The Front Porch Swing

Man, he looks relaxed!

Don't he just.

She is too.


Mebbe you got a picture of her in a porch swing???

Or maybe looking out her kitchen window at another country?
Today's Pol sitting down, no. 3

Wow, Amelia, for someone that is always preaching down at others, I guess you forgot to read the sticky for the Lounge? Seems to me you just want to stir the pot?

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the USMB Lounge! A place for friends, and 'enemies', to get together and talk about whatever (off-topic).

Political threads, religious threads, party affiliation threads etc DO NOT go in this area. Everyone will leave their politics, religious views, flame throwers and grudges at the door before entering. If you've visited the Coffee Shop then you know and understand the spirit of the forum. It's a lounge where you kick back, have a drink on us, listen to some good music (on your PC/Mac) and make some new friends.

No negging or starting threads to peacefully bash on members/groups on USMB. Start a group if you wish to do that. Remember, the USMB Lounge is for off-topic use ONLY.

The forum will be lightly moderated, meaning we aren't going to be issuing infractions/warnings/bans if members can't set aside their differences. We'll simply remind the member to please be aware of what forum they are in and delete the comment. If it becomes an issue where a member cannot 'get along' in here, they'll simply be removed from the Lounge permanently. The ultimate goal is that the forum moderates itself and everyone respects the USMB Lounge when relaxing in here.

We do ask that members report any posts/threads that are not compliant so that we may handle it in a timely manner.

Remember folks, the USMB Lounge is not a place to push an agenda, exclude certain groups/members, flame, fight, bicker, neg or talk politics/religion. It's a lounge to relax and enjoy the USMB community via off-topic threads and posts.

We hope you enjoy the new forum! Have fun!!!!!

Come on inside
Mebbe you got a picture of her in a porch swing???

Or maybe looking out her kitchen window at another country?

I'm trying to figure out the four colors on the windshield thingy of the boat behind her. Are those two buttons? What are those things????????

They're little sticky notes telling her what to push and what not to push so she doesn't blow up the boat.

This is Palin we are talking about remember?
And now, back to mirth and merriment!!!
[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION], you around?!?!?


I just got back, Stat! I spent the day with my granddaughter and it was alot of fun. I'm going to a late dinner but thought I'd drop in inbetween! Thank you! I hope you enjoy your little one this weekend! Thank you all for such nice birthday pics / wishes. Youre very sweet people! :eusa_angel:

- Jeri

Do you have birthday dinner plans?
I do! We are going shortly. I wanted to come visit ya'll before I left, BD! I spent the day with my granddaughter! She is smiling alot now! It was alot of fun. Have a great evening and thank you for the birthday wishes & videos!

This really was special! Thank you! - Jeri

Do you have birthday dinner plans?
I do! We are going shortly. I wanted to come visit ya'll before I left, BD! I spent the day with my granddaughter! She is smiling alot now! It was alot of fun. Have a great evening and thank you for the birthday wishes & videos!

This really was special! Thank you! - Jeri

Jeri, have a great your birthday dinner.....:)
Because Stat posts pictures of people like Biden and Obama in the Coffee Shop.

I'm done with the Lounge. It does not meet my expectations. It was supposed to be politics free. I have now learned that some politics are okay if the person clears it with the OP. This is not cool. I will return to the other forums which don't pretend to be something they aren't.
You only posted 4 posts, and all with the intention to stir trouble..I thought you were above all that? Didn't expect that from someone who claims to not get down in the muck.

If you want to discuss it with me further, it needs to be in another setting, coz this is my last post in the Lounge for the foreseeable future.
Geez, don't let the swing hit you on the way out. And if you are just going to post stuff that is against the rules, yep, it's best you don't visit again.
why is a certain poster flooding this social sub forum w/ rw political pics?!!!

Because Stat posts pictures of people like Biden and Obama in the Coffee Shop.

Come on Amelia. You know better than that.
If you were a regular in there you'd have also seen John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Gerald Ford, H.W. (I think) and several others drinking coffee. Do you object to them too?

He posts politicians because this is basically a political-centred message board, therefore they're faces we would know. He also posts movie stars, which I was just noting today, I recognize all the pols and almost none of the movie people. In both cases they're just a harmless quiz on "who is that guy", using material the audience would be likely to know, more or less, purely because it's related to readers' interests. There's no political content in that.

What you're trying to subtly do here is in no way the same thing. It's passive-aggressive trolling. And you're better than that. Lighten up. This kind of petty is beneath you.

So -- how is your totally nonpolitical mundane day going? :)

yep, we don't need that here :eusa_hand:
And now, back to mirth and merriment!!!
[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION], you around?!?!?


I just got back, Stat! I spent the day with my granddaughter and it was alot of fun. I'm going to a late dinner but thought I'd drop in inbetween! Thank you! I hope you enjoy your little one this weekend! Thank you all for such nice birthday pics / wishes. Youre very sweet people! :eusa_angel:

- Jeri

Face time with a grand?! I couldn't ask for a better birthday present!
Is anybody still up?.........I was just watching the Tonight Show....that Jimmy Fallon,, he's doing such a good job....Had Stephen Colbert on....they were too funny....

I'm kinda glad that Jimmy Fallon took it over...Leno was getting kind of boring. Anyway, I like Jimmy Fallon, he's always coming up with some pretty goofy stuff......:)
Is anybody still up?.........I was just watching the Tonight Show....that Jimmy Fallon,, he's doing such a good job....Had Stephen Colbert on....they were too funny....

I'm kinda glad that Jimmy Fallon took it over...Leno was getting kind of boring. Anyway, I like Jimmy Fallon, he's always coming up with some pretty goofy stuff......:)

I am! I haven't watched except clips, but I love Jimmy. Great choice. :)

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