The Front Porch Swing

Time to get comfy.

Well, shoot. It's starting to look like I'm going to be awake straight through. I THINK I got 4-5 hours of sleep, and I am supposed to be up in about 1.5 hours for a House of Cards marathon with my sister. Last time I slept 12 hours straight, cheating us out of many viewing hours, so this time I set an alarm - but now I can't sleep.

Oh well. I have the next two nights off.
Well, shoot. It's starting to look like I'm going to be awake straight through. I THINK I got 4-5 hours of sleep, and I am supposed to be up in about 1.5 hours for a House of Cards marathon with my sister. Last time I slept 12 hours straight, cheating us out of many viewing hours, so this time I set an alarm - but now I can't sleep.

Oh well. I have the next two nights off.

Well, great, that means we can chat on this great thread!!!
Well, shoot. It's starting to look like I'm going to be awake straight through. I THINK I got 4-5 hours of sleep, and I am supposed to be up in about 1.5 hours for a House of Cards marathon with my sister. Last time I slept 12 hours straight, cheating us out of many viewing hours, so this time I set an alarm - but now I can't sleep.

Oh well. I have the next two nights off.

Well, great, that means we can chat on this great thread!!!

Maybe even Skype! :thup:
why is a certain poster flooding this social sub forum w/ rw political pics?!!!

Because Stat posts pictures of people like Biden and Obama in the Coffee Shop.

Stat posts pictures of politicians drinking coffee in the Coffee Shoppe!

Bush relaxing on a porch is fine.

The other 2 pics are inappropriate because they have nothing to do with either a porch or a swing ergo they not on topic.
why is a certain poster flooding this social sub forum w/ rw political pics?!!!

Because Stat posts pictures of people like Biden and Obama in the Coffee Shop.

Come on Amelia. You know better than that.
If you were a regular in there you'd have also seen John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Gerald Ford, H.W. (I think) and several others drinking coffee. Do you object to them too?

He posts politicians because this is basically a political-centred message board, therefore they're faces we would know. He also posts movie stars, which I was just noting today, I recognize all the pols and almost none of the movie people. In both cases they're just a harmless quiz on "who is that guy", using material the audience would be likely to know, more or less, purely because it's related to readers' interests. There's no political content in that.

What you're trying to subtly do here is in no way the same thing. It's passive-aggressive trolling. And you're better than that. Lighten up. This kind of petty is beneath you.

So -- how is your totally nonpolitical mundane day going? :)
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why is a certain poster flooding this social sub forum w/ rw political pics?!!!

Because Stat posts pictures of people like Biden and Obama in the Coffee Shop.

I would like to address that quite directly, [MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION]:

About 40 days ago, I started posting a series of pics of famous people drinking coffee - in the Coffee Shop II. I did this AFTER clearing it with [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION].

I have posted pics of pols from both major parties, plus at least one libertarian, plus pols from other countries, including Merkel, Blair and Berlusconi. I have always looked for pics that put a person in a good light.

The series started on 1/21/2014 and I first included a politician on 1/27/2014. It might interest you to know who that politician was:

The pol with whom I started: former President George W. Bush (43) - a Republican.

Quote from that posting:

That is meant in a kind and complimentary way. Former President Bush was and still is a great coffee lover, he had it after his morning workout every day. One of the few presidents to do a workout every day. That gets a big thumbs up from me, as a fitness kind of dude.

That posting got a thanks from 6 people across the spectrum and it got repped quite a lot. In fact, Foxfyre thanked me in a big way especially for that pic, on the thread that she created - the Coffee Shop II.

The second pol I posted drinking coffee, I also posted that day, right after the pic of former President George W. Bush (43):

Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower (R).

Within a number of days, the series grew to 2 famous people per day (one male, one female, usually) + 1 pol. All with Foxfyre's thanks and blessing.

Had you just taken one short moment to research this, I think you could have saved your self some embarrassment. I have received (well, until your commentary today) nothing but positive feedback from people in the CS for the pics I posted.

I also mentioned in the CS that I post them to remind us all that pols, regardless of ideology, are people too and that they do normal things just like the rest of us, like drink coffee.

So, if the whole point of what you have been doing is to somehow irritate, you have failed. Here in the Stoop, just like in the CS, we are friendly to everyone, but we would also like to be treated with the same kind of friendliness.

Hope that information helped to sort out your dilemna.

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why is a certain poster flooding this social sub forum w/ rw political pics?!!!

Because Stat posts pictures of people like Biden and Obama in the Coffee Shop.

I would like to address that quite directly, [MENTION=28109]Amelia[/MENTION]:

About 40 days ago, I started posting a series of pics of famous people drinking coffee - in the Coffee Shop II. I did this AFTER clearing it with [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION].

I have posted pics of pols from both major parties, plus at least one libertarian, plus pols from other countries, including Merkel, Blair and Berlusconi. I have always looked for pics that put a person in a good light.

The series started on 1/21/2014 and I first included a politician on 1/27/2014. It might interest you to know who that politician was:

The pol with whom I started: former President George W. Bush (43) - a Republican.

Quote from that posting:

That is meant in a kind and complimentary way. Former President Bush was and still is a great coffee lover, he had it after his morning workout every day. One of the few presidents to do a workout every day. That gets a big thumbs up from me, as a fitness kind of dude.

That posting got a thanks from 6 people across the spectrum and it got repped quite a lot. In fact, Foxfyre thanked me in a big way especially for that pic, on the thread that she created - the Coffee Shop II.

The second pol I posted drinking coffee, I also posted that day, right after the pic of former President George W. Bush (43):

Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower (R).

Within a number of days, the series grew to 2 famous people per day (one male, one female, usually) + 1 pol. All with Foxfyre's thanks and blessing.

Had you just taken one short moment to research this, I think you could have saved your self some embarrassment. I have received (well, until your commentary today) nothing but positive feedback from people in the CS for the pics I posted.

I also mentioned in the CS that I post them to remind us all that pols, regardless of ideology, are people too and that they do normal things just like the rest of us, like drink coffee. And just a few short hours ago, the Admin of USMB informed me that it is totally ok with those pics, that I should proceed.

So, if the whole point of what you have been doing is to somehow irritate, you have failed. Here in the Stoop, just like in the CS, we are friendly to everyone, but we would also like to be treated with the same kind of friendliness.

Hope that information helped to sort out your dilemna.


Since you have made this post to me here, I will give you the answer here.

That doesn't sort out my "dilemma". It just underscores that you feel okay disregarding rules because your content is somehow so worthy that the rules don't apply to you. How do you know that for every person who responds favorably to your posts of pols in the politics-free zone, there aren't three people cringing at them? Just because you are an equal opportunity offender doesn't mean it's not offensive.

These social threads are for getting to know each other -- not for getting to know politicians. In my mind, they're supposed to be more like holidays with family. You don't put up posters with pictures of politicians at Thanksgiving -- unless you really don't give a damn about whether you are offending your sweet relatives who are just too polite to tell you how much you offended them by introducing political figures into what was supposed to be a nonpolitical setting.

I'm done with the Lounge. It does not meet my expectations. It was supposed to be politics free. I have now learned that some politics are okay if the person clears it with the OP. This is not cool. I will return to the other forums which don't pretend to be something they aren't.

If you want to discuss it with me further, it needs to be in another setting, coz this is my last post in the Lounge for the foreseeable future.

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