The Front Porch Swing

I may disappear for a week or so after tomorrow.

I'm going to be heading to Oklahoma to sign on with a carrier. Much bureaucracy and all that.

Travel safe! And don't forget to come back. This isn't like "He went out for milk, and that was in 1983," is it?
I will drag him kicking and screaming if I don't see him post in a week. Guaranteed.
I may disappear for a week or so after tomorrow.

I'm going to be heading to Oklahoma to sign on with a carrier. Much bureaucracy and all that.

Travel safe! And don't forget to come back. This isn't like "He went out for milk, and that was in 1983," is it?

I think the FDA made that particular brand of milk illegal. :smiliehug:
I may disappear for a week or so after tomorrow.

I'm going to be heading to Oklahoma to sign on with a carrier. Much bureaucracy and all that.

Travel safe! And don't forget to come back. This isn't like "He went out for milk, and that was in 1983," is it?

I think the FDA made that particular brand of milk illegal. :smiliehug:

Good. And let that be a lesson to you. I know where OK is, mister! Don't make me muster the Militant Lesbian Brigade. We'll march down there (I'm honorary) *in sensible shoes, acourse* and drag your ass back here!!!

Mark my word.


Not I.

Happy to report - I start work in ten minutes. I might be able to stream them to my non-work computer, I haven't checked. I would like to see my favorite figure skater (though I can't remember his name.)
How's everyone doing?

I ate too much at dinner now I feel sick.

Hey Drifter....good to see you back.....

Well, see ya later....I'm going to go see the back later...:)
I never liked the Winter Olympics. I think they need some more exciting events to jazz it up a bit.

How about me mix figure skating and taekwondo?

How about me put a large cliff at the edge of the bobsled course? The object is to slow yourself down enough to live.

How about minefield skiing?
Speed Skating, Bobsled, Luge, I will watch just about any of it. I love the Winter Olympics better than Summer.
Hey, y'all. I am just hanging out on my front porch, ready to share some sweet tea and muffins with the neighbors.

I prefer summer olympics. Not really interested in the winter ones at the moment.

I fell in love with the winter olympics in 1976 while a junior in college. That was the year that a lot of colleges on the Eastern Seaboard were shut down due to the flu being all over...we sat in our pj's and bathrobes in the dorm TV lounge and watched Jim McKay with all the different ski sweaters he had on. I hate that the Olympics are in Russia....but I'm getting some satisfaction that the Russians are screwing up royally on how they are hosting...already.

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