The Front Porch Swing

Nothing like getting a bit blindsided. How long is your commute?

I don't have a commute anymore and he's got tomorrow off. He works this weekend.

Oh, cool. Yeah, in talking to my dad today he found it very cool that my sister, her son and myself all work at home now.

My wife and I are considering doing just that; we will be talking to the CEO and the business manager on Thursday. Strange. I thought I was retired.

Gracie, did you ever tell your children that when the ice-cream truck man rang the bell it meant he was out of ice-cream? Someone posted that in "lies your mother told you" - I thought that was so funny...(wish I had thought of it...just kidding...).

No. She was never home when the ice cream man drove down the street. Thank God.
But I remember hearing him...and all the neighbor kids running after him along with me in my patent leather shoes I loved listening to when I ran. :)

Hearing that bell on the street as I kid!

Gracie, did you ever tell your children that when the ice-cream truck man rang the bell it meant he was out of ice-cream? Someone posted that in "lies your mother told you" - I thought that was so funny...(wish I had thought of it...just kidding...).

No. She was never home when the ice cream man drove down the street. Thank God.
But I remember hearing him...and all the neighbor kids running after him along with me in my patent leather shoes I loved listening to when I ran. :)

Ya sexy thang.....
I don't have a commute anymore and he's got tomorrow off. He works this weekend.

Oh, cool. Yeah, in talking to my dad today he found it very cool that my sister, her son and myself all work at home now.

I think it's cool that you live so close to your Sis.

It is a total blessing to me. She's 13 months older than I am, and I love being here for her, and I know she feels the same.
I don't have a commute anymore and he's got tomorrow off. He works this weekend.

Oh, cool. Yeah, in talking to my dad today he found it very cool that my sister, her son and myself all work at home now.

My wife and I are considering doing just that; we will be talking to the CEO and the business manager on Thursday. Strange. I thought I was retired.

My dad, I believe I've said elsewhere, worked seven days a week for decades.

That stopped right after Christmas. He went from that schedule, to retired. He'll be 79 tomorrow. And he's loving it! I knew that would happen when he was really ready to call it quits. He would've gotten all antsy, otherwise.
I wish I was close to my sister, but....after almost 62 years of will never happen. We can talk on the phone but usually we wind up in a fight. I called her yesterday and kept to the weather, the roomie with the pooping dogs I wouldn't rent to, my hip bursitis, and listened to her about her aches and pains and then we said it was a nice phone visit but we gotta go now, and hung up. Rare visit that one. No fight.
Time to throw in a smile. ;)

and away we go! - YouTube

I saw that before....that girl is really something with that Hula hoop. I wish I could do that, just whirl it around my hips would be enough.....:razz::razz:

She's crazy talented. My daughter aimed me at her, with this video.

*language warning, minor nudity at end*

[ame=]Thrift shop hoop dance - YouTube[/ame]
I wish I was close to my sister, but....after almost 62 years of will never happen. We can talk on the phone but usually we wind up in a fight. I called her yesterday and kept to the weather, the roomie with the pooping dogs I wouldn't rent to, my hip bursitis, and listened to her about her aches and pains and then we said it was a nice phone visit but we gotta go now, and hung up. Rare visit that one. No fight.

Were you ever close, or ?
I wish I was close to my sister, but....after almost 62 years of will never happen. We can talk on the phone but usually we wind up in a fight. I called her yesterday and kept to the weather, the roomie with the pooping dogs I wouldn't rent to, my hip bursitis, and listened to her about her aches and pains and then we said it was a nice phone visit but we gotta go now, and hung up. Rare visit that one. No fight.

Well, that's a start. Usually, when talking to family, I have to ignore things that would otherwise make me angry....chalk them up to insensitivity on their part, and thus remain cordial. My sister and I have had a good relationship in spite of times when I felt hurt or insulted....glad I let them go and didn't hold them against her. We're still good.
Time to throw in a smile. ;)

and away we go! - YouTube

I'll see your hula dance and raise you a public performance.

[ame=]Sexiest Performer - You won't close your eyes for a while!!! - YouTube[/ame]

I don't know why she bugs me, she just does. And the "You won't close your eyes for awhile?" Anybody know what they're trying to say there?
Nope. We were too busy being abused and had our own hiding place. The only time we actually HUGGED each other was when we were naked, in the tiny porch bathroom, with the belt being slammed on us and we trying to shield ourselves with our huggled bodies. After that...we didn't touch each other. We never said we loved each other. We never held hands or hugged or kissed each other on the cheek. Mama said it was "nasty" if we showed any kind of sibling love. So we didn't. Then my sister decided to take care of Ma even after all she did to us. Myself, I would have dumped her sorry ass in a mental ward and let her rot. But sis still wanted the love she never got and would never get. And she was pissed because I refused to see Ma at all. I didn't know she died until 2 weeks later. Didn't care then, don't care now.

When she comes to visit...we do the hollywood kissy kissy...just smacking air on each side of the cheek but not touching. Just air. And space between us.

Sometimes I wish things were different. But I'm too old to get over our childhood and so is she. we just deal with it the best we can. And tippytoe a lot.
Time to throw in a smile. ;)

and away we go! - YouTube

I'll see your hula dance and raise you a public performance.

[ame=]Sexiest Performer - You won't close your eyes for a while!!! - YouTube[/ame]

I don't know why she bugs me, she just does. And the "You won't close your eyes for awhile?" Anybody know what they're trying to say there?

I don't pay attention to YouTube video names on these things.

Though I admit I wasn't blinking much, it was because I was admiring her amazing control of the hoops. Keeping so many going at once on different limbs, etc... was fun to watch.
Sorry. Shouldn't have shared that. The Stoop is for fun and being at ease. I guess I let the Woody Allen thread get deeper into me than I thought.

Anyway...enough of that. My apologies.
Dayum. She is good with the hoops but I have seen better. Just don't remember where I saw it.
Sorry. Shouldn't have shared that. The Stoop is for fun and being at ease. I guess I let the Woody Allen thread get deeper into me than I thought.

Anyway...enough of that. My apologies.

NO worries. Stuff happens, and then we deal, and move on. I have my own ... stuff I haven't even verbalized for forty years, never mind posted. As do you. So if we can give voice to some of it, then I will listen, just as you would for me.

Time to throw in a smile. ;)

and away we go! - YouTube

I'll see your hula dance and raise you a public performance.

[ame=]Sexiest Performer - You won't close your eyes for a while!!! - YouTube[/ame]

I don't know why she bugs me, she just does. And the "You won't close your eyes for awhile?" Anybody know what they're trying to say there?

I think they just mean you can't take your eyes off her for a sec.....unless her performance paralyses your eyelids....:razz::razz:

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