The Front Porch Swing

Good morning, folks!

I hate to start the day with a rant but I just gotta get this off my chest!

As some of you know I hurt my lower back and have been going to Physical Therapy for a couple of weeks now. The accident on Saturday resulted in whiplash and that means that it also needs PT so my therapist would have to do another evaluation before proceeding.

But they don't take my motor vehicle insurance! :eek:

So now I am forced to find a new PT who takes both my MV insurance and my healthcare insurance.

Why does this have to be so complicated and downright silly? They are going to get paid either by one insurance or another and if that fails they will expect me to pay out of pocket. But can't they all just get their act together and sort out something like the credit card companies do? Why do the people who need to be treated still have to jump through hoops because of what is really just petty paper pushing nonsense. We have computers that can talk to each other on opposite sides of the world already. What is taking the healthcare industry so long to drag itself into the information age?

Thanks for listening. I feel better for having had my rant and hopefully it will make your day a little better when you realize that at least you don't have to deal with this nonsense today. :D

/puts away soapbox and goes to take a shower and get ready for work.


Sometimes the aftermath of an accident is worse than the accident itself. I know how you feel, I've experienced it myself.....hope this episode will pass...just like everything else does and it will work out in your best interest. At least you are not hurt to the point of being hospitalized or we're all glad for that. The red tape is all supposed to make someone happy.....but, I don't know who.....:)
My heart is broken. My baby girl Belle, the one who didn't even have spots when I found her at the shelter, because she was too little and spots come later, died a few months back. I only know because I asked my stepdaughter.

I haven't seen Belle since August 1, 2008. We were together 24/7 because I was a housewife with agoraphobia.

I can't seem to stop crying.

Rainbow Bridge, baby girl. I love you so very, very much.


My condolences, Boopsie! Losing a beloved pet is never easy! :smiliehug:

Sorry to hear about's always hard to lose a pet...:smiliehug:
Just got back from having my mouth x-rayed in 3-D.......the beginning of the process to get two didn't take long, but I had to drive a long ways, and pay a lot for it, too.

Hope everyone is doing great this beautiful Tuesday........

Just got back from having my mouth x-rayed in 3-D.......the beginning of the process to get two didn't take long, but I had to drive a long ways, and pay a lot for it, too.

Hope everyone is doing great this beautiful Tuesday........


Ain't technology a wonder to behold?

Yes, I guess I should be glad they're going to make my mouth near perfect, agaiin! :)
Just got back from having my mouth x-rayed in 3-D.......the beginning of the process to get two didn't take long, but I had to drive a long ways, and pay a lot for it, too.

Hope everyone is doing great this beautiful Tuesday........


Ain't technology a wonder to behold?

Yes, I guess I should be glad they're going to make my mouth near perfect, agaiin! :)

But Contessa, it is already!!
Just got back from having my mouth x-rayed in 3-D.......the beginning of the process to get two didn't take long, but I had to drive a long ways, and pay a lot for it, too.

Hope everyone is doing great this beautiful Tuesday........


Implants are expensive.

So until you get them do you whistle when you talk? :eusa_whistle:
Rough lesson in life for my kidlet of her friends from hs was killed last nite in a MV accident. Some asshole ran a light at high speed and t-boned his car. Sigh.....sometimes there is nothing one can say. :(

That is so tragic. Hugs and TLC are just going to have to suffice in place of words!
Rough lesson in life for my kidlet of her friends from hs was killed last nite in a MV accident. Some asshole ran a light at high speed and t-boned his car. Sigh.....sometimes there is nothing one can say. :(

That is so tragic. Hugs and TLC are just going to have to suffice in place of words!

Thanks...I hate to see her have to see these kind of life-lessons so early.
Rough lesson in life for my kidlet of her friends from hs was killed last nite in a MV accident. Some asshole ran a light at high speed and t-boned his car. Sigh.....sometimes there is nothing one can say. :(

That's a really tough one....just being there for them is all you can do....:)
Just got back from having my mouth x-rayed in 3-D.......the beginning of the process to get two didn't take long, but I had to drive a long ways, and pay a lot for it, too.

Hope everyone is doing great this beautiful Tuesday........


Implants are expensive.

So until you get them do you whistle when you talk? :eusa_whistle:

No silly, they are molars, not front teeth. And, I never could whistle, anyway. Everyone thinks it's odd that I can't whistle...hmmmm, dang, no matter how hard I try....:(
Just got back from having my mouth x-rayed in 3-D.......the beginning of the process to get two didn't take long, but I had to drive a long ways, and pay a lot for it, too.

Hope everyone is doing great this beautiful Tuesday........


Implants are expensive.

So until you get them do you whistle when you talk? :eusa_whistle:

No silly, they are molars, not front teeth. And, I never could whistle, anyway. Everyone thinks it's odd that I can't whistle...hmmmm, dang, no matter how hard I try....:(
Hey! I can't whistle either.
Implants are expensive.

So until you get them do you whistle when you talk? :eusa_whistle:

No silly, they are molars, not front teeth. And, I never could whistle, anyway. Everyone thinks it's odd that I can't whistle...hmmmm, dang, no matter how hard I try....:(
Hey! I can't whistle either.

I'm so glad to hear that....until now, I've never met anyone that couldn't whistle, but now I can say I'm not the only one.....:)
No silly, they are molars, not front teeth. And, I never could whistle, anyway. Everyone thinks it's odd that I can't whistle...hmmmm, dang, no matter how hard I try....:(
Hey! I can't whistle either.

I'm so glad to hear that....until now, I've never met anyone that couldn't whistle, but now I can say I'm not the only one.....:)

Hmmmm...trying to figure out if this is an impairment or an attribute for a woman?

Got to admit that while most women don't do a lot of whistling (unless they have dogs) I hadn't encountered any who couldn't!

Then again I can make sounds like Daffy Duck and that just cracks my daughter up every time I do it because try as she might she can't do it either. :)
Hey! I can't whistle either.

I'm so glad to hear that....until now, I've never met anyone that couldn't whistle, but now I can say I'm not the only one.....:)

Hmmmm...trying to figure out if this is an impairment or an attribute for a woman?

Got to admit that while most women don't do a lot of whistling (unless they have dogs) I hadn't encountered any who couldn't!
I know....all my friends, when they find out I can't whistle, decide they have to show me how many different ways they can....:(

Then again I can make sounds like Daffy Duck and that just cracks my daughter up every time I do it because try as she might she can't do it either. :)

That must be a man-thing....because my hub can also do Donald Duck.....used to crack our youngest son to no end.

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