The Front Porch Swing

Three below zero (-18ºC) in northern Vermont this AM. Heat wave! :eusa_dance:

Will be back on the road in a few hours heading back south. No time for Canada this trip. I expect to make central PA tonight, home tomorrow. Might get to drive through more snow. :thup:

... And salt :sad:

Travel safe, may your roads be clear!

Thanks Boop. But clear is boring. Pogo demands adventure.

If snow driving were the Olympic sport it should be I'd be in Russia right now winning us a goldie.
And when Vlad the Imploder put the medal around my neck I'd tell him, in perfect Russian, "my navigator is gay. Spaseebo."

That's so gay. :smiliehug:
Love the music on this - and the video is pretty darn cute.

Cutes Animals ever - must see - open your heart - melodic 2013 - YouTube

Because they bring us joy.
Because they are at our mercy.
Because they teach us kindness.
And compassion.
And understanding.
Because they are voiceless.
Because they wish us no harm.
Because they are our companions.
And because we are all animals.
We will never stop being a voice, for them.

I don't know who wrote the above, so unless somebody names a name, the author is anonymous.

That is totally precious....the video and the words, it.
Morning everyone. A few things going on this morning but looks like only 1-3" of snow.


We're still sub-zero, but got a busy weekend planned! My grand niece and nephew are spending the weekend, and I'm going out with an old friend Saturday, and on a road trip Sunday. Gotta catch a nap before my Sunday night shift - and I never sleep well when the kidlets are here because it sounds like there are kangaroos hopping over my head. Not that I'm complaining. :eusa_hand:

I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend.

If the weather continues to be nice, we're going on a bike ride tomorrow.....been a while since we went on the Harley, I don't like to ride when it's too cold, so I'm kinda looking forward to it. I'll take some pics and post them.
Three below zero (-18ºC) in northern Vermont this AM. Heat wave! :eusa_dance:

Will be back on the road in a few hours heading back south. No time for Canada this trip. I expect to make central PA tonight, home tomorrow. Might get to drive through more snow. :thup:

... And salt :sad:

Dayum.....that is safe.....and see ya! :)
Morning everyone. A few things going on this morning but looks like only 1-3" of snow.


Oh're still getting snow?

Oh yeah, I was just talking to my daughter telling her we would be in the 30s by the end of this week with some rain to melt some of this snow. She keeps walking her dogs everyday cold, snowy, whatever is in her path.

The end of the week it will at least be tolerable temperature-wise.
Good morning.

Good morning Jake......are you having decent weather today? We're finally coming out of that awful cold we were having....I so look forward to March.....and spring....:)

Good morning, Mertex

Going to rain and flurry here for another four days. The temp will be above 50 this afternoon, so tha tis nice.

Right now: gray skies, light rain
Good morning.

Good morning Jake......are you having decent weather today? We're finally coming out of that awful cold we were having....I so look forward to March.....and spring....:)

Good morning, Mertex

Going to rain and flurry here for another four days. The temp will be above 50 this afternoon, so tha tis nice.

Right now: gray skies, light rain

I think most of us are ready for this awfully cold weather to go south of the equator....:)
I'll be bowing out early today. Hub's birthday, going out to dinner to celebrate, with friends.
I can almost taste that "filet mignon" that I'm going to order.....with blue cheese butter on top, hope it's as good as it has been in the past at Saltgrass...

I don't like to mix my pork and my beef.

Now, bacon-wrapped seafood is another story...
I'll be bowing out early today. Hub's birthday, going out to dinner to celebrate, with friends.
I can almost taste that "filet mignon" that I'm going to order.....with blue cheese butter on top, hope it's as good as it has been in the past at Saltgrass...

I don't like to mix my pork and my beef.

Now, bacon-wrapped seafood is another story...

That was just a picture I grabbed from the net...mine had the mushrooms and caramelized onions, but it didn't have the bacon wrap. It was delicious....with a spinach salad and a sweet potato.

(Sauteed Mushrooms & Grilled Onion Combo)
Seems my departure time was pm, not am.

I had to triple check my e-mail to make sure I read it right after I'd been waiting around for a couple hours to leave town.

Ah well, I have a few hours to putz around on the board before I take off. :)
Seems my departure time was pm, not am.

I had to triple check my e-mail to make sure I read it right after I'd been waiting around for a couple hours to leave town.

Ah well, I have a few hours to putz around on the board before I take off. :)

I was awakened earl by the grands, grr. Kangaroos squared. Back to bed with me. Travel safe. :smiliehug:
Seems my departure time was pm, not am.

I had to triple check my e-mail to make sure I read it right after I'd been waiting around for a couple hours to leave town.

Ah well, I have a few hours to putz around on the board before I take off. :)

I was awakened earl by the grands, grr. Kangaroos squared. Back to bed with me. Travel safe. :smiliehug:

FYI I did say a prayer for you last night. Good health and all that as well as a winning lottery ticket. I'd like to know if that last part worked. If it does please drop me a PM. :). Better yet say one for me
Seems my departure time was pm, not am.

I had to triple check my e-mail to make sure I read it right after I'd been waiting around for a couple hours to leave town.

Ah well, I have a few hours to putz around on the board before I take off. :)

I was awakened earl by the grands, grr. Kangaroos squared. Back to bed with me. Travel safe. :smiliehug:

FYI I did say a prayer for you last night. Good health and all that as well as a winning lottery ticket. I'd like to know if that last part worked. If it does please drop me a PM. :). Better yet say one for me

Dang it!! Give a woman some warning, I would have bought a ticket. :doubt:

I'll say one for you. But just the one. Like I said - I'm getting old, and don't remember much past the first prayer .... kinda sad, really.


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