The Four Years of living stupidly.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
We are living in the 4 years of stupidity. An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does. So let's begin deconstructing his lies.

How did trump lower black unemployment?

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment
By Robert Farley

When Trump took office in January 2017, the black unemployment rate was 7.8 percent, the lowest it had been in nearly 10 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Under Trump, it dropped a full percentage point to 6.8 percent in December. That’s the lowest rate since the bureau began regularly breaking out unemployment rates by race in 1972.

A similar drop of 1 percentage point was recorded during the same 11-month period in 2016. The drop was even more pronounced in each of the three years before that. It fell 1.9 percentage points in 2015, 1.5 percentage points in 2014 and 1.8 percentage points in 2013.

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment -
Trump says he deserves credit for the lowest black unemployment rate in decades. He doesn’t.
FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics

how did trump lower black unemployment - Yahoo Search Results
Meh. Partisans are partisans. It was the same with Obama. And Bush. And. And. And.
But I'm not a moron so I know this :dunno:
No other president has done what this guy has. Nobody supported and defended every lie Obama told. There were democrats that opposed things he did. Democrats opposed his deportation program. Democrats opposed the original AHCA. There were people that voted for him that opposed his use of drone, Libya and his surge in Afghanistan. There was none of this unified agreement with anything and everything Obama did.
Meh. Partisans are partisans. It was the same with Obama. And Bush. And. And. And.
But I'm not a moron so I know this :dunno:
Yes, you are a moron.
Typical of your racist, partisan ass. Ignore the main point to get in your bullshit "gotcha" you are such a fuckin joke.
Partisans can’t see beyond their nose. Being a racist too, makes him completely blind to the truth.
Meh. Partisans are partisans. It was the same with Obama. And Bush. And. And. And.
But I'm not a moron so I know this :dunno:
Yes, you are a moron.
Typical of your racist, partisan ass. Ignore the main point to get in your bullshit "gotcha" you are such a fuckin joke.
Partisans can’t see beyond their nose. Being a racist too, makes him completely blind to the truth.
Your racism does indeed blind you.
Meh. Partisans are partisans. It was the same with Obama. And Bush. And. And. And.
But I'm not a moron so I know this :dunno:
Yes, you are a moron.
Typical of your racist, partisan ass. Ignore the main point to get in your bullshit "gotcha" you are such a fuckin joke.
Partisans can’t see beyond their nose. Being a racist too, makes him completely blind to the truth.
Your racism does indeed blind you.

As does yours.
So now that we have got the butthurt out of the way, let's keep looking at the 4 years of living Stupidly.

Trump under scrutiny for showing altered map of Hurricane Dorian's path

It is against the law to falsify this information.

18 U.S. Code § 2074. False weather reports

Whoever knowingly issues or publishes any counterfeit weather forecast or warning of weather conditions falsely representing such forecast or warning to have been issued or published by the Weather Bureau, United States Signal Service, or other branch of the Government service, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.

(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 795; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

18 U.S. Code § 2074 - False weather reports

Another impeachable offense.

Did the liberal media make this up too?

Shall we keep going?

It looks like Trump lied about the trade war to boost stock markets — his bluster may soon start falling on 'deaf ears'

On Monday, Trump told reporters that he held "high-level talks" with China about the trade war, adding "this is the first time I've seen them where they really want to make a deal."

Global stocks instantly reversed what looked to be another day of heavy losses, following the Dow's 600 point drop on the previous Friday. His comments soothed anxious investors.

But China said that those talks never actually happened. And CNN reported that: "Instead, two officials said Trump was eager to project optimism that might boost markets and conflated comments from China's vice premier with direct communication from the Chinese."

Another impeachable offense.

Market manipulation is a type of market abuse where there is a deliberate attempt to interfere with the free and fair operation of the market and create artificial, false or misleading appearances with respect to the price of, or market for, a product, security, commodity or currency.

Market manipulation is prohibited in most countries, in particular, it is prohibited in the United States under Section 9(a)(2)[2] of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

15 U.S. Code § 78i. Manipulation of security prices

(a) Transactions relating to purchase or sale of security It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of the mails or any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, or of any facility of any national securities exchange, or for any member of a national securities exchange—

(2) To effect, alone or with 1 or more other persons, a series of transactions in any security registered on a national securities exchange, any security not so registered, or in connection with any security-based swap or security-based swap agreement with respect to such security creating actual or apparent active trading in such security, or raising or depressing the price of such security, for the purpose of inducing the purchase or sale of such security by others.

15 U.S. Code § 78i - Manipulation of security prices

Did the liberal media make this up too?
Meh. Partisans are partisans. It was the same with Obama. And Bush. And. And. And.
But I'm not a moron so I know this :dunno:
Yes, you are a moron.
Typical of your racist, partisan ass. Ignore the main point to get in your bullshit "gotcha" you are such a fuckin joke.
Partisans can’t see beyond their nose. Being a racist too, makes him completely blind to the truth.
Your racism does indeed blind you.

As does yours.
There is no racism in me to blind me. What whites like you have made up to be racist isn't.
We are living in the 4 years of stupidity. An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does. So let's begin deconstructing his lies.

How did trump lower black unemployment?

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment
By Robert Farley

When Trump took office in January 2017, the black unemployment rate was 7.8 percent, the lowest it had been in nearly 10 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Under Trump, it dropped a full percentage point to 6.8 percent in December. That’s the lowest rate since the bureau began regularly breaking out unemployment rates by race in 1972.

A similar drop of 1 percentage point was recorded during the same 11-month period in 2016. The drop was even more pronounced in each of the three years before that. It fell 1.9 percentage points in 2015, 1.5 percentage points in 2014 and 1.8 percentage points in 2013.

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment -
Trump says he deserves credit for the lowest black unemployment rate in decades. He doesn’t.
FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics

how did trump lower black unemployment - Yahoo Search Results

An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does.

Leave poor Obama alone. He's been out of office nearly three years now,
Meh. Partisans are partisans. It was the same with Obama. And Bush. And. And. And.
But I'm not a moron so I know this :dunno:
Yes, you are a moron.
Typical of your racist, partisan ass. Ignore the main point to get in your bullshit "gotcha" you are such a fuckin joke.
Partisans can’t see beyond their nose. Being a racist too, makes him completely blind to the truth.
Your racism does indeed blind you.

As does yours.

There is no racism in me to blind me. What whites like you have made up to be racism isn't
We are living in the 4 years of stupidity. An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does. So let's begin deconstructing his lies.

How did trump lower black unemployment?

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment
By Robert Farley

When Trump took office in January 2017, the black unemployment rate was 7.8 percent, the lowest it had been in nearly 10 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Under Trump, it dropped a full percentage point to 6.8 percent in December. That’s the lowest rate since the bureau began regularly breaking out unemployment rates by race in 1972.

A similar drop of 1 percentage point was recorded during the same 11-month period in 2016. The drop was even more pronounced in each of the three years before that. It fell 1.9 percentage points in 2015, 1.5 percentage points in 2014 and 1.8 percentage points in 2013.

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment -
Trump says he deserves credit for the lowest black unemployment rate in decades. He doesn’t.
FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics

how did trump lower black unemployment - Yahoo Search Results

An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does.

Leave poor Obama alone. He's been out of office nearly three years now,

We are living in the 4 years of stupidity. An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does. So let's begin deconstructing his lies.

How did trump lower black unemployment?

It is apparent this thread is about Trump.
Who the hell is Robert Farley? When the angry left depends on the opinion of some unknown dude to reinforce their hatred for the President of the United States isn't that an example of stupid?
Who the hell is Robert Farley? When the angry left depends on the opinion of some unknown dude to reinforce their hatred for the President of the United States isn't that an example of stupid?
Who is Rush Limbaugh? You right wingers have co signed an college flunk outs idiocy for 30 years. Farley, factcheck and the other sources linked are correct. And if you don't like them I gave you a search, and most of the links in that search will say the same thing. Your refusal to accept this and claim it's about reinforcing hatred of Trump is an example of the four years of living stupidly.
We are living in the 4 years of stupidity. An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does. So let's begin deconstructing his lies.

How did trump lower black unemployment?

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment
By Robert Farley

When Trump took office in January 2017, the black unemployment rate was 7.8 percent, the lowest it had been in nearly 10 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Under Trump, it dropped a full percentage point to 6.8 percent in December. That’s the lowest rate since the bureau began regularly breaking out unemployment rates by race in 1972.

A similar drop of 1 percentage point was recorded during the same 11-month period in 2016. The drop was even more pronounced in each of the three years before that. It fell 1.9 percentage points in 2015, 1.5 percentage points in 2014 and 1.8 percentage points in 2013.

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment -
Trump says he deserves credit for the lowest black unemployment rate in decades. He doesn’t.
FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics

how did trump lower black unemployment - Yahoo Search Results

An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does.

Leave poor Obama alone. He's been out of office nearly three years now,

We are living in the 4 years of stupidity. An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does. So let's begin deconstructing his lies.

How did trump lower black unemployment?

It is apparent this thread is about Trump.

An idiot was elected to be president

I knew he was an idiot when he was just a local community organizer shaking down Chicago banks.

When am I supposed to start saving $2500 a year on my insurance?

Some lying twat said that almost 10 years ago...…..still nothing.
We are living in the 4 years of stupidity. An idiot was elected to be president and no matter how many lies, or how wrong his policies are a small portion of the US population believe in everything he says and does. So let's begin deconstructing his lies.

How did trump lower black unemployment?

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment
By Robert Farley

When Trump took office in January 2017, the black unemployment rate was 7.8 percent, the lowest it had been in nearly 10 years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Under Trump, it dropped a full percentage point to 6.8 percent in December. That’s the lowest rate since the bureau began regularly breaking out unemployment rates by race in 1972.

A similar drop of 1 percentage point was recorded during the same 11-month period in 2016. The drop was even more pronounced in each of the three years before that. It fell 1.9 percentage points in 2015, 1.5 percentage points in 2014 and 1.8 percentage points in 2013.

Trump Takes Undue Credit on Black Unemployment -
Trump says he deserves credit for the lowest black unemployment rate in decades. He doesn’t.
FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics

how did trump lower black unemployment - Yahoo Search Results
How many Africans lost their homes
and how much wealth did they lose?

Obama earmarked $75 BILLION DOLLARS
specifically for minority homeowners
most likely to lose their homes

Less then $4 billion was used to help
less than 1 million homeowners when he promised
$75 BILLION and 6 million homeowners


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