The first videos of American prisoners in Donbass. What guys are fighting for?

Lol, nice propaganda. Meanwhile we will continue to fight against commie kgb bastards like Putin. Lol, by the way Ukraine is led by a Jewish man who's ancestors were killed during the holocaust. Propaganda by simpleton only works on simpleton. Dy Russian commie bastard!
And you will keep dying for your cause, that you ultimately loose as you did in Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam and soon Yemen.
I keep hearing Republicans calling their Democrat adversaries Communists when thinks like LGBT, transgenderism and whatever degenracy your country propagates is a result of decades od liberalism.
The USSR never had these things. Not even China is so crazy as to castrate their children and "change" their gender.

I'm calling you a commie. While I point and laugh.
I keep hearing Republicans calling their Democrat adversaries Communists when thinks like LGBT, transgenderism and whatever degenracy your country propagates is a result of decades od liberalism.
The USSR never had these things. Not even China is so crazy as to castrate their children and "change" their gender.

Bullshit. Russia has those things just like any other country. Only thing is, Russia calls it a crime, and rounds up all the gays who then disappear.
Bullshit. Russia has those things just like any other country. Only thing is, Russia calls it a crime, and rounds up all the gays who then disappear.
Russia doesnt promote such degeneracy while the US is having a debate about Gender and whether they put biological males in womens sports or not. Sure, we have those lunatics who do it but we dont promote them and dont introduce school books in elementary schools where we depict Drag Queens and faggots fucking young boys.

You people are so wrong in many ways. This is the kind of degeneracy and perversion that doomed empires like Rome and Ancient Greece. Russians have no desire to join them in the Grave.
If they are mercs, probably for profit. Surprised you would post RT, the propaganda outlet of the Kremlin, itself.

what's about the 1st Amendment, are you gonna be a commie who wanna silence anyone you disagree with?
American people shall recognize by themselves where is the truth and where isn't
Even FOX lies about Ukrainian war now, I don't talk about ABC, MSNBC, CNN and another communist lying scum.
Why western presstitutes are so afraid of RT?
By the way western conservatives believe sooner RT as MSM presstitutes
Do we just have to take your word for it, or do you have links (in English please, after all, this IS US Messageboard) that state your claims? Or, is this just some right wing bullshit of a Trump supporter who thinks the Russians were right to invade Ukraine?

Why USA was right to invade dozens of countries due to no reason ( except of course Nazi Germany)
Russia doesnt promote such degeneracy while the US is having a debate about Gender and whether they put biological males in womens sports or not. Sure, we have those lunatics who do it but we dont promote them and dont introduce school books in elementary schools where we depict Drag Queens and faggots fucking young boys.

You people are so wrong in many ways. This is the kind of degeneracy and perversion that doomed empires like Rome and Ancient Greece. Russians have no desire to join them in the Grave.

You're right, you don't promote it, you simply round up the offenders and make them disappear. Problem solved when you kill everything that you disagree with.
Commies whining about there anything funnier?

Communism = Socialism = National Socialism = invented by Devil

Lol, nice propaganda.

OK, American guys are gonna die for interests of banksters, NWO, zionsist, satanists and a senile 'president' who want to robe Russia of its natural resources
Which OWN interest has a particular American to die in a foreign commercial war?

They were not paying as well
They are nothing but Mercenaries the hell with them

The are American citizens, not mercenaries only
Fooled dumb American citizens who went to a war MSM presstitutes lying about
They were too stupid to believe presstitutes, so, honestly, they should be switched against US's presstitutes and corrupted politicians who support the war.
The American People shall send all these liars to Donbass's prisons and free the fools
The video is 2 Americans who joined the International Legion in Ukraine. Those are not mercenaries. They are under the direction of the Ukrainian military. If they receive any pay, it is no more than any other regular soldier of equal rank. Most of them financed their own equipment and travel to get there.

There is a month-long waiting list to join. There are about 4,000 international volunteers in Ukraine.

Russia is using mercenaries. The Wagners are not under military command, and they make more money than regular Russian Forces. They get bonuses and bounties, and fighting for personal gain is what defines a mercenary.

Anyone wants to see the real nazis in action- do a search for the Wagner video in Syria, where they took 3 minutes to chop a prisoner's head off. I won't put the link here, but you can find it if you research the history of the Azov's and Wagner before 2014.

The pictures of the tatted up neo-nazis are not the Americans that were captured. Those are just a gratuitous insertion, purpose is to create the impression that the captured Americans are neo-nazis.

The OP does a pretty good nazi imitation himself, with his steady stream of anti-semitism, lol.

Yesterday these POW's were working for Hunter Biden's biolab in Kharkiv, today they are Ukrainian intelligence....

According to non-Russian accounts- They were part of a small squad that ran into a Russian advance north of Kharkiv. (The US/UK part of the International Legion has been fighting around Kharkiv for at least a month). They took out a BMP with an RPG, but the structure they were in was hit by a T-72, which then hit a mine.

Everyone bugged out, but the two Americans were knocked out, or got separated in the confusion. When the Ukrainians went back to look for them or retrieve their bodies, they couldn't find them and assumed they were captured.

The filming of them for propaganda purposes and the coerced statements is a war crime, and posting the video might even be against US law, I don't know. I wonder how long it will last on Youtube...
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Russia doesnt promote such degeneracy

What's about homo Kirkorov ( the dancer of the cross ) who was invited to the Peterburg's Forum?
Russia promotes degeneracy and sodomy too, but a little bit less as USA
How many Russians read the Holy Bible daily?
0,0001% or less.
The amount of Bible-reading-church-going believers is much higher in USA
Who can deny most of Church hierarchy in Russia are wroking together with KGB
Putin isn't Holy Man, he's probably better as Yeltsin, but he made, make and will do lot of unforgivable 'faults'
The video is 2 Americans who joined the International Legion in Ukraine. Those are not mercenaries. They are under the direction of the Ukrainian military. If they receive any pay, it is no more than any other regular soldier of equal rank. Most of them financed their own equipment and travel to get there.

There is a month-long waiting list to join. There are about 4,000 international volunteers in Ukraine.

Russia is using mercenaries. The Wagners are not under military command, and they make more money than regular Russian Forces. They get bonuses and bounties, and fighting for personal gain is what defines a mercenary.

The pictures of the tatted up neo-nazis are not the Americans that were captured. Those are just a gratuitous insertion, purpose is to create the impression that the captured Americans are neo-nazis.

The OP does a pretty good nazi imitation himself, with his steady stream of anti-semitism, lol.

Yesterday these POW's were working for Hunter Biden's biolab in Kharkiv, today they are Ukrainian intelligence....

According to non-Russian accounts- They were part of a small squad that ran into a Russian advance north of Kharkiv. (The US/UK part of the International Legion has been fighting around Kharkiv for at least a month). They took out a BMP with an RPG, but the structure they were in was hit by a T-72, which then hit a mine.

Everyone bugged out, but the two Americans were knocked out, or got separated in the confusion. When the Ukrainians went back to look for them or retrieve their bodies, they couldn't find them and assumed they were captured.

The filming of them for propaganda purposes and the coerced statements is a war crime, and posting the video might even be against US law, I don't know. I wonder how long it will last on Youtube...

They are fooled Americans who believe aired by MSM lies about Russia
They know nothing about cause of the war and genocide of Russians in Ukraine
If you disagree with put me a link of any US's MSM which airs / writes the truth about the war
Europeans can know the truth ( probably ) but not Americans
So Russia shall be not too hard with brainwashed morons
Below are depicted Russia and Putin in any American MSM




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what's about the 1st Amendment, are you gonna be a commie who wanna silence anyone you disagree with?
American people shall recognize by themselves where is the truth and where isn't
Even FOX lies about Ukrainian war now, I don't talk about ABC, MSNBC, CNN and another communist lying scum.
Why western presstitutes are so afraid of RT?
By the way western conservatives believe sooner RT as MSM presstitutes
Nobody afraid of RT, but you gotta be stupid not to know RT=Kremlin and nobody on this whole board with a clue fails to take that into account. Tough shit to you, troll farmer.
To comparison Zelensky and Ukraine in USA presstitutes



Nobody afraid of RT, but you gotta be stupid not to know RT=Kremlin and nobody on this whole board with a clue fails to take that into account. Tough shit to you, troll farmer.

Can you show even one example when RT told the lie about any situation in USA?
Just asking
Can you show even one example when RT told the lie about any situation in USA?
Just asking
I pointed out the source of RT as a known propaganda outlet for the Kremlin and won't try to prove shit to you. The best way to defeat propaganda is don't listen or read it, so I don't. People in your country may not have much choice, but I do. I personally reject your supporting documentations. Peddle your fish to somebody else.

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