The Front Porch Swing

Morning everyone!

Thinking warm thoughts:

The photo of the tree looks like a dream right now, Sarah. It is 30 degrees here but I'm about 45 minutes out of Atlanta and we have had a hard winter. I'm ready for it to be over. The hoses outside froze up for a few days and we had to get buckets of hot water out of the tub to water my bull and break up the ice. It's been ridiculous. Can't wait for summer. - Jeri
I'm building up the courage to go out, I may have cabin fever.


The Shining location: the ‘Overlook Hotel’: Timberline Lodge, Mount Hood, Oregon
Mixed sleet, snow, slush, etc for five days.

But the high day will be 47 and over 50 tomorrow.

Sun's coming out, which is good. I am a bit depressed today for no discernible reason, and the bright sun always makes me feel good.
The photo of the tree looks like a dream right now, Sarah. It is 30 degrees here but I'm about 45 minutes out of Atlanta and we have had a hard winter. I'm ready for it to be over. The hoses outside froze up for a few days and we had to get buckets of hot water out of the tub to water my bull and break up the ice. It's been ridiculous. Can't wait for summer. - Jeri

That is ridiculous! If I'm talking to somebody from the deep south, the last thing I expect them to say is "the hoses froze!"

Mixed sleet, snow, slush, etc for five days.

But the high day will be 47 and over 50 tomorrow.

Sun's coming out, which is good. I am a bit depressed today for no discernible reason, and the bright sun always makes me feel good.

Could be anything. Sometimes the day will be almost over, and the date will hit me and I'll realize it's the anniversary of some event that rocked my life on its foundation.
Well, this is the weekend where my sweet little daughter comes to visit, I pick her up in 3 hours from now! Her 7th birthday shortly after the weekend, but her mother and I have agreed to throw her a bowling party on a Sunday two weeks from now. No guest performances this weekend, just real Papa-Daughter time, which means:

-bike riding
-roller skating
-cookie baking
-riding on Papa's shoulders
-board games
-bathing the dog (it's time)
-a trip to an indoor playground with everything under the sun
-Sunday swimming
-Barbie films / Pippi Longstocking films
-nighty-night stories, including a series that Papa is writing just for the little one.

But in order to get these cool things, little soon to be 7-year old must:

-practice her viola
-do her Friday homework from school and then we both do an alphabet and numbers contest. I make her do simple subtraction equations in her head whilst bike-riding. Every equation she gets right means 5 minutes more bike-time. Every equation she gets wrong means 5-minutes less. Motivation!
-help wash the dishes every time
-walk the dog around the block alone once per day
-clean her room!!

These are absolutely the best weekends of my life! I try to only go online when she is sleeping, so I still post, but a lot, lot less on Princess Statalina weekends!

Lord, it is just amazing to see how quickly they grow up. Just amazing.

And this is what I do on Monday morning after she goes to school:


BTW, next week I will be posting a really cool thing that Germans to for birthday candles!!!

You sound like a wonderful father, Stat. Your daughter will surely cherish the memories you are making for her. Fathers play a very important role in the lives of their daughters! Your daughter is blessed to have you for a father! G-d bless you. - Jeri


The bike riding will have to wait until tomorrow. Got home with her, took the pooch for a walk, we were bringing the bikes up from the cellar when what may be the storm of the century just hit. It has been raining so hard that the windows have been shaking. So, we are painting together, watching Pipi Langstrümpf (Longstockings), eating Alphabet-soup and speaking the text of the movie as it unfolds because THIS IS THE EIGHTH TIME in ONE MONTH that we have seen Pipi Langstrümpf in Taka-Tuka-Land!!!

I'll be bowing out early today. Hub's birthday, going out to dinner to celebrate, with friends.
I can almost taste that "filet mignon" that I'm going to order.....with blue cheese butter on top, hope it's as good as it has been in the past at Saltgrass...

I'll be bowing out early today. Hub's birthday, going out to dinner to celebrate, with friends.
I can almost taste that "filet mignon" that I'm going to order.....with blue cheese butter on top, hope it's as good as it has been in the past at Saltgrass...


Happy Birthday to Mr Mertex! I hope that both of you have a wonderful time. :)
I'll be bowing out early today. Hub's birthday, going out to dinner to celebrate, with friends.
I can almost taste that "filet mignon" that I'm going to order.....with blue cheese butter on top, hope it's as good as it has been in the past at Saltgrass...


Looks good, have a nice time. :)
I'll be bowing out early today. Hub's birthday, going out to dinner to celebrate, with friends.
I can almost taste that "filet mignon" that I'm going to order.....with blue cheese butter on top, hope it's as good as it has been in the past at Saltgrass...


You're married to [MENTION=25283]Sallow[/MENTION]? ;)
[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] - do we get to see some new baby face? How about you, [MENTION=20545]Mr. H.[/MENTION] Got anything for us to babble happily over?

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