The former guy has been trying desperately to kill the bi-partisan infrastructure bill

I just asked my wife how much we’re going to spend on groceries. She said a thousand bucks and I’m like holy fuck! Where are we going to put all that food? And then she tells me only 250 is actually for food. The other 750 is for her clothes and the cats spa day and some other shit totally not food.

So now I’m thinking like Romney and the other candy ass rebubs voting for this shit that at least I get some brats and jalapeño beans.
Passing a trillion dollar infrastructure bill which actually only spends about 1/4 on infrastructure, soon to be followed up with a 3.5 trillion pure project bill of left wing fuckery is now Trumps loss?

You still haven’t figured out that when Trump loses we all lose have you? Every time you celebrate a democrat win that government cock gets shoved a bit deeper in your ass. But you seem to like it. And this 3.5 trillion dollar fuck show is going balls deep buddy. Brace yourself. Too late to ask for lube.
Wrong...trump...the former guy...lost the election in 2020. The US won when we elected a competent, compassionate, man who is determine to preserve our Democracy...while his predecessor is determined to destroy our electoral system and crash our country. The former guy is complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans when he LIED to America about the seriousness of COVID. Now, Rand "so called doctor" Paul is encouraging Americans to continue refusing the vaccine, thus allowing an even more deadly variant to be born. If it does and the vaccinated start losing their immunity, Paul should be jailed.

But he has failed to this point. Is he losing his grasp on the repub party?
Jimmy again obsessed with Trump, he still is living inside little Jimmy’s head rent free. Jimmy keeps proving he is dumber with ever post.
Which former guy are you referring to? Is Obumma a former guy? Clinton? Carter? We have 45 former guys. Please speak clearly.

And who said Trump was humiliated? Trump? Or your latest voodoo mind-reading spin witch-doctor?

And if Trump is still trying to influence government policies, what does that say about Obammy?

And if Trump was humiliated over one bill not going his way, Barrack must have been ready to HANG HIMSELF over the spanking Trump gave him for four years! :21:
The only thing that's going to result from Democrats passing their destructive bills is a massive red-wave in the next election just like when they passed Obamacare.
Wrong...trump...the former guy...lost the election in 2020. The US won when we elected a competent, compassionate, man who is determine to preserve our Democracy...while his predecessor is determined to destroy our electoral system and crash our country. The former guy is complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans when he LIED to America about the seriousness of COVID. Now, Rand "so called doctor" Paul is encouraging Americans to continue refusing the vaccine, thus allowing an even more deadly variant to be born. If it does and the vaccinated start losing their immunity, Paul should be jailed.
"...we elected a competent, compassionate, man who is determine to preserve our Democracy..."

Who's president then....because clearly the above doesn't describe Joe Biden?
Wrong...trump...the former guy...lost the election in 2020. The US won when we elected a competent, compassionate, man who is determine to preserve our Democracy...while his predecessor is determined to destroy our electoral system and crash our country. The former guy is complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans when he LIED to America about the seriousness of COVID. Now, Rand "so called doctor" Paul is encouraging Americans to continue refusing the vaccine, thus allowing an even more deadly variant to be born. If it does and the vaccinated start losing their immunity, Paul should be jailed.
Perhaps you should put all those people in camps. You leftists love to put people in camps.
Trump is right. There are too many Republican pussies in congress. They scream and cry but they don't have the balls to do anything. Primary them.
Trump is right. There are too many Republican pussies in congress. They scream and cry but they don't have the balls to do anything. Primary them.
They don't have the balls to tell him he lost and they he has NO CHANCE of ever winning the Presidency again. Americans are not going to vote for a man that tried to destroy our Democracy.
The Republican Party once stood for conservative, moralistic, responsible policies. Now they only stand for what ever the former guy wants. trumpism has turned the Republican Party into the repub party.
Magaturds have infiltrated the party. You definitely got that right. I will keep maligning them until they cease running their stupid maws.
Magaturds have infiltrated the party. You definitely got that right. I will keep maligning them until they cease running their stupid maws.
You yap like a chihuahua, and you expect that will silence the people laughing at you?

You have an overblown sense of yourself.

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