The Four Worst American Presidents

A NY Times statistics writer?? What a laugh!

The worst president in the history of our country is easily B. Hussein Obama! His illegal ignoring the Constitution, his constant lies, his lack of transparency etc easily make him the worst.

Dubya is easily in the top ten best when you consider what he contended with. Also, Reagan was in the top three best. I also believe JFK was in the top ten of the best, so it's not just party for me.

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A NY Times statistics writer?? What a laugh!

The worst president in the history of our country is easily B. Hussein Obama! His illegal ignoring the Constitution, his constant lies, his lack of transparency etc easily make him the worst.

Dubya is easily in the top ten best when you consider what he contended with. Also, Reagan was in the top three best. I also believe JFK was in the top ten of the best, so it's not just party for me.


The Fox is strong in this one
Clinton was better than some but he helped start the move to destroy NASDAQ back in the 90s. He sued Microsoft and started the tumbling of the markets.

Not to mention, he lied under oath, is an adulterer, was impeached and disbarred.

after 5 years he had his law license back to practice law ... now Clinton was never convicted of lying under oath ... you can't show us or prove that he was ever convicted of lying under oath ... Clinton was convicted of giving misleading testimony ... misleading testimony in a court of law isn't a lie ...when Clinton said he didn't have sexual relation with that woman, that means in a court that he did have intercourse .... which he didn't he had Oral sex ... if you take time and look it up you will find oral sex isn't under the terminology of sexual relation...or sexual intercourse ... that's what he was convicted of ... clinton was disbarred for 5 year it wasn't a lie under oath it was misleading testimony ...
I would much more interested in knowing the criteria they use to decide which PsOTUS were good and which were bad.

But as they surveyed historians they probably do not know why the historians voted as they did.

it was based on what they accomplished with the government they had at the time... consider Obama here he has a republican house that is blocking every attempt to get a jobs bill passed .... still he has been dropimng the unemployment numbers each and every month ... contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half...still high for the numbers, but he has cut it in half ... again with a republican government trying to block his every move ... this is how they based the president in a poll

contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half

You might want to double check your calculations.
you might want to look it up for your self ... I realize many don't seem to see it because of the republicans misleading statement all the time ..but the fact is true he has cut this budget deficit in half from 1.2 trillion to 650 billion ... look it up for yourself ...
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that i agree with.....he went in a few short months from being a leader to a guy who all of a sudden could not lead his way out of a wet paper bag....

I personally liked Bush

He seemed like a nice guy who sincerely wanted to do what was best for the country. But I think he was ill served by his advisors. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rove....all pushed an agenda that was catastrophic and left Bush to take the fall with history

Bush policies didn't turn catastrophic till the Dems won back full control of Congress. It was no coincidence that the fall started shortly after they won election.

like I said you're funny but uninformed the dems had control of the congress for two week in the first two years in office ... so your attempt here is like it always is uninformed and funny at best ...
Bush policies didn't turn catastrophic till the Dems won back full control of Congress. It was no coincidence that the fall started shortly after they won election.

Save it for your next call to Rush Limbaugh

I have to take what Rush says with a grain of salt. He doesn't always get it right.

I was awake and had my eyes wide open and saw what the Demcraps were doing. They talked down the economy. They insisted on sending nothing but protest bills to Bush, and they encouraged several runs on banks. Chuck Schumer was one who encouraged depositors to make a run on specific banks. For years when the economy was much better than it is today Democraps said it was terrible, even before they took power.

Eventually all of the negativity sunk in. I remember it seemed like every week the Dems were saying something really terrible. If I had been in the Capital I would have been tempted to kick their asses back to China. They seemed to admire it so much, why not move there.

They were being totally reckless. They haven't dealt in good faith for over 10 years.

name one bill the dems passed under bush that the republicans didn't like ... OH wait you can't ... because you're a Liar ... have always been a liar or the most uninformed poster or the other ...
it was based on what they accomplished with the government they had at the time... consider Obama here he has a republican house that is blocking every attempt to get a jobs bill passed .... still he has been dropimng the unemployment numbers each and every month ... contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half...still high for the numbers, but he has cut it in half ... again with a republican government trying to block his every move ... this is how they based the president in a poll

contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half

You might want to double check your calculations.
you might want to look it up for your self ... I realize many don't seem to see it because of the republicans misleading statement all the time ..but the fact is true he has cut this budget in half from 1.2 trillion to 650 billion ... look it up for yourself ...

You are confusing the terms budget and budget deficit

But you are correct that spending is also down under Obama
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What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!

Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market..


Just so we understand each other Obama didn't take Office until Jan 20, 2009 ... your baloney statement here is baloney on your party ... your attempt to try and say see obama lost $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market ... he wasn't in office yet ...your republican hero, George W. Bush was .... So nice try ... try again.... because you just prove to us all, if anyone is full of Baloney, that would be you ...

NO Wonder our country is in trouble if YOU represent the READING SKILLS!!!
Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market..

So where in the F..k is Obama involved???
I do agree with RightWinger's analysis on GWB. So much potential, so completely bungled. I was born in the mid 50's and voted for the first time for Nixon. I agree with the OP's list of four worst Presidents from history. But here's my picks for best/worst from presidents since FDR:

Worst 4 recent Presidents:
1. Carter - So married to ideology, he couldn't see the forrest for the trees. 21% Interest rates, double-digit inflation, double-digit unemployment. A laughing stock internationally. He was an absolute disaster.
2. Nixon - Technically a good President. Personally a snake. If only he had been open about the burglary and kept his attention on national issues.
3. George W. Bush - I like him personally. The man had opportunities to do so much. He got into this 'nation building' which had too many bad consequences. Bad advisors more than anything I think. Heart was in the right place but technical stumbles caused problems.
3. Barrack Obama - Not a typo. Ties with GWB for third. Divisive, has no clue of what being a leader means, ineffective at consensus building, narcissist of the highest order. My way or the highway Barry.
4. Johnson - Some good, like the Civil Rights Act. Some bad like Vietnam.

Four Best Presidents Since FDR:
1. FDR - World War II LEADER and Commander-in-Chief. The man was the right man at the right time.
2. Reagan - Gave us a booming economy after fixing what Carter almost destroyed. A leader and a visionary: "Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall!" Gives me chills to this day.
3. Kennedy - I think he would have been better had he lived longer. Bay of Pigs was a disaster. Vietnam was a disaster in the making. Stare down with the Russians was a good thing. Civil rights advances very good. Economy did well.
4. Clinton - Disliked the man personally. Slick Willie. But he could negotiate you out of your pants. And if you wouldn't negotiate, he just took your fire. Stole the Congresses idea to reform welfare and made it his own. Booming economy.

Some good, some very bad. Barry is working on moving up the bad list though. He's got to be a LEADER, but I don't think he has it in him. Clinton worked with Gingrich, Reagan with O'Neal, but Barry won't work with anyone. That's not the way it is.

Anyway, there you have my lists...

well Obam record doesn't support your view here Obama tried to work with the republicans in the foirst 4 years he was in office and as we say according to Boehner he go 98 % of what he wanted and Obam only got 2% of what he want so your statement here is false... now as for the currant situation here Oboma won't work with them on the budget or the debt ceiling ... I agree with the dems they shouldn't put obama care or the tax for medical devices on the table... or anything ... we all know what the republicans are trying to do... we get all your sneaky ways of trying to defund a program
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I would much more interested in knowing the criteria they use to decide which PsOTUS were good and which were bad.

But as they surveyed historians they probably do not know why the historians voted as they did.

That what I was thinking, it sounds like if the spoke with different people, they could have had different results.
What did GWB do?
1) He inherited a recession that started under Clinton (3/2001 to 11/01)
2) The bust happened lost $5 trillion and 300,000 jobs lost was that his fault?
3) 9/11 (Remember that???) cost $1 trillion 18,000 businesses lost, 145,000 jobs lost..3,000 lives.. was that his fault?
4) Worst hurricane SEASONS in history destroyed $1 trillion,400,000 jobs lost. 1,836 lives.. again GWB's fault?
5) Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market.. almost caused world economic collapse.

AND yet in spite of the loss of nearly $60 billion a year in tax revenue from that the deficit was declining with last year less the $160 billion.
And when he took office there were 5 million less people employed then when he left office!
And the GDP grew 16% in his 8 years.

ALL that in spite of a MSM that said "our job is to bash Bush".. yet this same MSM calls Obama a "god"?
All that in spite of Senators calling our troops "terrorists". "Cold blood killers". "Nazis" "killing civilians"...

Historians when given that context and perspective of time will rate GWB as one of the Greatest President that in spite of
being the ONLY President to have FACED the above events all in one administration with a very hostile MSM and traitors for senators!
you're funny ... uninformed, but still funny

And YOU are in DENIAL! Those events happened! THEY ARE FACTS! REALITY!
Doesn't make any difference your ignorant opinion as the TRUTH is the above!
Tell the 3,000 people that died in 9/11 that event didn't happen!
Tell the 1,000+ that died in the WORST hurricane SEASONS... that didn't happen!
OH... PLEASE TELL ME that those events didn't happen???

what you're trying here to say and losing here big time ..the dot com did crash but it wouldn't have been as bad as it was if Bush hadn't given the tax cut he did ... if he had stayed the course the clinton course and not cut taxes he would have look like a hero with the dot com crashing ... that crash would have turn around in a year or so if he had stayed with the clinton taxes ... by doing, so that's what caused all the debt Bush had ... this isn't
me saying this this it's ever economist saying this ... you don't cut taxes then start a war ... the bush tax cut stayed until 2011 that's what cause all the loss of jobs, along with the market crashing ... the dot com had no effect on the the market until bush cut taxes... you can print all the phony numbers you want, but that won't change the facts I said I can't help that you stay uninformed that's your doing not mine ... you only want part of the of picture and not the whole picture ...
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you're funny ... uninformed, but still funny

And YOU are in DENIAL! Those events happened! THEY ARE FACTS! REALITY!
Doesn't make any difference your ignorant opinion as the TRUTH is the above!
Tell the 3,000 people that died in 9/11 that event didn't happen!
Tell the 1,000+ that died in the WORST hurricane SEASONS... that didn't happen!
OH... PLEASE TELL ME that those events didn't happen???

Tell yourself how Obama would handle 9/11 and Katrina.

Would he blame it all on a video and then go back out to the links? Would he say it's not his problem? Would he do what he always does, give a speech and do nothing?

every time you post you put your foot further in your mouth... Obama would have listened to the PDB .. where bush and his staff ignored it.... would the planes have hit the towers I can't say ... I can't even say If gore would have stopped it ... what I can say is they would have taken it serious and they wouldn't have gone on vacation Like bush did ... so when you speak of 9/11 you need to pull your head out of your ass cause that's where it seems to be all the time
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SO NONE of what I wrote happened?
Were you born after 2008? Are you in grade school?

Or were you in a skilled nursing facility where your Depends were changed daily?

Are you f..king telling me NONE of those events happened ? And are you telling me that they were ALL the fault of GWB decisions???

He was responsible for some of them. If you were right, you would not have to resort to all of the insults. I rest my case.


RECESSION??? Started under Clinton! bust??? AGAIN started UNDER CLINTON!
Now come on... do you really think GWB put C4 in WTCs, and phantom jet crashed in Pentagon?
AND really YOU are the one that believes Obama is the Messiah .. but Bush was such a dummy AND YET
HE orchestrated the WORST HURRICANE SEASONS??? Man are you nuts!
Finally Bush told ALL HIS OIL buddies hey drawdown $500 billion from money market funds so we can
almost collapse the world economy!! YEA so tell me again WHAT was Bush responsible for in the above?
AND finally remind me NEVER to sign an agreements with YOU! YOUR word and signature are obviously worth crap because YOU loved Saddam so much you were happy he was starving a million kids while gassing far more of his own people that Assad has YET you blame Bush for breaking the 1991 CEASE FIRE??
GEEZ once again.. Historians are going to show you are such an idiot!!

sorry buddy you better go and look up the real facts cause none of the BS is factual at all ...
Look at what he did, not his ability to win elections.

he dragged out the depression, after a while you have to assume it was intentional
got us involved in ww2
imprisoned innocent citizens
did experiments, cruel ones, on black Americans

fdr should have been arrested, tried, then executed.

not lauded by liars

FDR dragged a country that was entrenched in isolationism and in the midst of the worst depression in history

He turned us into a modern democracy and the worlds eminent superpower

The greatest president in Modern history

rofl... glad to see you are back on your usual bs track.

heres a person in total denial
The Four Worst American Presidents

by OjibwaFollow for History for Kossacks

Since the adoption of its constitution, 43 men have been President of the United States. In January 2013, a New York Times journalist and statistician put together a composite list of presidential rankings based on previous presidential rankings by scholars (primarily historians). According to this, the worst four are: (43) James Buchanan (Democrat) (42); Franklin Pierce (Democrat) (41) Warren G. Harding (Republican); and (40) William Henry Harrison (Whig).

According to this list, the four most recent presidents ranked as follows: Barrack Obama is ranked as 17; George W. Bush is ranked as 38; Bill Clinton is ranked as 18; and George H.W. Bush is ranked as 22.

A very short description of the worst presidents follows.

Dude post the link.

try this DUDE !!! look up google after you have done that, then type in to google
Four Worst American Presidents
by OjibwaFollow for History for Kossacks

Voila !!!you will find the link...
contrary to what the republicans here will say he has cut the budget in half

You might want to double check your calculations.
you might want to look it up for your self ... I realize many don't seem to see it because of the republicans misleading statement all the time ..but the fact is true he has cut this budget DEFICIT in half from 1.2 trillion to 650 billion ... look it up for yourself ...

You are confusing the terms budget and budget deficit

But you are correct that spending is also down under Obama
you are right I meant budget deficit ... I stand corrected ... thanks for the correction .. I corrected it in both post
Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market..


Just so we understand each other Obama didn't take Office until Jan 20, 2009 ... your baloney statement here is baloney on your party ... your attempt to try and say see obama lost $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market ... he wasn't in office yet ...your republican hero, George W. Bush was .... So nice try ... try again.... because you just prove to us all, if anyone is full of Baloney, that would be you ...

NO Wonder our country is in trouble if YOU represent the READING SKILLS!!!

So where in the F..k is Obama involved???

sre you really this stupid???? you posted this "Economic terrorist attack 9/18/08 drained $1/2 trillion in 2 hours from $4 trillion money market..... in my statement responding to your post you call my statement Baloney ...

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