The Four Horsemen Of The Trumpocalypse...

The war mongers don't want a war with Russia. They just want continual anti-Russian paranoia. This gives them an excuse for an endless military buildup that means funneling U.S. tax payers money into their pockets.

They'll go for a war with Iran. They love smaller non-nuclear wars which accelerate the rate at which the tax payers money is funneled to them.

They're not particularly interested with a war with N. Korea, if they were we would have had one long ago. Any war with N. Korea wouldn't last more than a few days - not much profit to be made. This is why they've been kicking the can down the road for the past 50 years. Now N. Korea has become a very real and very major problem. But since they do not see any profit in a war, they just keep ignoring N. Korea.

I would suggest you need to get rid of your paranoia. The fact is that the Russians are the ones who are committing acts of war. They are trying to install Russia friendly leaders in Eastern Europe even if it means violence. They are teaming up with alt-right groups in the US and western Europe. It is interesting pro-Russia legislators in Montenegro are appealing to Steve Bannon to reject Montenegro's entry into NATO. They are aligning themselves with Iran which is a country that wants to see us dead. These are hardly friendly acts.

Always a Boogeyman for y'all to fear and hate. It never ends. But somehow we gotta break this Vicious Circle of War. I mean, where is it all taking us?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.
So you're just one of the Paul faithful and have no need to think for yourself.
Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.
So you're just one of the Paul faithful and have no need to think for yourself.

Yeah, i guess i am kind of a 'Paul faithful.' But that doesn't mean i don't think for myself.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.
So you're just one of the Paul faithful and have no need to think for yourself.

Yeah, i guess i am kind of a 'Paul faithful.' But that doesn't mean i don't think for myself.
Your posts on this issue show no evidence you have done any thinking of your own about this. Other than throwing around words and phrased like warmonger and permanent war, what kind of analysis have you done?
Silly stuff. While there is a slight possibility we may have to fight Iran, we will not become involved in military conflict with the others. If we do have to fight Iran, it will be a quick war to destroy dangerous elements in their military and military infrastructure and not a war to hold ground, so while all wars are expensive, this one, if it happens, will not produce many casualties.

You sure about that?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.

Nazis are dead? Really? Repeat it in face of Bandera:

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.
So you're just one of the Paul faithful and have no need to think for yourself.

Yeah, i guess i am kind of a 'Paul faithful.' But that doesn't mean i don't think for myself.
Your posts on this issue show no evidence you have done any thinking of your own about this. Other than throwing around words and phrased like warmonger and permanent war, what kind of analysis have you done?

I just call em like i see em. America has way too many Warmongers. It's time to question and reconsider their Permanent War policy.
You sure about that?
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.

Nazis are dead? Really? Repeat it in face of Bandera:

WWII's over man. Y'all Warmongers gotta come to grips with that. It's not a valid justification for your Permanent War policy.
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.

Are you sure? :) Sure, let's view video, where "heroic" nazi fighting with eldermen? :) It's very heroic to smash any pensioneer to prove your strenght, isn't it?

The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.
So you're just one of the Paul faithful and have no need to think for yourself.

Yeah, i guess i am kind of a 'Paul faithful.' But that doesn't mean i don't think for myself.
Your posts on this issue show no evidence you have done any thinking of your own about this. Other than throwing around words and phrased like warmonger and permanent war, what kind of analysis have you done?

I just call em like i see em. America has way too many Warmongers. It's time to question and reconsider their Permanent War policy.
There you go again, slogans instead of ideas born of facts and logic.
Absolutely. President Trump has made it clear he wants to negotiate, not fight. Ideologues like Rand Paul see everything in extreme terms. To him, if you are not an isolationist, you have bought into the whole globalist world view and all the wars we have fought in defense of it. Trump's military posture is defensive, not aggressive.

Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.

Nazis are dead? Really? Repeat it in face of Bandera:

WWII's over man. Y'all Warmongers gotta come to grips with that. It's not a valid justification for your Permanent War policy.

They seeking and beating WWII veterans at Ukraine. We're think, WWII over, they think - no. They need to replay it. How would your 400.000 murdered WWII soldiers observe this?
Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.

Are you sure? :) Sure, let's view video, where "heroic" nazi fighting with eldermen? :) It's very heroic to smash any pensioneer to prove your strenght, isn't it?

Yup, those 9 'Nazis' are clearly a major threat to the most powerful nation earth. I'm terrified. :eek-52:
Unfortunately, i can't go with ya on that. The US has a long history of starting wars and claiming they're 'Defensive Wars.' Most of the places our Government invades, aren't credible threats to the US.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.

Nazis are dead? Really? Repeat it in face of Bandera:

WWII's over man. Y'all Warmongers gotta come to grips with that. It's not a valid justification for your Permanent War policy.

They seeking and beating WWII veterans at Ukraine. We're think, WWII over, they think - no. They need to replay it. How would your 400.000 murdered WWII soldiers observe this?

I'm underwhelmed with your 'Nazi' hysteria. And btw, it was the US/West that supported the illegal Coup in Ukraine. You should research 'Right Sector.' It played a role in the Coup. Pretty nasty group supported by the US/West.
According to your reasoning we should have stayed out of WWII since neither Germany nor Japan was a direct threat to the US. We could have allowed both of them to have their empires, signed trade agreements with them and saved the lives of 400,000 Americans soldiers.

Oh God, not the 'WWII/Nazi' meme again. Eventually all Warmongers get around to rehashing old WWII stuff. But our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Endless War agenda. So please spare us that weak tired nonsense. WWII is over and the Nazis are dead. Time to move on.
The same principle applies. If the US only responded to imminent direct threats we would not have joined the fight against Japan and Germany. By the same reasoning we should have allowed the Soviets to move across central Asia and western Europe if we could have made a deal with them not to invade the US.

The 'WWII-Nazi' meme is so tired and lame. Can't you Warmongers come up with some new material? But regardless, our involvement in WWII doesn't justify your Permanent War policy.

Are you sure? :) Sure, let's view video, where "heroic" nazi fighting with eldermen? :) It's very heroic to smash any pensioneer to prove your strenght, isn't it?

Yup, those 9 'Nazis' are clearly a major threat to the most powerful nation earth. I'm terrified. :eek-52:

I don't know, why this "9 Nazis" are so important for US, if US ready to defend them by a price of self (and mutual) destruction...

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