a blatant 100% lie.
So, sad guys believed they gonna do a good job and going fight the devil himself Vlad the Bad
If you don't know why people are fighting by now you will never understand.
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What identifies these people in the pictures as Ukranian soldiers? I don't see any uniforms or anything to identify those with the Nazi tattoos as soldiers.

We have skinheads and Nazi groups here in the US that sport many of the same kinds of tattoos, but they don't serve in our military. What makes the OP think these are soldiers without any kind of link or anything in the pic to identify them as military personnel?

Ukrainian emblems and flag
Many Azov fighter, who are now part of the Ukrainian military, were foudn with Nazi tattoos and symbols when they were captures. Suffice to say, many have ended up in Russian penal colonies so can think about their mistakes.

Do we just have to take your word for it, or do you have links (in English please, after all, this IS US Messageboard) that state your claims? Or, is this just some right wing bullshit of a Trump supporter who thinks the Russians were right to invade Ukraine? (Remember, Trump really liked Putin and called him a smart guy). I see nothing in your photos that even hints these people are soldiers fighting to keep Russia out of Ukraine. Most of them look like the skinhead idiots we have here in the US (skinny and sallow looking or fat bastards).
Ukrainian emblems and flag

Skinheads and Nazi supporters here in the US like to wave around the Stars and Stripes as well as the Confederate flag, but they aren't in the US military. Sorry, but I have a hard time believing the OP is being truthful.

Here in the US, if you have Nazi, extremist or sexist tattoos, you are NOT allowed to serve.
Tellingly there are thousands of troops NATO countries in Donbass.
What mercenaries are fighting for?
In 1940s US-Troops fought against NAZIs
In 2020s US-Troops fought for NAZIs
A 'nice' change, isn't it.

The pictures of captured Ukrainian soldiers aren't showed in western MSM of course
Just for information: nothing is much easy to purchase in any Ukrainian bookstore as Mein Kampf, Nazi or antisemitic holocaust denial literature of any kind.
Where are all western presstitutes ( mostly owned and run by Jews )?







If they are mercs, probably for profit. Surprised you would post RT, the propaganda outlet of the Kremlin, itself.
Tellingly there are thousands of troops NATO countries in Donbass.
What mercenaries are fighting for?
In 1940s US-Troops fought against NAZIs
In 2020s US-Troops fought for NAZIs
A 'nice' change, isn't it.

The pictures of captured Ukrainian soldiers aren't showed in western MSM of course
Just for information: nothing is much easy to purchase in any Ukrainian bookstore as Mein Kampf, Nazi or antisemitic holocaust denial literature of any kind.
Where are all western presstitutes ( mostly owned and run by Jews )?







Lol, nice propaganda. Meanwhile we will continue to fight against commie kgb bastards like Putin. Lol, by the way Ukraine is led by a Jewish man who's ancestors were killed during the holocaust. Propaganda by simpleton only works on simpleton. Dy Russian commie bastard!
I'm also guessing that the OP knows nothing about the US military, we are not, nor will we ever be mercenaries while on active duty. When a person leaves military service, they can do what they want, but while on active duty, they will never be allowed to be mercs.
Do we just have to take your word for it, or do you have links (in English please, after all, this IS US Messageboard) that state your claims? Or, is this just some right wing bullshit of a Trump supporter who thinks the Russians were right to invade Ukraine? (Remember, Trump really liked Putin and called him a smart guy). I see nothing in your photos that even hints these people are soldiers fighting to keep Russia out of Ukraine. Most of them look like the skinhead idiots we have here in the US (skinny and sallow looking or fat bastards).
Here you go.
Azov fighters with nazi symbols. Azov were initially a militia, but are now incoprporated into the Army.
Communists in Russia fucked up capitalism? LOL!
I keep hearing Republicans calling their Democrat adversaries Communists when thinks like LGBT, transgenderism and whatever degenracy your country propagates is a result of decades od liberalism.
The USSR never had these things. Not even China is so crazy as to castrate their children and "change" their gender.

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