The Front Porch Swing

Skating for me.

They had the Figure Skating short programs and the couple from Russia was magnificent. The couple from the US was good, but the ones from Canada and Russia really kicked ass.
The single's short program, the skater from the US fell and brought the team's standing down to 7th with his score.
Hey, y'all. I am just hanging out on my front porch, ready to share some sweet tea and muffins with the neighbors.


What :eek::eek: Mustard on a muffin......yikes:eek::eek:
Getting grumpy. Heading back to the Olympics. I will get a mustard muffin for Mr. H when I come back.
While it is good to be back at work for the first time in a week, this is the portion of the evening when there is nobody calling in. BOring!
Travel safe! And don't forget to come back. This isn't like "He went out for milk, and that was in 1983," is it?

I think the FDA made that particular brand of milk illegal. :smiliehug:

Good. And let that be a lesson to you. I know where OK is, mister! Don't make me muster the Militant Lesbian Brigade. We'll march down there (I'm honorary) *in sensible shoes, acourse* and drag your ass back here!!!

Mark my word.



Well, this is the weekend where my sweet little daughter comes to visit, I pick her up in 3 hours from now! Her 7th birthday shortly after the weekend, but her mother and I have agreed to throw her a bowling party on a Sunday two weeks from now. No guest performances this weekend, just real Papa-Daughter time, which means:

-bike riding
-roller skating
-cookie baking
-riding on Papa's shoulders
-board games
-bathing the dog (it's time)
-a trip to an indoor playground with everything under the sun
-Sunday swimming
-Barbie films / Pippi Longstocking films
-nighty-night stories, including a series that Papa is writing just for the little one.

But in order to get these cool things, little soon to be 7-year old must:

-practice her viola
-do her Friday homework from school and then we both do an alphabet and numbers contest. I make her do simple subtraction equations in her head whilst bike-riding. Every equation she gets right means 5 minutes more bike-time. Every equation she gets wrong means 5-minutes less. Motivation!
-help wash the dishes every time
-walk the dog around the block alone once per day
-clean her room!!

These are absolutely the best weekends of my life! I try to only go online when she is sleeping, so I still post, but a lot, lot less on Princess Statalina weekends!

Lord, it is just amazing to see how quickly they grow up. Just amazing.

And this is what I do on Monday morning after she goes to school:


BTW, next week I will be posting a really cool thing that Germans to for birthday candles!!!
I'm still amazed at how fast it all goes by. I remember my baby girl being seven. I still see her seven year-old face when she smiles, and she'll be 33 in April.

I have NO IDEA how that time flew by so fast. And now she has three mini-mes that look just like her.
Well, this is the weekend where my sweet little daughter comes to visit, I pick her up in 3 hours from now! Her 7th birthday shortly after the weekend, but her mother and I have agreed to throw her a bowling party on a Sunday two weeks from now. No guest performances this weekend, just real Papa-Daughter time, which means:

-bike riding
-roller skating
-cookie baking
-riding on Papa's shoulders
-board games
-bathing the dog (it's time)
-a trip to an indoor playground with everything under the sun
-Sunday swimming
-Barbie films / Pippi Longstocking films
-nighty-night stories, including a series that Papa is writing just for the little one.

But in order to get these cool things, little soon to be 7-year old must:

-practice her viola
-do her Friday homework from school and then we both do an alphabet and numbers contest. I make her do simple subtraction equations in her head whilst bike-riding. Every equation she gets right means 5 minutes more bike-time. Every equation she gets wrong means 5-minutes less. Motivation!
-help wash the dishes every time
-walk the dog around the block alone once per day
-clean her room!!

These are absolutely the best weekends of my life! I try to only go online when she is sleeping, so I still post, but a lot, lot less on Princess Statalina weekends!

Lord, it is just amazing to see how quickly they grow up. Just amazing.

And this is what I do on Monday morning after she goes to school:


BTW, next week I will be posting a really cool thing that Germans to for birthday candles!!!

You sound like a wonderful father, Stat. Your daughter will surely cherish the memories you are making for her. Fathers play a very important role in the lives of their daughters! Your daughter is blessed to have you for a father! G-d bless you. - Jeri
I'm still amazed at how fast it all goes by. I remember my baby girl being seven. I still see her seven year-old face when she smiles, and she'll be 33 in April.

I have NO IDEA how that time flew by so fast. And now she has three mini-mes that look just like her.

I know. I remember my son at age seven. He just turned 30 and now he is a father. I don't know where the time went. As I get older it seems as if the years are going by even faster.
I'm still amazed at how fast it all goes by. I remember my baby girl being seven. I still see her seven year-old face when she smiles, and she'll be 33 in April.

I have NO IDEA how that time flew by so fast. And now she has three mini-mes that look just like her.

I know. I remember my son at age seven. He just turned 30 and now he is a father. I don't know where the time went. As I get older it seems as if the years are going by even faster.

I like it though. I have a nephew who will be 37 next month, and when he smiles, I see his little boy face too - and how his eyes have always just sparkled with wit and humor.
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I'm still amazed at how fast it all goes by. I remember my baby girl being seven. I still see her seven year-old face when she smiles, and she'll be 33 in April.

I have NO IDEA how that time flew by so fast. And now she has three mini-mes that look just like her.

I know. I remember my son at age seven. He just turned 30 and now he is a father. I don't know where the time went. As I get older it seems as if the years are going by even faster.

Hi Jeri!
So nice to see you again!

You are now a grannie too! Congratulations.


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