The Four Worst American Presidents

The Four Worst American Presidents


Obama deserves to be mentioned twice and to be put at the top of whatever list. His narcissism demands it.
Bush policies didn't turn catastrophic till the Dems won back full control of Congress. It was no coincidence that the fall started shortly after they won election.

Save it for your next call to Rush Limbaugh

I have to take what Rush says with a grain of salt. He doesn't always get it right.

I was awake and had my eyes wide open and saw what the Demcraps were doing. They talked down the economy. They insisted on sending nothing but protest bills to Bush, and they encouraged several runs on banks. Chuck Schumer was one who encouraged depositors to make a run on specific banks. For years when the economy was much better than it is today Democraps said it was terrible, even before they took power.

Eventually all of the negativity sunk in. I remember it seemed like every week the Dems were saying something really terrible. If I had been in the Capital I would have been tempted to kick their asses back to China. They seemed to admire it so much, why not move there.

They were being totally reckless. They haven't dealt in good faith for over 10 years.

you have few good points.....i remember that too....but Bush was still a shitty leader.....
There is validity in these two (in our lifetimes)
In my lifetime (Johnson - )...I would agree with those choices - mostly. Clinton comes in close to Bush.

For Bush, it was his complete disastrous handling of the Iraq War, ignoring exponentially growing immigration issues, and ignoring/AWOL on economic corruption.
For Carter - no explanation necessary.
For Clinton - Signing NAFTA, for starting the policies that began the mortgage meltdown. For allowing Larry Summers to do basically anything he wanted to broker the housing deal, for keeping Larry Summers in the cabinet (as has Obama) - Summers is arguably the most corrupt/cronyism single person in modern history.

I was born while Ike was President but don't remember much. From JFK onward I would rank the worst as:

Bush: Wrong man for the time, had horrible advisors
Carter: Weak and idealistic
Johnson: Great on Civil Rights and Social Programs...then came Viet Nam
Nixon: Smart man politically but a horrible person, borderline psychotic

How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

I voted for him and still have a lot of respect for Bush Senior. He was the first to call on "voodoo economics" but then sold out to join the Reagan administration

In Kuwait, he acted swiftly and decisively, built an effective coalition and constrained the scope of the war. He was wise enough to realize that invading Iraq would bring us into a cesspool that we couldn't get out of

On the economy, he was weak and it cost him the election. I'd rate him average among modern Presidents
There is validity in these two (in our lifetimes)
In my lifetime (Johnson - )...I would agree with those choices - mostly. Clinton comes in close to Bush.

For Bush, it was his complete disastrous handling of the Iraq War, ignoring exponentially growing immigration issues, and ignoring/AWOL on economic corruption.
For Carter - no explanation necessary.
For Clinton - Signing NAFTA, for starting the policies that began the mortgage meltdown. For allowing Larry Summers to do basically anything he wanted to broker the housing deal, for keeping Larry Summers in the cabinet (as has Obama) - Summers is arguably the most corrupt/cronyism single person in modern history.

I was born while Ike was President but don't remember much. From JFK onward I would rank the worst as:

Bush: Wrong man for the time, had horrible advisors
Carter: Weak and idealistic
Johnson: Great on Civil Rights and Social Programs...then came Viet Nam
Nixon: Smart man politically but a horrible person, borderline psychotic

How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time
Anyone who puts FDR as 'best' is clueless to the damage that fucker did to the republic

Most historians both at home and abroad consider FDR to be one of the greatest American Presidents

Only the revisionist, Bizarro land libertarians and Conservatives rate him poorly. But that is to be expected

yeah.. his attempts to thwart the constitution, to actually thwart the constitution, and implement big government 'social' programs that were nothing more than ponzi schemes were indeed bad... a lot of idiot reporters, professors, authors, pundits, etc rate him high for the myths about WWII and 'bringing us out of the depression'... those labeled as 'historians' can be idiots also
There is validity in these two (in our lifetimes)
In my lifetime (Johnson - )...I would agree with those choices - mostly. Clinton comes in close to Bush.

For Bush, it was his complete disastrous handling of the Iraq War, ignoring exponentially growing immigration issues, and ignoring/AWOL on economic corruption.
For Carter - no explanation necessary.
For Clinton - Signing NAFTA, for starting the policies that began the mortgage meltdown. For allowing Larry Summers to do basically anything he wanted to broker the housing deal, for keeping Larry Summers in the cabinet (as has Obama) - Summers is arguably the most corrupt/cronyism single person in modern history.

I was born while Ike was President but don't remember much. From JFK onward I would rank the worst as:

Bush: Wrong man for the time, had horrible advisors
Carter: Weak and idealistic
Johnson: Great on Civil Rights and Social Programs...then came Viet Nam
Nixon: Smart man politically but a horrible person, borderline psychotic

How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

i dont really think he wanted to get seemed to me anyway.....his heart wasnt into it.....Clinton wanted it more....
Well it may not be totally correct. But it is an earnest analysis not harboring an underlying agenda. I can respect that.

You see what an objective thread looks like folks?

Oh look, a couple of liberals think that a thread that puts a favorable light on Obama is an objective thread.

And YOU are in DENIAL! Those events happened! THEY ARE FACTS! REALITY!
Doesn't make any difference your ignorant opinion as the TRUTH is the above!
Tell the 3,000 people that died in 9/11 that event didn't happen!
Tell the 1,000+ that died in the WORST hurricane SEASONS... that didn't happen!
OH... PLEASE TELL ME that those events didn't happen???

Tell yourself how Obama would handle 9/11 and Katrina.

Would he blame it all on a video and then go back out to the links? Would he say it's not his problem? Would he do what he always does, give a speech and do nothing?

I think almost any President would not have handled 9-11 as poorly as Bush did

While I credit Bush for his post 9-11 healing of the nation, his overreaction and misuse of 9-11 goodwill both at home and abroad was catastrophic

Bush used the terrorist attacks as an excuse for nation building. The US will attack middle eastern countries and install democracies that we like. His chosen solution was simplistic, il-advised and poorly executed.

Hate Obama all you want but he actually hunted down the terrorists wherever they were hiding. He ignored sovereign borders and actually implemented the Bush policy of "You are either with us or the terrorists". AlQaeda and Taliban leaders were hunted down and killed. Bin Laden was taken out

It is a policy that our nation and the world would have been better off if Bush had pursued

i agree.....its just too bad Obama cant be as good of a leader here at home as he is going after those at home he sucks as a leader.....
Worst 4:


Too early to judge Obama, but there is little to indicate he'll not be in the running, especially of two-term presidents.
I cannot rank all of the presidents, I am not a presidential scholar. The ranking in my lifetime from best to worst according to my experience:

1. Ronald Reagan - although his handling of the early days of the AIDS epidemic and Iran-Contra would hurt him if the rest hadn't been so pitiful.

2. Bill Clinton - He gets points because he knew when to go with the flow. With him it was not "My way or the highway."

3. G.H.W. Bush - Meh. That's all there is to say.

4. George W. Bush - not a good president. Many mistakes, few good moves.

5. Jimmy Carter - bumbling at best, a damaging liberal at worst.

6. Barack Obama - liar, left wing extremist, corrupt administration from top to bottom.

George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq.
He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

that i agree with.....he went in a few short months from being a leader to a guy who all of a sudden could not lead his way out of a wet paper bag....

I personally liked Bush

He seemed like a nice guy who sincerely wanted to do what was best for the country. But I think he was ill served by his advisors. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rove....all pushed an agenda that was catastrophic and left Bush to take the fall with history

Bit of truth to that... though Bush was also a "compassionate" republican with a penchant for starting wars. No child left behind, expansion of medicaid, Iraq... yeah he's a personable guy but his politics sucked as bad in DC as they did in TX.
I rank Lincoln as the worst president of all time based on the mass murder of Americans, using starving Europeans as soldiers to kill Americans... In my book, that's enough to set him apart from all the others.
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Save it for your next call to Rush Limbaugh

I have to take what Rush says with a grain of salt. He doesn't always get it right.

I was awake and had my eyes wide open and saw what the Demcraps were doing. They talked down the economy. They insisted on sending nothing but protest bills to Bush, and they encouraged several runs on banks. Chuck Schumer was one who encouraged depositors to make a run on specific banks. For years when the economy was much better than it is today Democraps said it was terrible, even before they took power.

Eventually all of the negativity sunk in. I remember it seemed like every week the Dems were saying something really terrible. If I had been in the Capital I would have been tempted to kick their asses back to China. They seemed to admire it so much, why not move there.

They were being totally reckless. They haven't dealt in good faith for over 10 years.

you have few good points.....i remember that too....but Bush was still a shitty leader.....
SHITTY Leader???

TELL me shit for brains...
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!

And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!
Anyone who puts FDR as 'best' is clueless to the damage that fucker did to the republic

Most historians both at home and abroad consider FDR to be one of the greatest American Presidents

Only the revisionist, Bizarro land libertarians and Conservatives rate him poorly. But that is to be expected

yeah.. his attempts to thwart the constitution, to actually thwart the constitution, and implement big government 'social' programs that were nothing more than ponzi schemes were indeed bad... a lot of idiot reporters, professors, authors, pundits, etc rate him high for the myths about WWII and 'bringing us out of the depression'... those labeled as 'historians' can be idiots also

Yes....Only Libertarians can truly assess a president
I have to take what Rush says with a grain of salt. He doesn't always get it right.

I was awake and had my eyes wide open and saw what the Demcraps were doing. They talked down the economy. They insisted on sending nothing but protest bills to Bush, and they encouraged several runs on banks. Chuck Schumer was one who encouraged depositors to make a run on specific banks. For years when the economy was much better than it is today Democraps said it was terrible, even before they took power.

Eventually all of the negativity sunk in. I remember it seemed like every week the Dems were saying something really terrible. If I had been in the Capital I would have been tempted to kick their asses back to China. They seemed to admire it so much, why not move there.

They were being totally reckless. They haven't dealt in good faith for over 10 years.

you have few good points.....i remember that too....but Bush was still a shitty leader.....
SHITTY Leader???

TELL me shit for brains...
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!

And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

I rank Lincoln as the worst president of all time based on the mass murder of Americans, using starving Europeans as soldiers to kill Americans... In my book, that's enough to set him apart from all the others.

Lincoln doesn't rank high imo, because of his giving power to the federal government at the expense of the states.
How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time

Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.
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How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time

Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.

Bush played Kuwait correctly.

While it was tempting to invade Iraq as its army fled over the borders, Bush knew that invading and occupying Iraq would tie us up in a civil disturbance for a decade.

Too bad his son did not heed that advice. W wanted an excuse to invade Iraq as soon as he took office and looked for a way to pin 9-11 on Hussein. When that failed he cooked intelligence data on WMDs
i have to take what rush says with a grain of salt. He doesn't always get it right.

I was awake and had my eyes wide open and saw what the demcraps were doing. they talked down the economy. They insisted on sending nothing but protest bills to bush, and they encouraged several runs on banks. Chuck schumer was one who encouraged depositors to make a run on specific banks. for years when the economy was much better than it is today democraps said it was terrible, even before they took power.

eventually all of the negativity sunk in. i remember it seemed like every week the dems were saying something really terrible. If i had been in the capital i would have been tempted to kick their asses back to china. They seemed to admire it so much, why not move there.

They were being totally reckless. They haven't dealt in good faith for over 10 years.

you have few good points.....i remember that too....but bush was still a shitty leader.....
shitty leader???

Tell me shit for brains...
What did gwb do?
1) he inherited a recession that started under clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) the bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. Was that his fault?
4) worst hurricane seasons in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. Again gwb's fault?
5) economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. Almost caused world economic collapse.

and yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!

and the gdp grew 16% in his 8 years.

all that in spite of a msm that said "our job is to bash bush".. Yet this same msm calls obama a "god"?
All that in spite of senators calling our troops "terrorists". "cold blood killers". "nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate gwb as one of the greatest president that in spite of
being the only president to have faced the above events all in one administration with a very hostile msm and traitors for senators!
yea shithead he was a shitty fucking the hell does a good leader go from a 90% approval rating to what he ended up as?....answer.....a competent leader doesn't.....
How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time

Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.

Bush played Kuwait correctly.

While it was tempting to invade Iraq as its army fled over the borders, Bush knew that invading and occupying Iraq would tie us up in a civil disturbance for a decade.

Too bad his son did not heed that advice. W wanted an excuse to invade Iraq as soon as he took office and looked for a way to pin 9-11 on Hussein. When that failed he cooked intelligence data on WMDs
No, Bush I's mistake was not finishing off Saddam. That much is clear. Apparently 100s of thousands of Iraqi children were dying because of sanctions according to some, but how soon we forget.

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