The Front Porch Swing

I'll see your hula dance and raise you a public performance.

Sexiest Performer - You won't close your eyes for a while!!! - YouTube

I don't know why she bugs me, she just does. And the "You won't close your eyes for awhile?" Anybody know what they're trying to say there?

I don't pay attention to YouTube video names on these things.

Though I admit I wasn't blinking much, it was because I was admiring her amazing control of the hoops. Keeping so many going at once on different limbs, etc... was fun to watch.

Dang....she is really good. I thought she was great with two....then she did three and then, holy you know what.......
Did you think you were "Queen" just cause you started this neato thread? Nobody's going to make you a sammich....make it yourself.....

Strangely enough, Aaron already took care of it - as did my sister. Went upstairs, and lunch was waiting. Life is good. :thup:

I thought you WERE the Queen. I just didn't want to end up in the dungeon. Maybe your sister thinks the same thing.

I was queen once, in a land far away. That land no longer exists.
Sorry. Shouldn't have shared that. The Stoop is for fun and being at ease. I guess I let the Woody Allen thread get deeper into me than I thought.

Anyway...enough of that. My apologies.

Although my experience wasn't quite like yours, I can certainly understand where you're coming from because I have my own issues with my siblings due to my mother.

I didn't want to clutter up the thread with my own family drama, but if you'd like to share war stories, would be happy to over PM sometime.
Strangely enough, Aaron already took care of it - as did my sister. Went upstairs, and lunch was waiting. Life is good. :thup:

I thought you WERE the Queen. I just didn't want to end up in the dungeon. Maybe your sister thinks the same thing.

I was queen once, in a land far away. That land no longer exists.
So was I, but I'm not giving up my countess title....hell no, I'm not....:)
Thanks House. Best thing for me is to not think about it. It was a long time ago. I finally bailed home at almost 17years old and never went back.
But I appreciate the offer, hon. It's just something I don't really wanna talk about in depth. I already said too much and regret it. But...too late now and oh well, lol.
I miss your Charlize Theron pic.

She was quite a queen, wasn't she.....and that whip....:eusa_whistle:

I quite like your current avvie... which is interesting considering I'm generally not attracted to black women.

Must be the hair relaxer.

i think it's natural....she's a tropical black girl, maybe not 100% black....I think her eyes are green or blue....she's a beaut.
She was quite a queen, wasn't she.....and that whip....:eusa_whistle:

I quite like your current avvie... which is interesting considering I'm generally not attracted to black women.

Must be the hair relaxer.

i think it's natural....she's a tropical black girl, maybe not 100% black....I think her eyes are green or blue....she's a beaut.


And I don't mean that sarcastically. <.<

^ Or that.
I want a cookie. A gooey, hot cookie fresh from the oven. But I am too lazy to go bake one.
And I have a headache again. Must be sinuses cuz it sure has been nice weatherwise and now it's colder than a witches tit.
Yes. I have the slice and bake in the fridge. But..that means I have to warm up the oven, stand there for 10 minutes cuz if I don't I will forget and burn it. And I don't wanna. Well. Maybe a break from the board for a bit will be good for me right now. since I can't have a slushie.
Yes. I have the slice and bake in the fridge. But..that means I have to warm up the oven, stand there for 10 minutes cuz if I don't I will forget and burn it. And I don't wanna. Well. Maybe a break from the board for a bit will be good for me right now. since I can't have a slushie.

Slushie sounds good, too.

Tomorrow is grocery delivery day, I got some good stuff headed here. Course I have to go read the list or I have NO IDEA what I've ordered, save the Dasani Drops, and five avocados. I <3 avocados.
[ame=]Petula Clark - Downtown with lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
I had applesauce instead and then popped an advil. Not supposed to take those but I did anyway.
I'd love to be in the country, but I love listening to the sound of the surf too..although it comes with a price. In a neighborhood with close neighbors.

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