The Front Porch Swing

Anybody here ever work graveyard? Back in 86-93, I did. And probably twice a year I'd crash and burn.

Yesterday was no exception. I slept from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm, then watched some Who with my sister. I then slept from 10:30pm to 2:30 am. I watched two episodes of Supernatural, and then slept for at least another three hours - possibly more.

Apparently, I needed it.

My first real full time job was as a computer operator ....

I used to be a computer programmer....operators would wake me up in the middle of the night and I had to go in and fix my program......they used to love waking me up at 2:00 a.m., mean ole operators.....:)
Anybody here ever work graveyard? Back in 86-93, I did. And probably twice a year I'd crash and burn.

Yesterday was no exception. I slept from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm, then watched some Who with my sister. I then slept from 10:30pm to 2:30 am. I watched two episodes of Supernatural, and then slept for at least another three hours - possibly more.

Apparently, I needed it.

Never as a regular thing, but every now and then I had to pull graveyard duty....I had a hard time sleeping during the day. Since I didn't do it long enough to get used to it, it was always a bitch. I can't sleep with the slightest bit of light, the room has to be dark as night, so there was no way I could ever get it to be that dark during the there was too much noise, street noise and other kinds of noise, it was awful.

I have room darkening shades, a sleep mask, a fan right next to me, and white noise playing on my computer. Otherwise, no. I couldn't do it.
Tea thanks, I have been off drink for eighteen months.

Here you go, a pot of Earl Gray and some scones with cream and jam.


You are a magnificent waiter......I'll have Iced tea and a cinnamon bun, if you please....:)

Coming right up;


Today we have the special cinnamon spiced iced tea special;

Anybody here ever work graveyard? Back in 86-93, I did. And probably twice a year I'd crash and burn.

Yesterday was no exception. I slept from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm, then watched some Who with my sister. I then slept from 10:30pm to 2:30 am. I watched two episodes of Supernatural, and then slept for at least another three hours - possibly more.

Apparently, I needed it.

My first real full time job was as a computer operator ....

I used to be a computer programmer....operators would wake me up in the middle of the night and I had to go in and fix my program......they used to love waking me up at 2:00 a.m., mean ole operators.....:)

I was on both sides of that deal, first as an operator then as a programmer. But then I got smart and added in special messages to my code. So when they would call me I would ask them to read the message to me. Then I would tell them what they were doing wrong and roll over and go back to sleep. :D
Anybody here ever work graveyard? Back in 86-93, I did. And probably twice a year I'd crash and burn.

Yesterday was no exception. I slept from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm, then watched some Who with my sister. I then slept from 10:30pm to 2:30 am. I watched two episodes of Supernatural, and then slept for at least another three hours - possibly more.

Apparently, I needed it.

Never as a regular thing, but every now and then I had to pull graveyard duty....I had a hard time sleeping during the day. Since I didn't do it long enough to get used to it, it was always a bitch. I can't sleep with the slightest bit of light, the room has to be dark as night, so there was no way I could ever get it to be that dark during the there was too much noise, street noise and other kinds of noise, it was awful.

I'm the same way. Gotta be pitch black and dead silent. Got my shades and earplugs in my suitcase, especially for those times I might stay at my brother's house where he doesn't even have curtains. I don't know how he does it.

That's prolly what I love the most about living here in the forest primeval -- a real night with a real night sky and free of road traffic, turning trolleys, gunshots, neighbors' televisions and all that other botheration. There are dogs howling sometimes; I'm getting used to them. The hooting of the owls is a pleasure, because it belongs to the Night.
I just recently got the room darkening shades, so I hardly need the sleep mask anymore.

However, I don't know if it made it back from the ER with me. I shall have to do a search.
Anybody here ever work graveyard? Back in 86-93, I did. And probably twice a year I'd crash and burn.

Yesterday was no exception. I slept from 7:00 am to 7:30 pm, then watched some Who with my sister. I then slept from 10:30pm to 2:30 am. I watched two episodes of Supernatural, and then slept for at least another three hours - possibly more.

Apparently, I needed it.

Never as a regular thing, but every now and then I had to pull graveyard duty....I had a hard time sleeping during the day. Since I didn't do it long enough to get used to it, it was always a bitch. I can't sleep with the slightest bit of light, the room has to be dark as night, so there was no way I could ever get it to be that dark during the there was too much noise, street noise and other kinds of noise, it was awful.

I'm the same way. Gotta be pitch black and dead silent. Got my shades and earplugs in my suitcase, especially for those times I might stay at my brother's house where he doesn't even have curtains. I don't know how he does it.

That's prolly what I love the most about living here in the forest primeval -- a real night with a real night sky and free of road traffic, turning trolleys, gunshots, neighbors' televisions and all that other botheration. There are dogs howling sometimes; I'm getting used to them. The hooting of the owls is a pleasure, because it belongs to the Night.

Same here....out in the country, it's so dark outside you can actually see the constellations in the traffic....some not so near neighbors have roosters and you can hear the faint cockadoodle-doos some mornings.....I usually don't, unless I wake up for something else.
My first real full time job was as a computer operator ....

I used to be a computer programmer....operators would wake me up in the middle of the night and I had to go in and fix my program......they used to love waking me up at 2:00 a.m., mean ole operators.....:)

I was on both sides of that deal, first as an operator then as a programmer. But then I got smart and added in special messages to my code. So when they would call me I would ask them to read the message to me. Then I would tell them what they were doing wrong and roll over and go back to sleep. :D

That was great for you....most of the systems I was responsible for, the programs were written by Hqs...Wright Patterson AFB, and I had to call them and the programmer in charge of that program had to come in to his office, and we would then work on finding the bug together over the phone....usually took the rest of the night....I hated having to come in the next morning to make sure it ran alright and the products were A-OK, all sleepy...:)
Never as a regular thing, but every now and then I had to pull graveyard duty....I had a hard time sleeping during the day. Since I didn't do it long enough to get used to it, it was always a bitch. I can't sleep with the slightest bit of light, the room has to be dark as night, so there was no way I could ever get it to be that dark during the there was too much noise, street noise and other kinds of noise, it was awful.

I'm the same way. Gotta be pitch black and dead silent. Got my shades and earplugs in my suitcase, especially for those times I might stay at my brother's house where he doesn't even have curtains. I don't know how he does it.

That's prolly what I love the most about living here in the forest primeval -- a real night with a real night sky and free of road traffic, turning trolleys, gunshots, neighbors' televisions and all that other botheration. There are dogs howling sometimes; I'm getting used to them. The hooting of the owls is a pleasure, because it belongs to the Night.

Same here....out in the country, it's so dark outside you can actually see the constellations in the traffic....some not so near neighbors have roosters and you can hear the faint cockadoodle-doos some mornings.....I usually don't, unless I wake up for something else.

Our near neighbors had roosters, and they did not grasp the concept of morning. They were more like morning, noon, night, weekends and holidays.
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This catch is AMAZING!

[ame=]Amazing Ball girl catch - YouTube[/ame]

It was for a Gatorade commercial. ;)
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