The Fix Is In....DOJ Shields Clinton Foundation, Hillary

It just dawned on me - Bulldog and Hillary sound just the same:

'Bark, bark, bark...'

As always, when a conspiracy theory falls apart, they just add another layer on top of it so they can hold on to their delusions.
Nothing is falling apart...except Hillary's/Obama's/liberals' ability to continue to deny, lie, and justify! The truth keeps slipping out as they keep fuggin' up.
...but if the dishonest liberals can get Hillary elected, a majority in the House and will NEVER see the emails and the bitch will NEVER be impeached ;like her cur dog husband was.

The Clintons are cur dogs, sleazy, corrupt, murderous CUR DOGS!

To HELL with the Clintons!

Then vote for Trump. I'm sure he is more on your intellectual level.

This is the theory that liberal ISIS supporters have used since the 60s. WE ARE THE INTELLECTUALS!!! WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU!!!

You fuckers always make me laugh.

I had a friend that I graduated from the University of Louisville with. I stopped by his house on graduation day and his Grandmother was there, sitting at the table. I asked her - IS Bob around? And she says, yeah, he's be right down, he's upstairs looking in the mirror telling himself how smart he is.

Thank God - I have never considered my self an "intellectual". You fuckers are dumber than dirt...

Good for you. If it makes you feel better.I'm sure most people don't consider you very smart.

You may be right. I've always loved being underestimated by folks like yourself.
Nothing is falling apart...except Hillary's/Obama's/liberals' ability to continue to deny, lie, and justify! The truth keeps slipping out as they keep fuggin' up.
...but if the dishonest liberals can get Hillary elected, a majority in the House and will NEVER see the emails and the bitch will NEVER be impeached ;like her cur dog husband was.

The Clintons are cur dogs, sleazy, corrupt, murderous CUR DOGS!

To HELL with the Clintons!

Then vote for Trump. I'm sure he is more on your intellectual level.

This is the theory that liberal ISIS supporters have used since the 60s. WE ARE THE INTELLECTUALS!!! WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU!!!

You fuckers always make me laugh.

I had a friend that I graduated from the University of Louisville with. I stopped by his house on graduation day and his Grandmother was there, sitting at the table. I asked her - IS Bob around? And she says, yeah, he's be right down, he's upstairs looking in the mirror telling himself how smart he is.

Thank God - I have never considered my self an "intellectual". You fuckers are dumber than dirt...

Good for you. If it makes you feel better.I'm sure most people don't consider you very smart.

You may be right. I've always loved being underestimated by folks like yourself.

Trust me NOBODY thinks you are overestimated.
...but if the dishonest liberals can get Hillary elected, a majority in the House and will NEVER see the emails and the bitch will NEVER be impeached ;like her cur dog husband was.

The Clintons are cur dogs, sleazy, corrupt, murderous CUR DOGS!

To HELL with the Clintons!

Then vote for Trump. I'm sure he is more on your intellectual level.

This is the theory that liberal ISIS supporters have used since the 60s. WE ARE THE INTELLECTUALS!!! WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU!!!

You fuckers always make me laugh.

I had a friend that I graduated from the University of Louisville with. I stopped by his house on graduation day and his Grandmother was there, sitting at the table. I asked her - IS Bob around? And she says, yeah, he's be right down, he's upstairs looking in the mirror telling himself how smart he is.

Thank God - I have never considered my self an "intellectual". You fuckers are dumber than dirt...

Good for you. If it makes you feel better.I'm sure most people don't consider you very smart.

You may be right. I've always loved being underestimated by folks like yourself.

Trust me NOBODY thinks you are overestimated.

...but if the dishonest liberals can get Hillary elected, a majority in the House and will NEVER see the emails and the bitch will NEVER be impeached ;like her cur dog husband was.

The Clintons are cur dogs, sleazy, corrupt, murderous CUR DOGS!

To HELL with the Clintons!

Then vote for Trump. I'm sure he is more on your intellectual level.

This is the theory that liberal ISIS supporters have used since the 60s. WE ARE THE INTELLECTUALS!!! WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU!!!

You fuckers always make me laugh.

I had a friend that I graduated from the University of Louisville with. I stopped by his house on graduation day and his Grandmother was there, sitting at the table. I asked her - IS Bob around? And she says, yeah, he's be right down, he's upstairs looking in the mirror telling himself how smart he is.

Thank God - I have never considered my self an "intellectual". You fuckers are dumber than dirt...

Good for you. If it makes you feel better.I'm sure most people don't consider you very smart.

You may be right. I've always loved being underestimated by folks like yourself.

Trust me NOBODY thinks you are overestimated.

Bark, bark, bark...
Obama administration 'all-in' covering Hillary's ass...

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months we know what Lynch and Willy talked about for 30 minutes...


Bwahaha, when it comes to Democrats that Republicans want punished, they insist that government is rigged when they are found not guilty of crime...when it is Republicans that need punishment and they get away with it....conservatives claim they were not doing anything wrong to begin Bush, when he broke the law by authorizing water-boarding. Hypocrites.

Bush DOJ Lawyer Who Approved Waterboarding Calls Trump’s Policy Illegal
Obama administration 'all-in' covering Hillary's ass...

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months we know what Lynch and Willy talked about for 30 minutes...


And this surprises you how? And, in the event that Hillary (the murderer) wins - it will NEVER see the light of day. Who gives a shit if the SoS was accepting contributions from ME countries for favors? :)

This country....sometimes it boggles my mind.

As always, when a conspiracy theory falls apart, they just add another layer on top of it so they can hold on to their delusions.

Where did it fall apart?
What are they hiding?

Refusing to release her e-mails like this is NEWS, not 'Conspiracy'!


If all those people are involved as you say, it's a conspiracy.
The FACT that the WH refuses to let Hillary Foundation e-mails be released for years is news.

WHY the WH would get involved with a citizen / charity / an investigation is also news.

WHY is the WH getting in the middle of this?


Got it. Another White House conspiracy. This is getting juicy.
It has never ended with the has been one scandal after another their entire political careers and will continue right up to the day they die. 'CORRUPTION' is what they do / is what they are 'good' at.

Sure,one after the other. Unfortunately for you, they have all been proven to be bullshit.

When did that happen? I must have missed it.
Obama administration 'all-in' covering Hillary's ass...

EXCLUSIVE: State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months we know what Lynch and Willy talked about for 30 minutes...


poor wingsut troll.

don't you have a job?
Dangle, dangle, dangle...

Do you have anything of substance to contribute?

as soon as you post a thread that isn't winger troll BS, i'll be happy to discuss.

until then you're an ugly little troll who does nothing but spend his day posting garbage.

you're welcome.

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