The Front Porch Swing

There is somewhere. Lemme see if I can find it but I don't know if the pics are in there.
This was in 1998, give or take. We were coming home from a trip to Maui and I told my friend who was with us..."I'm opening a tropical apparel shop but can't thnk of a name". We mused on it, and BAM. I thought of the perfect name..of which I will not say here.
Keep in mind this was just weeks before Indonesia was selling off all their artifacts and containers were being shipped over non stop. I was the only store around with clothing from Bali. Custom made, too, with my own designs. And I carried Tropical Tantrum apparel too. That stuff is expensive! But I got it for a great deal. I did very well with this shop. But when I saw hand dyed batiks in Mervyn's, I knew I was in trouble. All of a sudden, bigger stores were carrying what I was carrying. And then I discovered ebay. So..I closed it up and put it all on ebay and did very well too. Until everyone else and their uncle began to sell the same stuff I was.


That was so neat, Gracie....bummer, the bigger stores want all the business....:eusa_whistle:
I know. But Mervyns is no more, isn't it? :)

Everything ends eventually. I would love to reopen either store but I can't. It takes money, and work. And I have neither ability now. I can run it, but I can't do the lifting any more and I tire easily. And I hate my prosthesis boob so I go without. I look weird, so I am a hermit now. Which is fine. I have my back yard.
Youtube Comment reconstruction number 7!!!

These two brits are hilarious. They find especially odious comments from a somewhere on youtube then make their own video by reading those comments as if they are auditioning for something like a Shakespearean play! They usually do it seated, drinking a little brandy or tea..... HILARIOUS:


Now, imagine someone here doing that from some comments..... :lmao:
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Guys, I know this might not be the right forum but I have a lot of friends in here and I need prayers for my sister Sandi. I think she's giving up. She's not going to let them do any more chemo or radiation. I know I have to respect her wishes but it's damned hard. Thanks y'all. If you don't see me posting much you know why.

You and Sandi are in my thoughts, BR. Just go with what she wants because that is what is best for her. Peace, DT.
Guys, I know this might not be the right forum but I have a lot of friends in here and I need prayers for my sister Sandi. I think she's giving up. She's not going to let them do any more chemo or radiation. I know I have to respect her wishes but it's damned hard. Thanks y'all. If you don't see me posting much you know why.

Praying real hard for Sandi. And for you, my friend.
I'm going to do a question of the day in the Stoop. Some'll be easy, some will require some thinking on your part. I'll do the question in green and bolded so people can answer whenever they see it, or see it quoted.

2/4/2014 Question of the Day, aka QOD: What's your favorite color?

Mine is obviously green.

Kodachrome! :D

[ame=]Kodachrome - Paul Simon - YouTube[/ame]
I'm going to do a question of the day in the Stoop. Some'll be easy, some will require some thinking on your part. I'll do the question in green and bolded so people can answer whenever they see it, or see it quoted.

2/4/2014 Question of the Day, aka QOD: What's your favorite color?

Mine is obviously green.

Kodachrome! :D

[ame=]Kodachrome - Paul Simon - YouTube[/ame]


George Eastman (Eastman Kodak) came from Rochester, NY. My uncle lives just a couple of blocks from the Eastman House and serves on a form of administrative board for that House. It is a beautiful mansion. Makes for an excellent tour. The guy was brilliant. Here are some pics:





There is a photo exhibition on the lower level that is just incredible. This museum is one of the best kept secrets of American history.

If anyone is close to Rochester, I can recommend this as a fine stop to make!

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