The Four Worst American Presidents

yes ,really ... historian that did this were not political biased .... there were more then one historian ... your implication is if there was only one person ... this was a group of political historian who look at all the presidents ...who did who, what, where and when ... if you want to try an say oh their all liberals what can we say ... you won't believe anything that is told to you no mater what

History, like all fields where people get lots of education while not acquiring marketable job skills, is dominated by liberalism.

can't deny that liberals are smarter then any republican could ever be its a fact... now bake to the article in question the article was done by non-biased historian ...
Just so we understand each other

I understand that you're an idiot.

your baloney statement here is baloney on your party

No, my baloney statement is about the idea that the Fed saw $500 billion being "wired out of money market accounts" in 2 hours.

your claim was that it was caused by obama statement was he wasn't in office until 2009 ... soooooooooooo I understand that you're an idiot.

your claim was that it was caused by obama

Try to read, I didn't mention Obama.

Be sure to ask your teacher for help, if these words are too big. Idiot.

then I misunderstood it happens ... my response was about obama responded with this 2008 crap ... I felt you were like a lot of these nut jobs here who try and say obama cause it in 2008 ... so my reswponce to you now is GO FUCK YOURSELF ...
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Osama, himself a spoiled rich kid, attacked because Bush was a sissyboy draftdodger while Osama was just the opposite for his side.
Bush: Wrong man for the time, had horrible advisors
Carter: Weak and idealistic
Johnson: Great on Civil Rights and Social Programs...then came Viet Nam
Nixon: Smart man politically but a horrible person, borderline psychotic

W's advisors were historically bad. Karl Rove was horrible telling him not to respond to Iraq critics. A lie unchallenged becomes the truth. He also had no appreciation for that people had earned the money that he was spending. And his self perception was clueless. He believed he was Reaganesque, above the fray. Actually he appeared clueless and out of touch. I don't think he was as clueless as he appeared, but he was too loyal to deal with the crappy people who gave him the crappy advice that they gave him.
Ahhh yes....The typical conservative reply

Historians are biased against us
Scientists are biased against us
The Media is biased against us
Polls are biased against us

the bias of textbook writers and the teachers union has been proven Bull shit
the bias of the AGW "scientists" has been proven more Bull shit
the bias of the media has been proven
all polls are bullshit, the opinions of 1000 out of 330,000,000 means nothing.
not according to republicans ... if its in their favor ... when its not, you get shit like " this the opinions of 1000 out of 330,000,000 means nothing" ... translation they won't except anything unless its good for the right...

calm down, little idiot. Polls are statistical bullshit regardless of who pays for them or what conclusions they reach.

Polls are used today to shape opinions, not to report on them. Polls are just another form of propaganda.

and those left wing biases that I mentioned, they have been proven.

Your little kid rants cannot change the facts, your name calling eliminates any chance you ever had for credibility.

In short, you are an idiot.
Osama, himself a spoiled rich kid, attacked because Bush was a sissyboy draftdodger while Osama was just the opposite for his side.

W dodged the draft by signing up for military duty. Odd way to be a sissy draft dodger.

I thought W was a terrible President because he was a terrible President. I don't need to parse history to play word games while you ignore the flagrant hypocrisy you're committing with your own party to get there.
Osama, himself a spoiled rich kid, attacked because Bush was a sissyboy draftdodger while Osama was just the opposite for his side.

W dodged the draft by signing up for military duty. Odd way to be a sissy draft dodger.

I thought W was a terrible President because he was a terrible President. I don't need to parse history to play word games while you ignore the flagrant hypocrisy you're committing with your own party to get there.

I had to restrain myself from voting for Buchanan in 2000 fearing Jr Bush would be a mess.
That being said he missed on IRaq (WMD's) was right going into Afganistan, but had wrong tactics, was right on tax cuts, but Iraq and blowing up domestic spending negated positive effects of tax policy. Financial meltdown in 08 had been building since late 70's so at wat not all Jr Bush's doing, just in part.
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

Can you believe that someone is still defending Bush? Oh, hold on it is healthmyths. Now it makes sense.

SO NONE of what I wrote happened?
Were you born after 2008? Are you in grade school?

Or were you in a skilled nursing facility where your Depends were changed daily?

Are you f..king telling me NONE of those events happened ? And are you telling me that they were ALL the fault of GWB decisions???

You Bushwhackoffs give yourselves away by the pathetic, nasty, and brain-dead tantrums you have to resort to in order to defend that lazy, low IQ, draftdodger. In fact, you're just like him. You people are just self-hating peasants worshipping your hereditary Masters. You should go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where you belong, eating the dust of your guillotine-fodder heroes.
Osama, himself a spoiled rich kid, attacked because Bush was a sissyboy draftdodger while Osama was just the opposite for his side.

W dodged the draft by signing up for military duty. Odd way to be a sissy draft dodger.

I thought W was a terrible President because he was a terrible President. I don't need to parse history to play word games while you ignore the flagrant hypocrisy you're committing with your own party to get there.

I had to restrain myself from voting for Buchanan in 2000 fearing Jr Bush would be a mess.
That being said he missed on IRaq (WMD's) was right going into Afganistan, but had wrong tactics, was right on tax cuts, but Iraq and blowing up domestic spending negated positive effects of tax policy. Financial meltdown in 08 had been building since late 70's so at wat not all Jr Bush's doing, just in part.

I voted for Harry Browne in 2000. Our views are simliar.

- On Iraq, that we didn't find WMS's was irrelevant. Hussein had them and used them and knew how to make them. Stockpiles are irrelevant. However, I just don't think it was our problem, which is why I oppose the invasion.

- I agree on Afghanistan. They actually attacked us. But as you say the tactics were wrong. Trying to nation build there was nuts.

- The tax cuts I agree were good. The downside though was we needed tax simplification and he made them more complicated.

- On the financial meltdown, clearly he didn't create it. But he sure didn't help.
your claim was that it was caused by obama statement was he wasn't in office until 2009 ... soooooooooooo I understand that you're an idiot.

your claim was that it was caused by obama

Try to read, I didn't mention Obama.

Be sure to ask your teacher for help, if these words are too big. Idiot.

then I misunderstood it happens ... my response was about obama responded with this 2008 crap ... I felt you were like a lot of these nut jobs here who try and say obama cause it in 2008 ... so my reswponce to you now is GO FUCK YOURSELF ...

Learn to read.....there there, don't cry.
James Madison, one of Founding Fodder the Constitutionazis worship, was a complete bust as President, totally incapable of doing the job that he himself wrote the rules for. His Cabinet was an incompetent joke. Because of his ignorance about national defense, he got the nation's capital burned down but was saved by non-aristocratic Americans like Harrison, Perry, and Jackson.

Battle of New Orleans, where the losers were led by the same kind of spoiled-rotten aristocrats who now lead American:

Preppy-led dead: 700
Dead in army led by real Americans: 7
Guillotine-Fodder casualties: 2300
Working-class casualties: 13
There is validity in these two (in our lifetimes)
In my lifetime (Johnson - )...I would agree with those choices - mostly. Clinton comes in close to Bush.

For Bush, it was his complete disastrous handling of the Iraq War, ignoring exponentially growing immigration issues, and ignoring/AWOL on economic corruption.
For Carter - no explanation necessary.
For Clinton - Signing NAFTA, for starting the policies that began the mortgage meltdown. For allowing Larry Summers to do basically anything he wanted to broker the housing deal, for keeping Larry Summers in the cabinet (as has Obama) - Summers is arguably the most corrupt/cronyism single person in modern history.

I was born while Ike was President but don't remember much. From JFK onward I would rank the worst as:

Bush: Wrong man for the time,
Carter: Weak and idealistic
Johnson: ..then came Viet Nam
Nixon: Smart man politically but a horrible person, borderline psychotic

How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

The Gulf War was to maintain oil price-gouging. Saddam was attacked because he was producing way beyond his assigned OPEC quotas and driving the price down, hurting American oil companies, who collaborate with jihadist OPEC.

Kuwait was an artificial country, too cheap to finance an army even though they had plenty of loot from price-fixing. The fight song of the Kuwaiti Army: "Onward, Christian Soldiers." If your leaders make you fight for cowards like the Kuwaitis or South Vietnamese, you are a coward, as proven by Vietnam veterans who let Chickenhawks and Vietniks take over our country without firing a shot.

Bush the Lipper's brat was the right man for his time. We are totally ruled by spoiled-rotten rich trash and don't have a problem with America turning into a feudal aristocracy.
I was born while Ike was President but don't remember much. From JFK onward I would rank the worst as:

Bush: Wrong man for the time,
Carter: Weak and idealistic
Johnson: ..then came Viet Nam
Nixon: Smart man politically but a horrible person, borderline psychotic

How about Bush senior? He won a popular war and could not get reelected?

The Gulf War was to maintain oil price-gouging. Saddam was attacked because he was producing way beyond his assigned OPEC quotas and driving the price down, hurting American oil companies, who collaborate with jihadist OPEC.

Kuwait was an artificial country, too cheap to finance an army even though they had plenty of loot from price-fixing. The fight song of the Kuwaiti Army: "Onward, Christian Soldiers." If your leaders make you fight for cowards like the Kuwaitis or South Vietnamese, you are a coward, as proven by Vietnam veterans who let Chickenhawks and Vietniks take over our country without firing a shot.

Bush the Lipper's brat was the right man for his time. We are totally ruled by spoiled-rotten rich trash and don't have a problem with America turning into a feudal aristocracy.

Now we are ruled by Chicago democrat machine trash.
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

George W Bush was an interesting case. He was given events and crisis during his Presidency that he could have stamped himself as one of our greatest Presidents. After 9-11 he rallied the country and the world around him.....he was destined for greatness
Instead, he squandered that support to push through a questionable agenda. His attempts at nation building were disasters. He abandoned the war on terror to invade Iraq. He trumped up WMD histeria. He engaged in torture and created Gitmo.
Then there was the worst economic collapse in 70 years where Bush went from denial to a hands off approach as he waited for a self correction. It was not until the last three months that he actually did something about the economy

Bush didn't rally the country. The country came together on its own based on what was perceived as an existential threat. In other words, the country just rallied itself. Carrot Top could have been president, and the results would have been the same. What I'm saying is that the country would have rallied around Stephen Hawking who's in a wheel chair and unable to speak intelligibly, which, now that I think about it, was something Bush had in common with Hawking (not the wheel chair part).

How can you blame the poor little rich boy for being inarticulate? After all, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, which must have made it really hard for him to speak.
Clinton was better than some but he helped start the move to destroy NASDAQ back in the 90s. He sued Microsoft and started the tumbling of the markets.

Not to mention, he lied under oath, is an adulterer, was impeached and disbarred.

after 5 years he had his law license back to practice law ... now Clinton was never convicted of lying under oath ... you can't show us or prove that he was ever convicted of lying under oath ... Clinton was convicted of giving misleading testimony ... misleading testimony in a court of law isn't a lie ...when Clinton said he didn't have sexual relation with that woman, that means in a court that he did have intercourse .... which he didn't he had Oral sex ... if you take time and look it up you will find oral sex isn't under the terminology of sexual relation...or sexual intercourse ... that's what he was convicted of ... clinton was disbarred for 5 year it wasn't a lie under oath it was misleading testimony ...

Why don't the GOPers get one of their gold-digging trophy wives or bimbo Valley Girl daughters to give Obama a blow job so they can impeach him? That would fit in what they really mean by Family Values.
And YOU are in DENIAL! Those events happened! THEY ARE FACTS! REALITY!
Doesn't make any difference your ignorant opinion as the TRUTH is the above!
Tell the 3,000 people that died in 9/11 that event didn't happen!
Tell the 1,000+ that died in the WORST hurricane SEASONS... that didn't happen!
OH... PLEASE TELL ME that those events didn't happen???

Tell yourself how Obama would handle 9/11 and Katrina.

Would he blame it all on a video and then go back out to the links? Would he say it's not his problem? Would he do what he always does, give a speech and do nothing?

every time you post you put your foot further in your mouth... Obama would have listened to the PDB .. where bush and his staff ignored it.... would the planes have hit the towers I can't say ... I can't even say If gore would have stopped it ... what I can say is they would have taken it serious and they wouldn't have gone on vacation Like bush did ... so when you speak of 9/11 you need to pull your head out of your ass cause that's where it seems to be all the time

As soon as he got in office, Bush canceled all operations against terrorists. The Naziphile Bushes felt that terrorism was strictly a Jewish (Israeli) problem. Junior concentrated on re-starting the Cold War with Russia and China. A clear indication of that was that he hired Condoleeza Rice as National Security adviser. That Affirmative Action bimbo knew a lot about Russia, even though she wasn't capable of understanding anything. She knew nothing and cared nothing about terrorism, not even who Al Qaida was.

Given an incompetent CIA, Clinton did all he could have been expected to do about terrorism. The Chickenhawk Republicans tied his hands all the time. Ignorant and indifferent about terrorism themselves, they accused Clinton of "wagging the dog" every time he attacked Al Qaida.

Of course, the GOPer liars made it look like they spent 8 years begging Clinton to wipe out Al Qaida. Worthless traitors who used their Daddies' connections to get out of fighting Communists are empowered only by the fact that their handlers have trained these sissyboys on how to talk tough and look patriotic.
Tell yourself how Obama would handle 9/11 and Katrina.

Would he blame it all on a video and then go back out to the links? Would he say it's not his problem? Would he do what he always does, give a speech and do nothing?

every time you post you put your foot further in your mouth... Obama would have listened to the PDB .. where bush and his staff ignored it.... would the planes have hit the towers I can't say ... I can't even say If gore would have stopped it ... what I can say is they would have taken it serious and they wouldn't have gone on vacation Like bush did ... so when you speak of 9/11 you need to pull your head out of your ass cause that's where it seems to be all the time

As soon as he got in office, Bush canceled all operations against terrorists. The Naziphile Bushes felt that terrorism was strictly a Jewish (Israeli) problem. Junior concentrated on re-starting the Cold War with Russia and China. A clear indication of that was that he hired Condoleeza Rice as National Security adviser. That Affirmative Action bimbo knew a lot about Russia, even though she wasn't capable of understanding anything. She knew nothing and cared nothing about terrorism, not even who Al Qaida was.

Given an incompetent CIA, Clinton did all he could have been expected to do about terrorism. The Chickenhawk Republicans tied his hands all the time. Ignorant and indifferent about terrorism themselves, they accused Clinton of "wagging the dog" every time he attacked Al Qaida.

Of course, the GOPer liars made it look like they spent 8 years begging Clinton to wipe out Al Qaida. Worthless traitors who used their Daddies' connections to get out of fighting Communists are empowered only by the fact that their handlers have trained these sissyboys on how to talk tough and look patriotic.

Very true

Early in his term, Bush's main defensive priority was resurrecting the Star Wars defense shield

No glory in fighting terrorists
1) He prolonged the depression
2) He introduced socialist programs
3) He tried to thwart the constitution in many ways including his attempt to flood the SC
4) We are not and should never be a democracy
5) POS president supported by POS big government entitlement junkies

The US is now a modern democracy......We have FDR to thank

No.. you and your leftist 'vote to take shit from others' ilk wants it to be a democracy for your tyranny of the masses

In fact, we are a republic where rule of law is to outweigh popular vote and popular choice... we are to have the constitution to protect us from your crap

The rule of law is the law of the rulers. Your 18th Century Constitution was an anti-American document designed to create an oligarchy like the House of Lords. We don't have to think we are a "republic" just because the criminal ruling class of thieves and traitors controls the media and education that say we are a republic.

The anti-democratic Constitution says just what the Right Wing dumb jock bullies say it does. The only good you can possibly do in our democracy is discredit that totalitarian economic elitist document by having nasty, dishonest, irrational, conceited, and insulting corporate parasites and bootlickers like you praise it.
Look at what he did, not his ability to win elections.

he dragged out the depression, after a while you have to assume it was intentional
got us involved in ww2
imprisoned innocent citizens
did experiments, cruel ones, on black Americans

fdr should have been arrested, tried, then executed.

not lauded by liars

FDR dragged a country that was entrenched in isolationism and in the midst of the worst depression in history

He turned us into a modern democracy and the worlds eminent superpower

The greatest president in Modern history

1) He prolonged the depression
2) He introduced socialist programs
3) He tried to thwart the constitution in many ways including his attempt to flood the SC
4) We are not and should never be a democracy
5) POS president supported by POS big government entitlement junkies

He got elected four times in a row. Following the economic royalists' self-serving logic, that proves we should take away from such uncooperative people the right to vote for President. A greedhead looter's dream. Go on, goon!

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