The Front Porch Swing

I'm so glad to hear that....until now, I've never met anyone that couldn't whistle, but now I can say I'm not the only one.....:)

Hmmmm...trying to figure out if this is an impairment or an attribute for a woman?

Got to admit that while most women don't do a lot of whistling (unless they have dogs) I hadn't encountered any who couldn't!
I know....all my friends, when they find out I can't whistle, decide they have to show me how many different ways they can....:(

Then again I can make sounds like Daffy Duck and that just cracks my daughter up every time I do it because try as she might she can't do it either. :)

That must be a man-thing....because my hub can also do Donald Duck.....used to crack our youngest son to no end.

Men are born with the daffy gene. It is part of our lovability factor!!

Jake and everyone else.....Looks like we're going to have a great day, even though we're supposed to get rain....which we need, so it's a win! :)
Well, in Germany, Karneval is just about to happen and it starts tomorrow with a Fest-day called "Weiberfastnacht", sometimes also called "Fett Donnerstag" (fat Thursday)

Weiberfastnacht ? Wikipedia

Weiberfastnacht started right here in the suburb of Bonn in which I lived, called "Beuel".

150 years ago, this quarter of the city was the washing quarter. People sent their laundry here, which was then washed by the "washing women" of Beuel. But one day in the year, the Thursday before the official start of Karneval, the washing stores always closed and it was a tradition for the washing women to go to the town hall and "kidnap" the Mayor and cut his tie.

Even today, at Weiberfastnacht, this abduction is re-enacted and afterward there are just lots of crazy people (in Karneval-costumes) in the streets, drinking tons of beer and eating sweets..... from 09:30 to about 16:00, tram service in a lot of the city with be stopped and almost all of Beuel will be transformed into one big party.

The official start of Weiberfastnacht is 11:11 am. It is customary that men wear really terrible, ugly ties on this day, knowing quite well that a woman with a pair of scissors in her hand may be close at hand...


Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf are considered the most "Karneval Krazy" cities in Germany.


I will be making some films tomorrow.

Sunday is a huge Sunday Carneval parade and the big day is Monday, which is called "Rosenmontag" (Rose Monday). There will be a 5 hour parade and show and then people celebrate until the next day...

Tuesday is called "Kehraus" (the sweeping-out), where everyone slowly becomes sober again and cleans up the mess from Monday.

Wednesday is, of course, Ash Wednesday.

Well, in Germany, Karneval is just about to happen and it starts tomorrow with a Fest-day called "Weiberfastnacht", sometimes also called "Fett Donnerstag" (fat Thursday)

Weiberfastnacht ? Wikipedia

Weiberfastnacht started right here in the suburb of Bonn in which I lived, called "Beuel".

150 years ago, this quarter of the city was the washing quarter. People sent their laundry here, which was then washed by the "washing women" of Beuel. But one day in the year, the Thursday before the official start of Karneval, the washing stores always closed and it was a tradition for the washing women to go to the town hall and "kidnap" the Mayor and cut his tie.

Even today, at Weiberfastnacht, this abduction is re-enacted and afterward there are just lots of crazy people (in Karneval-costumes) in the streets, drinking tons of beer and eating sweets..... from 09:30 to about 16:00, tram service in a lot of the city with be stopped and almost all of Beuel will be transformed into one big party.

The official start of Weiberfastnacht is 11:11 am. It is customary that men wear really terrible, ugly ties on this day, knowing quite well that a woman with a pair of scissors in her hand may be close at hand...


Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf are considered the most "Karneval Krazy" cities in Germany.


I will be making some films tomorrow.

Sunday is a huge Sunday Carneval parade and the big day is Monday, which is called "Rosenmontag" (Rose Monday). There will be a 5 hour parade and show and then people celebrate until the next day...

Tuesday is called "Kehraus" (the sweeping-out), where everyone slowly becomes sober again and cleans up the mess from Monday.

Wednesday is, of course, Ash Wednesday.


Sounds like a hoot! Have fun and be sure to take pictures. Do they throw beads?
Take pictures of the ones catching the beads....ok!
Sorry to dump that bummer story on you just was one of those "parents' worst nightmare" kind of things....

You don't need to feel sorry at all, [MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION]. Everyone needs an outlet for their feelings and this has obviously upset you too. As a parent I know exactly what you mean by your "worst nightmare". So sharing this with us is perfectly normal and understandable. :smiliehug:

Well, in Germany, Karneval is just about to happen and it starts tomorrow with a Fest-day called "Weiberfastnacht", sometimes also called "Fett Donnerstag" (fat Thursday)

Weiberfastnacht ? Wikipedia

Weiberfastnacht started right here in the suburb of Bonn in which I lived, called "Beuel".

150 years ago, this quarter of the city was the washing quarter. People sent their laundry here, which was then washed by the "washing women" of Beuel. But one day in the year, the Thursday before the official start of Karneval, the washing stores always closed and it was a tradition for the washing women to go to the town hall and "kidnap" the Mayor and cut his tie.

Even today, at Weiberfastnacht, this abduction is re-enacted and afterward there are just lots of crazy people (in Karneval-costumes) in the streets, drinking tons of beer and eating sweets..... from 09:30 to about 16:00, tram service in a lot of the city with be stopped and almost all of Beuel will be transformed into one big party.

The official start of Weiberfastnacht is 11:11 am. It is customary that men wear really terrible, ugly ties on this day, knowing quite well that a woman with a pair of scissors in her hand may be close at hand...


Bonn, Cologne and Düsseldorf are considered the most "Karneval Krazy" cities in Germany.


I will be making some films tomorrow.

Sunday is a huge Sunday Carneval parade and the big day is Monday, which is called "Rosenmontag" (Rose Monday). There will be a 5 hour parade and show and then people celebrate until the next day...

Tuesday is called "Kehraus" (the sweeping-out), where everyone slowly becomes sober again and cleans up the mess from Monday.

Wednesday is, of course, Ash Wednesday.


Sounds like a hoot! Have fun and be sure to take pictures. Do they throw beads?
Take pictures of the ones catching the beads....ok!

Usually, they are throwing very small packages of candy, which they give the special name of "Kamelle" to just for Karneval.

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