The former guy has been trying desperately to kill the bi-partisan infrastructure bill

But he has failed to this point. Is he losing his grasp on the repub party?

He is keeping his base ginned up. Mitch fought them into a compromise bill and preserved the filabuster. This is a backhanded win for the GOP.
But he has failed to this point. Is he losing his grasp on the repub party?

Which former guy are you referring to? Is Obumma a former guy? Clinton? Carter? We have 45 former guys. Please speak clearly.

And who said Trump was humiliated? Trump? Or your latest voodoo mind-reading spin witch-doctor?

And if Trump is still trying to influence government policies, what does that say about Obammy?

And if Trump was humiliated over one bill not going his way, Barrack must have been ready to HANG HIMSELF over the spanking Trump gave him for four years! :21:

But he has failed to this point. Is he losing his grasp on the repub party?

The immature use of "former guy" tells me you have potty for brains. It's a silly thing a grade school girl would do.

What color are your underwear, lil girl?

Anyway... it's terrible how you lefties can't get your shit together and heal yourselves of the TDS that torments you.

Most of us on the right side don't believe Trump will be prez again. And we're moving on.

Too bad you can't.
The immature use of "former guy" tells me you have potty for brains. It's a silly thing a grade school girl would do.

What color are your underwear, lil girl?

Anyway... it's terrible how you lefties can't get your shit together and heal yourselves of the TDS that torments you.

Most of us on the right side don't believe Trump will be prez again. And we're moving on.

Too bad you can't.
As soon as you find a cure for your BDS can you let us TDS sufferers know, so we can get the cure too...(chuckle)
The immature use of "former guy" tells me you have potty for brains. It's a silly thing a grade school girl would do.

What color are your underwear, lil girl?

Anyway... it's terrible how you lefties can't get your shit together and heal yourselves of the TDS that torments you.

Most of us on the right side don't believe Trump will be prez again. And we're moving on.

Too bad you can't.
Explain the orange around your lips....
The immature use of "former guy" tells me you have potty for brains. It's a silly thing a grade school girl would do.

Shades of Barry Obumma, Dean. Remember when Barry made his speech about how Trump would never be president then he dropped his cellphone like a mic?

Then Trump was president.

Just imagine now if Trump runs again and wins what a corner the Left have painted themselves into when we start calling Trump The Present Guy, or better still, in the next few months or years when Biddum becomes the "Former Guy?" :laughing0301:

But he has failed to this point. Is he losing his grasp on the repub party?

But he has failed to this point. Is he losing his grasp on the repub party?
Passing a trillion dollar infrastructure bill which actually only spends about 1/4 on infrastructure, soon to be followed up with a 3.5 trillion pure project bill of left wing fuckery is now Trumps loss?

You still haven’t figured out that when Trump loses we all lose have you? Every time you celebrate a democrat win that government cock gets shoved a bit deeper in your ass. But you seem to like it. And this 3.5 trillion dollar fuck show is going balls deep buddy. Brace yourself. Too late to ask for lube.
If somebody named Jason Easley said it and you like it it must be true even if it isn't.

But he has failed to this point. Is he losing his grasp on the repub party?
Yea r after year, decade after decade the RINOS never leave. They are replaced with new ones. Pushed by the establishment of the party. Just vote in an extra hundred Progs and end all of the crap. We know what is going to happen if Repubs take the House and Senate in 2022. It is going to be macho talk with the false potentate Mongolian Idiot in power. We could have had a several hundred billion dollar infrastructure bill 4 years ago. Pelosi shows up at Obama's Covid plague party and is not invited. As a coincidence she had a dinner near the same place. There was most likely some orders given to her by the real behind the scenes President.. Obama. Who is a globalist and will se tens of millions of African Americans exterminated for what he sold his soul for. And they will deserve it.
The immature use of "former guy" tells me you have potty for brains. It's a silly thing a grade school girl would do.

What color are your underwear, lil girl?

Anyway... it's terrible how you lefties can't get your shit together and heal yourselves of the TDS that torments you.

Most of us on the right side don't believe Trump will be prez again. And we're moving on.

Too bad you can't.
Awwwwww.... :itsok: I prefer "fat donnie" myself. Tho "orange julius caesar" is also a good one.
Shades of Barry Obumma, Dean. Remember when Barry made his speech about how Trump would never be president then he dropped his cellphone like a mic?

Then Trump was president.

Just imagine now if Trump runs again and wins what a corner the Left have painted themselves into when we start calling Trump The Present Guy, or better still, in the next few months or years when Biddum becomes the "Former Guy?" :laughing0301:

I had forgotten Obama did that! How funny.
Are you aiming to be a fiction writer? WHERE in your leftwing clickbait story does it provide any indication or proof that Trump is jealous about anything?

Or do they just put words like that in the headline to bait leftwing imbeciles in?

Democrats lie. Like CNN, they just can't help it.
He is keeping his base ginned up. Mitch fought them into a compromise bill and preserved the filabuster. This is a backhanded win for the GOP.
If democRats support it America should be against it. democRats haven't been the other party since Johnson help kill JFK. They have divided this nation in every way possible with their Socialist agenda. They lie, cheat, and tear at our Constitution with there following of idiots, something for nothings, and you owe mes as they spend your money for votes.

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