The Four Worst American Presidents

I would much more interested in knowing the criteria they use to decide which PsOTUS were good and which were bad.

But as they surveyed historians they probably do not know why the historians voted as they did.

That what I was thinking, it sounds like if the spoke with different people, they could have had different results.

this wasn't a popularity vote where they go out and ask the people what president did you like and what president did you hate ... they are historians ... their criteria was based on accomplishments in office that they had in office, good and bad ...
I would much more interested in knowing the criteria they use to decide which PsOTUS were good and which were bad.

But as they surveyed historians they probably do not know why the historians voted as they did.

That what I was thinking, it sounds like if the spoke with different people, they could have had different results.

this wasn't a popularity vote where they go out and ask the people what president did you like and what president did you hate ... they are historians ... their criteria was based on accomplishments in office that they had in office, good and bad ...

are you claiming that "historians" do not have political biases? Really? :lol:
I would much more interested in knowing the criteria they use to decide which PsOTUS were good and which were bad.

But as they surveyed historians they probably do not know why the historians voted as they did.

That what I was thinking, it sounds like if the spoke with different people, they could have had different results.

this wasn't a popularity vote where they go out and ask the people what president did you like and what president did you hate ... they are historians ... their criteria was based on accomplishments in office that they had in office, good and bad ...

hey Billy is that an old picture of David Spade in your avi?....
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market..


Just so we understand each other Obama didn't take Office until Jan 20, 2009 ... your baloney statement here is baloney on your party ... your attempt to try and say see obama lost $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market ... he wasn't in office yet ...your republican hero, George W. Bush was .... So nice try ... try again.... because you just prove to us all, if anyone is full of Baloney, that would be you ...

Just so we understand each other

I understand that you're an idiot.

your baloney statement here is baloney on your party

No, my baloney statement is about the idea that the Fed saw $500 billion being "wired out of money market accounts" in 2 hours.
FDR dragged a country that was entrenched in isolationism and in the midst of the worst depression in history

He turned us into a modern democracy and the worlds eminent superpower

The greatest president in Modern history

rofl... glad to see you are back on your usual bs track.

heres a person in total denial
Five Myths About the Great Depression -
Top Three Myths About the Great Depression and the New Deal | LearnLiberty

[ame=]Great Myths of the Great Depression! - YouTube[/ame]
That what I was thinking, it sounds like if the spoke with different people, they could have had different results.

this wasn't a popularity vote where they go out and ask the people what president did you like and what president did you hate ... they are historians ... their criteria was based on accomplishments in office that they had in office, good and bad ...

are you claiming that "historians" do not have political biases? Really? :lol:

Ahhh yes....The typical conservative reply

Historians are biased against us
Scientists are biased against us
The Media is biased against us
Polls are biased against us
are you claiming that "historians" do not have political biases? Really?

Serious? This is like the catch-all response from right wingers!
this wasn't a popularity vote where they go out and ask the people what president did you like and what president did you hate ... they are historians ... their criteria was based on accomplishments in office that they had in office, good and bad ...

are you claiming that "historians" do not have political biases? Really? :lol:

Ahhh yes....The typical conservative reply

Historians are biased against us
Scientists are biased against us
The Media is biased against us
Polls are biased against us

the bias of textbook writers and the teachers union has been proven
the bias of the AGW "scientists" has been proven
the bias of the media has been proven
all polls are bullshit, the opinions of 1000 out of 330,000,000 means nothing.
it was based on what they accomplished with the government they had at the time... consider Obama here he has a republican house that is blocking every attempt to get a jobs bill passed .... still he has been dropimng the unemployment numbers each and every month ... contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half...still high for the numbers, but he has cut it in half ... again with a republican government trying to block his every move ... this is how they based the president in a poll

contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half

You might want to double check your calculations.
you might want to look it up for your self ... I realize many don't seem to see it because of the republicans misleading statement all the time ..but the fact is true he has cut this budget deficit in half from 1.2 trillion to 650 billion ... look it up for yourself ...

but the fact is true he has cut this budget deficit in half from 1.2 trillion to 650 billion

But the fact is, you said "he has cut the budget in half" ... look it up for yourself.
the bias of textbook writers and the teachers union has been proven
the bias of the AGW "scientists" has been proven
the bias of the media has been proven
all polls are bullshit, the opinions of 1000 out of 330,000,000 means nothing. Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are the only "true and pure" sources of knowledge in the world.

Wow...that's going to get you places.
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are you claiming that "historians" do not have political biases? Really? :lol:

Ahhh yes....The typical conservative reply

Historians are biased against us
Scientists are biased against us
The Media is biased against us
Polls are biased against us

the bias of textbook writers and the teachers union has been proven
the bias of the AGW "scientists" has been proven
the bias of the media has been proven
all polls are bullshit, the opinions of 1000 out of 330,000,000 means nothing.

The Fox is strong in this one

Use the rightwing echo chamber to confirm that everyone is against you. Paranoia as policy
William Henry Harrison only lived for 30 days after being inaugurated. Hard to lable the guy the worst

In my lifetime, George W Bush was the worst with Carter next

Where would you rank Ford?

I was sorry for Ford. Good man who stepped in at a time when the office of President was almost powerless. I don't blame him for pardoning Nixon, it had to be done. He did not accomplish much but he did no harm either.

I'd put him around 25

However, by pardoning Nixon, Ford sealed his fate as a one term President.
I disagree, Nixon should have been brought up on charges, since he was able to get away with what he did, the following Presidents felt they could get away with it too.
Nixon should have been made an example of what happens when a politician goes bad.
are you claiming that "historians" do not have political biases? Really?

Serious? This is like the catch-all response from right wingers!

quite serious. Can you provide proof that some historians are not biased? Note, the bias could be either way, and thats really too bad because we need to learn the lessons of history without someone skewing history to his/her political leanings.
contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half

You might want to double check your calculations.
you might want to look it up for your self ... I realize many don't seem to see it because of the republicans misleading statement all the time ..but the fact is true he has cut this budget in half from 1.2 trillion to 650 billion ... look it up for yourself ...

You are confusing the terms budget and budget deficit

But you are correct that spending is also down under Obama

Spending in FY 2008 was a bit under $3 trillion.
The estimate for 2013 is a bit under $3.7 trillion.

Historical Tables | The White House
SO NONE of what I wrote happened?
Were you born after 2008? Are you in grade school?

Or were you in a skilled nursing facility where your Depends were changed daily?

Are you f..king telling me NONE of those events happened ? And are you telling me that they were ALL the fault of GWB decisions???

He was responsible for some of them. If you were right, you would not have to resort to all of the insults. I rest my case.


RECESSION??? Started under Clinton! bust??? AGAIN started UNDER CLINTON!
Now come on... do you really think GWB put C4 in WTCs, and phantom jet crashed in Pentagon?
AND really YOU are the one that believes Obama is the Messiah .. but Bush was such a dummy AND YET
HE orchestrated the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS??? Man are you nuts!
Finally Bush told ALL HIS OIL buddies hey drawdown $500 billion from money market funds so we can
almost collapse the world economy!! YEA so tell me again WHAT was Bush responsible for in the above?
AND finally remind me NEVER to sign an agreements with YOU! YOUR word and signature are obviously worth crap because YOU loved Saddam so much you were happy he was starving a million kids while gassing far more of his own people that Assad has YET you blame Bush for breaking the 1991 CEASE FIRE??
GEEZ once again.. Historians are going to show you are such an idiot!!

Where you, yourself, show what an idiot you are. We do not have to wait for historians.
I was born while Ike was President but don't remember much. From JFK onward I would rank the worst as:

Bush: Wrong man for the time, had horrible advisors
Carter: Weak and idealistic
Johnson: Great on Civil Rights and Social Programs...then came Viet Nam
Nixon: Smart man politically but a horrible person, borderline psychotic

How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

He collapsed to the pansy UN and did not finish a war which led us to a situation later to have to finish it.... if he would have had more of a backbone. we would have done the deed completely and right the first time

When he got the coalition together, it was to liberate Kuwait, and not to go after Sadaam. He really did not have a choice.
The four worst in my lifetime:

1. obama, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest, and does not like the USA
2. Carter, good person, but totally unable to comprehend the job of president
3. Johnson, 58,000 dead americans in viet nam for nothing.
4. FDR, started the USA on the road to socialism.

next four
5. Bush 41, probably the best qualified ever to be president, but he got bored with the job and did nothing
6. Clinton, blow jobs in the oval office, lying under oath. terrible person but a good politician
7. Nixon, egomaniac, disgraced the office of POTUS for a meaningless burglery, should have told the truth.
8. Bush 43, Allowed bad intel to get us into a stupid war. BTW, believing bad intel is not lying. His error was in believing it.

From what I read, you gave Bush Jr. the information that he wanted, not the information that you actually had.
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FDR is frequently cited as one of the top 3 best presidents along with Lincoln and Washington. He was elected and RE-elected with HUUUUUGE margins, and he did win a total of "four" elections. It's a very tough sell to label FDR as a bad president with numbers like that.

Look at what he did, not his ability to win elections.

he dragged out the depression, after a while you have to assume it was intentional
got us involved in ww2
imprisoned innocent citizens
did experiments, cruel ones, on black Americans

fdr should have been arrested, tried, then executed.

not lauded by liars

FDR dragged a country that was entrenched in isolationism and in the midst of the worst depression in history

He turned us into a modern democracy and the worlds eminent superpower

The greatest president in Modern history

1) He prolonged the depression
2) He introduced socialist programs
3) He tried to thwart the constitution in many ways including his attempt to flood the SC
4) We are not and should never be a democracy
5) POS president supported by POS big government entitlement junkies
Look at what he did, not his ability to win elections.

he dragged out the depression, after a while you have to assume it was intentional
got us involved in ww2
imprisoned innocent citizens
did experiments, cruel ones, on black Americans

fdr should have been arrested, tried, then executed.

not lauded by liars

FDR dragged a country that was entrenched in isolationism and in the midst of the worst depression in history

He turned us into a modern democracy and the worlds eminent superpower

The greatest president in Modern history

1) He prolonged the depression
2) He introduced socialist programs
3) He tried to thwart the constitution in many ways including his attempt to flood the SC
4) We are not and should never be a democracy
5) POS president supported by POS big government entitlement junkies

The US is now a modern democracy......We have FDR to thank

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