The Front Porch Swing

Yah, my best friend is the same way. We went someplace that wouldn't do that on a bet, in a million years, and etc.

I do love Benihana though. Have you been?

No.....I haven't....
It's Dora's countdown to bedtime.....see ya, tomorrow....

Love the music on this - and the video is pretty darn cute.

[ame=]Cutes Animals ever - must see - open your heart - melodic 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

Because they bring us joy.
Because they are at our mercy.
Because they teach us kindness.
And compassion.
And understanding.
Because they are voiceless.
Because they wish us no harm.
Because they are our companions.
And because we are all animals.
We will never stop being a voice, for them.

I don't know who wrote the above, so unless somebody names a name, the author is anonymous.
[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] - do we get to see some new baby face? How about you, [MENTION=20545]Mr. H.[/MENTION] Got anything for us to babble happily over?

[ame=]hunter dance - YouTube[/ame]



That baby is adorable! What a beauty, Mr. H.! Congrats! I will have to put up a photo of mine too. I've taken a bunch of photos and need to put them on my photobucket thing. Grandbabies are magical. The way they yawn, smile, wake up, fall asleep, their tiny little hands and feet and the way they kick their little feet and arms - it's too wonderful to put into words. I love being a grandma.
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[MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] - do we get to see some new baby face? How about you, [MENTION=20545]Mr. H.[/MENTION] Got anything for us to babble happily over?

definitely, BD! I will do that today! Thanks for asking about her. - jeri
Morning everyone. A few things going on this morning but looks like only 1-3" of snow.

Morning everyone. A few things going on this morning but looks like only 1-3" of snow.


We're still sub-zero, but got a busy weekend planned! My grand niece and nephew are spending the weekend, and I'm going out with an old friend Saturday, and on a road trip Sunday. Gotta catch a nap before my Sunday night shift - and I never sleep well when the kidlets are here because it sounds like there are kangaroos hopping over my head. Not that I'm complaining. :eusa_hand:

I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend.
We have 15 grandchildren in the valley, and when everybody gets together, it seems like a zoo.
Three below zero (-18ºC) in northern Vermont this AM. Heat wave! :eusa_dance:

Will be back on the road in a few hours heading back south. No time for Canada this trip. I expect to make central PA tonight, home tomorrow. Might get to drive through more snow. :thup:

... And salt :sad:
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Three below zero (-18ºC) in northern Vermont this AM. Heat wave! :eusa_dance:

Will be back on the road in a few hours heading back south. No time for Canada this trip. I expect to make central PA tonight, home tomorrow. Might get to drive through more snow. :thup:

... And salt :sad:

Travel safe, may your roads be clear!
Three below zero (-18ºC) in northern Vermont this AM. Heat wave! :eusa_dance:

Will be back on the road in a few hours heading back south. No time for Canada this trip. I expect to make central PA tonight, home tomorrow. Might get to drive through more snow. :thup:

... And salt :sad:

Weather seems to be calming down just a little. Have a safe trip home. :)
Three below zero (-18ºC) in northern Vermont this AM. Heat wave! :eusa_dance:

Will be back on the road in a few hours heading back south. No time for Canada this trip. I expect to make central PA tonight, home tomorrow. Might get to drive through more snow. :thup:

... And salt :sad:

Travel safe, may your roads be clear!

Thanks Boop. But clear is boring. Pogo demands adventure.

If snow driving were the Olympic sport it should be I'd be in Russia right now winning us a goldie.
And when Vlad the Imploder put the medal around my neck I'd tell him, in perfect Russian, "my navigator is gay. Spaseebo."
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