The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse...

We are at war with Russia. Some people fail to realize that. Russia is challenging the West in nearly every part of the world.
Russia is not challenging anybody but the Global Elite.
They seized the Crimea militarily. The so-called separatists in Ukraine are phonies controlled by Russia.
Crimea historically has never belonged to Ukraine. Khrushchev arbitrarily attached it to Ukraine in 1954 when he was the dictator of the USSR. The coup was orchestrated by the U.S. and the Global Elite toppling the government in Ukraine.
They hacked the DNC servers to help Trump.
The DNC servers were never examined by the F.B.I. It is hear saying that the Russians hacked them just like it is hear saying that the C.I.A. hacked them leaving "Russian fingerprints."
In France, they are backing Marine LePen and by a strange coincidence her opposition is suffering hack attacks. In the Netherlands they are backing Wilders another alt-right candidate.
It is lie spread by the Global Elite controlled media to whip up anti Russian sentiments because they want to subdue Russia by whatever means even war.
In the Middle East they have allied themselves with Iran against the US. The head of American forces in Afghanistan says that Iran and Russia are trying to undermine the US mission in Afghanistan. That puts out troops in danger but I guess that is okay with Trump supporters.
If they allied themselves with Iran it is self defense because they see the concerted effort by NWO Global Elitists to fabricate an excuse to go into war with Russia.
Ron Paul is a blame America first politician and anti-Semitic to boot.
I have never seen Paul being antisemitic. Provide proof.

The point is that it was conquered territory Russia took it by force. The Crimea did not decide they wanted to go with Russia, they took it over by force. The government was impeached by the Parliament legally. You seem to be really ignorant. You don't understand the word impeachment. The US Congress could remove Trump if they met the legal requirements outlined in the US constitution.

The fact is that the Russians did hack the DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to distribute them. The fact that false information was imparted with legitimate information shows this was a disinformation campaign. Assange and Russia have ties to each other. Even with the CIA information we see Russia and WikiLeaks working together.

The fact is that LaPen has received money from Russia. She is also for big government and is clearly liberal. You are such a liar.

You believe that Russia working against and putting our troops in danger is justified. Putin is the one who has talked about rebuilding the old Soviet Union. Do you look under your bed every night to make sure the NWO Global Elitists are not under your bed?

Ron Paul has consistently sided with the Palestinians and blamed Israel for the problems in the Middle East.

"The point is that it was conquered territory Russia took it by force. The Crimea did not decide they wanted to go with Russia, they took it over by force."

The point is you are uneducated and ignorant, stop embarrassing yourself already.

Russia didn't invade The Ukraine, Washington DC had CIA types with Victoria Nuland in tow orchestrated a coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych because he wanted closer relations with Russia and wasn't in favour of The Ukraine joining NATO, which isn't what Washington DC wants due to the situation that Washington DC thinks they control the planet and that all nations should just become vassals and also members of NATO so that Russia can be surrounded.

The Ukraine is now a failed nation thanks to Obama and Co.

Russia also didn't "annex" Crimea, when the above coup happened, the first thing Washington DC's Puppet Rulers did was outlaw anything Russian in The Crimea and as most of Crimeans are Ethnic Russian they rightly freaked and decided to have a referendum, the question being did they want to return to Russia or did they want to stay with The Ukraine and they voted that they wanted to return to Russia.

Also the Russian Black Fleet founded by Prince Grigory Potemkin has been based in The Crimea since 1783 and this has been crucial throughout history to the defence of Russia.

The Crimea was Russian from 1783, until the Bolshevik POS came along and made it an autonomous republic and then later it was declared The Crimean Oblast and then in 1954 the Ukranian Nikita Khruschev gave The Crimea to The Ukraine.

Progressives and globalists don't care about historical facts. They have their Agenda, and that's all that matters. Their masters, namely Soros, tell them Putin is their enemy, so they march to that tune.
We are at war with Russia. Some people fail to realize that. Russia is challenging the West in nearly every part of the world. In eastern Europe, Russia has backed a number of failed violent coups. They seized the Crimea militarily. The so-called separatists in Ukraine are phonies controlled by Russia. In the west, they are seeking leaders who are sympathetic to Putin. They hacked the DNC servers to help Trump. In France, they are backing Marine LePen and by a strange coincidence her opposition is suffering hack attacks. In the Netherlands they are backing Wilders another alt-right candidate.

In the Middle East they have allied themselves with Iran against the US. The head of American forces in Afghanistan says that Iran and Russia are trying to undermine the US mission in Afghanistan. That puts out troops in danger but I guess that is okay with Trump supporters.

Ron Paul is a blame America first politician and anti-Semitic to boot.

Busybee and all Democrats telling us that everything, what goes wrong in this world, is Putin's fault, are showing serious signs of paranoia and remind me another personage in the history of US: US Secretary of Defense James Forrestal was dealing with preparing war with the USSR, he was working out a plan of nuclear attack of 100 Russian cities. He constantly demanded to increase war spending and called everybody who disagreed with him “Russian agents”. He constantly was talking about “Soviet threat”.

He lost a lot of weight and looked exhausted. Finally, his colleagues suspected something wrong was going on with him. Forrestal was examined by doctors and found mentally ill. He was removed from his position and put into a mental hospital. Even in the hospital Forrestal was constantly repeating “I saw Russian soldiers, they are already here!” He has been stuffed with a lot of medicine and became more quiet, so the doctors eased up their control on him. And it was a wrong thing to do. On May 22, 1949 Forrestal jumped out of the window, screaming “Russians are coming!” and killed himself.

James Forrestal - Wikipedia
The Fall Of James Forrestal

Dems are seriously brainwashed by their Sponsor-in-Chief Soros and belong to a big mental hospital all together.
We are at war with Russia. Some people fail to realize that. Russia is challenging the West in nearly every part of the world.
Russia is not challenging anybody but the Global Elite.
They seized the Crimea militarily. The so-called separatists in Ukraine are phonies controlled by Russia.
Crimea historically has never belonged to Ukraine. Khrushchev arbitrarily attached it to Ukraine in 1954 when he was the dictator of the USSR. The coup was orchestrated by the U.S. and the Global Elite toppling the government in Ukraine.
They hacked the DNC servers to help Trump.
The DNC servers were never examined by the F.B.I. It is hear saying that the Russians hacked them just like it is hear saying that the C.I.A. hacked them leaving "Russian fingerprints."
In France, they are backing Marine LePen and by a strange coincidence her opposition is suffering hack attacks. In the Netherlands they are backing Wilders another alt-right candidate.
It is lie spread by the Global Elite controlled media to whip up anti Russian sentiments because they want to subdue Russia by whatever means even war.
In the Middle East they have allied themselves with Iran against the US. The head of American forces in Afghanistan says that Iran and Russia are trying to undermine the US mission in Afghanistan. That puts out troops in danger but I guess that is okay with Trump supporters.
If they allied themselves with Iran it is self defense because they see the concerted effort by NWO Global Elitists to fabricate an excuse to go into war with Russia.
Ron Paul is a blame America first politician and anti-Semitic to boot.
I have never seen Paul being antisemitic. Provide proof.

The point is that it was conquered territory Russia took it by force. The Crimea did not decide they wanted to go with Russia, they took it over by force. The government was impeached by the Parliament legally. You seem to be really ignorant. You don't understand the word impeachment. The US Congress could remove Trump if they met the legal requirements outlined in the US constitution.

The fact is that the Russians did hack the DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to distribute them. The fact that false information was imparted with legitimate information shows this was a disinformation campaign. Assange and Russia have ties to each other. Even with the CIA information we see Russia and WikiLeaks working together.

The fact is that LaPen has received money from Russia. She is also for big government and is clearly liberal. You are such a liar.

You believe that Russia working against and putting our troops in danger is justified. Putin is the one who has talked about rebuilding the old Soviet Union. Do you look under your bed every night to make sure the NWO Global Elitists are not under your bed?

Ron Paul has consistently sided with the Palestinians and blamed Israel for the problems in the Middle East.

"The point is that it was conquered territory Russia took it by force. The Crimea did not decide they wanted to go with Russia, they took it over by force."

The point is you are uneducated and ignorant, stop embarrassing yourself already.

Russia didn't invade The Ukraine, Washington DC had CIA types with Victoria Nuland in tow orchestrated a coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych because he wanted closer relations with Russia and wasn't in favour of The Ukraine joining NATO, which isn't what Washington DC wants due to the situation that Washington DC thinks they control the planet and that all nations should just become vassals and also members of NATO so that Russia can be surrounded.

The Ukraine is now a failed nation thanks to Obama and Co.

Russia also didn't "annex" Crimea, when the above coup happened, the first thing Washington DC's Puppet Rulers did was outlaw anything Russian in The Crimea and as most of Crimeans are Ethnic Russian they rightly freaked and decided to have a referendum, the question being did they want to return to Russia or did they want to stay with The Ukraine and they voted that they wanted to return to Russia.

Also the Russian Black Fleet founded by Prince Grigory Potemkin has been based in The Crimea since 1783 and this has been crucial throughout history to the defence of Russia.

The Crimea was Russian from 1783, until the Bolshevik POS came along and made it an autonomous republic and then later it was declared The Crimean Oblast and then in 1954 the Ukranian Nikita Khruschev gave The Crimea to The Ukraine.

Thank you! His uneducated opinion is actually the official propaganda of the NWO types. Those demagogues are caught off balance when they encounter somebody who actually knows what's going on.
We are at war with Russia. Some people fail to realize that. Russia is challenging the West in nearly every part of the world.
Russia is not challenging anybody but the Global Elite.
They seized the Crimea militarily. The so-called separatists in Ukraine are phonies controlled by Russia.
Crimea historically has never belonged to Ukraine. Khrushchev arbitrarily attached it to Ukraine in 1954 when he was the dictator of the USSR. The coup was orchestrated by the U.S. and the Global Elite toppling the government in Ukraine.
They hacked the DNC servers to help Trump.
The DNC servers were never examined by the F.B.I. It is hear saying that the Russians hacked them just like it is hear saying that the C.I.A. hacked them leaving "Russian fingerprints."
In France, they are backing Marine LePen and by a strange coincidence her opposition is suffering hack attacks. In the Netherlands they are backing Wilders another alt-right candidate.
It is lie spread by the Global Elite controlled media to whip up anti Russian sentiments because they want to subdue Russia by whatever means even war.
In the Middle East they have allied themselves with Iran against the US. The head of American forces in Afghanistan says that Iran and Russia are trying to undermine the US mission in Afghanistan. That puts out troops in danger but I guess that is okay with Trump supporters.
If they allied themselves with Iran it is self defense because they see the concerted effort by NWO Global Elitists to fabricate an excuse to go into war with Russia.
Ron Paul is a blame America first politician and anti-Semitic to boot.
I have never seen Paul being antisemitic. Provide proof.

The point is that it was conquered territory Russia took it by force. The Crimea did not decide they wanted to go with Russia, they took it over by force. The government was impeached by the Parliament legally. You seem to be really ignorant. You don't understand the word impeachment. The US Congress could remove Trump if they met the legal requirements outlined in the US constitution.

The fact is that the Russians did hack the DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to distribute them. The fact that false information was imparted with legitimate information shows this was a disinformation campaign. Assange and Russia have ties to each other. Even with the CIA information we see Russia and WikiLeaks working together.

The fact is that LaPen has received money from Russia. She is also for big government and is clearly liberal. You are such a liar.

You believe that Russia working against and putting our troops in danger is justified. Putin is the one who has talked about rebuilding the old Soviet Union. Do you look under your bed every night to make sure the NWO Global Elitists are not under your bed?

Ron Paul has consistently sided with the Palestinians and blamed Israel for the problems in the Middle East.

You're whining only Ukrainian nazi weren't in time to use own force to oppress and murder civilians of Crimea? Do you think, people at world don't know about "train of death", full of armed nazi, departed from Kiev station to Crimea?

And what about murders of drivers and passengers of Crimean buses? About ethnic cleasings against all, who don't know ukrainian "surzhik", including Crimea tatars?
We are at war with Russia. Some people fail to realize that. Russia is challenging the West in nearly every part of the world. In eastern Europe, Russia has backed a number of failed violent coups. They seized the Crimea militarily. The so-called separatists in Ukraine are phonies controlled by Russia. In the west, they are seeking leaders who are sympathetic to Putin. They hacked the DNC servers to help Trump. In France, they are backing Marine LePen and by a strange coincidence her opposition is suffering hack attacks. In the Netherlands they are backing Wilders another alt-right candidate.

In the Middle East they have allied themselves with Iran against the US. The head of American forces in Afghanistan says that Iran and Russia are trying to undermine the US mission in Afghanistan. That puts out troops in danger but I guess that is okay with Trump supporters.

Ron Paul is a blame America first politician and anti-Semitic to boot.

Damn, sorry, I didn't knew... So, who is a war with Russia, could you describe more precisely?

And if Russia is so cool and aggressive, where's my equity of all this attacks? Do you mean, Putin is single benefitiar of all this actions? Why he didn't burst yet?
We are at war with Russia. Some people fail to realize that. Russia is challenging the West in nearly every part of the world.
Russia is not challenging anybody but the Global Elite.
They seized the Crimea militarily. The so-called separatists in Ukraine are phonies controlled by Russia.
Crimea historically has never belonged to Ukraine. Khrushchev arbitrarily attached it to Ukraine in 1954 when he was the dictator of the USSR. The coup was orchestrated by the U.S. and the Global Elite toppling the government in Ukraine.
They hacked the DNC servers to help Trump.
The DNC servers were never examined by the F.B.I. It is hear saying that the Russians hacked them just like it is hear saying that the C.I.A. hacked them leaving "Russian fingerprints."
In France, they are backing Marine LePen and by a strange coincidence her opposition is suffering hack attacks. In the Netherlands they are backing Wilders another alt-right candidate.
It is lie spread by the Global Elite controlled media to whip up anti Russian sentiments because they want to subdue Russia by whatever means even war.
In the Middle East they have allied themselves with Iran against the US. The head of American forces in Afghanistan says that Iran and Russia are trying to undermine the US mission in Afghanistan. That puts out troops in danger but I guess that is okay with Trump supporters.
If they allied themselves with Iran it is self defense because they see the concerted effort by NWO Global Elitists to fabricate an excuse to go into war with Russia.
Ron Paul is a blame America first politician and anti-Semitic to boot.
I have never seen Paul being antisemitic. Provide proof.

The point is that it was conquered territory Russia took it by force. The Crimea did not decide they wanted to go with Russia, they took it over by force. The government was impeached by the Parliament legally. You seem to be really ignorant. You don't understand the word impeachment. The US Congress could remove Trump if they met the legal requirements outlined in the US constitution.

The fact is that the Russians did hack the DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to distribute them. The fact that false information was imparted with legitimate information shows this was a disinformation campaign. Assange and Russia have ties to each other. Even with the CIA information we see Russia and WikiLeaks working together.

The fact is that LaPen has received money from Russia. She is also for big government and is clearly liberal. You are such a liar.

You believe that Russia working against and putting our troops in danger is justified. Putin is the one who has talked about rebuilding the old Soviet Union. Do you look under your bed every night to make sure the NWO Global Elitists are not under your bed?

Ron Paul has consistently sided with the Palestinians and blamed Israel for the problems in the Middle East.

"The point is that it was conquered territory Russia took it by force. The Crimea did not decide they wanted to go with Russia, they took it over by force."

The point is you are uneducated and ignorant, stop embarrassing yourself already.

Russia didn't invade The Ukraine, Washington DC had CIA types with Victoria Nuland in tow orchestrated a coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych because he wanted closer relations with Russia and wasn't in favour of The Ukraine joining NATO, which isn't what Washington DC wants due to the situation that Washington DC thinks they control the planet and that all nations should just become vassals and also members of NATO so that Russia can be surrounded.

The Ukraine is now a failed nation thanks to Obama and Co.

Russia also didn't "annex" Crimea, when the above coup happened, the first thing Washington DC's Puppet Rulers did was outlaw anything Russian in The Crimea and as most of Crimeans are Ethnic Russian they rightly freaked and decided to have a referendum, the question being did they want to return to Russia or did they want to stay with The Ukraine and they voted that they wanted to return to Russia.

Also the Russian Black Fleet founded by Prince Grigory Potemkin has been based in The Crimea since 1783 and this has been crucial throughout history to the defence of Russia.

The Crimea was Russian from 1783, until the Bolshevik POS came along and made it an autonomous republic and then later it was declared The Crimean Oblast and then in 1954 the Ukranian Nikita Khruschev gave The Crimea to The Ukraine.

Progressives and globalists don't care about historical facts. They have their Agenda, and that's all that matters. Their masters, namely Soros, tell them Putin is their enemy, so they march to that tune.

Soros is 86 years old... Who know, could he really think adequate now?
We are at war with Russia. Some people fail to realize that. Russia is challenging the West in nearly every part of the world.
Russia is not challenging anybody but the Global Elite.
They seized the Crimea militarily. The so-called separatists in Ukraine are phonies controlled by Russia.
Crimea historically has never belonged to Ukraine. Khrushchev arbitrarily attached it to Ukraine in 1954 when he was the dictator of the USSR. The coup was orchestrated by the U.S. and the Global Elite toppling the government in Ukraine.
They hacked the DNC servers to help Trump.
The DNC servers were never examined by the F.B.I. It is hear saying that the Russians hacked them just like it is hear saying that the C.I.A. hacked them leaving "Russian fingerprints."
In France, they are backing Marine LePen and by a strange coincidence her opposition is suffering hack attacks. In the Netherlands they are backing Wilders another alt-right candidate.
It is lie spread by the Global Elite controlled media to whip up anti Russian sentiments because they want to subdue Russia by whatever means even war.
In the Middle East they have allied themselves with Iran against the US. The head of American forces in Afghanistan says that Iran and Russia are trying to undermine the US mission in Afghanistan. That puts out troops in danger but I guess that is okay with Trump supporters.
If they allied themselves with Iran it is self defense because they see the concerted effort by NWO Global Elitists to fabricate an excuse to go into war with Russia.
Ron Paul is a blame America first politician and anti-Semitic to boot.
I have never seen Paul being antisemitic. Provide proof.

The point is that it was conquered territory Russia took it by force. The Crimea did not decide they wanted to go with Russia, they took it over by force. The government was impeached by the Parliament legally. You seem to be really ignorant. You don't understand the word impeachment. The US Congress could remove Trump if they met the legal requirements outlined in the US constitution.

The fact is that the Russians did hack the DNC servers and used WikiLeaks to distribute them. The fact that false information was imparted with legitimate information shows this was a disinformation campaign. Assange and Russia have ties to each other. Even with the CIA information we see Russia and WikiLeaks working together.

The fact is that LaPen has received money from Russia. She is also for big government and is clearly liberal. You are such a liar.

You believe that Russia working against and putting our troops in danger is justified. Putin is the one who has talked about rebuilding the old Soviet Union. Do you look under your bed every night to make sure the NWO Global Elitists are not under your bed?

Ron Paul has consistently sided with the Palestinians and blamed Israel for the problems in the Middle East.

You're whining only Ukrainian nazi weren't in time to use own force to oppress and murder civilians of Crimea? Do you think, people at world don't know about "train of death", full of armed nazi, departed from Kiev station to Crimea?

And what about murders of drivers and passengers of Crimean buses? About ethnic cleasings against all, who don't know ukrainian "surzhik", including Crimea tatars?

Ukraine is in the hands of a dangerous group of lunatics, who have no problem with Svoboda, Tryzub and the Right Sector, all took part in the violence at Maidan, where they fought the police, injured hundreds of them and killed 18 of them.

Svoboda along with Tryzub and the Right Sector all annually have a big march to celebrate the birth and also the achievements of Stepan Bandera and others in the OUN-B such as Yaroslav Stetsko.

OUN were extreme, but OUN split into two other factions in 1940, OUN-M were still extreme but a bit more moderate and were led by Andriy Melnyk, the most extreme was the other faction OUN-B who were led by Stepan Bandera and Yaroslav Stetsko.

Most people aren't even educated to be aware of who Stepan Bandera is, let alone who Svoboda, Tryzub and the Right Sector are.

They just follow the Propaganda and drink the Kool-Aid, they are ignorant and have little intelligence and are completely devoid of any independent thought process.

Euromaidan headquarters, big picture of Stepan Bandera.


New Western Puppet Petro Poroshenko, statue of Stepan Bandera in the background.

By Charles Goyette of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

It’s a horse race.

Will Donald Trump’s first new war be with Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea?

Here are some things to consider as you try to handicap this deadly contest:

It is a certainty that a war of principals or proxies with Russia remains a chief objective of the neocons and the Deep State. If Victoria Nuland in Kiev didn’t convince you of this, recall Murray Rothbard’s trenchant observation that “sanctions are simply the coward’s and the babbler’s halfway house to war,” and it is clear we have been on the way to war with Russia for some time.

All that could ever have been hoped from Donald Trump was that if elected president he would deflect Washington’s headlong rush to a Russian war, beginning with the lifting of sanctions. Judging today by the way he has populated his administration, I no longer have any hope that Trump will change that trajectory...


Iran has been more sinned against than sinning in its relations with the United States over the past couple of generations. Nevertheless, for reasons that are discernable to those willing to look closely, but unknown to the average American, Iran remains a primary target of the war-making classes in Washington...

Read More:
The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse
Silly stuff. While there is a slight possibility we may have to fight Iran, we will not become involved in military conflict with the others. If we do have to fight Iran, it will be a quick war to destroy dangerous elements in their military and military infrastructure and not a war to hold ground, so while all wars are expensive, this one, if it happens, will not produce many casualties.

You sure about that?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
By Charles Goyette of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

It’s a horse race.

Will Donald Trump’s first new war be with Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea?

Here are some things to consider as you try to handicap this deadly contest:

It is a certainty that a war of principals or proxies with Russia remains a chief objective of the neocons and the Deep State. If Victoria Nuland in Kiev didn’t convince you of this, recall Murray Rothbard’s trenchant observation that “sanctions are simply the coward’s and the babbler’s halfway house to war,” and it is clear we have been on the way to war with Russia for some time.

All that could ever have been hoped from Donald Trump was that if elected president he would deflect Washington’s headlong rush to a Russian war, beginning with the lifting of sanctions. Judging today by the way he has populated his administration, I no longer have any hope that Trump will change that trajectory...


Iran has been more sinned against than sinning in its relations with the United States over the past couple of generations. Nevertheless, for reasons that are discernable to those willing to look closely, but unknown to the average American, Iran remains a primary target of the war-making classes in Washington...

Read More:
The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse
I just hope if they start war with Russia then she will nuke the fuck out of the whole world incinerating everything on the face of the globe with all the Global Elite scum with it.
WOW! Sicko to the nth degree along with those who agreed with you! Are your lives really not worth living anymore? I feel sorry for you all, if that is the case... and just can't imagine having such an unhappy, horrible life!!! :eek:
By Charles Goyette of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

It’s a horse race.

Will Donald Trump’s first new war be with Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea?

Here are some things to consider as you try to handicap this deadly contest:

It is a certainty that a war of principals or proxies with Russia remains a chief objective of the neocons and the Deep State. If Victoria Nuland in Kiev didn’t convince you of this, recall Murray Rothbard’s trenchant observation that “sanctions are simply the coward’s and the babbler’s halfway house to war,” and it is clear we have been on the way to war with Russia for some time.

All that could ever have been hoped from Donald Trump was that if elected president he would deflect Washington’s headlong rush to a Russian war, beginning with the lifting of sanctions. Judging today by the way he has populated his administration, I no longer have any hope that Trump will change that trajectory...


Iran has been more sinned against than sinning in its relations with the United States over the past couple of generations. Nevertheless, for reasons that are discernable to those willing to look closely, but unknown to the average American, Iran remains a primary target of the war-making classes in Washington...

Read More:
The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse
Silly stuff. While there is a slight possibility we may have to fight Iran, we will not become involved in military conflict with the others. If we do have to fight Iran, it will be a quick war to destroy dangerous elements in their military and military infrastructure and not a war to hold ground, so while all wars are expensive, this one, if it happens, will not produce many casualties.

You sure about that?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.
By Charles Goyette of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

It’s a horse race.

Will Donald Trump’s first new war be with Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea?

Here are some things to consider as you try to handicap this deadly contest:

It is a certainty that a war of principals or proxies with Russia remains a chief objective of the neocons and the Deep State. If Victoria Nuland in Kiev didn’t convince you of this, recall Murray Rothbard’s trenchant observation that “sanctions are simply the coward’s and the babbler’s halfway house to war,” and it is clear we have been on the way to war with Russia for some time.

All that could ever have been hoped from Donald Trump was that if elected president he would deflect Washington’s headlong rush to a Russian war, beginning with the lifting of sanctions. Judging today by the way he has populated his administration, I no longer have any hope that Trump will change that trajectory...


Iran has been more sinned against than sinning in its relations with the United States over the past couple of generations. Nevertheless, for reasons that are discernable to those willing to look closely, but unknown to the average American, Iran remains a primary target of the war-making classes in Washington...

Read More:
The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse
I just hope if they start war with Russia then she will nuke the fuck out of the whole world incinerating everything on the face of the globe with all the Global Elite scum with it.
WOW! Sicko to the nth degree along with those who agreed with you! Are your lives really not worth living anymore? I feel sorry for you all, if that is the case... and just can't imagine having such a sorry, horrible life!!! :eek:
You lack the comprehension abilities to understand the meaning of the post. You think (wonder if you are able to at all, posting stupid shit like that) superficially, you imbecile, you need to look under the surface every once in a while. What a fucking idiot....
By Charles Goyette of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

It’s a horse race.

Will Donald Trump’s first new war be with Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea?

Here are some things to consider as you try to handicap this deadly contest:

It is a certainty that a war of principals or proxies with Russia remains a chief objective of the neocons and the Deep State. If Victoria Nuland in Kiev didn’t convince you of this, recall Murray Rothbard’s trenchant observation that “sanctions are simply the coward’s and the babbler’s halfway house to war,” and it is clear we have been on the way to war with Russia for some time.

All that could ever have been hoped from Donald Trump was that if elected president he would deflect Washington’s headlong rush to a Russian war, beginning with the lifting of sanctions. Judging today by the way he has populated his administration, I no longer have any hope that Trump will change that trajectory...


Iran has been more sinned against than sinning in its relations with the United States over the past couple of generations. Nevertheless, for reasons that are discernable to those willing to look closely, but unknown to the average American, Iran remains a primary target of the war-making classes in Washington...

Read More:
The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse
I just hope if they start war with Russia then she will nuke the fuck out of the whole world incinerating everything on the face of the globe with all the Global Elite scum with it.
WOW! Sicko to the nth degree along with those who agreed with you! Are your lives really not worth living anymore? I feel sorry for you all, if that is the case... and just can't imagine having such an unhappy, horrible life!!! :eek:

I don't believe to your sorry for him while you send him some money... Why not? Just prove your words! :)
By Charles Goyette of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

It’s a horse race.

Will Donald Trump’s first new war be with Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea?

Here are some things to consider as you try to handicap this deadly contest:

It is a certainty that a war of principals or proxies with Russia remains a chief objective of the neocons and the Deep State. If Victoria Nuland in Kiev didn’t convince you of this, recall Murray Rothbard’s trenchant observation that “sanctions are simply the coward’s and the babbler’s halfway house to war,” and it is clear we have been on the way to war with Russia for some time.

All that could ever have been hoped from Donald Trump was that if elected president he would deflect Washington’s headlong rush to a Russian war, beginning with the lifting of sanctions. Judging today by the way he has populated his administration, I no longer have any hope that Trump will change that trajectory...


Iran has been more sinned against than sinning in its relations with the United States over the past couple of generations. Nevertheless, for reasons that are discernable to those willing to look closely, but unknown to the average American, Iran remains a primary target of the war-making classes in Washington...

Read More:
The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse
Silly stuff. While there is a slight possibility we may have to fight Iran, we will not become involved in military conflict with the others. If we do have to fight Iran, it will be a quick war to destroy dangerous elements in their military and military infrastructure and not a war to hold ground, so while all wars are expensive, this one, if it happens, will not produce many casualties.

You sure about that?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

It's easy to dream "how it would be if", so they use it...:) Spitting on memory of soldiers, murdered during WWII :((
By Charles Goyette of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

It’s a horse race.

Will Donald Trump’s first new war be with Russia, Iran, China, or North Korea?

Here are some things to consider as you try to handicap this deadly contest:

It is a certainty that a war of principals or proxies with Russia remains a chief objective of the neocons and the Deep State. If Victoria Nuland in Kiev didn’t convince you of this, recall Murray Rothbard’s trenchant observation that “sanctions are simply the coward’s and the babbler’s halfway house to war,” and it is clear we have been on the way to war with Russia for some time.

All that could ever have been hoped from Donald Trump was that if elected president he would deflect Washington’s headlong rush to a Russian war, beginning with the lifting of sanctions. Judging today by the way he has populated his administration, I no longer have any hope that Trump will change that trajectory...


Iran has been more sinned against than sinning in its relations with the United States over the past couple of generations. Nevertheless, for reasons that are discernable to those willing to look closely, but unknown to the average American, Iran remains a primary target of the war-making classes in Washington...

Read More:
The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse
Silly stuff. While there is a slight possibility we may have to fight Iran, we will not become involved in military conflict with the others. If we do have to fight Iran, it will be a quick war to destroy dangerous elements in their military and military infrastructure and not a war to hold ground, so while all wars are expensive, this one, if it happens, will not produce many casualties.

You sure about that?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The war mongers don't want a war with Russia. They just want continual anti-Russian paranoia. This gives them an excuse for an endless military buildup that means funneling U.S. tax payers money into their pockets.

They'll go for a war with Iran. They love smaller non-nuclear wars which accelerate the rate at which the tax payers money is funneled to them.

They're not particularly interested with a war with N. Korea, if they were we would have had one long ago. Any war with N. Korea wouldn't last more than a few days - not much profit to be made. This is why they've been kicking the can down the road for the past 50 years. Now N. Korea has become a very real and very major problem. But since they do not see any profit in a war, they just keep ignoring N. Korea.
Silly stuff. While there is a slight possibility we may have to fight Iran, we will not become involved in military conflict with the others. If we do have to fight Iran, it will be a quick war to destroy dangerous elements in their military and military infrastructure and not a war to hold ground, so while all wars are expensive, this one, if it happens, will not produce many casualties.

You sure about that?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.
The war mongers don't want a war with Russia. They just want continual anti-Russian paranoia. This gives them an excuse for an endless military buildup that means funneling U.S. tax payers money into their pockets.

They'll go for a war with Iran. They love smaller non-nuclear wars which accelerate the rate at which the tax payers money is funneled to them.

They're not particularly interested with a war with N. Korea, if they were we would have had one long ago. Any war with N. Korea wouldn't last more than a few days - not much profit to be made. This is why they've been kicking the can down the road for the past 50 years. Now N. Korea has become a very real and very major problem. But since they do not see any profit in a war, they just keep ignoring N. Korea.

Probably no oil in North Korea. You made some great points. Thanks.
You sure about that?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.
The war mongers don't want a war with Russia. They just want continual anti-Russian paranoia. This gives them an excuse for an endless military buildup that means funneling U.S. tax payers money into their pockets.

They'll go for a war with Iran. They love smaller non-nuclear wars which accelerate the rate at which the tax payers money is funneled to them.

They're not particularly interested with a war with N. Korea, if they were we would have had one long ago. Any war with N. Korea wouldn't last more than a few days - not much profit to be made. This is why they've been kicking the can down the road for the past 50 years. Now N. Korea has become a very real and very major problem. But since they do not see any profit in a war, they just keep ignoring N. Korea.

I would suggest you need to get rid of your paranoia. The fact is that the Russians are the ones who are committing acts of war. They are trying to install Russia friendly leaders in Eastern Europe even if it means violence. They are teaming up with alt-right groups in the US and western Europe. It is interesting pro-Russia legislators in Montenegro are appealing to Steve Bannon to reject Montenegro's entry into NATO. They are aligning themselves with Iran which is a country that wants to see us dead. These are hardly friendly acts.

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