The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
People have no idea what it really costs.
As we know from Romney when he unwittingly let the cat out of the bag..
47% of Americans pay no Federal Income taxes. (are Big Net Losers)
How much more do you think poorly educated illegals cost?

The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer

"...The governmental system is highly redistributive. Well-educated households tend to be net tax contributors: The taxes they pay exceed the direct and means-tested benefits, education, and population-based services they receive. For example, in 2010, in the whole U.S. population, households with college-educated heads, on average, received $24,839 in government benefits while paying $54,089 in taxes.
The average college-educated household thus generated a fiscal surplus of $29,250 that government used to finance benefits for other households.

Other households are net tax consumers: The benefits they receive exceed the taxes they pay. These households generate a “fiscal deficit” that must be financed by taxes from other households or by government borrowing. For example, in 2010, in the U.S. population as a whole...
households headed by persons without a high school degree, on average, received $46,582 in government benefits while paying only $11,469 in taxes. This generated an average fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of $35,113.

The high deficits of poorly educated households are important in the amnesty debate because the typical unlawful immigrant has only a 10th-grade education. Half of unlawful immigrant households are headed by an individual with less than a high school degree, and another 25% of household heads have only a high school degree.".."

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Democrats are campaigning in Mexico.

Democrats want to give illegals 'Free' medical they can't afford but passed a law FINING American citizens for not having health care insurance they could not afford...

Some of the biggest issues for Democrat Presidential hopefuls are what they / the US can do for illegals, not what they can do for US citizens ('Free' Medical Care, Housing, food, etc...)

Democrats are fighting to keep the US / US Citizens in the dark about how many illegals there actually are in the US...preventing Americans from knowing the true cost of illegal immigration on tax payers, how many tax dollars are spent on illegals instead of homeless / needy Americans, how many illegals Democrats have helped illegally enter the US....

Democrats refuse to answer the question 'How many illegals - specifically - do you want to allow into the US and force US Middle class citizens financially support...

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