The Four Worst American Presidents

There is validity in these two (in our lifetimes)
In my lifetime (Johnson - )...I would agree with those choices - mostly. Clinton comes in close to Bush.

For Bush, it was his complete disastrous handling of the Iraq War, ignoring exponentially growing immigration issues, and ignoring/AWOL on economic corruption.
For Carter - no explanation necessary.
For Clinton - Signing NAFTA, for starting the policies that began the mortgage meltdown. For allowing Larry Summers to do basically anything he wanted to broker the housing deal, for keeping Larry Summers in the cabinet (as has Obama) - Summers is arguably the most corrupt/cronyism single person in modern history.

I was born while Ike was President but don't remember much. From JFK onward I would rank the worst as:

Bush: Wrong man for the time, had horrible advisors
Carter: Weak and idealistic
Johnson: Great on Civil Rights and Social Programs...then came Viet Nam
Nixon: Smart man politically but a horrible person, borderline psychotic

I am surprised you don't at least give Clinton a 'dishonorable' mention.
He was corrupt. The housing deal, and the dismantling of his principles to get it passed is what contributed greatly to 2008. There is plenty of blame to go around for the mortgage collapse, but IMO it is undeniable that Clinton was an active participator to get what he wanted.

I would go back to the Clinton era in an instant

Booming economy, salaries went through the roof. We were seeing post Cold War prosperity. We were at relative peace, no major military engagements. Kosovo was mostly support from the air. Peace and prosperity....then came Bush
The Four Worst American Presidents

by OjibwaFollow for History for Kossacks

Since the adoption of its constitution, 43 men have been President of the United States. In January 2013, a New York Times journalist and statistician put together a composite list of presidential rankings based on previous presidential rankings by scholars (primarily historians). According to this, the worst four are: (43) James Buchanan (Democrat) (42); Franklin Pierce (Democrat) (41) Warren G. Harding (Republican); and (40) William Henry Harrison (Whig).

According to this list, the four most recent presidents ranked as follows: Barrack Obama is ranked as 17; George W. Bush is ranked as 38; Bill Clinton is ranked as 18; and George H.W. Bush is ranked as 22.

A very short description of the worst presidents follows.

Naming those four men as the worst presidents is absurd. Three are from the 19th century before America centralized government power in DC, promoted foolish liberal/socialist policies, and concentrated too much power into the hands of the POTUS.

Naming Harding is dumb too. He was only in office a little more than 2 years.

I would say this ranking was done by a big government loving Statist.

It is difficult to determine the worst presidents, since most of them were terrible.

If I had to pick the worst one, it would be FDR. He held office over three terms, much of that time terribly ill (which was purposely concealed from the American people), prolonged the Great Depression harming millions with his dumb policies. Pushed us into a needless war whose consequence lead to more suffering and turned the world's most vile nation and political ideology (which he approved of and admired) into a superpower leading to decades of cold war and more suffering and death. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies thus allowing the USSR to ruthlessly enslave half of Europe. And it goes on and on and on and on................

Nice resume for a POTUS the left loves and admires. Further proof...not that further proof is needed.... that they are delusional bordering on CRAZY.
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What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

Can you believe that someone is still defending Bush? Oh, hold on it is healthmyths. Now it makes sense.

SO NONE of what I wrote happened?
Were you born after 2008? Are you in grade school?

Or were you in a skilled nursing facility where your Depends were changed daily?

Are you f..king telling me NONE of those events happened ? And are you telling me that they were ALL the fault of GWB decisions???

He handled everything poorly. 2 wars!
If I had to pick the worst one, it would be FDR. He held office over three terms, much of that time terribly ill (which was purposely concealed from the American people), prolonged the Great Depression harming millions with his dumb policies. Pushed us into a needless war whose consequence lead to more suffering and turned the world's most vile nation and political ideology (which he approved of and admired) into a superpower leading to decades of cold war and more suffering and death. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies thus allowing the USSR to ruthlessly enslave half of Europe. And it goes on and on and on and on................

Nice resume for a POTUS the left loves and admires. Further proof...not that further proof is needed.... that they are delusional bordering on CRAZY.

FDR is frequently cited as one of the top 3 best presidents along with Lincoln and Washington. He was elected and RE-elected with HUUUUUGE margins, and he did win a total of "four" elections. It's a very tough sell to label FDR as a bad president with numbers like that.
If I had to pick the worst one, it would be FDR. He held office over three terms, much of that time terribly ill (which was purposely concealed from the American people), prolonged the Great Depression harming millions with his dumb policies. Pushed us into a needless war whose consequence lead to more suffering and turned the world's most vile nation and political ideology (which he approved of and admired) into a superpower leading to decades of cold war and more suffering and death. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies thus allowing the USSR to ruthlessly enslave half of Europe. And it goes on and on and on and on................

Nice resume for a POTUS the left loves and admires. Further proof...not that further proof is needed.... that they are delusional bordering on CRAZY.

FDR is frequently cited as one of the top 3 best presidents along with Lincoln and Washington. He was elected and RE-elected with HUUUUUGE margins, and he did win a total of "four" elections. It's a very tough sell to label FDR as a bad president with numbers like that.

Pay no attention to Conservative Bizarro World

FDR was a horrible president....Harding was great

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I would go back to the Clinton era in an instant

Booming economy, salaries went through the roof. We were seeing post Cold War prosperity. We were at relative peace, no major military engagements. Kosovo was mostly support from the air. Peace and prosperity....then came Bush

yes, but it was a false economy based on waaaaaaaaaaay too available credit both private and public. The average American was walking around with five figures in credit card debt and 2nd/3rd mortgages on their home.
In 1998 - 67% of consumer retail spending was credit!! That is unsustainable. At the same time individual bankruptcy abuse went through the roof.
The 80's economy was based on everyone collectively spending money they did not earn. Which of course caused a temporary boom.
Worst - Barack Hussein "Black Jimmy" Obama
2nd Worst - (TIED) Bill Clinton / Richard Nixon
3rd Worst - LBJ

To me, it's a lot like stating that the 50th woman in the Miss America pagent is ugly...

I'd be interested in seeing the critera also.

I think if you're going to use any critera, the body counts of those dead in uniform should be equated to what was gained due to their sacrifice is the true measuring stick or the one that matters the most.

If inflation was X when he took office and X+.2% when he that really a testament to his greatness or failure when so many other factors are involved? You can say the same for nearly all economic issues; it's not a one man show. It's not even a one congress show since, at minimum, the president will have two congresses during his tenure.

No, the only thing that he has true control over is where to send our fighting men and women and for what reason. So if you're going to judge him on what he can control; that's the best yardstick to use.

There is corruption and crime that we saw under Harding, myopic failure that we saw under Hoover, incredible miscalculations that we saw under Nixon, nearly criminal naivety we saw in Obama's first term which is a category unto itself since it wasn't really a statement about their policies (in Nixon and Hoover it was but only part-way and for which they can't be totally responsible) but their persona as well.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.
There are lots of list with the historical context.. and for ONCE I actually AGREE with wrongwinger that to label Harrison as one of the worst with only a short amount of time, is ridiculous... but hard to compare those of the distant past to the current presidents just like it is hard to compare Randy Johnson to Walter Johnson in baseball

But in our recent past, there is no worse president in entirety than Carter, though Obama may make a run at that after his time is up... We have had some middle of the road Presidents (Bush I, Clinton, Ike, Ford, Truman), we have had some below average Presidents (Nixon, Bush II, Johnson) and we have had some better than average to good Presidents (Reagan, Kennedy)...
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William Henry Harrison only lived for 30 days after being inaugurated. Hard to lable the guy the worst

In my lifetime, George W Bush was the worst with Carter next

What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq.
He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

that i agree with.....he went in a few short months from being a leader to a guy who all of a sudden could not lead his way out of a wet paper bag....
William Henry Harrison only lived for 30 days after being inaugurated. Hard to lable the guy the worst

In my lifetime, George W Bush was the worst with Carter next

What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!
you're funny ... uninformed, but still funny
From worst to best, top 4...

Barack Obama
Barack Obama
Barack Obama
James Carter
William Henry Harrison only lived for 30 days after being inaugurated. Hard to lable the guy the worst

In my lifetime, George W Bush was the worst with Carter next

What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market..

I would much more interested in knowing the criteria they use to decide which PsOTUS were good and which were bad.

But as they surveyed historians they probably do not know why the historians voted as they did.

it was based on what they accomplished with the government they had at the time... consider Obama here he has a republican house that is blocking every attempt to get a jobs bill passed .... still he has been dropimng the unemployment numbers each and every month ... contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half...still high for the numbers, but he has cut it in half ... again with a republican government trying to block his every move ... this is how they based the president in a poll
I would much more interested in knowing the criteria they use to decide which PsOTUS were good and which were bad.

But as they surveyed historians they probably do not know why the historians voted as they did.

it was based on what they accomplished with the government they had at the time... consider Obama here he has a republican house that is blocking every attempt to get a jobs bill passed .... still he has been dropimng the unemployment numbers each and every month ... contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half...still high for the numbers, but he has cut it in half ... again with a republican government trying to block his every move ... this is how they based the president in a poll

contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half

You might want to double check your calculations.
A NY Times statistics writer?? What a laugh!

The worst president in the history of our country is easily B. Hussein Obama! His illegal ignoring the Constitution, his constant lies, his lack of transparency etc easily make him the worst.

Dubya is easily in the top ten best when you consider what he contended with. Also, Reagan was in the top three best. I also believe JFK was in the top ten of the best, so it's not just party for me.
Obama is the worst.
Carter the second worst.
U.S. Grant third worst.
Andrew Johnson.
Woodrow Wilson.

Clinton was better than some but he helped start the move to destroy NASDAQ back in the 90s. He sued Microsoft and started the tumbling of the markets.
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq.
He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

that i agree with.....he went in a few short months from being a leader to a guy who all of a sudden could not lead his way out of a wet paper bag....

I personally liked Bush

He seemed like a nice guy who sincerely wanted to do what was best for the country. But I think he was ill served by his advisors. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rove....all pushed an agenda that was catastrophic and left Bush to take the fall with history

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