The Former Guy told his voters they'd be so tired of winning

May 4, 2022
“We were told we’d get tired of winning. But I’m tired of losing. And so are most Republicans,” Pompeo tweeted

After losing in 2018, 2020, and 2022 is the base ready to lose 2024?

“We were told we’d get tired of winning. But I’m tired of losing. And so are most Republicans,” Pompeo tweeted

After losing in 2018, 2020, and 2022 is the base ready to lose 2024?

He was wrong. We loved EVERY second of it! Do you remember when we had the greatest economy anyone had ever seen? Ah the good ole days.

Now we are stuck with dipshit Biden and the Funky Bunch. :dunno:
He was wrong. We loved EVERY second of it! Do you remember when we had the greatest economy anyone had ever seen? Ah the good ole days.

Now we are stuck with dipshit Biden. :dunno:
How as the economy when Biden walked into office?

You lose your own argument

thank you for trying to play in the big leagues. back to the farm for you
Dainty is so dainty he can’t even say the name of President Trump.

I can speak if the current guy: Potato.
America was winning while Trump was President. We started losing the day Biden took over and it hasn't stopped.
We started losing the minute the UNiparty decided they had to get rid of DT at all costs & they unleashed the DEMPANIC!!! on the scared sheeple.
DT was never completely in charge again after that point.

Then we ended up with a incestuous brain dead meat puppet pedo installed as resident & things have gone to shit since.

How as the economy when Biden walked into office?

You lose your own argument

thank you for trying to play in the big leagues. back to the farm for you
Well, at that moment the economy took a nose dive because of COVID and the fact that Democrats shut down the entire nation. Remember? Trump said we shouldnt stay locked down and you all threw a fit and fought him tooth and nail? I remember how proud every democrat mayor was to shut down their cities.
The economy in the 3rd qtr of 2020 was DT's last full fiscal qtr.
GDP grew by over 33%.

Nice try moron
President's enter office on what predecessors leave, and leave things for their SUCCESSORs.

Fiscal policies often do not show results until much later. It's not like flipping a switch. Think Reagan deficits
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On the Cover of New York Magazine: Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Run for Reelection​

In 1980, New York Magazine published one of the first meaningful profiles of Donald Trump, by Marie Brenner. “The first time anyone heard much about Donald Trump was about five years ago. And it all sounded very fishy,” she wrote. It is an astonishing document, an account of a psychologically weird real-estate developer with a dream of building “the monumental structures.”

He would go on, of course, to stomp around a razed America. But before all that, he was a hyperactive and “pushy kid nobody took seriously” with an “edifice complex” and “Third Avenue glitz,” in Brenner’s words. His brother, Robert, told her how Donald would steal his bricks when they were growing up, “and then he would build a tall building, and then he would glue all my bricks together, and that would be the end of my bricks.” His father, Fred, told her, “I tried to bring Donald down to earth many times,” but he couldn’t shake him of his desire for “quality” and for a bigger life, a life outside Jamaica Estates.

By the time Brenner was accompanying him around Manhattan, Trump had been “legitimized” by the success of his early real-estate projects, and although he exaggerated the height of his skyscrapers — “He lies,” Brenner wrote — and people thought he might be “a megalomaniac,” he was “bringing in millions of dollars in construction to the city (and making millions for himself)” and “having a very, very good time” on his rise to power. Happiness for him, Brenner wrote, was “the monomania that comes when you know exactly what you want.”


On the Cover of New York Magazine: Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Run for Reelection​

So Trump was Trump, then as now, but with a few jarring differences. A Trump Organization executive, Barbara Res, once told me of how she watched in mounting despair as he got more and more famous and lost his sense of self-awareness. Brenner captures Trump at a time when he is still tethered near, if not quite to, the common human experience. “Real estate has to be show business,” he told her. “Only the rich can afford to buy. I’ve had to make my deals with a certain amount of flash. I want materials that glitter, that sparkle, the best of everything, you understand. That’s part of the sell. I always go to these meetings, and I’m always the one who gets all the attention. It’s always, ‘Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump’; maybe you shouldn’t write that out of my mouth — it’s a little embarrassing.”

Ten years later, in 1990, Brenner profiled Trump again for a different magazine, drawing on her decade of insights to paint a full portrait of his psychology in a period of failure and isolation, his businesses collapsed, creditors hounding him, and his marriage on the rocks. In the account of this moment, After the Gold Rush (Vanity Fair), he is a victim of his appetites, bleeding from his wounds but still insatiable.

great article

On the Cover of New York Magazine: Donald Trump’s Sad, Lonely Run for Reelection​

This meme has pegged you & not in the perv way you'd like Pante


President's enter office on what predecessors leave, and leave things for their SUCCESSORs.

Fiscal policies often do not show results until much later. It's not like flipping a switch. Think Reagan deficits
Go ahead & say it- Obamas "new normal" was responsible for any DT success & DT is responsible for the demented diaper dudes Dem dystopia.

We all know that's how you feeeeeeeeeeeeel.
Say it so we can laugh at you some more
This meme has pegged you & not in the perv way you'd like Pante

View attachment 775350

Go ahead & say it- Obamas "new normal" was responsible for any DT success & DT is responsible for the demented diaper dudes Dem dystopia.

We all know that's how you feeeeeeeeeeeeel.
Say it so we can laugh at you some more



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