The free market at work in Houston

Consumer protection regulation 'exacerbates problems?'
Sure it does. Just consider gas cans. The have put all these safety devices on them that make it impossible to actually pour gas out of them. I tried for an hour before I went to home depot and bot a water can of the same size and put gas in it. The government regulations resulted in me using a container that was less safe.

Where are you buying your gas cans? Me? I get the good old fashioned red plastic containers that have a spout contained in the gas cap. Never had a problem putting on the spout or pouring gas out of any gas can. Are you not smart enough to know how to turn a cap off of a can?
You haven't bought one in a while, have you? I buy mine at home depot, and they are a nightmare to use.

Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272
Who needs enemies when we have the federal government
No argument here. As long as you acknowledge the value in common sense government control through law and regulations that protect the people from the abuses that the free market can inflict.

The abuses of regulation that I see and strongly disagree with are the ones that clearly are out to raise money for the government or restrict opportunity for entrepreneurs to enter a market.

It's not the abuses of free market. It's abuses of those exploiting their fellow man through capitalism. I refuse to accept this is "free market" when it occurs. I think it is very important to draw the distinction.

Look... here's free market capitalism:

You want a burrito.
I have knowledge on how to make a burrito.
I invest in ingredients and produce a burrito.
You and I voluntarily exchange money for the burrito.
You get the burrito you wanted, I get the money I wanted.
Someone else comes along and says, I can make a better burrito cheaper!
Now we have competition and you have a choice.

Now... Let's say some fucker comes along who pays a politician to pass laws which prohibit burritos made by any other company besides his? Or... that people who make burritos have to be paid $15 hr. Or... that burritos can only be made on Tuesdays from beef that comes from Texas. Or maybe he buys up all the companies who make the ingredients for burritos? --THIS IS NOT FREE MARKET CAPITALISM!
I know you want to think that free market is pure and true but those exploitations you mention exist in capitalism and are enabled if there is a free market without regulation. If your burrito guy is a third generation burrito maker and over the decades his family has set up factories and distribution centers all over the nation to get his burritos in every supermarket and convenience store, then he has the power and ability to control the market. If a guy with a healthier and better tasting burrito comes along, all that our friend needs to do is squeeze, and that guy is out of business. Or steal his recipe. Intellectual property theft is another one of those laws that restricts the free market for the better, anti trust laws are another... there are plenty of fine examples of government regulation and control that keeps our system going in a more fair and functional way. This should be a knowledged. On the flip side there is corruption and abuses done by the government that should exposed and eliminated.

If a guy with a healthier and better tasting burrito comes along, all that our friend needs to do is squeeze, and that guy is out of business.

Explain how you squeeze the better burrito guy out of business.

Or steal his recipe. Intellectual property theft is another one of those laws that restricts the free market for the better

Theft is never part of a free market.
Who determines what is theft? Is the guy that invented the wheel the only one allowed to make wheels? How did Goodyear get the rights to make what somebody else invented.
Agreed but play that out across multiple markets and over time. You end up with a few companies owning everything. Now everything is owned and controlled by a few corporations. That's the end of the road. Is that what you want?

The reason you end up with a few companies owning everything is largely due to the size and scope of government. As these companies grow and government gets bigger and more powerful, they buy favoritism and leverage further advantage for themselves. The collusion between big business and government is a problem but the solution is to downsize government so there is no power to collude with.
Even without government in the equation you're still going to have the microsofts of the world grow to tremendous power. The problems I laid out would still exist and as time plays out the big players suck up all the wealth and power. They end up owning and controlling everything
No argument here. As long as you acknowledge the value in common sense government control through law and regulations that protect the people from the abuses that the free market can inflict.

The abuses of regulation that I see and strongly disagree with are the ones that clearly are out to raise money for the government or restrict opportunity for entrepreneurs to enter a market.

It's not the abuses of free market. It's abuses of those exploiting their fellow man through capitalism. I refuse to accept this is "free market" when it occurs. I think it is very important to draw the distinction.

Look... here's free market capitalism:

You want a burrito.
I have knowledge on how to make a burrito.
I invest in ingredients and produce a burrito.
You and I voluntarily exchange money for the burrito.
You get the burrito you wanted, I get the money I wanted.
Someone else comes along and says, I can make a better burrito cheaper!
Now we have competition and you have a choice.

Now... Let's say some fucker comes along who pays a politician to pass laws which prohibit burritos made by any other company besides his? Or... that people who make burritos have to be paid $15 hr. Or... that burritos can only be made on Tuesdays from beef that comes from Texas. Or maybe he buys up all the companies who make the ingredients for burritos? --THIS IS NOT FREE MARKET CAPITALISM!
I know you want to think that free market is pure and true but those exploitations you mention exist in capitalism and are enabled if there is a free market without regulation. If your burrito guy is a third generation burrito maker and over the decades his family has set up factories and distribution centers all over the nation to get his burritos in every supermarket and convenience store, then he has the power and ability to control the market. If a guy with a healthier and better tasting burrito comes along, all that our friend needs to do is squeeze, and that guy is out of business. Or steal his recipe. Intellectual property theft is another one of those laws that restricts the free market for the better, anti trust laws are another... there are plenty of fine examples of government regulation and control that keeps our system going in a more fair and functional way. This should be a knowledged. On the flip side there is corruption and abuses done by the government that should exposed and eliminated.
The government has no credibility on the issue, They should be in no way involved in personal/financial affairs of the individual.
So you as a firearms dealer... you think you should have the right to open a MS13 gun shop in Chicago and sell machine guns to MS13 members. Lord knows there is a huge market out there and you'd make a killing. Is that what you are advocating?
Firearm ownership is an absolute right, right up to the point you lose that right by your behavior.
So is that a yes to my question?
And honest free market system? Ok that's fine, but what about people and our world makes you think that honesty would exist in an unregulated system? It wouldn't... people with power can easily abuse and take advantage of the poor and desperate. Capitalism is driven on profits not morals.

When have I advocated an unregulated system? Look... Capitalism, in of itself, is not some righteous and glorious thing. It can be very cruel and uncaring, exploitive and ugly. It is often pitted against Socialism or Marxism but the fact is, any Communist country engages in capitalism. North Korea produces goods and sells them on the market... capitalism. Of course, the oligarchs who rule the nation take all the profits and the people forced to produce starve to death.

Again, what makes us unique is our SYSTEM. There are components built into the system which are intended to alleviate the exploitations and abuses. We have antitrust laws to protect against monopolies. Pure capitalism IS driven on profits and not morals, that's why a SYSTEM is needed.
Well said, I agree. I wasn't accusing you of saying anything that you didn't. I made a simple point that bad shit happens in a free market capitalist system with NO regulation. Smart regulation is useful and necessary in a country like ours. I've also said that abuses and over regulation can equally cause problems, so a smart balance needs to be reached.

Bad shit happens regardless of whether free markets exist or not. Government regulation exacerbates problems rather than solve them.

Consumer protection regulation 'exacerbates problems?'
Sure it does. Just consider gas cans. The have put all these safety devices on them that make it impossible to actually pour gas out of them. I tried for an hour before I went to home depot and bot a water can of the same size and put gas in it. The government regulations resulted in me using a container that was less safe.
Wow, you couldn't figure out how to operate the child safety valve on a gas can after trying for an hour? I wouldn't brag about that on here man
Consumer protection regulation 'exacerbates problems?'
Sure it does. Just consider gas cans. The have put all these safety devices on them that make it impossible to actually pour gas out of them. I tried for an hour before I went to home depot and bot a water can of the same size and put gas in it. The government regulations resulted in me using a container that was less safe.

Where are you buying your gas cans? Me? I get the good old fashioned red plastic containers that have a spout contained in the gas cap. Never had a problem putting on the spout or pouring gas out of any gas can. Are you not smart enough to know how to turn a cap off of a can?
You haven't bought one in a while, have you? I buy mine at home depot, and they are a nightmare to use.

Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272
It works just fine, you just need to apply pressure so the shaft slides down to open the valve. Put the nozzle in the hole and push. Boom, you got gas
No argument here. As long as you acknowledge the value in common sense government control through law and regulations that protect the people from the abuses that the free market can inflict.

The abuses of regulation that I see and strongly disagree with are the ones that clearly are out to raise money for the government or restrict opportunity for entrepreneurs to enter a market.

It's not the abuses of free market. It's abuses of those exploiting their fellow man through capitalism. I refuse to accept this is "free market" when it occurs. I think it is very important to draw the distinction.

Look... here's free market capitalism:

You want a burrito.
I have knowledge on how to make a burrito.
I invest in ingredients and produce a burrito.
You and I voluntarily exchange money for the burrito.
You get the burrito you wanted, I get the money I wanted.
Someone else comes along and says, I can make a better burrito cheaper!
Now we have competition and you have a choice.

Now... Let's say some fucker comes along who pays a politician to pass laws which prohibit burritos made by any other company besides his? Or... that people who make burritos have to be paid $15 hr. Or... that burritos can only be made on Tuesdays from beef that comes from Texas. Or maybe he buys up all the companies who make the ingredients for burritos? --THIS IS NOT FREE MARKET CAPITALISM!
I know you want to think that free market is pure and true but those exploitations you mention exist in capitalism and are enabled if there is a free market without regulation. If your burrito guy is a third generation burrito maker and over the decades his family has set up factories and distribution centers all over the nation to get his burritos in every supermarket and convenience store, then he has the power and ability to control the market. If a guy with a healthier and better tasting burrito comes along, all that our friend needs to do is squeeze, and that guy is out of business. Or steal his recipe. Intellectual property theft is another one of those laws that restricts the free market for the better, anti trust laws are another... there are plenty of fine examples of government regulation and control that keeps our system going in a more fair and functional way. This should be a knowledged. On the flip side there is corruption and abuses done by the government that should exposed and eliminated.

If a guy with a healthier and better tasting burrito comes along, all that our friend needs to do is squeeze, and that guy is out of business.

Explain how you squeeze the better burrito guy out of business.

Or steal his recipe. Intellectual property theft is another one of those laws that restricts the free market for the better

Theft is never part of a free market.
Who determines what is theft? Is the guy that invented the wheel the only one allowed to make wheels? How did Goodyear get the rights to make what somebody else invented.

Who determines what is theft?

Stealing intellectual property is theft.
Stealing any property is theft.
No argument here. As long as you acknowledge the value in common sense government control through law and regulations that protect the people from the abuses that the free market can inflict.

The abuses of regulation that I see and strongly disagree with are the ones that clearly are out to raise money for the government or restrict opportunity for entrepreneurs to enter a market.

It's not the abuses of free market. It's abuses of those exploiting their fellow man through capitalism. I refuse to accept this is "free market" when it occurs. I think it is very important to draw the distinction.

Look... here's free market capitalism:

You want a burrito.
I have knowledge on how to make a burrito.
I invest in ingredients and produce a burrito.
You and I voluntarily exchange money for the burrito.
You get the burrito you wanted, I get the money I wanted.
Someone else comes along and says, I can make a better burrito cheaper!
Now we have competition and you have a choice.

Now... Let's say some fucker comes along who pays a politician to pass laws which prohibit burritos made by any other company besides his? Or... that people who make burritos have to be paid $15 hr. Or... that burritos can only be made on Tuesdays from beef that comes from Texas. Or maybe he buys up all the companies who make the ingredients for burritos? --THIS IS NOT FREE MARKET CAPITALISM!
I know you want to think that free market is pure and true but those exploitations you mention exist in capitalism and are enabled if there is a free market without regulation. If your burrito guy is a third generation burrito maker and over the decades his family has set up factories and distribution centers all over the nation to get his burritos in every supermarket and convenience store, then he has the power and ability to control the market. If a guy with a healthier and better tasting burrito comes along, all that our friend needs to do is squeeze, and that guy is out of business. Or steal his recipe. Intellectual property theft is another one of those laws that restricts the free market for the better, anti trust laws are another... there are plenty of fine examples of government regulation and control that keeps our system going in a more fair and functional way. This should be a knowledged. On the flip side there is corruption and abuses done by the government that should exposed and eliminated.

If a guy with a healthier and better tasting burrito comes along, all that our friend needs to do is squeeze, and that guy is out of business.

Explain how you squeeze the better burrito guy out of business.

Or steal his recipe. Intellectual property theft is another one of those laws that restricts the free market for the better

Theft is never part of a free market.
Who determines what is theft? Is the guy that invented the wheel the only one allowed to make wheels? How did Goodyear get the rights to make what somebody else invented.

Who determines what is theft?

Stealing intellectual property is theft.
Stealing any property is theft.
You didn't answer my question, I even used an example to make sure you understood the question. Do you need another example or do you think you can handle this one?
Consumer protection regulation 'exacerbates problems?'
Sure it does. Just consider gas cans. The have put all these safety devices on them that make it impossible to actually pour gas out of them. I tried for an hour before I went to home depot and bot a water can of the same size and put gas in it. The government regulations resulted in me using a container that was less safe.

Where are you buying your gas cans? Me? I get the good old fashioned red plastic containers that have a spout contained in the gas cap. Never had a problem putting on the spout or pouring gas out of any gas can. Are you not smart enough to know how to turn a cap off of a can?
You haven't bought one in a while, have you? I buy mine at home depot, and they are a nightmare to use.

Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272

You know, I have a similar nozzle on the little gas can that I bought. You take off the cap, pull out the center, insert the nozzle through the hole in the cap after you pull out the center, and then screw the whole thing down securely.

By the way..............that green thing at the end of your nozzle? That is what is stopping the gas from flowing out the end. You might want to look into that.

And you have the temerity to call me a "stupid liberal" when in fact, you are too dumb to operate a gas can.
When have I advocated an unregulated system? Look... Capitalism, in of itself, is not some righteous and glorious thing. It can be very cruel and uncaring, exploitive and ugly. It is often pitted against Socialism or Marxism but the fact is, any Communist country engages in capitalism. North Korea produces goods and sells them on the market... capitalism. Of course, the oligarchs who rule the nation take all the profits and the people forced to produce starve to death.

Again, what makes us unique is our SYSTEM. There are components built into the system which are intended to alleviate the exploitations and abuses. We have antitrust laws to protect against monopolies. Pure capitalism IS driven on profits and not morals, that's why a SYSTEM is needed.
Well said, I agree. I wasn't accusing you of saying anything that you didn't. I made a simple point that bad shit happens in a free market capitalist system with NO regulation. Smart regulation is useful and necessary in a country like ours. I've also said that abuses and over regulation can equally cause problems, so a smart balance needs to be reached.

Bad shit happens regardless of whether free markets exist or not. Government regulation exacerbates problems rather than solve them.

Consumer protection regulation 'exacerbates problems?'
Sure it does. Just consider gas cans. The have put all these safety devices on them that make it impossible to actually pour gas out of them. I tried for an hour before I went to home depot and bot a water can of the same size and put gas in it. The government regulations resulted in me using a container that was less safe.
Wow, you couldn't figure out how to operate the child safety valve on a gas can after trying for an hour? I wouldn't brag about that on here man
It appears your a douche bag just like every other snowflake in here.
Sure it does. Just consider gas cans. The have put all these safety devices on them that make it impossible to actually pour gas out of them. I tried for an hour before I went to home depot and bot a water can of the same size and put gas in it. The government regulations resulted in me using a container that was less safe.

Where are you buying your gas cans? Me? I get the good old fashioned red plastic containers that have a spout contained in the gas cap. Never had a problem putting on the spout or pouring gas out of any gas can. Are you not smart enough to know how to turn a cap off of a can?
You haven't bought one in a while, have you? I buy mine at home depot, and they are a nightmare to use.

Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272

You know, I have a similar nozzle on the little gas can that I bought. You take off the cap, pull out the center, insert the nozzle through the hole in the cap after you pull out the center, and then screw the whole thing down securely.

By the way..............that green thing at the end of your nozzle? That is what is stopping the gas from flowing out the end. You might want to look into that.

And you have the temerity to call me a "stupid liberal" when in fact, you are too dumb to operate a gas can.

When I'm not calling you a douche bag, because that's what you are.

BTW, you listed 5 steps to use the nozzle. The old nozzle took one step: pour.
while I wholeheartedly support the free market to allocate resources, this might be an exception. From an economic standpoint the laws against price gouging are essentially the government stepping in to reallocate an advantage the wealthy have in times like this.

But even a free marketer like me doesn't mind government interference in this case. Who would?

$99 for a case of water: Texas officials report price gouging post-Harvey

Yes the far left version of the free market is at work with looting. Take what does not belong to you as you are entitled to it!
Sure it does. Just consider gas cans. The have put all these safety devices on them that make it impossible to actually pour gas out of them. I tried for an hour before I went to home depot and bot a water can of the same size and put gas in it. The government regulations resulted in me using a container that was less safe.

Where are you buying your gas cans? Me? I get the good old fashioned red plastic containers that have a spout contained in the gas cap. Never had a problem putting on the spout or pouring gas out of any gas can. Are you not smart enough to know how to turn a cap off of a can?
You haven't bought one in a while, have you? I buy mine at home depot, and they are a nightmare to use.

Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272
It works just fine, you just need to apply pressure so the shaft slides down to open the valve. Put the nozzle in the hole and push. Boom, you got gas
You know what the old nozzle requires? A good aim.
Where are you buying your gas cans? Me? I get the good old fashioned red plastic containers that have a spout contained in the gas cap. Never had a problem putting on the spout or pouring gas out of any gas can. Are you not smart enough to know how to turn a cap off of a can?
You haven't bought one in a while, have you? I buy mine at home depot, and they are a nightmare to use.

Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272
It works just fine, you just need to apply pressure so the shaft slides down to open the valve. Put the nozzle in the hole and push. Boom, you got gas
You know what the old nozzle requires? A good aim.
So do sippy cups.
Where are you buying your gas cans? Me? I get the good old fashioned red plastic containers that have a spout contained in the gas cap. Never had a problem putting on the spout or pouring gas out of any gas can. Are you not smart enough to know how to turn a cap off of a can?
You haven't bought one in a while, have you? I buy mine at home depot, and they are a nightmare to use.

Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272

You know, I have a similar nozzle on the little gas can that I bought. You take off the cap, pull out the center, insert the nozzle through the hole in the cap after you pull out the center, and then screw the whole thing down securely.

By the way..............that green thing at the end of your nozzle? That is what is stopping the gas from flowing out the end. You might want to look into that.

And you have the temerity to call me a "stupid liberal" when in fact, you are too dumb to operate a gas can.

When I'm not calling you a douche bag, because that's what you are.

BTW, you listed 5 steps to use the nozzle. The old nozzle took one step: pour.

Interestingly enough, the mower that I bought last year has a large opening for gas.

All I really have to do is pour. Do you really not know how to pour gas out of a can?
You haven't bought one in a while, have you? I buy mine at home depot, and they are a nightmare to use.

Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272

You know, I have a similar nozzle on the little gas can that I bought. You take off the cap, pull out the center, insert the nozzle through the hole in the cap after you pull out the center, and then screw the whole thing down securely.

By the way..............that green thing at the end of your nozzle? That is what is stopping the gas from flowing out the end. You might want to look into that.

And you have the temerity to call me a "stupid liberal" when in fact, you are too dumb to operate a gas can.

When I'm not calling you a douche bag, because that's what you are.

BTW, you listed 5 steps to use the nozzle. The old nozzle took one step: pour.

Interestingly enough, the mower that I bought last year has a large opening for gas.

All I really have to do is pour. Do you really not know how to pour gas out of a can?

Yeah, that's real safe, pour gas without a nozzle on the can. Obviously you don't see the irony in proposing not to use the so-called "safety nozzle."
Actually, the little 2 gallon gas can that I have I got at the beginning of this summer. The other one was getting old. And yeah, I buy mine at Home Depot or Lowes. Are you not smart enough to operate a basic gas can?
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272

You know, I have a similar nozzle on the little gas can that I bought. You take off the cap, pull out the center, insert the nozzle through the hole in the cap after you pull out the center, and then screw the whole thing down securely.

By the way..............that green thing at the end of your nozzle? That is what is stopping the gas from flowing out the end. You might want to look into that.

And you have the temerity to call me a "stupid liberal" when in fact, you are too dumb to operate a gas can.

When I'm not calling you a douche bag, because that's what you are.

BTW, you listed 5 steps to use the nozzle. The old nozzle took one step: pour.

Interestingly enough, the mower that I bought last year has a large opening for gas.

All I really have to do is pour. Do you really not know how to pour gas out of a can?

Yeah, that's real safe, pour gas without a nozzle on the can. Obviously you don't see the irony in proposing not to use the so-called "safety nozzle."
Well you've successfully pivoted the conversation to something ridiculous. Well done!
I knew that douche bag response was coming.

This is the kind of nozzle they had on the gas can I bought. It simply doesn't work

View attachment 147272

You know, I have a similar nozzle on the little gas can that I bought. You take off the cap, pull out the center, insert the nozzle through the hole in the cap after you pull out the center, and then screw the whole thing down securely.

By the way..............that green thing at the end of your nozzle? That is what is stopping the gas from flowing out the end. You might want to look into that.

And you have the temerity to call me a "stupid liberal" when in fact, you are too dumb to operate a gas can.

When I'm not calling you a douche bag, because that's what you are.

BTW, you listed 5 steps to use the nozzle. The old nozzle took one step: pour.

Interestingly enough, the mower that I bought last year has a large opening for gas.

All I really have to do is pour. Do you really not know how to pour gas out of a can?

Yeah, that's real safe, pour gas without a nozzle on the can. Obviously you don't see the irony in proposing not to use the so-called "safety nozzle."
Well you've successfully pivoted the conversation to something ridiculous. Well done!
I was just thinking the same thing. Gas nozzles? In defense of Brit though, build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door. This ain't it. Which raises the question of why a smart guy like Brit was misled into buying a piece of crap.
You know, I have a similar nozzle on the little gas can that I bought. You take off the cap, pull out the center, insert the nozzle through the hole in the cap after you pull out the center, and then screw the whole thing down securely.

By the way..............that green thing at the end of your nozzle? That is what is stopping the gas from flowing out the end. You might want to look into that.

And you have the temerity to call me a "stupid liberal" when in fact, you are too dumb to operate a gas can.

When I'm not calling you a douche bag, because that's what you are.

BTW, you listed 5 steps to use the nozzle. The old nozzle took one step: pour.

Interestingly enough, the mower that I bought last year has a large opening for gas.

All I really have to do is pour. Do you really not know how to pour gas out of a can?

Yeah, that's real safe, pour gas without a nozzle on the can. Obviously you don't see the irony in proposing not to use the so-called "safety nozzle."
Well you've successfully pivoted the conversation to something ridiculous. Well done!
I was just thinking the same thing. Gas nozzles? In defense of Brit though, build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door. This ain't it. Which raises the question of why a smart guy like Brit was misled into buying a piece of crap.
Or perhaps he isn't as smart as you think... I asked some very fair questions towards are debate which he avoided and turned to gas nozzles. That's not a display of intelligence. It's weak deflection
bripat9643 :
The term "exploitation" is meaningless in terms of economics or even ethics. It's the way to make a voluntary transaction sound sinister. If I buy meat from a butcher, I am "exploiting" the butcher, and If I exchange my services for a paycheck, I am exploiting my employer, and he is exploiting me. Where's the evil in any of that? However, if I charge $5 rather than $2 for a bottle of water, now I'm doing something evil? I don't see how.
Slade3200 :
Let's take an extreme example and see how you justify it. Your wife gets into a car accident. They rush her to the ER. The Doctor looks at her and then at you and says, I'm gonna need the deed to your house or she is going to die. She's got 5 minutes left and I'm the only doctor that can save her life... go ahead and defend the Doctor for exploiting his services to benefit himself based on demand.
Come on bripat9643 enough with the gas nozzles, back to the real discussion. Address our dialogue from a few pages back. See above

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