The former guy has been trying desperately to kill the bi-partisan infrastructure bill

Oh, I thing this was Mitch takes on Trump and wins. But the gop senators up for reelection tended to sit it out.

But Mitch agreed to the bipartisan effort because he wants his party to run in 22 as NOT the party of No. And he's betting that the dems reconcillation package will be unpopular.
Yeah....this is really going to be unpopular.

Feb 08, 2021 · The reconciliation bill includes critical support to protect the health and well-being of children, families, and older Americans, and also includes support for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.
Yeah....this is really going to be unpopular.

Feb 08, 2021 · The reconciliation bill includes critical support to protect the health and well-being of children, families, and older Americans, and also includes support for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence.
Which in real terms means absolutely fucking nothing other than a liberal slush fund. None of which will help anyone but the party.
'Trump living in your head' seems to be the only come back republicans have. That and mentioning the name Soros without any explanation of why they regard Soros as the enemy. Well, if it keeps the hee haws posting instead of getting drunk and shooting their guns and killing some innocent people then that's a good thing.
I thought you enjoying seeing whining, since that is what your former king has been doing since Biden handed him his ass.....
I dunno where you're from, but we don't do kings here in America. Don't project your need to be a subject on normal people.
You mean Rinos who threaten private businesses to abide by the ignorant rules banning masks? How many children will Desantis kill in Florida....1,000....10,000.....more?
It's not like he's shipping COVID patients to nursing homes.
'Trump living in your head' seems to be the only come back republicans have. That and mentioning the name Soros without any explanation of why they regard Soros as the enemy. Well, if it keeps the hee haws posting instead of getting drunk and shooting their guns and killing some innocent people then that's a good thing.
Shooting innocent people is a Democrat thing. SEE ALSO: Chicago, Baltimore
Which former guy are you referring to? Is Obumma a former guy? Clinton? Carter? We have 45 former guys. Please speak clearly.

And who said Trump was humiliated? Trump? Or your latest voodoo mind-reading spin witch-doctor?

And if Trump is still trying to influence government policies, what does that say about Obammy?

And if Trump was humiliated over one bill not going his way, Barrack must have been ready to HANG HIMSELF over the spanking Trump gave him for four years! :21:
Today, 19 GOP senators voted for the bill giving your boy the middle finger.

The only thing that's going to result from Democrats passing their destructive bills is a massive red-wave in the next election just like when they passed Obamacare.
19 GOP Senators voted for the bill today, in effect telling your boy to take a walk.

I hope Trump enjoys dining on shit sandwiches.
Today, 19 GOP senators voted for the bill giving your boy the middle finger.

You got that wrong as usual, Clapper, they gave the finger to their party, their constituents, and all of America. This "infrastructure" pork bill is garbage, we can't afford it, it's going to damage the country far more than do anything good and its support is sheer madness by anyone who has looked at what is actually in it.

And if Trump tried to tell people that, pox on them for not listening. Trump was right again and we are all fucked for having these idiot democrats and RINOs ruining the country.
You got that wrong as usual, Clapper, they gave the finger to their party, their constituents, and all of America. This "infrastructure" pork bill is garbage, we can't afford it, it's going to damage the country far more than do anything good and its support is sheer madness by anyone who has looked at what is actually in it.

And if Trump tried to tell people that, pox on them for not listening. Trump was right again and we are all fucked for having these idiot democrats and RINOs ruining the country.
You actually believe that Trump, who has the attention span of a 5 year old read that bill? Trump & you guys are pissed that Biden got something done that Trump just ranted about.

Enjoy that shit sammich.
You actually believe that Trump, who has the attention span of a 5 year old
Why do you even bother responding with horsecrap like that? Are you idiot enough to believe that? Are you that stupid that you think Trump needs to read the bill to know that it is about the worst bill in the history of the country, clown?

Enjoy that shit sammich.
Is that what you liked eating as a boy growing up, cause guess what asswipe, that bill applies to YOU as much as anyone else and will do and cost you just as much as me. Want some bird crap to go with your sammich now, shit-eater? How about a squirt of that nice, white runny bird poop you're so fond of! Yum!

I know you're not versed in rhetorical questions, so let me answer them for you:
  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.
  3. Yes.
  4. Yes.
  5. and Yes.
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Why do you even bother responding with horsecrap like that? Are you idiot enough to believe that? Are you that stupid that you think Trump needs to read the bill to know that it is about the worst bill in the history of the country, clown?

Is that what you liked eating as a boy growing up, cause guess what asswipe, that bill applies to YOU as much as anyone else and will do and cost you just as much as me. Want some bird crap to go with your sammich now, shit-eater? How about a squirt of that nice, white runny bird poop you're so fond of! Yum!

I know you're not versed in rhetorical questions, so let me answer them for you:
  1. Yes.
  2. Yes.
  3. Yes.
  4. Yes.
  5. and Yes.
Butthurt much, assclown? Whining because Biden got an infrastructure bill passed that your boy only bullshitted voter's about? Remember how your god Trump ran his yap about how fixing our infrastructure was one pf his priorities? How'd that work out for ya, pal?

How'd the sensation of Trump blowing smoke up for ass feel, Trump asseater?

This Country's infrastructure is falling apart, idiot. Thanks, President Biden!

Butthurt much, assclown?
Why, ya wanna fuck me, faggot?

Whining because Biden got an infrastructure bill passed
Look, dickwad, quit your gaslighting here, no one is biting. Quit trying to drag Trump into this! I haven't heard the first thing about Trump and why should I care? No doubt, the story is yet more fiction from the Left anyway. People are bitching because whether this stops an ever bigger fucking up the ass bill or not, this jacked off bill now is already a national embarrassment for what it will really do in the long term.

As I've already heard from a senator who tried to stop this bill, for all the cost and taxes and bullshit this bill levies upon this country, in many ways, this bill makes very little difference to what money was ALREADY THERE anyway without the bill! So, the only possible conclusion left is that this bill is yet another leftwing democrat swindle raping of America as Nancy and Obumma pulled off back in 2009.

Bend over and spread your ass cheeks, Idiot. And with that, You're nothing but another juvenile, idiot prick jerkoff and you've made it plain there is no sense trying or expecting to have any sort of rational discussion with you, so off to the IGNORE list for you, chump. Bye! I've listened to enough your boyish crap.
Why, ya wanna fuck me, faggot?

Look, dickwad, quit your gaslighting here, no one is biting. Quit trying to drag Trump into this! I haven't heard the first thing about Trump and why should I care? No doubt, the story is yet more fiction from the Left anyway. People are bitching because whether this stops an ever bigger fucking up the ass bill or not, this jacked off bill now is already a national embarrassment for what it will really do in the long term.

As I've already heard from a senator who tried to stop this bill, for all the cost and taxes and bullshit this bill levies upon this country, in many ways, this bill makes very little difference to what money was ALREADY THERE anyway without the bill! So, the only possible conclusion left is that this bill is yet another leftwing democrat swindle raping of America as Nancy and Obumma pulled off back in 2009.

Bend over and spread your ass cheeks, Idiot. And with that, You're nothing but another juvenile, idiot prick jerkoff and you've made it plain there is no sense trying or expecting to have any sort of rational discussion with you, so off to the IGNORE list for you, chump. Bye! I've listened to enough your boyish crap.
Holy fuck, you're a triggered bitch these days.
Why, ya wanna fuck me, faggot?

Look, dickwad, quit your gaslighting here, no one is biting. Quit trying to drag Trump into this! I haven't heard the first thing about Trump and why should I care? No doubt, the story is yet more fiction from the Left anyway. People are bitching because whether this stops an ever bigger fucking up the ass bill or not, this jacked off bill now is already a national embarrassment for what it will really do in the long term.

As I've already heard from a senator who tried to stop this bill, for all the cost and taxes and bullshit this bill levies upon this country, in many ways, this bill makes very little difference to what money was ALREADY THERE anyway without the bill! So, the only possible conclusion left is that this bill is yet another leftwing democrat swindle raping of America as Nancy and Obumma pulled off back in 2009.

Bend over and spread your ass cheeks, Idiot. And with that, You're nothing but another juvenile, idiot prick jerkoff and you've made it plain there is no sense trying or expecting to have any sort of rational discussion with you, so off to the IGNORE list for you, chump. Bye! I've listened to enough your boyish crap.
You read the entire bill, Trumptard?

You launched into orbit higher then Bezos did. Amazing.
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