The flaw of biology is inequality


Silver Member
Mar 17, 2015
Whether you believe in randomness, intelligent design or a loving God, none of them gave us equality. Well, maybe equality of opportunity but that's it.

People all day long lash out at other humans like it's their doing, like God gave us equality and Mitt Romney took it away. But, going all the way back to cavemen, I don't recall a time when we were equal.
In Heaven you will subservient to God...On Earth, humans make divisions.......
In Heaven you will subservient to God...On Earth, humans make divisions.......
To a believer we are subservient to God on Earth even though we make the decisions....... Ever think that may be the main reason for all that's wrong with humankind........ free will........? :dunno:
IMO inequality means that the opportunity is biased, institutionally. Like the way AA was biased against white males.
When people say "inequality" they actually mean that said person has no ambition or desire. The MEANS is THERE.
That's isn't inequality. Just another term perverted for political reasons...
Whether you believe in randomness, intelligent design or a loving God, none of them gave us equality. Well, maybe equality of opportunity but that's it.

People all day long lash out at other humans like it's their doing, like God gave us equality and Mitt Romney took it away. But, going all the way back to cavemen, I don't recall a time when we were equal.
Inequality is what makes nature work. Survival of the fittest. Without it you end up with species that require government to survive.

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