The Front Porch Swing

My heart is broken. My baby girl Belle, the one who didn't even have spots when I found her at the shelter, because she was too little and spots come later, died a few months back. I only know because I asked my stepdaughter.

I haven't seen Belle since August 1, 2008. We were together 24/7 because I was a housewife with agoraphobia.

I can't seem to stop crying.

Rainbow Bridge, baby girl. I love you so very, very much.


Really, really sorry to hear about the loss of Belle. I must have just logged off, turned off the computer and gone to bed when you posted that. I am so sorry to hear about that, boop.

Thank you.

Katie had promised to tell me when this happened. I had a feeling, months ago. If she hadn't already passed, it wouldn't be long. Finally, I just asked.

If it hurts this bad after all these years, I can't even fathom the pain people go through when their baby is an every day part of their life. Just can't imagine.
My heart is broken. My baby girl Belle, the one who didn't even have spots when I found her at the shelter, because she was too little and spots come later, died a few months back. I only know because I asked my stepdaughter.

I haven't seen Belle since August 1, 2008. We were together 24/7 because I was a housewife with agoraphobia.

I can't seem to stop crying.

Rainbow Bridge, baby girl. I love you so very, very much.


Really, really sorry to hear about the loss of Belle. I must have just logged off, turned off the computer and gone to bed when you posted that. I am so sorry to hear about that, boop.

Thank you.

Katie had promised to tell me when this happened. I had a feeling, months ago. If she hadn't already passed, it wouldn't be long. Finally, I just asked.

If it hurts this bad after all these years, I can't even fathom the pain people go through when their baby is an every day part of their life. Just can't imagine.

Yes, I understand that all too well. I had a dog when I was a small dog, her name was "Tisha" (not Tricia) - a beautiful Irish Setter - and I took her to dog obedience school and the like and won prizes with her. When I went off to college, my aunt kept the dog. And on the day Tisha died (September 4th, 1984) I had the strangest feeling that the telephone was going to ring, and ring it did. That was a terrible day.

My Klia is wavering, but still with us. I massage her legs every morning at about 7:30, pet her and hug her and then we take a long walk along the northernmost vineyards in Germany at a place called the "Finkenberg", which starts maybe 5 blocks away from my doorstep. The one route takes 30 minutes, the other can take 60 or so. Today, Klia wanted to to the longer route and then got real tired along the way and way really draging, so I picked her up and carried her about 10 minutes, she licked my face out of thanks and then walked the rest of the way. She is snoozing right now - something she does alot. But she is eating - small amounts, and drinking water. So, we are in a holding pattern. She is not getting worse right now, but certainly not getting any better. And she has gone from being completely blind at sunset to being completely blind about 1 hour before sunset. Sigh.

My heart really goes out to you, boop.

If I can find a pic of my other dog Tisha, I will post it.
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Really, really sorry to hear about the loss of Belle. I must have just logged off, turned off the computer and gone to bed when you posted that. I am so sorry to hear about that, boop.

Thank you.

Katie had promised to tell me when this happened. I had a feeling, months ago. If she hadn't already passed, it wouldn't be long. Finally, I just asked.

If it hurts this bad after all these years, I can't even fathom the pain people go through when their baby is an every day part of their life. Just can't imagine.

Yes, I understand that all too well. I had a dog when I was a small dog, her name was "Tisha" (not Tricia) - a beautiful Irish Setter - and I took her to dog obedience school and the like and won prizes with her. When I went off to college, my aunt kept the dog. And on the day Tisha died (September 4th, 1984) I had the strangest feeling that the telephone was going to ring, and ring it did. That was a terrible day.

My Klia is wavering, but still with us. I massage her legs every morning at about 7:30, pet her and hug her and then we take a long walk along the northernmost vineyards in Germany at a place called the "Finkenberg", which starts maybe 5 blocks away from my doorstep. The one route takes 30 minutes, the other can take 60 or so. Today, Klia wanted to to the longer route and then got real tired along the way and way really draging, so I picked her up and carried her about 10 minutes, she licked my face out of thanks and then walked the rest of the way. She is snoozing right now - something she does alot. But she is eating - small amounts, and drinking water. So, we are in a holding pattern. She is not getting worse right now, but certainly not getting any better. And she has gone from being completely blind at sunset to being completely blind about 1 hour before sunset. Sigh.

My heart really goes out to you, boop.

If I can find a pic of my other dog Tisha, I will post it.

Did you follow the story of Schoep and John, Stat?

Photographer Captures Tender Moment Between Man And His Sick Dog In Lake Superior (PHOTO)

"This 19 year old Shep being cradled in his father's arms last night in Lake Superior," she wrote in the Facebook post, which has received more than 207,000 likes and 116,000 shares as of Wednesday morning.

"Shep falls asleep every night when he is carried into the lake. The buoyancy of the water soothes his arthritic bones. Lake Superior is very warm right now, so the temp of the water is perfect. I was so happy I got to capture this moment for John. By the way, John rescued Shep as an 8 month old puppy, and he's been by his side through many adventures," she continued.

Stonehouse Hudson never imagined the tender moment she captured would eventually go viral and touch the hearts of hundreds of thousands.

"John lives for this dog, and for the dog's comfort," she told HuffPost. "My mother has a saying, 'Everything is for the comfort and convenience of the Dog.' John is a prime example of this."

Whenever you talk about your fur baby, it reminds me of John and Schoep's story.
My heart is broken. My baby girl Belle, the one who didn't even have spots when I found her at the shelter, because she was too little and spots come later, died a few months back. I only know because I asked my stepdaughter.

I haven't seen Belle since August 1, 2008. We were together 24/7 because I was a housewife with agoraphobia.

I can't seem to stop crying.

Rainbow Bridge, baby girl. I love you so very, very much.


I still am sorry for your pain and the loss of Belle. I know you missed and loved her.
Just wanted to give my condolences. No reply needed.

Over and out.
Thank you.

Katie had promised to tell me when this happened. I had a feeling, months ago. If she hadn't already passed, it wouldn't be long. Finally, I just asked.

If it hurts this bad after all these years, I can't even fathom the pain people go through when their baby is an every day part of their life. Just can't imagine.

Yes, I understand that all too well. I had a dog when I was a small dog, her name was "Tisha" (not Tricia) - a beautiful Irish Setter - and I took her to dog obedience school and the like and won prizes with her. When I went off to college, my aunt kept the dog. And on the day Tisha died (September 4th, 1984) I had the strangest feeling that the telephone was going to ring, and ring it did. That was a terrible day.

My Klia is wavering, but still with us. I massage her legs every morning at about 7:30, pet her and hug her and then we take a long walk along the northernmost vineyards in Germany at a place called the "Finkenberg", which starts maybe 5 blocks away from my doorstep. The one route takes 30 minutes, the other can take 60 or so. Today, Klia wanted to to the longer route and then got real tired along the way and way really draging, so I picked her up and carried her about 10 minutes, she licked my face out of thanks and then walked the rest of the way. She is snoozing right now - something she does alot. But she is eating - small amounts, and drinking water. So, we are in a holding pattern. She is not getting worse right now, but certainly not getting any better. And she has gone from being completely blind at sunset to being completely blind about 1 hour before sunset. Sigh.

My heart really goes out to you, boop.

If I can find a pic of my other dog Tisha, I will post it.

Did you follow the story of Schoep and John, Stat?

Photographer Captures Tender Moment Between Man And His Sick Dog In Lake Superior (PHOTO)

"This 19 year old Shep being cradled in his father's arms last night in Lake Superior," she wrote in the Facebook post, which has received more than 207,000 likes and 116,000 shares as of Wednesday morning.

"Shep falls asleep every night when he is carried into the lake. The buoyancy of the water soothes his arthritic bones. Lake Superior is very warm right now, so the temp of the water is perfect. I was so happy I got to capture this moment for John. By the way, John rescued Shep as an 8 month old puppy, and he's been by his side through many adventures," she continued.

Stonehouse Hudson never imagined the tender moment she captured would eventually go viral and touch the hearts of hundreds of thousands.

"John lives for this dog, and for the dog's comfort," she told HuffPost. "My mother has a saying, 'Everything is for the comfort and convenience of the Dog.' John is a prime example of this."

Whenever you talk about your fur baby, it reminds me of John and Schoep's story.

Yes, I remember that story very well. Thank you for posting it (tears in my eyes right now, wow...)
Yes, I understand that all too well. I had a dog when I was a small dog, her name was "Tisha" (not Tricia) - a beautiful Irish Setter - and I took her to dog obedience school and the like and won prizes with her. When I went off to college, my aunt kept the dog. And on the day Tisha died (September 4th, 1984) I had the strangest feeling that the telephone was going to ring, and ring it did. That was a terrible day.

My Klia is wavering, but still with us. I massage her legs every morning at about 7:30, pet her and hug her and then we take a long walk along the northernmost vineyards in Germany at a place called the "Finkenberg", which starts maybe 5 blocks away from my doorstep. The one route takes 30 minutes, the other can take 60 or so. Today, Klia wanted to to the longer route and then got real tired along the way and way really draging, so I picked her up and carried her about 10 minutes, she licked my face out of thanks and then walked the rest of the way. She is snoozing right now - something she does alot. But she is eating - small amounts, and drinking water. So, we are in a holding pattern. She is not getting worse right now, but certainly not getting any better. And she has gone from being completely blind at sunset to being completely blind about 1 hour before sunset. Sigh.

My heart really goes out to you, boop.

If I can find a pic of my other dog Tisha, I will post it.

Did you follow the story of Schoep and John, Stat?

Photographer Captures Tender Moment Between Man And His Sick Dog In Lake Superior (PHOTO)

"This 19 year old Shep being cradled in his father's arms last night in Lake Superior," she wrote in the Facebook post, which has received more than 207,000 likes and 116,000 shares as of Wednesday morning.

"Shep falls asleep every night when he is carried into the lake. The buoyancy of the water soothes his arthritic bones. Lake Superior is very warm right now, so the temp of the water is perfect. I was so happy I got to capture this moment for John. By the way, John rescued Shep as an 8 month old puppy, and he's been by his side through many adventures," she continued.

Stonehouse Hudson never imagined the tender moment she captured would eventually go viral and touch the hearts of hundreds of thousands.

"John lives for this dog, and for the dog's comfort," she told HuffPost. "My mother has a saying, 'Everything is for the comfort and convenience of the Dog.' John is a prime example of this."

Whenever you talk about your fur baby, it reminds me of John and Schoep's story.

Yes, I remember that story very well. Thank you for posting it (tears in my eyes right now, wow...)


Schoep, The Sick Dog Whose Viral Photo Touched Millions, Dies At 20, Says Owner John Unger

On Thursday, the news that Schoep had died was posted on Facebook. "I Breathe But I Can't Catch My Breath... Schoep passed yesterday[,] more information in the days ahead."

Strangely enough, we were all caught unawares. Somehow we sort of thought Schoep was doing well and would just keep doing well.

Did you follow the story of Schoep and John, Stat?

Photographer Captures Tender Moment Between Man And His Sick Dog In Lake Superior (PHOTO)

Whenever you talk about your fur baby, it reminds me of John and Schoep's story.

Yes, I remember that story very well. Thank you for posting it (tears in my eyes right now, wow...)


Schoep, The Sick Dog Whose Viral Photo Touched Millions, Dies At 20, Says Owner John Unger

On Thursday, the news that Schoep had died was posted on Facebook. "I Breathe But I Can't Catch My Breath... Schoep passed yesterday[,] more information in the days ahead."

Strangely enough, we were all caught unawares. Somehow we sort of thought Schoep was doing well and would just keep doing well.


I remember that one and remember tears welling up in my eyes as I read it.

Yes, I remember that story very well. Thank you for posting it (tears in my eyes right now, wow...)


Schoep, The Sick Dog Whose Viral Photo Touched Millions, Dies At 20, Says Owner John Unger

On Thursday, the news that Schoep had died was posted on Facebook. "I Breathe But I Can't Catch My Breath... Schoep passed yesterday[,] more information in the days ahead."

Strangely enough, we were all caught unawares. Somehow we sort of thought Schoep was doing well and would just keep doing well.


I remember that one and remember tears welling up in my eyes as I read it.


That is so touching! <3
Good morning, folks!

I hate to start the day with a rant but I just gotta get this off my chest!

As some of you know I hurt my lower back and have been going to Physical Therapy for a couple of weeks now. The accident on Saturday resulted in whiplash and that means that it also needs PT so my therapist would have to do another evaluation before proceeding.

But they don't take my motor vehicle insurance! :eek:

So now I am forced to find a new PT who takes both my MV insurance and my healthcare insurance.

Why does this have to be so complicated and downright silly? They are going to get paid either by one insurance or another and if that fails they will expect me to pay out of pocket. But can't they all just get their act together and sort out something like the credit card companies do? Why do the people who need to be treated still have to jump through hoops because of what is really just petty paper pushing nonsense. We have computers that can talk to each other on opposite sides of the world already. What is taking the healthcare industry so long to drag itself into the information age?

Thanks for listening. I feel better for having had my rant and hopefully it will make your day a little better when you realize that at least you don't have to deal with this nonsense today. :D

/puts away soapbox and goes to take a shower and get ready for work.

My heart is broken. My baby girl Belle, the one who didn't even have spots when I found her at the shelter, because she was too little and spots come later, died a few months back. I only know because I asked my stepdaughter.

I haven't seen Belle since August 1, 2008. We were together 24/7 because I was a housewife with agoraphobia.

I can't seem to stop crying.

Rainbow Bridge, baby girl. I love you so very, very much.


My condolences, Boopsie! Losing a beloved pet is never easy! :smiliehug:
Good morning, folks!

I hate to start the day with a rant but I just gotta get this off my chest!

As some of you know I hurt my lower back and have been going to Physical Therapy for a couple of weeks now. The accident on Saturday resulted in whiplash and that means that it also needs PT so my therapist would have to do another evaluation before proceeding.

But they don't take my motor vehicle insurance! :eek:

So now I am forced to find a new PT who takes both my MV insurance and my healthcare insurance.

Why does this have to be so complicated and downright silly? They are going to get paid either by one insurance or another and if that fails they will expect me to pay out of pocket. But can't they all just get their act together and sort out something like the credit card companies do? Why do the people who need to be treated still have to jump through hoops because of what is really just petty paper pushing nonsense. We have computers that can talk to each other on opposite sides of the world already. What is taking the healthcare industry so long to drag itself into the information age?

Thanks for listening. I feel better for having had my rant and hopefully it will make your day a little better when you realize that at least you don't have to deal with this nonsense today. :D

/puts away soapbox and goes to take a shower and get ready for work.


Subrogation!! They should be able to get their poop in a group without dragging you through the hedge by your hair, that's what.

Not much I despise more than bureaucratic red tape. :evil:
Good morning, folks!

I hate to start the day with a rant but I just gotta get this off my chest!

As some of you know I hurt my lower back and have been going to Physical Therapy for a couple of weeks now. The accident on Saturday resulted in whiplash and that means that it also needs PT so my therapist would have to do another evaluation before proceeding.

But they don't take my motor vehicle insurance! :eek:

So now I am forced to find a new PT who takes both my MV insurance and my healthcare insurance.

Why does this have to be so complicated and downright silly? They are going to get paid either by one insurance or another and if that fails they will expect me to pay out of pocket. But can't they all just get their act together and sort out something like the credit card companies do? Why do the people who need to be treated still have to jump through hoops because of what is really just petty paper pushing nonsense. We have computers that can talk to each other on opposite sides of the world already. What is taking the healthcare industry so long to drag itself into the information age?

Thanks for listening. I feel better for having had my rant and hopefully it will make your day a little better when you realize that at least you don't have to deal with this nonsense today. :D

/puts away soapbox and goes to take a shower and get ready for work.


Subrogation!! They should be able to get their poop in a group without dragging you through the hedge by your hair, that's what.

Not much I despise more than bureaucratic red tape. :evil:

Tell me about it! I just know that whichever PT fits this bureaucratic criteria is going to be a pain to get to 3 times a week!

Good morning, folks!

I hate to start the day with a rant but I just gotta get this off my chest!

As some of you know I hurt my lower back and have been going to Physical Therapy for a couple of weeks now. The accident on Saturday resulted in whiplash and that means that it also needs PT so my therapist would have to do another evaluation before proceeding.

But they don't take my motor vehicle insurance! :eek:

So now I am forced to find a new PT who takes both my MV insurance and my healthcare insurance.

Why does this have to be so complicated and downright silly? They are going to get paid either by one insurance or another and if that fails they will expect me to pay out of pocket. But can't they all just get their act together and sort out something like the credit card companies do? Why do the people who need to be treated still have to jump through hoops because of what is really just petty paper pushing nonsense. We have computers that can talk to each other on opposite sides of the world already. What is taking the healthcare industry so long to drag itself into the information age?

Thanks for listening. I feel better for having had my rant and hopefully it will make your day a little better when you realize that at least you don't have to deal with this nonsense today. :D

/puts away soapbox and goes to take a shower and get ready for work.


Subrogation!! They should be able to get their poop in a group without dragging you through the hedge by your hair, that's what.

Not much I despise more than bureaucratic red tape. :evil:

Tell me about it! I just know that whichever PT fits this bureaucratic criteria is going to be a pain to get to 3 times a week!


Only on for about 5 minutes between appointments, but hearing what you are saying. Bureaucratic red-tape made end up being the one constant in the entire known universe...
Good morning, folks!

I hate to start the day with a rant but I just gotta get this off my chest!

As some of you know I hurt my lower back and have been going to Physical Therapy for a couple of weeks now. The accident on Saturday resulted in whiplash and that means that it also needs PT so my therapist would have to do another evaluation before proceeding.

But they don't take my motor vehicle insurance! :eek:

So now I am forced to find a new PT who takes both my MV insurance and my healthcare insurance.

Why does this have to be so complicated and downright silly? They are going to get paid either by one insurance or another and if that fails they will expect me to pay out of pocket. But can't they all just get their act together and sort out something like the credit card companies do? Why do the people who need to be treated still have to jump through hoops because of what is really just petty paper pushing nonsense. We have computers that can talk to each other on opposite sides of the world already. What is taking the healthcare industry so long to drag itself into the information age?

Thanks for listening. I feel better for having had my rant and hopefully it will make your day a little better when you realize that at least you don't have to deal with this nonsense today. :D

/puts away soapbox and goes to take a shower and get ready for work.


Subrogation!! They should be able to get their poop in a group without dragging you through the hedge by your hair, that's what.

Not much I despise more than bureaucratic red tape. :evil:

Tell me about it! I just know that whichever PT fits this bureaucratic criteria is going to be a pain to get to 3 times a week!


Well, you know how good I am at ranting. I'll take over if you wish. ;)
Subrogation!! They should be able to get their poop in a group without dragging you through the hedge by your hair, that's what.

Not much I despise more than bureaucratic red tape. :evil:

Tell me about it! I just know that whichever PT fits this bureaucratic criteria is going to be a pain to get to 3 times a week!


Well, you know how good I am at ranting. I'll take over if you wish. ;)

/Stat faints. :D

"/(&/(%&/§$"%"%!"$§!$§"$)$"!§$§%§%§"§$§§"§%"§%!"%§&%$§$&%§$ !!!!

So there, take that, you %&&%§%"!$!$"%!°!$%§&$%/(/()/($/$&§&§"§$"$§!"$§"$§!"$$ !!!!"

Oh, my virgin ears....
Tell me about it! I just know that whichever PT fits this bureaucratic criteria is going to be a pain to get to 3 times a week!


Well, you know how good I am at ranting. I'll take over if you wish. ;)

/Stat faints. :D

"/(&/(%&/§$"%"%!"$§!$§"$)$"!§$§%§%§"§$§§"§%"§%!"%§&%$§$&%§$ !!!!

So there, take that, you %&&%§%"!$!$"%!°!$%§&$%/(/()/($/$&§&§"§$"$§!"$§"$§!"$$ !!!!"

Oh, my virgin ears....

OY!! Did I give you permission to channel me?!
Well, you know how good I am at ranting. I'll take over if you wish. ;)

/Stat faints. :D

"/(&/(%&/§$"%"%!"$§!$§"$)$"!§$§%§%§"§$§§"§%"§%!"%§&%$§$&%§$ !!!!

So there, take that, you %&&%§%"!$!$"%!°!$%§&$%/(/()/($/$&§&§"§$"$§!"$§"$§!"$$ !!!!"

Oh, my virgin ears....

OY!! Did I give you permission to channel me?!

Sorry, mistress. It shall never happen again. Please put the whip away.


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