The Four Worst American Presidents

Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.

Bush played Kuwait correctly.

While it was tempting to invade Iraq as its army fled over the borders, Bush knew that invading and occupying Iraq would tie us up in a civil disturbance for a decade.

Too bad his son did not heed that advice. W wanted an excuse to invade Iraq as soon as he took office and looked for a way to pin 9-11 on Hussein. When that failed he cooked intelligence data on WMDs
No, Bush I's mistake was not finishing off Saddam. That much is clear. Apparently 100s of thousands of Iraqi children were dying because of sanctions according to some, but how soon we forget.


Invading Iraq during Desert Storm would have led to a Civil War with us acting as referees

Want to tell me about "They will treat us a liberators"?
How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time

Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.

Bush played Kuwait correctly.

While it was tempting to invade Iraq as its army fled over the borders, Bush knew that invading and occupying Iraq would tie us up in a civil disturbance for a decade.

Too bad his son did not heed that advice. W wanted an excuse to invade Iraq as soon as he took office and looked for a way to pin 9-11 on Hussein. When that failed he cooked intelligence data on WMDs

So based on these Democrats THEY WERE WRONG as was Bush???
Also, Bush Sr. HAD Saddam sign the 1991 Cease Fire which stipulates if Saddam breaks which he did over 2 dozen times or more..
32 democrat quotes indicate even before GWB that Saddam was a threat!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.
Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.

Bush played Kuwait correctly.

While it was tempting to invade Iraq as its army fled over the borders, Bush knew that invading and occupying Iraq would tie us up in a civil disturbance for a decade.

Too bad his son did not heed that advice. W wanted an excuse to invade Iraq as soon as he took office and looked for a way to pin 9-11 on Hussein. When that failed he cooked intelligence data on WMDs

So based on these Democrats THEY WERE WRONG as was Bush???
Also, Bush Sr. HAD Saddam sign the 1991 Cease Fire which stipulates if Saddam breaks which he did over 2 dozen times or more..
32 democrat quotes indicate even before GWB that Saddam was a threat!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

George HW Bush and Bill Clinton had no problems containing Saddam Hussein

It was only W who felt the need to invade
Most historians both at home and abroad consider FDR to be one of the greatest American Presidents

Only the revisionist, Bizarro land libertarians and Conservatives rate him poorly. But that is to be expected

yeah.. his attempts to thwart the constitution, to actually thwart the constitution, and implement big government 'social' programs that were nothing more than ponzi schemes were indeed bad... a lot of idiot reporters, professors, authors, pundits, etc rate him high for the myths about WWII and 'bringing us out of the depression'... those labeled as 'historians' can be idiots also

Yes....Only Libertarians can truly assess a president

Nah.. but maybe only those who value the constitution as written to use as a benchmark should... you know, where the job description and power of a president comes from
How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time

Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.

Completely right

When you wage a war you fight to win and you finish it.. Bush Sr was too worried about the opinion of a humanitarian body that thinks it is a world government...


Soldier During Desert Shield and Desert Storm
How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time

Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.

Bush played Kuwait correctly.

While it was tempting to invade Iraq as its army fled over the borders, Bush knew that invading and occupying Iraq would tie us up in a civil disturbance for a decade.

Too bad his son did not heed that advice. W wanted an excuse to invade Iraq as soon as he took office and looked for a way to pin 9-11 on Hussein. When that failed he cooked intelligence data on WMDs

Yes.. because waiting to finish the job 20 years later made it such an appealing thing for you.. so much so that you and your ilk gave it all kinds of support :rolleyes:

He simply delayed the inevitable with war

And oh.. your assumptions are not facts
Bush played Kuwait correctly.

While it was tempting to invade Iraq as its army fled over the borders, Bush knew that invading and occupying Iraq would tie us up in a civil disturbance for a decade.

Too bad his son did not heed that advice. W wanted an excuse to invade Iraq as soon as he took office and looked for a way to pin 9-11 on Hussein. When that failed he cooked intelligence data on WMDs

So based on these Democrats THEY WERE WRONG as was Bush???
Also, Bush Sr. HAD Saddam sign the 1991 Cease Fire which stipulates if Saddam breaks which he did over 2 dozen times or more..
32 democrat quotes indicate even before GWB that Saddam was a threat!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

George HW Bush and Bill Clinton had no problems containing Saddam Hussein

It was only W who felt the need to invade

Contained him so much that he complied to all terms of the cease fire, eh??

The four worst in my lifetime:

1. obama, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest, and does not like the USA
2. Carter, good person, but totally unable to comprehend the job of president
3. Johnson, 58,000 dead americans in viet nam for nothing.
4. FDR, started the USA on the road to socialism.

next four
5. Bush 41, probably the best qualified ever to be president, but he got bored with the job and did nothing
6. Clinton, blow jobs in the oval office, lying under oath. terrible person but a good politician
7. Nixon, egomaniac, disgraced the office of POTUS for a meaningless burglery, should have told the truth.
8. Bush 43, Allowed bad intel to get us into a stupid war. BTW, believing bad intel is not lying. His error was in believing it.
William Henry Harrison only lived for 30 days after being inaugurated. Hard to lable the guy the worst

In my lifetime, George W Bush was the worst with Carter next

What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

Bush didn't rally the country. The country came together on its own based on what was perceived as an existential threat. In other words, the country just rallied itself. Carrot Top could have been president, and the results would have been the same. What I'm saying is that the country would have rallied around Stephen Hawking who's in a wheel chair and unable to speak intelligibly, which, now that I think about it, was something Bush had in common with Hawking (not the wheel chair part).
Last edited:
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

Bush didn't rally the country. The country came together on its own based on what was perceived as an existential. In other words, the country just rallied itself. Carrot Top could have been president, and the results would have been the same. What I'm saying is that the country would have rallied around Stephen Hawking who's in a wheel chair and unable to speak intelligibly, which, now that I think about it, was something Bush had in common with Hawking (not the wheel chair part).

In the days following 9-11, Bush did a masterful job. His speech at ground zero was the highlight of his career. He had 80% domestic approval ratings and the support of the world in fighting the threat of terrorism

But Bush got greedy. He started cashing in his 9-11 chips for anything on the Republican agenda. Rather than assemble a global coalition to combat terrorism, Bush went out on his own. His decision to invade Afghanistan was universally accepted at home and abroad. But when he started banging the drum over Iraq, his support started to fade

The invasion of Iraq was the biggest blunder of his Presidency
George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

Bush didn't rally the country. The country came together on its own based on what was perceived as an existential. In other words, the country just rallied itself. Carrot Top could have been president, and the results would have been the same. What I'm saying is that the country would have rallied around Stephen Hawking who's in a wheel chair and unable to speak intelligibly, which, now that I think about it, was something Bush had in common with Hawking (not the wheel chair part).

In the days following 9-11, Bush did a masterful job. His speech at ground zero was the highlight of his career. He had 80% domestic approval ratings and the support of the world in fighting the threat of terrorism

But Bush got greedy. He started cashing in his 9-11 chips for anything on the Republican agenda. Rather than assemble a global coalition to combat terrorism, Bush went out on his own. His decision to invade Afghanistan was universally accepted at home and abroad. But when he started banging the drum over Iraq, his support started to fade

The invasion of Iraq was the biggest blunder of his Presidency

Hate to say this but I agree with you on this point, 100%.
How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time

Totally wrong.
First, Bush Sr. wisely gave a lot of leeway to the leaders on the ground to fight the war and just keep him informed.
Secondly, he contained the operation to achieve a SET GOAL - to wipe out Saddam's ability to wage war. There was never an intention to occupy Iraq or remove Saddam.

Completely right

When you wage a war you fight to win and you finish it.. Bush Sr was too worried about the opinion of a humanitarian body that thinks it is a world government...


Soldier During Desert Shield and Desert Storm

I disagree.
As sadistic and evil as Saddam was, he held Iran and Syria in check. As well as he kept radical Islam and terrorist camps out of Iraq.
His threat in the region was his which you guys wiped out nicely.
That left WMD's. (which he did have) However just how much of a threat were those WMD's? Seems like they are more of a threat in Syria now than they were in Iraq.
George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

Bush didn't rally the country. The country came together on its own based on what was perceived as an existential. In other words, the country just rallied itself. Carrot Top could have been president, and the results would have been the same. What I'm saying is that the country would have rallied around Stephen Hawking who's in a wheel chair and unable to speak intelligibly, which, now that I think about it, was something Bush had in common with Hawking (not the wheel chair part).

In the days following 9-11, Bush did a masterful job. His speech at ground zero was the highlight of his career. He had 80% domestic approval ratings and the support of the world in fighting the threat of terrorism

But Bush got greedy. He started cashing in his 9-11 chips for anything on the Republican agenda. Rather than assemble a global coalition to combat terrorism, Bush went out on his own. His decision to invade Afghanistan was universally accepted at home and abroad. But when he started banging the drum over Iraq, his support started to fade

The invasion of Iraq was the biggest blunder of his Presidency

I've read that most crimes are crimes of opportunity. In other words, someone is walking down the street. He's not even necessarily a criminal. And as he's walking through your neighborhood, he spies a laptop on the front steps left untended while he hears voices out back. He steps up, slips the laptop into his backpack, and walks away.

9-11 gave Bush the excuse he was looking for to commit his crime of opportunity in Iraq. A blunder? I'll admit that the war was bungled. No question about that. But that's because the Bush folks were ideologues who eschewed expertise if and when the experts' opinions did not jibe with their preconceived beliefs. And I think Bush bought into his mantra that both he and his decisions were guided by divine providence. So, what could possibly go wrong? After all, when God is with you, who could be against you, right?

But a blunder it was not. The war in Iraq was intentional. Frankly, it wouldn't even surprise me if Bush saw the 9-11 attack as God's way of opening the door to the Iraq invasion since Paul O'Neill's revelations about the Bush administration's principals' committed made it plain that they were looking for just such a justification even in the earliest days of the administration.
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

Bush didn't rally the country. The country came together on its own based on what was perceived as an existential threat. In other words, the country just rallied itself. Carrot Top could have been president, and the results would have been the same. What I'm saying is that the country would have rallied around Stephen Hawking who's in a wheel chair and unable to speak intelligibly, which, now that I think about it, was something Bush had in common with Hawking (not the wheel chair part).

somebody had to get the rally started was sure if he was a Democrat you would be saying how great he was at getting the Country together.....
If I had to pick the worst one, it would be FDR. He held office over three terms, much of that time terribly ill (which was purposely concealed from the American people), prolonged the Great Depression harming millions with his dumb policies. Pushed us into a needless war whose consequence lead to more suffering and turned the world's most vile nation and political ideology (which he approved of and admired) into a superpower leading to decades of cold war and more suffering and death. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies thus allowing the USSR to ruthlessly enslave half of Europe. And it goes on and on and on and on................

Nice resume for a POTUS the left loves and admires. Further proof...not that further proof is needed.... that they are delusional bordering on CRAZY.

FDR is frequently cited as one of the top 3 best presidents along with Lincoln and Washington. He was elected and RE-elected with HUUUUUGE margins, and he did win a total of "four" elections. It's a very tough sell to label FDR as a bad president with numbers like that.

Look at what he did, not his ability to win elections.

he dragged out the depression, after a while you have to assume it was intentional
got us involved in ww2
imprisoned innocent citizens
did experiments, cruel ones, on black Americans

fdr should have been arrested, tried, then executed.

not lauded by liars
If I had to pick the worst one, it would be FDR. He held office over three terms, much of that time terribly ill (which was purposely concealed from the American people), prolonged the Great Depression harming millions with his dumb policies. Pushed us into a needless war whose consequence lead to more suffering and turned the world's most vile nation and political ideology (which he approved of and admired) into a superpower leading to decades of cold war and more suffering and death. Surrounded himself with Stalinist spies thus allowing the USSR to ruthlessly enslave half of Europe. And it goes on and on and on and on................

Nice resume for a POTUS the left loves and admires. Further proof...not that further proof is needed.... that they are delusional bordering on CRAZY.

FDR is frequently cited as one of the top 3 best presidents along with Lincoln and Washington. He was elected and RE-elected with HUUUUUGE margins, and he did win a total of "four" elections. It's a very tough sell to label FDR as a bad president with numbers like that.

Look at what he did, not his ability to win elections.

he dragged out the depression, after a while you have to assume it was intentional
got us involved in ww2
imprisoned innocent citizens
did experiments, cruel ones, on black Americans

fdr should have been arrested, tried, then executed.

not lauded by liars

FDR dragged a country that was entrenched in isolationism and in the midst of the worst depression in history

He turned us into a modern democracy and the worlds eminent superpower

The greatest president in Modern history
FDR is frequently cited as one of the top 3 best presidents along with Lincoln and Washington. He was elected and RE-elected with HUUUUUGE margins, and he did win a total of "four" elections. It's a very tough sell to label FDR as a bad president with numbers like that.

Look at what he did, not his ability to win elections.

he dragged out the depression, after a while you have to assume it was intentional
got us involved in ww2
imprisoned innocent citizens
did experiments, cruel ones, on black Americans

fdr should have been arrested, tried, then executed.

not lauded by liars

FDR dragged a country that was entrenched in isolationism and in the midst of the worst depression in history

He turned us into a modern democracy and the worlds eminent superpower

The greatest president in Modern history

rofl... glad to see you are back on your usual bs track.
Look at what he did, not his ability to win elections.

he dragged out the depression, after a while you have to assume it was intentional
got us involved in ww2
imprisoned innocent citizens
did experiments, cruel ones, on black Americans

fdr should have been arrested, tried, then executed.

not lauded by liars

FDR dragged a country that was entrenched in isolationism and in the midst of the worst depression in history

He turned us into a modern democracy and the worlds eminent superpower

The greatest president in Modern history

rofl... glad to see you are back on your usual bs track. and 95% of historians in this country and abroad
The Four Worst American Presidents

by OjibwaFollow for History for Kossacks

Since the adoption of its constitution, 43 men have been President of the United States. In January 2013, a New York Times journalist and statistician put together a composite list of presidential rankings based on previous presidential rankings by scholars (primarily historians). According to this, the worst four are: (43) James Buchanan (Democrat) (42); Franklin Pierce (Democrat) (41) Warren G. Harding (Republican); and (40) William Henry Harrison (Whig).

According to this list, the four most recent presidents ranked as follows: Barrack Obama is ranked as 17; George W. Bush is ranked as 38; Bill Clinton is ranked as 18; and George H.W. Bush is ranked as 22.

A very short description of the worst presidents follows.

Dude post the link.
William Henry Harrison only lived for 30 days after being inaugurated. Hard to lable the guy the worst

In my lifetime, George W Bush was the worst with Carter next

What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market..


Just so we understand each other Obama didn't take Office until Jan 20, 2009 ... your baloney statement here is baloney on your party ... your attempt to try and say see obama lost $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market ... he wasn't in office yet ...your republican hero, George W. Bush was .... So nice try ... try again.... because you just prove to us all, if anyone is full of Baloney, that would be you ...

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