The Forest: A Democracy Theme-Park


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I like how modern storytelling represents a species-focus on 'pilgrimage politics.'

How will President Trump fit into this 'pedestrian culture'? Will he be pro-populism (like Bill Clinton) or pro-Utopian (reminiscent of Reaganomics)?

'Folkism' during the Trump Administration will be shaped by 'street-gossip,' IMO.


Oliver Queen was taking stock of his life. A born-socialite, Oliver decided to devote his life to vigilantism and honed his super-skills in archery and became America's most sincere vigilante --- the Green Arrow. Arrow teamed up with Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Selina Kyle (Catwoman) to take on an 'army of darkness' in the span of 10 years in America's most commercial urban hubs (i.e., NYC, Los Angeles, Gotham, etc.). The team was known as the Four Incredibles, and the press hailed them as the Four Horseman/woman of the Apocalypse.

The Four Incredibles dealt with a terrible continental menace known as Black Hand which was comprised of Ivan the Terrible (a druglord in British Columbia), Black Cat (a stewardess and 'baroness' of the opium underworld), Snake (a masked maniac wielding fear-toxins), and a drove of soldiers, drones, goons, and ghouls (such as Eight-Head, a knife-wielding alley-assassin who decapitated people). Black Hand had developed an intricate crime labyrinth/syndicate which stretched across the North American continent.

During one mission, the Four Incredibles contended with a synthetically-enhanced 'super-freak' generated in a 'lab' (more or less) --- a chemically pumped-up brute named Bane. Bane was a giant bully, and he was considered the 'Mr. Hammer' of the Black Hand --- its truest 'gargoyle' and henchman. Bane was terrorizing a circus event in Los Angeles and not even 10 policemen were able to coordinate their strength/abilities to tackle him. It took Green Arrow's archery (tranquilizer-tipped arrows), Green Lantern's blinding torch-light, Batman's rope-gun, and Catwoman's tear-gas grenades to take Bane down.

Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) was not mentally busy writing a 'memoir' of the 'adventures' of the Four Incredibles and how the 'New Utopia' (or crime-less 'Paradise') would remember the now-termed Days of Tribulation as an era of untempered ambition (e.g., British colonialism), bigotry (e.g., Nazism), science tragedies (e.g., Chernobyl), global trophies (e.g., United Nations), values think-tanks (e.g., MIT), supernatural transgressions (e.g., Salem Witch Trials), monster-hunts (e.g., Charles Manson), and 'imaginarium islands' (e.g., Disney World). Arrow wrote, "The Four Incredibles are working with U.S. President Donald Trump to establish an 'adventure-odyssey' theme-park in a dense American forest. Guests participate in forest-hunting team missions meant to signify humanity's progression from primalism to nationalism in the first 'epoch' of Earth history."


I like how modern storytelling represents a species-focus on 'pilgrimage politics.'

How will President Trump fit into this 'pedestrian culture'? Will he be pro-populism (like Bill Clinton) or pro-Utopian (reminiscent of Reaganomics)?

'Folkism' during the Trump Administration will be shaped by 'street-gossip,' IMO.


Oliver Queen was taking stock of his life. A born-socialite, Oliver decided to devote his life to vigilantism and honed his super-skills in archery and became America's most sincere vigilante --- the Green Arrow. Arrow teamed up with Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Selina Kyle (Catwoman) to take on an 'army of darkness' in the span of 10 years in America's most commercial urban hubs (i.e., NYC, Los Angeles, Gotham, etc.). The team was known as the Four Incredibles, and the press hailed them as the Four Horseman/woman of the Apocalypse.

The Four Incredibles dealt with a terrible continental menace known as Black Hand which was comprised of Ivan the Terrible (a druglord in British Columbia), Black Cat (a stewardess and 'baroness' of the opium underworld), Snake (a masked maniac wielding fear-toxins), and a drove of soldiers, drones, goons, and ghouls (such as Eight-Head, a knife-wielding alley-assassin who decapitated people). Black Hand had developed an intricate crime labyrinth/syndicate which stretched across the North American continent.

During one mission, the Four Incredibles contended with a synthetically-enhanced 'super-freak' generated in a 'lab' (more or less) --- a chemically pumped-up brute named Bane. Bane was a giant bully, and he was considered the 'Mr. Hammer' of the Black Hand --- its truest 'gargoyle' and henchman. Bane was terrorizing a circus event in Los Angeles and not even 10 policemen were able to coordinate their strength/abilities to tackle him. It took Green Arrow's archery (tranquilizer-tipped arrows), Green Lantern's blinding torch-light, Batman's rope-gun, and Catwoman's tear-gas grenades to take Bane down.

Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) was not mentally busy writing a 'memoir' of the 'adventures' of the Four Incredibles and how the 'New Utopia' (or crime-less 'Paradise') would remember the now-termed Days of Tribulation as an era of untempered ambition (e.g., British colonialism), bigotry (e.g., Nazism), science tragedies (e.g., Chernobyl), global trophies (e.g., United Nations), values think-tanks (e.g., MIT), supernatural transgressions (e.g., Salem Witch Trials), monster-hunts (e.g., Charles Manson), and 'imaginarium islands' (e.g., Disney World). Arrow wrote, "The Four Incredibles are working with U.S. President Donald Trump to establish an 'adventure-odyssey' theme-park in a dense American forest. Guests participate in forest-hunting team missions meant to signify humanity's progression from primalism to nationalism in the first 'epoch' of Earth history."


View attachment 119722

What symbolic vision you have, Abishai100!

Imagine 4 city states developed along the border
as sister/partner cities with CA, TX, NM and AZ.

Imagine if Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, Palin, Nader, Paul and other
leaders from the various parties worked in teams to develop
sanctuary states where Mexican nationals could claim safe legal
citizenship and residency instead of being forced to break laws to live and work in the US illegally because the system is backlogged.

So these candidates could develop whole cities or states
as programs for training future leaders while PROVING which
plans work for health care and immigration reform BEFORE
pushing legislation based on these as pilot models.

I think your scenarios is an allegory that represents
a future political system of working in partnership and collaboration
between parties. Instead of competing as adversaries to outbully
and dominate for power and control.

What if parties and party leaders formed a Union or League
similar to the UN or US, but where PARTIES have sovereignty
over the programs and funding their own members manage democratically. What could we accomplish then if we
worked WITH each other instead of against?
"Mr. Glass"

emilynghiem, I like everything you said. After drawing some good inspiration from Thomas Hobbes' revolution-critical politics-treatise Leviathan, I considered how 'alienation storytelling' reflects ambition-centric governance paranoia in the modern world.

Should I be thrilled that capitalism-biased America has elected a capitalism-baron celebrity as president (Donald Trump), or should I be worried that 'mismanaged democracy' may have given rise to a 'token bureaucrat'?


Arrow included in his memoirs profiles of various 'pedestrian leviathans' who represented the malice and vice of human nature lurking in the 'forest of modern traffic.'

1. the Snap-Dragon: a hellmouth-skilled Iago who could corrupt the mind with seditious words about cultural fracture
2. the Siren: a cunning witch who used the fog of metropolitan uncertainty to promote cynicism
3. the Tyrant: a power-merchant to used urbanization loopholes to create crime syndicates and fascism
4. the Terrorist: a traffic-obsessed anti-establishmentarian who converted propaganda into nihilism

Arrow wrote that the capitalism-subjective Trump Administration was in a position to use governance to market 'lifestyle politics' (e.g., European Union) and could therefore alter humanity's 'economics-consciousness.' By addressing such pedestrian intrigue, human history could be cast as a 'thread' that is woven to 'humble' the proverbial 'Wolf of Wall Street.' However, Arrow also wrote, "To detangle the forest of profiteerism that suffocates the human spirit, we must understand how there are two 'classes' of human beings --- the priest (a free market peace advocate) and the witch (a terrorism apologist)."

Arrow described how 'civilized behavior' can only be defined as the *intention* to construct bias-forgiving 'islands of free-choice,' in which persecution would be barred by self-determined borders (a sort of 'lifestyle democracy'). President Trump said the press, "Green Arrow's poignant memoir reminds us that the best way to avoid McCarthyism in a society progressing towards 'free-choice enterprise' is to differentiate the philanthropist from the extortionist!" After Arrow won the Nobel Prize for his memoir, he decided to retire to Nepal and meditate on the human value of economics-based teamwork, but he never forgot the subversive 'pirates of the forest' (e.g., Teddy Roosevelt, Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson, Nero of Rome, the Harlot of Babylon, Bill Gates, Salman Rushdie, etc.). Arrow referred to the 'profiteerism-enveloped warlock' as "Mr. Glass" (since untempered ambition created shattering debates).



Charity/philanthropy is giving freely from the heart, while enacting laws for increasing taxation to support some cause for the 'general welfare' is nothing more than extortion.

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
Thomas Jefferson

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."
Benjamin Franklin



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